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Beyond Recall - Can Schwarzenegger survive the Blizzard of Lies?
10/03/03 | Lowell Ponte

Posted on 10/03/2003 1:07:15 AM PDT by kattracks


TODAY’S CULTURE WAR, WARRIORS AND TACTICS are on display in the pitched battles leading up to California’s October 7 recall vote and its expected aftermath. We can learn much about America’s new politics by examining some snapshots of this Left Coast battlefield.

Aiming to destroy the candidate now leading in the polls, Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Left launched another massive WAD (Weapon of Arnold Destruction) Thursday.  Its delivery vehicle was the Los Angeles Times, tipped with an explosive titillating tabloid-style expose full of graphic details (but almost no verifiable details) about how over a 30 year career in bodybuilding and show business Schwarzenegger allegedly had “Groped” and “Humiliated” a total of six women.

A careful scan of this dud scud quickly exposes its shoddy manufacture. Of these purported six women, only two were named.  Of the two named, one was old and dubious news, originally discussed in a March 2001 Premiere Magazine article detonated to scare Arnold away from politics.  The brown, stinking fingerprints of professional Democratic Party sewer rat and dirty trickster Bob Mulholland were all over this savage hit piece.

“None of the women approached The Times on her own,” wrote Gary Cohn and his co-authors in Thursday’s last-minute smear, apparently to preempt criticism that the Leftist Los Angeles Times was providing yet another free campaign ad for the Democratic Party, “and none was identified by Schwarzenegger’s rivals in the recall race.”

But Bob Mulholland is a highly paid political hit man serving incumbent Democratic Governor Gray Davis and the Democratic Party.  To use the Premiere article, many California political experts would infer, is to use Bob Mulholland propaganda. The Los Angeles Times reporters not only strip-mined this old article but also tried to pump further free information from its author John Connolly, who to his credit says he refused to help them put together this derivative hit piece.

When a raw sewage dump of this kind happens in the closing hours of a campaign, wise onlookers recognize it as lies and exaggeration.  If such information were legitimate, it would have been published weeks earlier so that other reporters could validate its sources and claims. These smears at the last minute are timed so that too little time is left to prove them false.

Such last-minute smears are also evidence of how low and dirty a candidate on the verge of losing is willing to be to destroy his winning opponent.  Gray Davis throughout his political career has been notorious for exactly these kinds of filthy and dishonest tactics….what his own fellow Democrat Attorney General Bill Lockyear called Davis’s “puke politics.”

Four of the six women in the tabloid Los Angeles Times story were unnamed and hence unverifiable by anybody else. The first of the only two testable cases happened in 1975, 28 years ago, and involved a fellow body-builder’s wife who says Arnold touched her breast.  The Times could find no witness who saw this happen, although she says it happened in crowded Gold’s Gym near Venice Beach, California.  Her husband has sustained a longtime envy-filled personal feud against the vastly more successful Schwarzenegger, gaining publicity for himself weeks ago by making accusations that the actor said things that could be interpreted as racist….a fact not mentioned in Thursday’s Times story.

The only other case in which the Times named a purported victim allegedly happened in December 2000 and involved British television host and interviewer Anna Richardson, who says Schwarzenegger touched her left nipple after sitting her on his knee.

In this case there is one eyewitness to the incident, Hollywood publicist Sheryl Main, who the Times acknowledges says “it was Richardson who provocatively approached Schwarzenegger…. After finishing the brief interview, Richardson rose, cupped her right breast in her right hand and said ‘What do you think of these?’ She then sat on his lap and was immediately escorted from the room.”  According to Main, “Richardson later concocted her story.”  The Times could find no witness who corroborated Richardson’s story.  Richardson on her British TV show frequently makes flamboyant sexual displays and statements, another fact not mentioned by the Times reporters.

So there you have it. After three highly-paid Los Angeles Times reporters spent seven weeks combing through the 30 year show business career of one of the world’s biggest stars they could name only two women who claimed Arnold had done so much as touch their breasts – neither claim confirmed by any eyewitness, and one of the two claims disputed by a female eyewitness.

Now imagine that you were several times voted “Mr. Olympia” for having the finest male body on Planet Earth. And imagine that you are a worldwide movie star reportedly worth at least $800 million.  Given that an aspiring actress or gold-digger might get rich by getting close enough to Arnold either to get movie parts (as Arianna Huffington was almost offered in “Terminator Four”) or to be in a position to sue him, it is absolutely astonishing that the Times could find only two women willing to make even a token such grab for this brass ring on the carousel of wealth and fame.

Hollywood is full of Leftist producers, directors and actors, moreover, who might say to a young woman that fame and fortune will be hers if – even anonymously – she helps the media to destroy Schwarzenegger and thereby keeps Democrats in control of the California governorship. Because the Times does not name four of its six witnesses, we cannot test whether these women are lying in exchange for a job or money or other emoluments.

Democratic politicians such as Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante, of course, saw nothing objectionable in Bill Clinton staining the Oval Office carpet with sexual trysts involving government employees almost as young as his own daughter, nor in his unwanted groping of White House staffer and Democrat Kathleen Willie. These Democrats said it was Clinton’s private affair, and his word against hers (…and hers, and hers, and hers, and hers…) when two women accused him of forcible rape.

But Cruz Bustamante, sinking in the polls towards what appears to be a humiliating defeat on October 7, on Thursday accused Schwarzenegger of “sexual assault.”  For the record, even the Los Angeles Times acknowledged that “None of the six women who gave their accounts to The Times filed any legal action against him.” 

Even so, Arnold on Thursday said “I know that the people of California can see through this trash politics” but went on to apologize to any women he might have offended.  “When I’m governor,” he said, “I want to prove to the women that I will be a champion for the women…. Now let’s go from the dirty politics back to the future of California.”

If Mr. Bustamante wanted to find women being abused, according to veteran California political reporter Jill Stewart he need look no farther than the office of Governor Gray Davis. As she reported in a 1997 issue of New Times LA (unavailable on web but a hint of which the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund mentions here), Gray Davis has an explosive temper and frequently explodes with F-word-laced language. Davis on several occasions has gone into violent tantrums that include throwing telephones and ashtrays at staff members as well as shoving and violently shaking middle-aged women who work on his staff.  One 52-year-old executive secretary interviewed by Stewart was driven into a nervous breakdown and hospitalized in the wake of the tooth-rattling shaking Davis gave her.

But even more peculiar, Stewart on Thursday told listeners to Los Angeles radio station KFI AM 640, is that reporters for the Los Angeles Times have investigated and documented all this. But if any have tried to publish such evidence of Gray Davis’s violence and mental instability, their stories have been spiked by this Leftist newspaper. The rationale one Sacramento Bureau journalist with the Times gave Stewart for not reporting Davis’s erratic behavior was that it was his private business (although it involved the injury of state employees and destruction of taxpayer property) and, said Stewart, that “the Times would never publish a story that destroyed a major public figure’s reputation based on anonymous sources.”

This, of course, did not prevent the Los Angeles Times from attempting on Thursday to destroy Republican gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger based on anonymous and known-to-be-unreliable sources.

As Jill Stewart noted, the reason that women employed in Davis’s office do not speak up is that the Democratic Party is notorious for practicing the politics of personal destruction, the kind Bill Clinton’s hit team directed against any woman with evidence of his wrongdoing. 

The hospitalized woman, said Stewart, was told by her politically-savvy lawyer to keep quiet. If she made public what she had witnessed Gray Davis do, he said, then Democrat operatives (of Bob Mulholland’s ilk) would quickly have media allies report that the woman herself was a lying, gold-digging, mentally unstable accuser out for revenge who should not be believed. “They will destroy you.”

But if no self-respecting woman can vote against the recall in order to save the likes of Gray Davis, how about Cruz Bustamante? Set aside the overwhelming evidence that Lt. Governor Bustamante is racist against blacks, whites – indeed, everybody who is not Hispanic. Forget that he wants to return political control of California to Mexico – or at least to peoples of Mexican ancestry via a series of measures such as giving valid driver licenses to illegal aliens.  Forget that he has defied a judge’s order to stop TV commercials for himself funded with illegally-channeled millions of dollars from Native American casino tribes who can make billions more with another pay-to-play Democratic Governor like Davis replacing him in Sacramento.

The Lt. Governor has heart-warming ads on TV paid for with that illegal money showing himself surrounded by a loving family. What kind of “family values” are embodied in Cruz Bustamante?

One person absent from these warmhearted family images is Cruz’s sister Nao. Why? She is a “performance artist” in San Francisco, as Bill Whalen of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University has revealed. 

In one famous act of “performance art” called “Indigurrito,” Lt. Governor Bustamante’s sister Nao “strapped-on a burrito to her loins and called for white men to come up on stage, take a bite out of the burrito and absolve themselves of 500 years of the white man’s guilt.” 

At this performance (which might have been given taxpayer funding), “There was no shortage of enobled participants, who knelt in front of the protruding offering, some taking delicate bites, others deep-throated chunks” reported the same web site that provides the digital version of the San Francisco Chronicle.

If you would like to see a photograph of this Bustamante “performance art” by the Lt. Governor’s sister, be advised that this shocking image may be too strong for children or moral adults.  I offer a hyperlink – to be used at your own risk – here only to demonstrate what San Francisco Democrats such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s and Cruz Bustamante’s deepest moral and human values are really like.

(I do not rule out the possibility that Bustamante has kept his sister out of his campaign ads because she offered a ritual through which “white men” could be absolved of their guilt, something the racist Cruz Bustamante does not favor. His racism might be one reason that Cruz Bustamante has been recipient of $3.8 million from Indian casino tribes.)

Those tribes make no bones about wanting a Democratic victory in this recall, either via Davis staying in the governorship or, better yet, Bustamante winning it. But these tribes want at any cost to defeat Schwarzenegger, who favors taxing their casino revenues.

(If these tribes are part of California, they ought to be taxed as Schwarzenegger sees it. If these tribes and their reservations are “separate nations,” as they often say, then Californians should resent these “foreigners” buying California elections and politicians with the $120,000,000 they have donated to politicians in the state over the past five years.  This column reveals one of the shocking political favors these tribes have thus tried to “buy.”)   

To defeat Schwarzenegger, these tribes have also given much money to State Senator Tom McClintock, who by staying in the race until October 7 will split the Republican vote.


TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: ccrm; presstitutes
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McClintock is admired for his uncompromising (i.e., unpolitical) moral stances on a host of conservative issues. But one of the highest members of McClintock’s staff in this campaign is John Stoos, a Christian conservative so ardent that he wants the Bible to become a “Christian America” book of law, much as the Koran is in the theocratic Islamic dictatorship of Iran.

Jews “would not have total acceptance” in the Christian America he wants established, Stoos reportedly told a shocked audience at a 1995 religious conference. Jews would be tolerated in his future America, Stoos continued, but they “would feel more at home” in Israel.  After the firestorm his reported remarks caused, Stoos was required to resign from both Gun Owners of California and from an advisory board affiliated with the Christian Coalition.  Coalition executive director Ralph Reed, Jr., called Stoos’s statement “outrageous and totally unacceptable.”

Two years later Assemblyman Tom McClintock hired Stoos after being warned of this controversy by two fellow conservative Republican lawmakers. McClintock told the Los Angeles Times that Stoos claimed to have been misquoted, and McClintock says he took Stoos at his word, not bothering to check out Stoos’s claim.  Which leaves us with the question: Is Tom McClintock a knave or a fool?  Either way, his embrace of Mr. Stoos makes McClintock unfit to be Governor of California.

But Californians have another 131 choices, including that drone of recent debates Peter Camejo of the Green Party.  Professor Camejo in 1976 ran as the Socialist candidate nationwide and gathered 90,000 votes.  But in the 2004 election the Communist Party USA has already reportedly said it urges Communists to support the Democratic candidate whoever the party of the donkey nominates, just as the CPUSA did against Ronald Reagan in 1984. Camejo, too, has released his supporters to vote for Bustamante or Davis, who are moving California to the radical Left faster and perhaps farther than even he would. What do these things tell us about the Democratic Party?

And bringing up the rear, tax-avoiding millionairess Arianna Huffington may have dropped out of the race as a candidate but she continues to barnstorm California in support of Gray Davis. Perhaps she does not know yet how Gray treats women, but she will learn soon enough.

Arianna is accustomed to wild fascinations.  She was a member of the John-Roger guru cult that also sucked in and destroyed the late best-selling author Peter McWilliams, who wrote about being in this bizarre occult cult shared by wacky Arianna in his book Life 102: What to Do When Your Guru Sues You.

Arianna also reportedly brought famous people to her mansion in Santa Barbara and persuaded them to share their secret religious and other beliefs, never telling them that she was clandestinely tape recording every word they spoke. Was this for blackmail? Research? Both?

Perhaps the hidden appeal Gray Davis has for Arianna came in his statement a few days ago: “My vision is to make the most diverse state on earth, and we have people from every planet on the earth in this state. We have the sons and daughters of every, of people from every planet, of every country on earth.”

To some this seemed like the mistaken verbal meandering of a Governor whose forked tongue was moving faster than his reptilian brain. But Arianna must have recognized it as secret code, just like the name “Gray” itself – the “grays” being known to California UFO afficianados as that extraterrestrial race that abducts human beings and performs memory-suppressed experiments on them.

Only in California would a politician make this appeal for the UFO vote, aimed at Men in Black by a Gray disguised in gray from his hair to his heart.  “Total Recall,” do not forget, was Arnold’s movie about the planet Mars and its inhabitants.

The Spanish named California after fabled Queen Califia, who was said to preside over an enchanted island populated by talking animals. It seems they picked exactly the right name. Arnold, if the Democrats’ last minute blizzard of lies between now and October 7 fails, will become a Governor perfectly suited to this state.

Mr. Ponte hosts national radio talk show Monday through Friday Noon-2 PM Eastern Time (9-11 AM Pacific Time) as well as on Saturdays 6-9 PM Eastern Time (3-6 PM Pacific Time) and on Sundays 9 PM-Midnight Eastern Time (6-9 PM Pacific Time) on the Talk America network . Internet Audio worldwide is at The show's live call-in number is (888) 822-8255. A professional speaker, he is a former Roving Editor for Reader's Digest.

1 posted on 10/03/2003 1:07:15 AM PDT by kattracks
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2 posted on 10/03/2003 1:07:57 AM PDT by Support Free Republic (Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
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To: kattracks
Not only can Arnold survive, but he appears to be thriving (polls indicate he's up a couple of % points since the recent round of accusations started flying).
3 posted on 10/03/2003 1:12:04 AM PDT by Mr. Mojo
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To: kattracks
Drag a $100 bill through central casting and you never know what you'll find.
4 posted on 10/03/2003 1:13:09 AM PDT by Jeff Chandler (The era of New Tone is over.)
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To: kattracks
Davis need not worry about his career. He will make the perfect running mate for Hillary Clinton. They handle situations exactly alike.

"--Gray Davis has an explosive temper and frequently explodes with F-word-laced language. Davis on several occasions has gone into violent tantrums that include throwing telephones and ashtrays at staff members as well as shoving and violently shaking middle-aged women who work on his staff.

5 posted on 10/03/2003 1:41:35 AM PDT by malia
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To: malia
Can you imagine what this man's marriage must be like?
6 posted on 10/03/2003 2:05:25 AM PDT by Bonaparte
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To: strela; DoughtyOne; Tamsey; ladyinred; PhiKapMom; FairOpinion; onyx; EggsAckley; goldstategop; ...
7 posted on 10/03/2003 2:07:19 AM PDT by kattracks
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To: kattracks
Arnold will win. Much ado about nothing new or recent.

By Hollywood standards, Arnold's prior behavior doesn't amount to much.

Most people hold Hollywood in contempt, but they like/love Arnold.
8 posted on 10/03/2003 2:13:43 AM PDT by onyx (Ask the Indian$)
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To: kattracks
Throughout this carefully orchestrated series of attacks on her husband, Maria (Schriver) Schwartzenegger has shown remarkable restraint, grace and toughness. Her Uncle, Ted Kennedy, who flooded the airwaves with support and excuses for Bill Clinton, conveniently ignores the humiliation of his own Niece. From the glimpses I've had of Maria during this campaign, she comes across as articulate, forthright and extremely bright. Were she to renounce the Democrats and articulate some of her husband's conservative ideals, I think she would be a formidable candidate for California Senator. Think about it! She owes Teddy and the Democrats about as much loyalty as they have shown her.
9 posted on 10/03/2003 2:57:03 AM PDT by Focused Fury
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To: onyx
Was Clinton "much ado about nothing?"
10 posted on 10/03/2003 3:03:05 AM PDT by marbren
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To: Mr. Mojo
The irony is that a lot of the Arnold supporters that continue to support him were among those that decried Pat Buchanan as a "Nazi lover" on far less evidence.

For the record, I think both claims are preposterous and irrelevant.

11 posted on 10/03/2003 3:04:38 AM PDT by Cacophonous
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To: Focused Fury
Maria and Hillery have a lot in common.
12 posted on 10/03/2003 3:04:44 AM PDT by marbren
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To: marbren
Arnold will win. Much ado about nothing new or recent.

Can you read?

Clinton's mess was all about lying under oath.

13 posted on 10/03/2003 7:04:05 AM PDT by onyx (Ask the Indian$)
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To: marbren
Read what Susan Estridge wrote, if you dare.,1,1427245.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions
14 posted on 10/03/2003 7:16:33 AM PDT by onyx (Ask the Indian$)
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To: kattracks; Poohbah; doodlelady; Chancellor Palpatine; LisaAnne; alwaysconservative; deport; ...
Thank you, kattracks!

PING for an excellent deconstruction of LA Times hit-piece including suspicious background of the 2 named women!

15 posted on 10/03/2003 7:21:24 AM PDT by Tamzee ("Big government sounds too much like sluggish socialism."......Arnold Schwarzenegger)
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To: marbren
Was Clinton "much ado about nothing?"

Repulsive comparison...

Even if the allegations against Arnold are TRUE... even IF that's the case, there is no comparison whatsoever. If you think there is, then find me one woman that says there is no difference between having their butt or breast touched once in an unwelcome manner compared with being FORCED down, BITTEN to be kept in place, and then RAPED.

It's disgusting to suggest the actions are equal.

16 posted on 10/03/2003 7:25:04 AM PDT by Tamzee ("Big government sounds too much like sluggish socialism."......Arnold Schwarzenegger)
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To: marbren
Was Clinton "much ado about nothing?"

No, it was much ado about perjury.

As for Arnold, the other big difference between him and Clinton is that Anrnold admitted he did something wrong and apologized for it. Clinton has yet to even come close to admitting anything and still portrays the whole thing as a right wing conspiracy.

The smear campaign is being pushed by the DNC (read Clinton) and Labor. Arnold was sued by Labor over a legal campaign loan (failed) and one of his female accusers is a Union activist. You're just helping them along.

How does it feel to be doing Clinton's work for him?

17 posted on 10/03/2003 7:26:18 AM PDT by socal_parrot (Rosebud)
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To: kattracks
Join Us…Your One Thread To All The California Recall News Threads!

Want on our daily or major news ping lists? Freepmail DoctorZin

18 posted on 10/03/2003 9:30:58 AM PDT by DoctorZIn
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To: Tamsey; PhiKapMom; strela; BibChr; onyx; HitmanNY
Thanks for the ping Tamsey.
19 posted on 10/03/2003 11:27:32 AM PDT by Tempest
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To: Tempest
Most welcome, of course :-)
20 posted on 10/03/2003 11:52:17 AM PDT by Tamzee ("Big government sounds too much like sluggish socialism."......Arnold Schwarzenegger)
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