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Feminist Affirmative Action: Another grand fraud ^
| April 5, 2003
| Thomas Sowell
Posted on 04/05/2003 4:50:12 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe
Edited on 07/12/2004 4:02:18 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Fraud is as pervasive in arguments for affirmative action for women as in arguments for affirmative action for blacks. In fact, a whole fraudulent history has been concocted to explain the changing economic position of women over the years.
In the feminist movement's version of history, women's changing economic position is explained by women's being repressed by men until they began to be rescued in the 1960s by the women's movement, antidiscrimination policies, and affirmative action.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: affirmativeaction; feminism; fraud; thomassowell
To: Lil'freeper
posted on
04/05/2003 4:56:01 PM PST
("When do I get to lift my leg on the liberal?...err...make that French")
To: Tailgunner Joe
Everything about the left is a fraud. Literally everything!
It's unbeleivable to me that more people aren't wise to them by now.
posted on
04/05/2003 5:03:30 PM PST
To: Tailgunner Joe
So now will we have affirmantive action for white men?
and don't even get me started with the how ritalin fraud...
To: longtermmemmory
I've had it; isn't there ANY place left in the World that we could go to begin a new society? I'm serious! All my long life I can't recall a day I haven't heard something about racism or drugs and it's getting worse with all the anti-this and anti-that groups...I want peace, too...peace of MIND, that is.
To: butynbranes2
I've had it; isn't there ANY place left in the World that we could go to begin a new society? I'm serious! I often think about this very thing! Maybe: western Canada, Western Russia, Alaska, some island in the Pacific, or Mexico(they're all up here, it must be empty). I'm ready because if we continue on our present track I don't see any other outcome other than civil war or some sort of splitting of the country.
posted on
04/06/2003 6:30:53 AM PDT
Red Boots
To: Bullish
what won't they do?
posted on
04/06/2003 6:35:51 AM PDT
To: Tailgunner Joe
Sounds like a thesis for another great Sowell book.
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