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Inhumane Treatment of Prisoners Coming Back to Haunt the U.S. (gag alert)
The Salt Lake Tribune ^ | 4/4/2003 | Robyn Blumner

Posted on 04/04/2003 2:47:40 PM PST by Utah Girl

It is hard to view the recent images of American POWs being paraded around in front of television cameras by the Iraqi military. But, as disturbing as those images are, it is also hard to listen to the president and defense secretary denounce the pictures as a violation of the Geneva Convention.

George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld need to look in the mirror before they start waving the 1949 Convention around, crying foul. It is they who relegated this exceptional body of international law to the status of a paper airplane.

We are holding more than 600 prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, some of whom even the commander of the detention mission says should be released, yet we refuse to give them access to the individual hearings guaranteed by the Convention. The purpose of hearings is to evaluate the legitimacy of detention for each detainee and determine whether he is POW, war criminal or innocent bystander.

But Bush and Rumsfeld have no intention of providing due process to the Guantanamo prisoners, who, the administration claims, can be kept indefinitely. The handful of detainees released this month confirms that not everyone belongs there.

As tragic as the television pictures of captured Americans are, we released a photograph early in the Afghan conflict of Guantanamo prisoners on their knees, shackled and blindfolded. When, at the time, the International Committee of the Red Cross objected on Geneva Convention grounds, the administration ignored the plea as just so much whining.

And as we worry whether our soldiers who have fallen into Iraqi hands will be subject to inhumane conditions or even torture, we should remember that we are holding suspected al-Qaida leaders such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed at secret overseas locales. How exactly we are extracting information -- or allowing another nation's security forces to do our dirty work -- has never been made clear.

Of course our soldiers are not the same as al-Qaida members, but when the rules of war are discarded because we deem an enemy especially evil, we diminished those rules for our own.

Meanwhile on the home front, the federal courts -- initially the only institution willing to stand up to the administration's abuses of power -- have started to cave. A federal appeals court in Virginia is allowing Yaser Esam Hamdi, an American captured in Afghanistan, to remain in a military brig without access to a lawyer and without charges.

Two other appeals courts have turned away challenges by the Guantanamo prisoners to their confinement, saying the American justice system is unavailable to foreigners held off American soil, even when they are under the control of the American military.

And while the U.S. Supreme Court has not yet ruled on the merits of any war-on-terrorism cases, Justice Antonin Scalia has already pooh-poohed any notion of rights being violated. At a recent appearance at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Scalia answered a question on the rights of terror suspects by saying: "The Constitution just sets minimums. Most of the rights that you enjoy go way beyond what the Constitution requires."

Way (end ital) beyond, huh? Music to Attorney General John Ashcroft's ears.

Scalia wouldn't expound, but if free speech is one of those rights, he is in the company of a legislator in Oregon who wants to punish people engaged in wartime demonstrations and civil disobedience as if they were cold-blooded killers. Sen. John Minnis has introduced a bill that would charge people with "terrorism" for intentionally causing injury while disrupting traffic or commerce -- the way people protesting in the street might. Anyone convicted would face life in prison.

In Pittsburgh, being against the war means mistreatment by authorities. An antiwar demonstration on March 20 led to more than 120 arrests by city police, who failed to discriminate between those following police orders and those ignoring them. One person arrested was a legal observer for the local American Civil Liberties Union, a female college student, who witnesses say was thrown face first into the sidewalk by officers.

Arrestees unlucky enough to come before District Justice Eugene Zeilmanski were told to post $1,000 bond rather than be released without bond as happened before other judges. Zeilmanski explained the departure by saying: "I'm red, white and blue and God bless America."

Doesn't anyone in officialdom remember the symbol of Justice? She holds a balanced scale and wears a blindfold, the blindfold ensuring that the law is applied in a fair and impartial manner regardless of who is before her. Public officials from the president on down who can't keep this perspective and fairly apply the law -- international and domestic -- aren't American patriots, as they boast. They are manipulators, pretenders and men too unsophisticated to grasp the vital principles that undergird our nation.

When this nation of laws bends them to disadvantage those we hate or fear, we are destroying the very essence of what makes this country great.


TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: iraqifreedom; pows
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1 posted on 04/04/2003 2:47:40 PM PST by Utah Girl
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To: Utah Girl
The writer of this article forgets that the guests at Gitmo are not POWs and the Geneva convention does not apply to mericless crazy scumbags.
2 posted on 04/04/2003 2:49:56 PM PST by finnman69
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To: Utah Girl
We are holding more than 600 prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, some of whom even the commander of the detention mission says should be released, yet we refuse to give them access to the individual hearings guaranteed by the Convention

*IF* the author of this piece of tripe would bother to read the Geneva Convention, he would realize that we are not holding POW's. We are holding unlawful combatants, in that they fought without consent from, or allegience to a recognized country, uniform, or leadership. Thus are immune from the rights contained in the agreement. Also, they have not been summarily executed, as their comrades have done to our POWs (in uniform, from a hostile country, under a military command).

3 posted on 04/04/2003 2:51:52 PM PST by Hodar (With Rights, comes Responsibilities. Don't assume one, without assuming the other.)
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To: Utah Girl
This is really ill-informed. And it give dangerous validation to America-haters who will encourage mis-treatment or torture of our POW's.

I guess that even in wartime we cannot ask every anti-American moron with a word processor to shut up for a decent amount of time. But it would be nice to give some feedback to this idiot's employer.
4 posted on 04/04/2003 2:52:53 PM PST by 68skylark
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To: Utah Girl
Robyn Blummer has been polluting Florida via The St Petersburg Times for years. What in the world is her tripe doing in Utah?
5 posted on 04/04/2003 2:54:40 PM PST by EllaMinnow ("Dark days are coming for the Dark Side")
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To: Utah Girl
Robyn Blumner is a lawyer w the ACLU....she used to run the Florida chapter of the ACLU some years ago.

Obviously, her ACLU views always concern more w the rights of members of terrorist groups and armies of corrupt regimes.....than the victims of terrorism and the victims of war crimes

Blumner and the ACLU are moral scum
6 posted on 04/04/2003 2:55:40 PM PST by UCFRoadWarrior (Stop Anti-American Bigotry......Ignore Hollywood And The Liberal Media)
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To: Utah Girl
This author misses the whole point of the Geneva Convention. The agreement isn't a one-way street.

Combatants have to do certain things to have protection of the Geneva Convention. They have to wear a uniform and not engage in war crimes. When combatants don't do that, they lose protections of the agreement.

The terrorists have broken these rules. Our forces have not. To make a moral equivalence between terrorists and U. S. military personnel is a normal part of the America-hater's playbook, but it's monstorously mistaken.
7 posted on 04/04/2003 2:57:11 PM PST by 68skylark
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To: 68skylark
not only that but the unlawful combattants at Gitmo are treated far, far better than our lawful combattants are, who are tortured and executed by the Iraqis. This author is scum to try and make a comparison.
8 posted on 04/04/2003 2:58:47 PM PST by Steven W.
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To: redlipstick
The SL Tribune regularly prints Blumner's columns, as well as Maureen Dowd, Clarence Page, and Molly Ivins, among others.
9 posted on 04/04/2003 2:59:05 PM PST by Utah Girl
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To: finnman69
..the writer of this article forgets that the guests at Gitmo are not POWs...

Trouble is, they *are* POWs, amigo, and no amount of spin or selective nomenclature can make them anything else.

Let's heal the running sore of Gitmo. Hand the high-level Al-Qaeda over to the new Afghan government, to face charges. Let all the foot sloggers go home. Surely after all this time they've given up all the worthwhile information they've got to give?

10 posted on 04/04/2003 3:01:05 PM PST by Byron_the_Aussie
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To: Utah Girl
Do the terrorists at Gitmo still get Froot Loops, or is it Cocoa Puffs?

Man, that's torture. If I were their keeper I'd give them oatmeal and make them use white sugar instead of brown sugar and cream.
11 posted on 04/04/2003 3:04:46 PM PST by OpusatFR (How can war protesters support Saddam when he is killing his own people! What sort of evil are you?)
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To: Byron_the_Aussie
Simpler soluution after drained of Information, put them in the Down Town New York around the area of the former WTC and let them walk home.
12 posted on 04/04/2003 3:05:26 PM PST by dts32041 (US EPWs clothed and Fed, Iraqi EPWs bullet to the head.)
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To: Steven W.
I've been told there are Americans who think the U. S. is a bigger threat to world peace and prosperity than Iraq.

I've been told there are people who hate John Ashcroft more than Saddam Husein.

I guess this writer is one of these morally grotesque creatures. It's not a pretty site to behold -- this may be the ugliest colums I've read since this war started.

(After the uplifting story of the Iraqi hero how got us the information to rescue PFC Lynch, I just cannot abide a column from someone who would sanction mistreatment of our POW's with a "they deserve it" argument.)
13 posted on 04/04/2003 3:06:07 PM PST by 68skylark
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To: 68skylark
"This is really ill-informed. And it give dangerous validation to America-haters who will encourage mis-treatment or torture of our POW's."

Not "ill-informed". More an "egregious lie". Ms. Blumner is an ACLU attorney who knows full well what the terms of the Geneva Convention are.

But, in order to serve her liberal anti-American agenda, she chooses to ignore them.

Malicious bitch!

14 posted on 04/04/2003 3:07:06 PM PST by okie01 (The Mainstream Media: IGNORANCE ON PARADE.)
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To: Utah Girl
The SL Tribune regularly prints Blumner's columns, as well as Maureen Dowd, Clarence Page, and Molly Ivins, among others.

Just the presence of Maureen Dowd makes the SL Trib a profane document...

15 posted on 04/04/2003 3:09:22 PM PST by cardinal4 (The Senate Armed Services Comm; the Chinese pipeline into US secrets)
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To: Utah Girl
This is inhumane?

Last weekend, 18 Afghans were released from detention in Cuba after 16 months of questioning in U.S. custody. They flew home and were held briefly in a Kabul jail. The Boston Globe reports that "nearly all of the former detainees enthusiastically praised the conditions at Guantanamo and expressed little bitterness about losing a year of their lives in captivity, saying they were treated better there than in three days in squalid cells in Kabul. None complained of torture during questioning or coerced confessions."
Sirajuddin, 24, a Kandahar taxi driver, said: ''The conditions were even better than our homes. We were given three meals a day -- eggs in the morning and meat twice a day; facilities to wash, and if we didn't wash, they'd wash us; and there was even entertainment with video games.''
"There is no need to lie," Sayed Abasin, 21, told the Chicago Tribune. "I'm telling you the facts. They treated us very well." His record from Cuba shows he was seen 37 times by the Gitmo medical staff, for everything from knee pain to sinusitis.
The freed detainees said they were allowed to pray five times daily, exercise, and were given books written in Pashtu. Upon their release, as parting gifts, the Afghan men received new shirts, jeans, tennis shoes and gym bags (to carry their Korans).

Guess it depends on what one's definition of "inhumane" is.

16 posted on 04/04/2003 3:10:25 PM PST by drew
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To: drew
That's a good post.

Don't get your hopes up that the American-haters will look at any facts, though. Their rancid ideology is a religion to them, and no amount of facts will change their outlook I guess.
17 posted on 04/04/2003 3:13:09 PM PST by 68skylark
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To: Byron_the_Aussie
Trouble is, they *are* POWs, amigo...

In the same way Aussies are Polynesians.

"Prisoner-of-war" and "unlawful combatant" are legal terms with very specific meanings under the Convention.

18 posted on 04/04/2003 3:13:52 PM PST by okie01 (The Mainstream Media: IGNORANCE ON PARADE.)
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To: Utah Girl
How many times have these people got to be told that those at Gitmo are NOT "enemy combatants," but terrorists?

It's like they speak a different language, "English-prime," which doesn't include some key words needed for complete communication.
19 posted on 04/04/2003 3:15:35 PM PST by Illbay (Don't believe every tagline you read - including this one)
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To: Utah Girl
The detainees at Guantanamo Bay never had it so good. They have a place to sleep, food, water, and tropical climate to enjoy. It beats the heck out of the Middle Eastern desert!
20 posted on 04/04/2003 3:19:31 PM PST by TommyDale
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