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Raising a Generation of Hate
Yoni Freeman ^ | April 5, 2003 | Yoni Freeman

Posted on 04/04/2003 12:25:43 PM PST by yonif

Imagine growing up in a school in the United States where during your classes, specifically your history class, you were taught that Mexico did not exist. Maps in your history books showed that the United States had the possession of Mexico. Passages in your history books told of the subhuman characteristics Mexicans possessed. Maps in your history books showed cities such as Mexico City, Tijuana, and Cancun under the possession of the United States. You were taught to hate Mexicans. You were taught to harm Mexicans. You trained in terrorist groups which committed attacks against those Mexican territories in an effort to “reunify” the country of the United States with Mexico. You were taught that Mexicans stole your land and you must regain it. Fortunately, this type of educational system does not exist in our federal republic, however, it does exist in much of the Arab world, in countries such as Saudi Arabia, and propagated by entities such as the Palestinian Authority. Their systems instil children to hate Israel, Jews, and peace.

One of the major “leaders” in the use of these systems is the Palestinian Authority, run by Yasser Arafat, which has administrative control over much of the so-called West Bank and Gaza Strip turned over by Israel in the 1994 Oslo “Peace” Accords. The educational system which spews under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority, and mostly funded by the European organizations, teaches children hate and terror. It is in these state-schools that children are taught that “Palestine” stretches from the “river to the sea.” It is in these classrooms that when a history textbook is opened, one is surprised to learn that the Palestinian Arabs control all the territory (including Israel) and cities including Tel-Aviv, Jaffa, and Beer-Sheba. Israel is no where to be seen on the map. What’s more, the children are indoctrinated to hate Jews and America, and encouraged to attend Palestinian Authority “summer camps” where they learn terror tactics and other violent acts. This is very alarming in that a whole generation of children are being brainwashed in the “art” of terrorism which deals a serious blow to any agreement wished to being signed. Furthermore, the fact there is a Palestinian Authority doing so brings out the immediate conclusions. One, this group must be viewed irrelevant not just by Israel, but by the United States and the rest of the world. Two, the current Israeli counter-terrorist operations working to counter these acts must be supported. Three, there can be no talk of a Palestinian state until this sort of action, among other terrorism and corruption, stops. It is therefore why I oppose the current US administration’s talk of having a Palestinian state by 2005.

The Palestinian Authority also uses other mediums to inculcate terrorism inside the Palestinian Arab’s and their children’s minds. Children are usually more persuasive and easier to “bring over.” State-run media, which in the past was funded by US taxpayer money, constantly propagates such programming and rhetoric which glorify those terrorists who have blown themselves up in buses, cinemas, and discotheques, killing innocent men, women, and children. Palestinian Arab children are incited to go out on the streets and scuffle with Israeli security forces. They are usually called out to the scene when a fire fight is occurring between terrorists and Israeli forces. This often culminates in the accidental death of a child. However, one should note that the Palestinian Authority tries to use these children as basically media highlights. They send them off, hoping they are killed, and then cry out to the media describing how horrible the Israeli forces are as they target civilians. In addition, most of the time reporters do not even ask the question “Why were they there in the first place?” You should ask yourself that question when a Palestinian Arab child is accidentally killed.

The fact the Palestinian Authority is first of all in power and able to control the media and educational system to incite and teach terror to the minds of their children in hating Jews, Israel, and America brings fourth yet another disinformation the Palestinian Arabs constantly spread to a mostly gullible international community. That is the claim they are under Israeli occupation.

The first question you should ask is what exactly is this occupation they are shouting about? Occupation is a term used to describe the current state of affairs of a region that is under domination and control by a foreign power. It was used to describe France in World War II when it was occupied by Nazi Germany. During the time France was occupied, the Nazi regime, among other changes, controlled the media, spread propaganda showing its “greatness,” controlled the educational system which taught children to love Hitler and Nazi Germany, and installed a PUPPET leader in southern France.

The current areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority do not show any of this. If Israel is really “occupying” these Palestinian Arabs, why does it allow an authority, which does not receive instructions from Jerusalem, to reign and encourage terror-filled teachings in the minds of their children to hate their occupiers? Why does Israel, the so-called “occupying power,” allow such anti-Israel and anti-Jewish media to exist and operate? Why doesn’t Israel shutdown these hate-filled TV, radio, and newspapers which are there to oppose this “occupation”? Why doesn’t the media in these areas play tapes showing how Palestinian Arabs should love Israel? Why? Because there is no such thing as a current Israeli occupation. A true occupier would not teach their “subjects” to reject the occupation. A true occupier would not teach the children they rule to hate the occupation. A true occupier will not run summer camps teaching the children how to cause the occupying troops and their host nation harm.

Let there be no doubt that turning a blind eye to the terror-filled culture now being embodied in the minds of a whole generation of Palestinian Arab children will have severe repercussions in a future where someday these very children will be the leaders in a world longing for peace. The Palestinian Authority is another example of a member of the Arab world which is practicing this kind of “education.” It is therefore that well-intentioned, uninformed cries for a two-state solution are futile as they will bring nothing but even greater disaster then what is currently happening, unless this form of hate-filled education is immediately eliminated. There cannot be peace with a Palestinian Arab side which is teaching and inciting violence and terrorism against Jews and claiming that Israel does not exist. There can only be peace if the Arab side recognizes Israel’s right to exist and who views its citizens as human beings. Peace will never reign when you have an Arab side that breeds the young on a constant diet of hate. This is happening all throughout the Arab world, including the now being liberated Saddam’s Iraq. I believe that President Bush must extend the philosophy of “abandon the terror, or lose power” to the entire Arab world, including the Palestinian Authority. The upcoming US victory in Iraq should bring fear to these rogue countries and entities. They should be aware that there will be no compromise over terror. After all, these are hate-filled children we will have to deal with 15 years from now.

Until next time,


TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; Israel; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: antisemitism; arab; hate; israel; mideast; pa; plo; terrorism
My column for this week published in the College Voice of Connecticut College.
1 posted on 04/04/2003 12:25:43 PM PST by yonif
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To: LostRadical

No they are not. I have been in the Israeli school system and was taught that there were areas in Israel that were given to the Palestinian Arabs, and that there was the PA ruling over those areas.

3 posted on 04/04/2003 12:36:20 PM PST by yonif
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To: yonif
Excellent article.

I think the way Jordan and Syria have been acting recently....I would never allow creation of a Palestinian state unless it meant taking territory from those 2 countries.

I have always found it bigoted/racist that Israel must be the only one who has to give up territory to a politically-correct creation of basic Islamic people

Giving up parts of Syria and Jordan would disrupt both of those countries and the focus of their hate will be transferred to fellow Islamic/Arabs. It would bring out the little-known hatred the other Arabs really have for Palestinians (probably the least-covered aspect of the whole Palestinian other Islamics really dont like Palestinians....they are just an excuse, an instrument, to promote their anti-Semitism)
4 posted on 04/04/2003 12:37:25 PM PST by UCFRoadWarrior (Stop Anti-American Bigotry......Ignore Hollywood And The Liberal Media)
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To: UCFRoadWarrior
I was part of a Documentary team along the Israeli bordertowns in the late 80s and my observations are that the Palestinians ask for everything they get in terms of bad treatment. They egg on the Israelis and then cry to the world when they are smacked. I was on the fence on the issue until I saw their attitudes with my own eyes.
5 posted on 04/04/2003 12:50:30 PM PST by Righter-than-Rush
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To: LostRadical
I've never been to the ME, but I have seen many reports of how the PA is teaching children to hate and murder. It's barbaric and it's WRONG.

I do not doubt that there are some Palestinians that are not like that, but I fear most are. It's a shame.

Israel wants nothing more than to be left alone. In trying to reach that goal they've given back most of the land they took WHEN OTHER ME STATES ATTACKED THEM which was a mistake.

No. The palestinians do not want their own state, they want the destruction of Israel. Israel has shown great restraint in dealing with these murdurous thugs. I would not be so restrained. If one of these scum killed any of my family or freinds in one of these bombings I'd make it my life's work to kill as many of them as I could.

Puck Falistine.
6 posted on 04/04/2003 12:52:47 PM PST by appalachian_dweller (Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither.)
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To: yonif
Now, imagine that the "Mexicans" can kick your ass all the way up into your shoulders...
7 posted on 04/04/2003 1:30:35 PM PST by pabianice
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To: Righter-than-Rush
I was part of a Documentary team along the Israeli bordertowns in the late 80s and my observations are that the Palestinians ask for everything they get in terms of bad treatment. They egg on the Israelis and then cry to the world when they are smacked. I was on the fence on the issue until I saw their attitudes with my own eyes.

Righter....I just wished I had the Israel/Palestinian issue figured out as early as you did. For many years...I must admit...I bought the US Liberal/Palestinian spiel. As I looked further and further into it....I realized that this is not really an issue of "land" but an issue of "anti-Semitism"
8 posted on 04/04/2003 1:31:50 PM PST by UCFRoadWarrior (Stop Anti-American Bigotry......Ignore Hollywood And The Liberal Media)
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To: yonif
Thanks again for a great article. With young folks like you around, there is hope for this country. Keep up the good work and good luck to you.

9 posted on 04/04/2003 1:50:27 PM PST by WilliamWallace1999
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To: yonif
Bump for good article!
10 posted on 04/04/2003 1:57:59 PM PST by tictoc
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To: Righter-than-Rush
I didn't even have much of an opinion about the whole Israeli/Palestinian issue. Then I decided to go to Israel in 1990, when I was 21, and work on a kibbutz. When I came home I was surprised to see the national news constantly report on Israel in terms that made it look like all Palestinians were being opressed by the Israelis, and that all Pals lived in squalor and misery and wanted to be free of Israel's opressive grip. I worked with both Jews and Arabs on the kibbutz. And they both gave me the impression that it was a minority of Palestinians that was causing trouble for everyone. The way the news covered it, is not what I saw or experienced. Israelis generally distrusted strange Arabs, but I never met an Israeli who spoke so evily of the Palestinians as the Pals spoke of the Israelis.
11 posted on 04/04/2003 3:23:43 PM PST by Sally II
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To: Sally II
Ah, Sally, but the facts don't matter.
12 posted on 04/04/2003 3:28:27 PM PST by TopQuark
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To: TopQuark
Ah, Sally, but the facts don't matter.

I'm starting to see that. Ironically, Michael Moore was correct when he said that we "live in fictitous times." It's ironic because Moore is part of a political movement that attepts to make up its own truth and reality as it goes along and feeds off tightly woven conspiracy stories. These people live in complete denial of reality.

13 posted on 04/04/2003 6:28:41 PM PST by Sally II
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To: yonif
You've gotten to the heart of the matter in this article, Yoni. Sadat was the one who saw it clearly; a change in psychology from hate to peace is necessary and the palestinians haven't taken the first step, as evidenced by their media and education.

I remain pessimistic about any kind of peace with the palestinians. They need to be transfered to a deserted island somewhere and left to themselves.

A well written article, Yoni.

14 posted on 04/05/2003 5:06:13 AM PST by happygrl
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To: yonif
Bump for later reading.
15 posted on 04/05/2003 12:05:28 PM PST by TopQuark
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