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NAACP chief rips gun firms ['Sweeping restrictions on buyers, sellers']
Atlanta Journal-Constitution ^
| 4/4/03
| AP
Posted on 04/04/2003 12:07:17 PM PST by twas
The head of the NAACP testified against handgun manufacturers Thursday, accusing them of failing to stem the flow of illegal weapons into minority communities and saying he is tired of "going to teenage funerals."
"I am absolutely certain they should do more," Kweisi Mfume told the federal jury.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has filed a lawsuit claiming more than 80 defendants -- including Smith & Wesson Corp., Sturm, Ruger & Co. and Glock Inc. -- have failed to monitor the bulk sale of their products to federally licensed gun dealers.
Irresponsible marketing has "led to disproportionate numbers of injuries, deaths and other damages" among NAACP constituents, the suit alleges.
Unlike plaintiffs in other gun-liability cases across the country, the NAACP is not seeking monetary damages. Instead, it asks for injunctions that would place sweeping restrictions on buyers and sellers of handguns.
The decision to take on the gun industry "really goes back to the neighborhood I grew up in," Mfume said on the witness stand. "I got tired then and I'm tired now of going to teenage funerals . . . as the result of handguns."
The defendants argue it's unfair and unlawful to hold them liable for the criminal use of a legal product. They also say legislatures -- not courts -- should set standards for gun sales.
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2ndammendment; banglist; gungrabbers; guns; illegalpurchases; naacp; racebaiting
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posted on
04/04/2003 12:07:18 PM PST
To: twas
to stem the flow of illegal weapons into minority communitiesWhat say we stem the flow of ILLEGAL ALIENS?
posted on
04/04/2003 12:08:23 PM PST
(You may disagree with what I have to say, but I will defend to your death my right to say it)
To: twas
Criminals of the N.A.A.C.P. genre DO NOT use weapons of high regard as those made by Glock and Ruger and Smith & Wesson.
posted on
04/04/2003 12:09:34 PM PST
To: twas
"I got tired then and I'm tired now of going to teenage funerals . . . as the result of handguns." So, am I to assume that these handguns are roaming the streets of their own accord and shooting at innocent inner city youths?
To: twas
How about doing something to foster a sense of lawful responsibility in the minority communities so they won't be so prone to go looking for the illegal firearms???
posted on
04/04/2003 12:10:16 PM PST
To: twas
C'mon Kweisi, don't you have some back child support to take care of?? Run along now.
posted on
04/04/2003 12:10:42 PM PST
Space Wrangler
(Now I know what it's like washing windows when you know that there are pigeons on the roof...)
To: twas
Mfume has never done a damn thing to oppose the criminal gangster mentality that has taken over the black underclass, and now wants to blame blacks killing blacks on gun manufacturers. Physician, heal thyself.
posted on
04/04/2003 12:11:14 PM PST
To: twas
don't sell guns to african-Americans... problem solved. Next.
To: twas
To Kweisi Mfume,
One question... does General Motors track their cars after the initial sale? How about crimes that may be comitted with them?
Then SHUT THE F%^K UP!!!!
posted on
04/04/2003 12:14:01 PM PST
Dead Corpse
(For an Evil Super Genius, you aren't too bright are you?)
To: *bang_list
posted on
04/04/2003 12:18:57 PM PST
Joe Brower
To: twas
The head of the NAACP testified against handgun manufacturers Thursday, accusing them of failing to stem the flow of illegal weapons into minority communities and saying he is tired of "going to teenage funerals." Those minorities are seeking the weapons. Rather than appealing to the community to not pick up weapons, he goes after the manufacturers and blames them (not the importer, not the distributor...).
So much trying to be a positive influence in the community; shake down industry instead.
posted on
04/04/2003 12:21:19 PM PST
(McCarthy was right, Fight the Red Menace)
To: twas
Kweezy needs to grow up....and start placing responsibility where it belongs.....on the thug culture common in so many inner cities.
The NAACP should concentrate on the real reasons for inner city violence: Lack of motivation, attitude, and promoting free enterprise.
I doubt the last will ever happen as the NAACP is one of the most socialist groups around......its founder, W.E.B. DuBois, was a notorious commie who was fond of Joseph Stalin......DuBois even was visiting the USSR in the 1920's...before the US officially recognized USSR
posted on
04/04/2003 12:21:32 PM PST
(Stop Anti-American Bigotry......Ignore Hollywood And The Liberal Media)
To: twas
"I got tired then and I'm tired now of going to teenage funerals . . . as the result of handguns." Indeed, Mr. Mfume.
Guess what? We are tired of "your" people misusing weapons and people like you using their out-of-control criminality as an excuse to eliminate the rights of law-abiding Americans.
I haven't been to a single teenage funeral "as a result of handguns". But then again, I live a law-abiding life in a law-abiding segment of society - unlike where you apparently come from.
Don't blame the rest of us for what is mostly a black-on-black phenomenon, especially when most of it is directly attributable to the Socialist, failed, loser policies which you and others of like mind have managed to foster on the rest of this unwilling country.
posted on
04/04/2003 12:23:13 PM PST
To: twas
The head of the NAACP testified against handgun manufacturers Thursday, accusing them of failing to stem the flow of illegal weapons into minority communities and saying he is tired of "going to teenage funerals." A logical solution is to make it illegal for any black person to own a gun.
posted on
04/04/2003 12:25:00 PM PST
E. Pluribus Unum
(Drug prohibition laws help fund terrorism.)
To: twas
Instead, it asks for injunctions that would place sweeping restrictions on buyers and sellers of handguns.No more guns for blacks??
posted on
04/04/2003 12:25:07 PM PST
Mister Baredog
((They wanted to kill 50,000 of us on 9/11, we will never forget!))
To: twas
There is a war on and no one is paying him any attetion so he has to do something to attract attention to himself. Just ignore him, after all he and his organization are irellevent.
posted on
04/04/2003 12:25:31 PM PST
To: E. Pluribus Unum
A logical solution is to make it illegal for any black person to own a gunHow bout we let all black and white persons own a gun and we just throw the ones in jail that mis use them? It is called the Constitution, 2nd Amendment.
posted on
04/04/2003 12:28:02 PM PST
To: twas
posted on
04/04/2003 12:28:54 PM PST
JoJo Gunn
(Help control the Leftist population. Have them spayed or neutered....)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Better yet, maybe the NAACP should promote responsible fatherhood and parenting rather than badmouth respectable corporations.
To: Space Wrangler
C'mon Kweisi, don't you have some back child support to take care of?? Run along now. Taking care of 5 kids from 4 ladies must take a bite out of that NAACP paycheck.
posted on
04/04/2003 12:30:13 PM PST
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