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Paying Attention To The 2004 Election
The Washington Dispatch ^ | Feb 25, 2003 | Frank Salvato

Posted on 02/25/2003 6:22:28 PM PST by The Rant

While the news media keeps everyone fixated on the probability of war in Iraq, the ever-benign stock market and the desperate need for duct tape and pre-measured sheets of plastic, I find it necessary to sound the alarm by reminding all of us who are fighting the good fight that THEY are re-grouping. They are dancing in clandestine glee as they prepare for their next strike while we, the responsibility burdened, focus on and do what needs to be done for the good of our nation. They live in the shadows and are hard to identify because they choose not to be identified for fear of ridicule and they strike at the most inopportune moments. They believe in a doctrine of distorted truths and no matter how many times the facts are explained to them they only become more ensconced in their beliefs. No, I am not talking about al Qaida and I am not talking about Kim Jong Il (although I am sure his warped sense of what’s right and wrong gives him cause to dance with glee anyway). I am talking about Terry McAuliffe and his brand of power-hungry, ultra-liberal Democrats who are at this moment feverishly working to raise money and get out the vote for the 2004 Presidential Election.

Even though we are a little over two years gone from the debacle that was the Clinton Administration, the “win-at-all-cost” mentality of the Democratic ultra-left has not faded to black. In all actuality this faction, or should I call it a sect, of the DNC is very much alive and well and they are uniquely poised to wage their type of propaganda campaign, complete with false truths and incomplete facts, against the American people so that they can re-capture the House, the Senate and dare I say it, the White House.

Now I know that many of you are thinking to yourselves that the effects of the mainstream media misinformation machine must be getting to me but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I am standing here very aware and very wide-eyed and I am starting to see them grouping and attempting to gather at our flanks. While we stand behind our president and brace for a war that will undoubtedly result in the liberation of the Iraqi people and bring hope for a beginning of stabilization for the countries within the Middle East, the DNC has already started beating the war drums and they should not be taken lightly.

McAuliffe and his minions, who follow their leaders Bill and Hillary Clinton, live under the misconception that their party has a right to be in office and that their way of looking at things is the only correct way for things to be seen. If you do not agree with them on any given issue you can pretty much bet on the fact they will either label you a corporate lackey of the conservative ilk and part of the “great right-wing conspiracy” or find “another way” of getting rid of you, which they have had no problem doing in the past.

We all saw the mentality of these people as the “anti-war” protests took place around the country. People from all walks of life gathered to express their outrage. Many didn’t know what it actually was that they were protesting and almost all of them went armed with half-truths, and unsubstantiated facts about the issues at hand but they were there to protest nevertheless. They called themselves anti-war protesters and peace activists but as the news cameras panned the crowds I didn’t see one banner that called for Saddam Hussein to be truthful and disarm per the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. True anti-war protesters would understand that someone who has no problem poisoning tens of thousands of his own people is the real culprit but looking at the signs and banners and listening to the crowds one would have to deduce that was not the case. From the sentiment being expressed by the intellectual saviors who abandoned their corner Starbucks and piercing parlors in order to protest their outrage, it appears that we here in the United States have fallen under the leadership of a modern day Adolph Hitler. I would choose to bet that if asked, most all of these “anti-war” protesters would be happy to produce a DNC membership card while they churn out their great hatred for our country and it’s leaders.

This is the kind of twisted reality that these people live in; the mass-murderer is the victim and the liberator is the oppressor. It doesn’t make any sense does it? Well, that is just the kind of upside down thinking that McAuliffe and the DNC likes their rank and file to have. This way the truth will never confuse them when they hear it. They will act vehemently on the slightest rumor and take it as the factual truth. This is what makes all of them so very dangerous.

Conservatives are riding high with the success of the moderate conservative movement. President Bush and his administration have done an outstanding job given all of the unexpected adversity that they have had to battle against and I am sure that they will continue to do an excellent job in the future. While it is the Bush Administration’s job to administer to the country, it should be the rank and file conservative’s responsibility to pay attention and to make sure that they have until 2008 to get their agenda taken care of.

Marc Racicot, the RNC Chairman, has his work cut out for him. It is not just about getting out the vote and raising enough funds to make sure the American public hears the message, it is also about informing the people of our country what McAuliffe and the DNC actually stand for. It is time to shed light on the hypocrisy and the ulterior motives that they have in their hearts. It is through unmasking the friendly, smiling clown politician that the DNC portrays itself as being that we find what is in reality the miserable group of unhappy, limited, manipulating power-seekers that they really are.

Harsh words, you say? Absolutely, and for good cause.

This is the party that scrapped Trent Lott for being a racist yet they turn their heads and walk away when it is pointed out that one of their elder-statesmen, Senator Robert Byrd, was a card carrying KKK member who has a foggy recollection of whether or not he ever attended a lynching. For some reason that skeleton remains in their closet and no one in the mainstream media or in the group of anti-American protesters, the “marching minority”, seems to care! It is high time that we stand up and terminate the hypocrisy that has become acceptable in American politics. Byrd is a racist. He has proven it and the DNC embraces him still. Yet, the DNC can look at the American-African community with a straight face and claim that they have their best interests at heart. That notion in itself is an outrage and it should make us all struggle not to vomit. Let’s call them on it!

This is also the party that not only welcomes but endorses the anti-Americanism that is being spewed out of Hollywood by the likes of Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin and Babs Streisand to name but a few. These groups of narcissists who have appointed themselves the conscience of the American people define what a McAuliffe DNC member is all about. They are so out of touch with reality that If they actually ever bothered to look at all the facts, as the rest of us in the world of reality find time to do, they would be shocked to see that that their positions were just plain asinine. I envision Martin Sheen at his favorite restaurant, sitting at his private table with all of the people around him that nurture his delusion that he really is the president having an epiphany and screaming for the red phone. Or perhaps Rosie O’Donnell and Janeane Garafolo dropping their bullhorns and grasping each other in terrified arms as they begin to understand the frailty and grim reality of our country’s situation in the midst of their anti-America rally. The images that I have captured in my mind would be quite amusing if I didn’t find them so pathetic.

This is what we are up against between now and November of 2004. Lieberman, Gephardt, Kerry, Sharpton, it doesn’t matter who the Democratic voters put on the ballot to oppose President Bush, the truth will be spun at the hand of the puppet-master Terry McAuliffe and the liberal media will eat it up with gusto.

So, I suggest that the time to combat the lies and the hypocrisy is right now! Let President Bush and his administration handle the problems that face the United States. It is time that we stop “second guessing the professionals” and leave our elected officials to do what we elected them to do. You and I, and hopefully Mr. Racicot and the rest of the RNC, should be making sure that McAuliffe and the DNC are exposed for what they are; power-hunger hypocrites that will stop at nothing to regain power. If we don’t I shudder to think of what they have in store for us.


Frank Salvato is a contributing writer to The Washington Dispatch, a freelance writer and a common man from the Midwest who has spent time traveling throughout the world while going about his life. His views are entirely his own. He can be contacted at His writings can be seen at

TOPICS: Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2004; conservatives; dnc; election; hypocrisy; liberalleft; liberals; rnc; terrymcauliffe

1 posted on 02/25/2003 6:22:28 PM PST by The Rant
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To: The Rant
I smell a Hillary "draft" coming....
2 posted on 02/25/2003 6:55:49 PM PST by Partisan Hack
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To: The Rant; Sabertooth; Clinton Is Scum; flamefront; Landru; SMEDLEYBUTLER; JLO; Lexington Green; ...

...With her now Quarterbbacking the Democrat Senators on the U.S. Senate Floor...

...With her now controlling the Democrat Party thru her DNC MoneyMan Chairman TERRY MacAULLIFFE...

...With her now blocking AL GORE from ever running again for the Presidency he was trained by his Senator Father since his youth to assume scarfing up all the Big Democrat East Coast, Hollywood and Communist China for her own Presidential Run in 2004...

.."IS it SAFE?" = HILLARY on Armed Services Committee..

...partiuculiarly with an Enemy that is now just around the corner and up your street...?



3 posted on 02/25/2003 7:10:23 PM PST by ALOHA RONNIE (Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
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To: ALOHA RONNIE; CheneyChick; vikingchick; Victoria Delsoul; WIMom; one_particular_harbour; ...

4 posted on 02/25/2003 7:29:32 PM PST by Sabertooth
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To: The Rant
They believe in a doctrine of distorted truths and no matter how many times the facts are explained to them they only become more ensconced in their beliefs.

The important point to remember is that we don't have to persuade the diehard Clintonists and shouldn't try. There will always be people who follow evil manipulators like the Clintons. They will not understand the truth, and we can't become focused on trying to make them understand the truth. However, there are a large number of people in the "middle." These people will believe the Clintonists if someone doesn't effectively counter the Clintonists' lies. We must focus our arguments on the middle and do what is necessary to win their hearts and minds.


5 posted on 02/25/2003 7:44:45 PM PST by WFTR
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To: Sabertooth
You and I, and hopefully Mr. Racicot and the rest of the RNC, should be making sure that McAuliffe and the DNC are exposed for what they are; power-hunger hypocrites that will stop at nothing to regain power. If we don’t I shudder to think of what they have in store for us.



6 posted on 02/25/2003 7:48:41 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul
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To: Victoria Delsoul
Nice bumps.

7 posted on 02/25/2003 7:52:06 PM PST by Sabertooth
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To: Sabertooth
8 posted on 02/25/2003 7:52:56 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul
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To: The Rant
Another tactic to watch for:

The Manufactured Problem

They pulled this in 1992. All of a sudden there was this monstrous problem with health coverage. Suddenly no one was covered! If you were paying for health coverage, even you might have a problem! Sheesh. They had Peter Jennings and company pounding the issue night after night on World News Tonight, and there was no one to counter him. Expect them to manufacture some "critical", "terrifying", "potentially catastrophic" domestic problem that they'll of course say Bush hasn't addressed.

It happened (if memory serves) in 1988 as well, but it was the homeless then. Suddenly there were millions of homeless! Why you might have homeless people in your town! They do this all the time. Create a domestic problem out of thin air and hammer it. It's all in the packaging. Work on it for months, create "eyewitnesses", "vignettes", and lots of phony statistics and interviews. Use truckloads of emotion. Emotion sells.

Mark my words. It's coming. When they try it, we have to stomp on it and salt the proverbial fields before they can make their phantom problem grow.
9 posted on 02/25/2003 8:12:21 PM PST by Windcatcher
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Wouldn't it be something if the Peace Movement's main objective was to empower and encourage Saddam Hussein?

Just when President Bush is backing Hussein into a corner, out come Hillary's Henchmen and Hypotized-Zombies to say PEACE, PEACE!!

Saddam Hussein is being coaxed and goated into attacking America.

It's just the DREAM PRESENT Hillary ordered for her 666 Birthday coming up in April!

When the US is attacked....
Hillary will move in for the kill.

10 posted on 02/25/2003 8:57:44 PM PST by Joy Angela
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To: Joy Angela


4-Sure, 4-Sure
11 posted on 02/25/2003 9:01:07 PM PST by ALOHA RONNIE (Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
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To: Windcatcher
You are so correct. We must stay ever alert.
We have to stay focused. Look to the BIG Picture.
12 posted on 02/25/2003 10:02:22 PM PST by FaithintheRight
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To: Sabertooth; The Rant
Bumpity bumpity bumpity ...
13 posted on 02/26/2003 4:08:14 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (Bu-bye SADdam. You're soon to meet your buddy Stalin in Hades.)
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To: Sabertooth
I think the evil Hillary would welcome an attack, thinking it would pave her way back into the WH.
14 posted on 02/26/2003 9:33:45 AM PST by janetgreen
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To: Partisan Hack
I smell a Hillary "draft" coming....

It has the same smell as putrid French cheese.

15 posted on 02/26/2003 3:29:25 PM PST by My2Cents ("...The bombing begins in 5 minutes.")
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You calling Hillary a "Ho"? :-)
16 posted on 02/26/2003 3:30:52 PM PST by My2Cents ("...The bombing begins in 5 minutes.")
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4-Sure, 4-Sure

I just received this letter... It's sad to see how we are willing to Appease Evil. All I see in this letter is that we think we can hold off wickedness by turning away. If only it worked that way.

While we look away, EVIL works towards the Final Solution never ceasing the quest for the destruction of the Human Spirit.

Regardless of what EVIL will do once GOOD stands up...
We must do all we can to STOP EVIL.

To do any less, is Evil itself.

"Nobody likes Saddam-he's a maniac, but initiating a war will probably bring more terrorism to the US. He and Osama are not buddies as some people think. Osama is a religious fanatic, whereas Saddam is anti-religious and killed a lot of his own muslim people (Kurds). Let the UN keep him in check. If we go in and decimate Iraq, we create enemies with his innocent people. If it's just Saddam that we want we shouldn't destroy his people because they are already victims of him. He's going to use his own people as human shields because he's done this in the past. We will make them victims of us too and they will support ways to revenge our actions. I'm totally against this war and think that he's jeopardizing our troops by sending them into harsh summer desert conditions. It's not worth the sacrifice for oil, which is the second agenda. I'd rather see the government raise their salaries at home so that they don't have to shop at food banks to survive. I'm praying for a peaceful solution.

17 posted on 02/26/2003 8:34:13 PM PST by Joy Angela
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To: janetgreen
I think the evil Hillary would welcome an attack, thinking it would pave her way back into the WH.

She's counting on it.

Every peace march and protest serves to push Saddam Hussein over the edge.

He should be afraid of the USA, but he's not, because he has powerful friends in our own government.

Electing Bill Clinton was the beginning of the end.

Hillary Clinton will be THE END.

18 posted on 02/26/2003 8:38:25 PM PST by Joy Angela
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To: Joy Angela
...We have seen the Enemy...

...and it is HILLARY..!
19 posted on 02/26/2003 8:54:15 PM PST by ALOHA RONNIE (Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
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