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Blue State Blues: Why Trump Has Survived the Nixon Strategy
Breitbart ^ | 7 Oct 2022 | JOEL B. POLLAK

Posted on 10/07/2022 7:59:33 AM PDT by SoConPubbie

I used to joke, during the recent impeachment trials, that if what Donald Trump had done was “worse than Watergate,” as CNN’s Carl Bernstein said over and over again, then perhaps Watergate wasn’t so bad.

At the time, I had a conventional view of the scandal that brought down President Richard M. Nixon — the one taught in history courses, and familiar from All the President’s Men: that due to hubris and paranoia, Nixon had sought to spy on the opposition in an election he won by a landslide, and deserved to go to prison.

That narrative has unraveled slowly over the years, and it is ripped apart in an ongoing ten-part series from the Red Pilled America podcast called “The Fighter,” whose final episode is set to air Sunday.

The producers set out to discover why Hollywood obsessed about Nixon, and the reason is not just that his name has become synonymous with abuses of executive power, but also that he, like Trump, was one of the only Republicans who dared to stand up to the radical left. Even worse: he was also a successful president.

Not that Nixon was a conservative, at least by today’s standards. While he made his name fighting communism, Nixon also gave America price controls, secret wars, and an environmental bureaucracy that continues to frustrate the country’s economic growth. (Reagan, likewise, gave California the California Environmental Quality Act, which had good intentions but has been so abused that it still makes development impossible in a state whose housing, roads, and water infrastructure are half a century out of date.)

But as the Red Pilled America series points out, Nixon was not afraid to stand up to the liberal political and media establishment.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2016election; 2018election; 2020election; 2022election; 2024election; 2026election; breitbart; carlbernstein; clintonnonnews; cnn; dnctalkingpoint; dnctalkingpoints; election2016; election2018; election2020; election2022; election2024; election2026; hollywood; joelbpollak; joelpollak; mediawingofthednc; partisanmediashill; partisanmediashills; ronklain
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Trump, like Nixon, has personality flaws that make him, at times, his own worst enemy. Yet he has withstood years of false accusations and ambitious investigations. He has survived thanks to the presence of alternative, conservative media, which Nixon did not have, but which today provide a counterweight.

That is precisely why Washington, and Silicon Valley, want to destroy us.

1 posted on 10/07/2022 7:59:33 AM PDT by SoConPubbie
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To: SoConPubbie
But as the Red Pilled America series points out, Nixon was not afraid to stand up to the liberal political and media establishment.

The "Make America Communist" crowd has never given up and won't until the last vestiges of their evil movement has been removed from the earth. Thank you Woodrow Wilson.Not.

2 posted on 10/07/2022 8:04:30 AM PDT by Don Corleone (leave the gun, take the canolis)
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To: SoConPubbie

Its really this simple and has been for sometime.

Heads they win, tails they lose, but either way, they win OR ELSE.

For all the projection about “insurrection” it is them who have been in open and continuous insurrection since the 60’s.

3 posted on 10/07/2022 8:07:08 AM PDT by FlipWilson
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To: Don Corleone

The SAME group that railroaded Nixon are the SAME group still in power and steamrolling us into WW3

4 posted on 10/07/2022 8:07:35 AM PDT by Skywise
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To: SoConPubbie; All

We owe President in Exile Trump a debt of gratitude for taking all of these HITS for us, as well as peeling back the ugly MASK that is Mother Government.

I sure hope he runs again. The exploding heads of Socialist Democrats at all levels will be well worth the price of admission. :)

5 posted on 10/07/2022 8:09:09 AM PDT by Diana in Wisconsin (I don't have, 'Hobbies.' I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set. )
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To: SoConPubbie

The left hated Nixon ever since he took down Alger Hiss almost single-handedly.

6 posted on 10/07/2022 8:12:06 AM PDT by Tell It Right (1st Thessalonians 5:21 -- Put everything to the test, hold fast to that which is true.)
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To: SoConPubbie

“and familiar from All the President’s Men”

Umm, that’s a movie. “Inspired by actual events” at best.

7 posted on 10/07/2022 8:15:54 AM PDT by cdcdawg (Hoes mad! LOL! )
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To: SoConPubbie

Trump is his own man. He knows who he is and is secure in it. He comes across to some as too self confident. To others, that is what they like about him.

The thing that sets him apart.. the things that set him apart...
He is strong... I don’t think another person could withstand what he has, and still look confident and not worried. He has had other wars in building his empire..

He is tall and fills the room when he enters. When in Europe the other leaders seemed to follow him.. he is admired for what he is and how he defends our nation.

He has a high IQ and it works for him in figuring out solutions to problems. So lacking in biden and the dems.

What endears him to the crowds .. he cares for the nation and he cares for the people. He shows his thanks.

In his 70s, he looks great. He is light in a dark place... and the rats scrambled to get him out and gone... folks, he’s still here... and again will be in the oval office!

8 posted on 10/07/2022 8:19:51 AM PDT by frnewsjunkie
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To: SoConPubbie

“ Trump, like Nixon, has personality flaws…”

Like what? Specifically

9 posted on 10/07/2022 8:21:41 AM PDT by stanne
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To: SoConPubbie

My biggest complaint about President Nixon, way back then was his wage & price control effort to slow down inflation.
Even though I was in my early thirties and pretty apolitical, I always thought Watergate was ginned up by the left with assistance from the GOPe to remove him from office. Absolutely in the ensuing 48 years has changed my mind.

President Donald Trump held them at bay for four years, but they finally got him in 2020. And if he does continue his quest for the presidency, I fully expect him to be imprisoned or to conveniently die before 2024.

10 posted on 10/07/2022 8:34:52 AM PDT by Tupelo (Don't under estimate the Republicans ability to f*** things up)
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To: Tupelo

“Absolutely in the ensuing 48 years has changed my mind.”
Should read:
“Absolutely nothing in the ensuing 48 years has changed my mind.

11 posted on 10/07/2022 8:36:33 AM PDT by Tupelo (Don't under estimate the Republicans ability to f*** things up)
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To: SoConPubbie

Why has Trump survived?

Mostly because of a relatively uncensored internet (which is why they want to censor it), followed by the breaking of the momopoly network media.

Then there’s that little fact that Trump didn’t break the law.

12 posted on 10/07/2022 8:43:05 AM PDT by seowulf (Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos...Will Durant)
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To: Tupelo

What a sad commentary! You missed it all with that one.

What went wrong with the Nixon time... was john dean throwing his boss under the bus! I watched him on TV and hated it then and still do. Turn coat... back stabber...

What hillary did was worse and she has not been held accountable. There was a death in that one and nothing. Since then she has done worse and still no accountability.

What biden has done.. what the biden family has done is top of it all and he sits in the oval office!

I wish you would not do any forboding on a death of anyone.. it is not needed.

13 posted on 10/07/2022 8:43:44 AM PDT by frnewsjunkie
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To: Tell It Right

Bingo. The exposure of Alger Hiss validated Senator McCarthy’s claim that communists had infiltrated the government and the activities of the HUAC investigations. Recall the blacklist. Liberals made martyrs out of the Hollywood commies. Watergate was an act of revenge.

Bernstein is a red diaper baby who was raised on the seething hate commies had for Nixon. Bernstein’s commie bias has never been talked about much.

Nixon said it best. I gave my enemies a knife and they stuck it in. Watergate was an unnecessary, stupid caper. What did they get Nixon on? Obstruction of justice? Big deal. It was a natural instinct to cover up their stupidity. The real villains of the Watergate hoax were the Republican senators who abandoned Nixon.

The problem that left have in getting Trump is that their charges have been so flimsy. The only they proved is that he may be the most honest man on the planet.

14 posted on 10/07/2022 8:59:54 AM PDT by DeplorablePaul ("..)
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To: SoConPubbie

Did the same thing to Senator Joseph McCarthy, and for much the same reasons.

15 posted on 10/07/2022 9:03:13 AM PDT by rlmorel (Nolnah's Razor: Never attribute to incompetence that which is adequately explained by malice.)
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To: SoConPubbie

That narrative has unraveled slowly over the years, and it is ripped apart in an ongoing ten-part series from the Red Pilled America podcast called “The Fighter,” whose final episode is set to air Sunday.
Sounds like a series that I’ll have to make the time to watch...

For the book that sure unraveled what I had been taught about Watergate, I can’t recommend this one too much.. “Silent Coup: The Removal of a President”.

16 posted on 10/07/2022 9:09:13 AM PDT by hecticskeptic (The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)
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To: frnewsjunkie
Your post was one the most succinct and perfect descriptions of Trump I've ever read. Thank you for posting.

It seems that most Trump "haters" are put off by his brash, self-confident manner. In my opinion, these are weak people who can never hope to measure up to a man like Trump, so they are obsessed with taking him down a notch or two.

The beauty of Trump is that he acts and behaves as though these people do not even exist. These haters have no impact on him whatsoever. And his utter scorn and indifference to them drives the haters even crazier.

17 posted on 10/07/2022 9:11:31 AM PDT by SamAdams76 (4,156,407 active user on Truth Social)
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To: Tell It Right

True but, Nixon was a globalist rhino

18 posted on 10/07/2022 9:18:51 AM PDT by cowboyusa (America Cowboy up!)
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Trump studied Nixon, but took the wrong lessons from him.

“I learned a lot from Richard Nixon. Don’t fire people,” Trump said during a phone interview with “Fox & Friends.

19 posted on 10/07/2022 9:22:31 AM PDT by proust (All posts made under this handle are, for the intents and purposes of the author, considered satire.)
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To: Tupelo

“Watergate was ginned up by the left with assistance from the GOPe”

Let us reword this:

Watergate was ginned up by the CIA with assistance from the Mockingbird Media.

It was a Deep State operation from day one—Nixon never saw it coming...

He got off a lot easier than JFK though.

20 posted on 10/07/2022 9:30:14 AM PDT by cgbg (Claiming that laws and regs that limit “hate speech” stop freedom of speech is “hate speech”.)
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