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The Democrat Plague
The Remnant Newspaper ^ | November 29, 2021 | Christopher A. Ferrara

Posted on 12/04/2021 8:14:30 PM PST by ebb tide

The Democrat Plague

So now it’s the “Omicron variant,” which, like the “Delta variant,” is said to constitute an “emergency” because it is “potentially more contagious.”  There are zero active “cases” of Omicron in the United States, but rest assured “it’s coming,” says the loopy Governor of New York by operation of law,  Kathy Hochul,  who is doubtless delighted at the prospect of a new pretext for imposing her insane “vaccine mandate” on healthcare workers in the state, which has decimated the state’s health care workforce.  Hochul has publicly declared that COVID vaccines are divinely inspired and that those who refuse them “are not listening to God and what God wants.” Had Trump said anything of the sort about his “Operation Warp Speed,” the entire mediatic complex would have denounced him unceasingly for violating the separation of Church and State. But since the words came from the mouth of a Democrat governor, the Ministry of Truth had no pronouncement on the matter. 


Hochul has declared a new “state of disaster emergency” in New York based solely on Omicron—an “emergency” involving the potential arrival of a potentially more contagious viral variant that may potentially require a new vaccine to deal with potential “vaccine resistance.” But what actual health threat does Omicron pose?  None. Are you surprised? Dr Angelique Coetzee, the very doctor who supposedly discovered Omicron at its supposed point of origin in South Africa, advises that “It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well. So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer the loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home.” The mostly male patients were, she says, just “so tired.” And about half of those infected are “fully vaccinated”—an inconvenient fact the linked article obscures by stating that half are unvaccinated.

Meanwhile, in country after country, the COVID vaccines are manifestly failing to prevent transmission or infection—hence the emergence of the Omicron Malaise—and in many places the majority of the hospitalized are now “fully vaccinated.”

No prominent symptoms. Just really like, tired, you know? Based on the potential for Omicron malaise, the politicians and their health bureaucrats have already launched another round of oppressive measures to keep their COVID regimes going. Before the virus has caused even a sniffle in Europe, new travel bans and various degrees of lockdown have returned, while Biden has banned entry into the United States from nine different countries.

Of course, Lord Fauci immediately weighed in on this latest pretext for tyrannical overreach.  When asked by one of his favorite fake news outlets, NBC, whether a “vaccine mandate” for domestic travel, lockdowns and all the rest are in the offing, the diminutive despot replied that “everything is on the table.” To recent calls that he resign on account of his brazen mendacity before Congress and his monumental incompetence—essentially everything he says about COVID has been proven wrong—Fauci replied: “They’re really criticizing science, because I represent science.” Trump’s biggest blunder was failing to sack this insufferable buffoon when he had the chance. Barring a new political miracle along the lines of Trump’s reelection to the Presidency, Americans can expect a new round of Faucist oppression with every new “wave” of COVID-19, including even milder variants whose effects might range from “a feeling that something just isn’t right” to uncontrollable flatulence.

Rather than admit the failure of the vaccines, however, the CDC has simply “adjusted” the definition of “vaccination” to eliminate the very concept of immunity, which is like changing the definition of “surgery” to eliminate the concept of incision. 

Meanwhile, in country after country, the COVID vaccines are manifestly failing to prevent transmission or infection—hence the emergence of the Omicron Malaise—and in many places the majority of the hospitalized are now “fully vaccinated.” Rather than admit the failure of the vaccines, however, the CDC has simply “adjusted” the definition of “vaccination” to eliminate the very concept of immunity, which is like changing the definition of “surgery” to eliminate the concept of incision.  Where vaccination was previously defined in accordance with its actual meaning as “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease,” the words “immunity to” have been replaced by “protection from”. The meaning of “vaccine” has likewise been adjusted to hide COVID vaccine failure. No longer does “vaccine” mean “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.”  Now, says the CDC, vaccines merely “stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” In other words, the COVID vaccines are not really vaccines.  At most, they are experimental medications for a transient alleviation of symptoms.  If that.

As it becomes impossible to hide that the COVID faux-vaccines are not doing what vaccines are supposed to do, the CDC is preparing to change another definition.   The term “fully vaccinated” will soon expand to require “booster shots”: three shots of what was Moderna’s or Pfizer’s two-shot vaccine or two shots of J & J’s one-shot product.  The CDC thus closely trails the “health experts” of Israel, where a fourth shot is being floated for a population that is already 93% vaccinated.  No one is allowed to notice that vaccination itself seems to be driving the need for more vaccinations by creating selective pressure on the virus that breeds new variants, including Omicron. 

Exposing the massive, historically unprecedented fraud he himself is perpetrating, the doddering, senile pseudo-President declares: “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers.” Lest this remark be attributed to Biden’s ever-worsening mental confusion, the cackling boob who occupies the Vice Presidency said the same thing: “By vaccinating the unvaccinated… and protecting the vaccinated, we can end this pandemic.”

As the CDC would have it, every man, woman, and child over the age of two should behave as if no one had ever been vaccinated.

Reaching the apex of absurdity, the CDC informs us that the unvaccinated must be protected from the vaccinated, because “vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus.” All the more so with the threat of the Omicron Malaise! Thus, says the CDC, even the “fully vaccinated” should wear masks indoors to “ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones.”  As the CDC would have it, every man, woman, and child over the age of two should behave as if no one had ever been vaccinated.

But, a CDC spokesman assures us, “It’s also important to note that the modifications to the definition of ‘vaccine’”—meaning admissions that the COVID vaccines aren’t working—“don’t change the fact that vaccines and the act of vaccination has prevented millions of illnesses and saved countless lives.” More nonsense.  There is no scientifically established unvaccinated control group in the general population by which this claim could verified, whereas the claim that millions of illnesses did not happen because of vaccination is nothing but the fallacy post hoc ergo propter hoc

Indeed, the evidence mounts daily that vaccination has not only done nothing to “limit the spread” of COVID-19 but has actually facilitated it.

On the other hand, even the lying “fact-checker” for Reuters admits that Alex Berenson accurately reported on statistics from the UK, typical of those emerging around the world, which show that “of 1,521 over-80s who died from COVID-19 during this time, 1,272 were fully vaccinated ... Forty-three had received one vaccine dose, while 198 were unvaccinated. Meanwhile, 607 out of 801 70 to 79-year-olds who died from COVID-19 had received two vaccine doses (164 hadn’t been vaccinated) and of 411 60- to 69-year-olds, 258 were fully vaccinated (125 were unvaccinated).”  The best Reuters could do to “fact check” the truth it seeks to hide was to render the verdict “Missing context.”  But the “context” consists of Reuters’ skewed interpretation of statistics showing that the COVID death rate per 100,000 among the vaccinated is lower than that for the unvaccinated. But did they die from or with COVID?  We will never know.  And that’s just the way they want it.

In reply to the “fact-checkers,” Berenson notes that they fail to account for the reality that the vaccinated as a group exhibit a selection bias because they are healthier to begin with and “care more about avoiding sickness, and they have the time and energy and money to find their way to a vaccination site. They are not healthier because they get vaccines; they get vaccines because they are healthier.”  Berenson cites a major UK study which shows that, for precisely this reason, flu vaccination has had no effect on the overall death rate among the health-conscious 65 and older cohort. As the study concludes: “Current vaccination strategies prioritizing elderly persons may be less effective than believed at reducing serious morbidity and mortality in this population…”

Even children are to be subjected to state-ordered injection, for which there is no medical justification whatsoever.

While, as Berenson writes, the “fact-checkers” are “lying with truthful data,” the same data show undeniably that “Something is wrong. The promises that the health authorities have made over the last 12 months about the vaccines are not coming true. Despite near-complete levels of adult vaccination in Europe, many countries are seeing skyrocketing Covid cases and deaths. And worst of all, all-cause non-Covid mortality is running well above normal in country after country.”  In other words, it is entirely possible that COVID vaccines are hastening death as a baseline proposition, even apart from the dramatic instances of serious and even deadly side effects that have managed to reach the public despite a criminal information blockade by the legacy media.

Indeed, the evidence mounts daily that vaccination has not only done nothing to “limit the spread” of COVID-19 but has actually facilitated it. To cite just one example from a growing mountain of studies, an Israeli study of a COVID-19 outbreak in a hospital shows that all 42 infected persons were “fully vaccinated”; that the outbreak originated with a vaccinated patient; that several transmissions occurred between people wearing masks; and that 14 of 23 fully vaccinated patients became severely sick or died,” thus “raising a question about possible waning immunity”—a risibly understated, politically compromised conclusion.

What the lying media have managed to hide over the past twenty months is that the “pandemic” and its related restrictions on fundamental liberties are found only in those political, social, and economic spaces controlled by the Democrat Party. 

Yet, under pain of exclusion from social life and professional and personal ruin from the forfeiture of educational opportunity or employment, everyone must be coerced into being injected with abortion-connected substances that confer no immunity, do not prevent infection or transmission, and have assorted serious and even life-threatening side effects.  Even children are to be subjected to state-ordered injection, for which there is no medical justification whatsoever. One can now even buy a t-shirt that sums up this epochal travesty: “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected, by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected in the first place?”  Or, as someone else has put it, the COVID vaccines are the only medications that have failed because of those who refused to take them.  If there has ever been a greater public policy debacle in the history of Western democracy, I would like to know what it is.

More than twenty months after it began, the contours of the endless COVID-19 “pandemic” stand in bold relief for anyone who still retains the use of reason. By administrative and executive fiat, the perpetrators of nothing less than an ongoing crime against humanity have created an endlessly self-reinforcing loop of oppression from which it seems there is no escape. 

Only the willfully blind can fail to see at this point in the COVID-19 debacle that the mask and the jab are merely signs of allegiance to the Democrat imperium.

But there is an escape, and the open escape hatch is staring us in the face. One can step through it into anyplace in the country not controlled by Democrats. In Republican-controlled places, people have basically moved on from the “pandemic,” given the limited degree of control the Biden regime can exercise over states and localities in what remains of the federalist system. Biden’s ridiculous OSHA mandate for the vaccination of all employees of businesses that employ 100 or more people promptly crashed and burned in the Fifth Circuit, and about the only measure he can impose on the nation, albeit unconstitutionally, is mask-wearing in airports.   In short, what the lying media have managed to hide over the past twenty months is that the “pandemic” and its related restrictions on fundamental liberties are found only in those political, social, and economic spaces controlled by the Democrat Party.  Only where Democrats (or their equivalents in other countries) exercise power over a given space will you find a COVID dictatorship and the ever-moving goalpost of liberation.  

Indeed, the direct correlation between Democrat control and COVID-related tyranny is so precise that even in red states that have refused to impose or have lifted COVID-19 restrictions, Democrat-controlled political subdivisions, school districts, business entities and social venues continue to impose them with Jacobin-like fury, often in defiance of state law.  Florida is the shining example of a state that refused to adopt any of the Democrat-devised COVID restraints on freedom, which could not have been better calculated to prolong the “pandemic.” Consequently, Florida as a whole has had the best possible outcome in dealing with the virus—a fact that infuriates the Democrats and their media mouthpieces, whose every prediction of a viral apocalypse in Florida was proven wrong. Yet, despite his success, Governor de Santis has had to contend with pockets of Democrat resistance from mayors, county commissioners, school boards and woke corporations maniacally intent on keeping people in masks and forcing vaccines into their arms.   

biden harris
Biden, Harris parade around in ceremonial black masks before the cameras despite being “fully vaccinated.”

Only the willfully blind can fail to see at this point in the COVID-19 debacle that the mask and the jab are merely signs of allegiance to the Democrat imperium. The members of the imperium and their celebrity and media collaborators attend galas in maskless freedom while the hired help must wear the facial shrouds of obedience and submission. Biden, Harris and their staffs parade around in ceremonial black masks before the cameras despite being “fully vaccinated.” And on the Democrat-controlled House side of the Capitol Building masks are required under penalty of stiff fines, while on the Senate side, where Democrats are not in the majority, useless “face coverings” are only “strongly encouraged.” Senator Ron Johnson aptly remarked this absurdity masquerading as “science”:

There is no science, but I guess the speaker [Pelosi] must have not known that. First, they tell us don’t wear a mask, wear a mask, wear two masks, then they take the mask off. They said if Americans got vaccinated, we’d get our lives back, and we did [get vaccinated] …. I don’t know, the gentleman over there’s going to run for the Senate. Maybe he wants to do that so he doesn’t have to wear a mask. The science over there is better.

In the manner of all imperia, the COVID imperium has attained an overtly religious character. As already noted, Governor Hochul has explicitly elevated vaccine fanaticism to the level of a jihad against the infidels who reject the divinely inspired vaccine from God.  To quote the lunatic more fully:

We are not through this pandemic. I wished we were but I prayed a lot to God during this time and you know what - God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers - he made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us and we must say, thank you, God. Thank you.  And I wear my “vaccinated” necklace all the time to say I’m vaccinated. All of you, yes, I know you're vaccinated, you’re the smart ones, but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are.

It is not COVID-19 that plagues this country, but the Democrats. 

You know who they are.  A chilling incitement to persecution of those who remain outside the Mystical Body of Moderna. And yet, inexplicably, Roberto de Mattei inveighs against what he imagines to be “the no-vax religion,” having blinded himself to the fanaticism of the Cult of the Divine Vaccine led by the same Pope he never ceases to condemn for other reasons—a cult that now seeks to inoculate even little children with a veritable chrism of initiation that does them no earthly good.

In sum, it is not COVID-19 that plagues this country, but the Democrats.  The only way to end the “pandemic” once and for all is to vote them out of office.  And the only way to escape it until then is to find a place where Democrats are not in charge of public policy and people are consequently able to live their lives. Meanwhile, the federal judiciary remains our best hope for containing the Democrat contagion until a definitive political cure can be effected.   That legal effort has taken me away from these pages for too long, but I hope to appear here more often in the near future, if the Editor will have me.

May God bless Remnant readers, one and all, in this Holy Season of Advent.

TOPICS: Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: anthonyfauci; covidstooges; demoncrats; greatreset; hoax; liars; obamacare; scamdemic; vaccinemandates
In sum, it is not COVID-19 that plagues this country, but the Democrats. The only way to end the “pandemic” once and for all is to vote them out of office.
1 posted on 12/04/2021 8:14:30 PM PST by ebb tide
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To: Al Hitan; DuncanWaring; Fedora; irishjuggler; Jaded; JoeFromSidney; kalee; markomalley; ...


2 posted on 12/04/2021 8:15:00 PM PST by ebb tide (Where are the good fruits of the Second Vatican Council? Anyone?)
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To: carriage_hill

Friday-worthy ping.

3 posted on 12/04/2021 8:24:05 PM PST by lightman (I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
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Democrats have long been like a horde of locusts piling over the Sierras bringing destruction everywhere they go

4 posted on 12/04/2021 8:29:51 PM PST by dsrtsage ( Complexity is just simple lacking imagination)
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To: ebb tide

Elections will have to be publicly monitored and scrutinized. You can’t trust any of these people or their contractors.

5 posted on 12/04/2021 8:30:19 PM PST by dragnet2 (Diversion and evasion are tools of deceit)
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To: ebb tide

My fully vaccinated wife recently recovered from Covid. I, on the other hand, am not vaccinated and I did not get sick although I’m sure I was exposed. Perhaps the FLCCC protocol I am following works?

6 posted on 12/04/2021 8:36:18 PM PST by 38special (I should've said something earlier)
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To: ebb tide

Covid is both parties and global. New York was a key player along with Colorado in the U.S Gov pandemic exercise that ran from Jan 2019 to august 2019. As well, New York was prominent in John Hopkins event 201. They lead the way, so to speak in sounding the alarms. It’s horse dung, but not to be discounted.

7 posted on 12/04/2021 8:37:00 PM PST by M_Continuum
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To: ebb tide
There is no scientifically established unvaccinated control group in the general population by which this claim could verified, whereas the claim that millions of illnesses did not happen because of vaccination is nothing but the fallacy post hoc ergo propter hoc.

What a benison, to finally read an article which actually cites the Latin name of a given fallacy!


8 posted on 12/05/2021 12:00:28 AM PST by alexander_busek (Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.)
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To: ebb tide; ransomnote; Jane Long; bitt; bagster; numberonepal; Cletus.D.Yokel; Cathi; greeneyes; ...

9 posted on 12/05/2021 12:29:50 AM PST by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: ebb tide

last night it was said that the new virus has turned up in Massachusetts, a female who has been vaxxed completely and the message was wear your masks, social distance and most of all GET THE VACCINATIONS!! THE SAME ONES THAT DIDNT PROTECT HER! YEAH THAT MAKES SENSE, this is why it is all BULLSH##. HERE ARE THE RULES FOR AMERICANS WHILE WE FLOOD THE BORDER WITH DISEASED INVADERS WHO WILL BE SHIPPED TO YOUR TOWN

10 posted on 12/05/2021 2:54:42 AM PST by ronnie raygun
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To: lightman

Got it for later this month. Thanks.

11 posted on 12/05/2021 5:50:08 AM PST by Carriage Hill (A society grows great when old men plant trees, in whose shade they know they will never sit.)
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To: ebb tide

..........a long but EXCELLENT article. Thanks for posting.

12 posted on 12/05/2021 7:03:03 AM PST by Cen-Tejas
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To: ebb tide


13 posted on 12/05/2021 8:19:33 AM PST by sauropod (Meanie Butt Daddy - No you can't)
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