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Jeff Bezos Humiliation: Amazon Employees Embroiled In Sex Trafficking Scandal
gatewaypundit ^ | December 25, 2017 | Joshua Caplan

Posted on 12/26/2017 1:31:20 AM PST by SteveH

According to a new report, Amazon employees appear to have been caught ‘purchasing services from trafficked sex workers.’

Engadget reports:

The tech industry has a clear history of sexism and misogyny, but a recent Newsweek report highlights another problem. The publication got its hands on a slew of emails sent to brothels and pimps between 2014 and 2016 that document the industry’s patronage of brothels and purchasing of services from trafficked sex workers. Among the emails, which were obtained through a public records request to the King County Prosecutor’s Office, were 67 sent from Microsoft employee email accounts, 63 from Amazon accounts and dozens more from companies like Boeing, T-Mobile, Oracleand local Seattle tech firms.

Some of the emails were collected during a 2015 sting operation that targeted sex worker review boards and resulted in the arrest of 18 individuals, including high-level Amazon and Microsoft directors. Two opted for a trial, which is currently set to begin in March.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; US: District of Columbia; US: Washington
KEYWORDS: amazon; bezos; districtofcolumbia; humantrafficking; jeffbezos; kingcounty; mediawingofthednc; newsweek; partisanmediashills; washingtoncompost; washingtonpost
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To: niteowl77

Yes, but for being a nice guy==keeping abortion legal.

41 posted on 12/26/2017 5:58:01 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Keep fighting the Left and their Fake News!)
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To: Tax-chick

Amazon in Charlotte sounds good on paper and I love economic growth as much as anyone.

With that being said, traffic in the queen city is horrific enough. I’m glad I don’t have to go there.

42 posted on 12/26/2017 6:05:39 AM PST by wally_bert (I didn't get where I am today by selling ice cream tasting of bookends, pumice stone & West Germany)
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To: Tax-chick
It’s a crime of course, and the use of work accounts is pretty brazen. However, I wouldn’t say “scandal” about something so ordinary, and I certainly don’t see what Mr. Bezos’s involvement is.

It is amazing to me what some people try do with their work computer and work email accounts. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked up to a co-worker’s cubical and found they were surfing non-work related stuff or shopping on line on company time.

Two employers ago, one of the outside sales person complained of problems with his company lap top. IT did some diagnostics and discovered porn on it. The guy claimed that he had been hacked, that he had done nothing wrong. IIRC, he was reprimanded but wasn’t fired but warned that his computer and on-line and email activity would be closely monitored and restricted.

The funny thing was that our IT had put so many filters on our internet browsing that I and other sometimes had trouble bringing up legitimate websites we used for work. I in PR/HR and a co-worker in benefits were blocked from the DOL and IRS websites and one time blocked all employee access to our health insurance website during open enrollment.

43 posted on 12/26/2017 6:27:48 AM PST by MD Expat in PA
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To: wally_bert
A more detailed version from a British talk show, the co-inventor's wife (I'm guessing she is from Vietnam originally) is perfectly OK with it.

The feminists are not. They are outraged. Do related searches in You-Tube. Most are closed to comment. One of the few which is not has this favorite response to feminist outrage:

If a sex doll can replace you, the doll is not the problem.

44 posted on 12/26/2017 6:29:32 AM PST by Vigilanteman (ObaMao: Fake America, Fake Messiah, Fake Black man. How many fakes can you fit into one Zer0?)
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To: polymuser
no Hallmark movies

No Hallmark movies...LOL

Count me among the loving husbands caught in that vicious cycle of scrolling though the channels and the wifey sees the Hallmark channel.

There is a limit to how many sappy, contrived stories with the same story line of people put into a situation where there is a silly misunderstanding and falling in love is the only ending that ever happens.

Always beautiful single happy people who live without means in beautiful homes and no drama except their pathetic lives.

But I love my wife so we enjoy them together...

45 posted on 12/26/2017 6:53:15 AM PST by Popman (My sin was great, Your love was greater  What could separate us now…)
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To: Louis Foxwell

Imagine the fury if some of President Trump’s employees were caught doing this. Does anyone believe that the media would give him a pass?

46 posted on 12/26/2017 7:18:12 AM PST by Enterprise (Do away with all symbols of past slavery. Start with the Democrat Party.)
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To: Pollster1

Every employer I’ve ever worked for has a sniffer program that blocks attempts to objectionable websites. For good reason.

The computers are company property. The employer could be legally responsible if the computer was used for, say, murder for hire or purchasing illegal drugs, etc.

In addition, employees should be spending their time working, not surfing the net for pornography, prostitution, or even time-wasters like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter unless these can somehow be job-related. The sniffer programs can be tweaked to include or exclude at the employer’s preference and some have even blocked political sites like FR.

It seems like Big Brother but it is really the employer protecting themselves from liability while ensuring that employees concentrate on the matter at hand.

47 posted on 12/26/2017 7:33:40 AM PST by OrangeHoof (Let Trump Be Trump. Would you rather have Hillary?)
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To: newfreep

If you think that sort of activity is confined to systems such as Alexa you might want to look around some more. I’ve experienced very interesting ad selections online that could have only come from cell phone conversations, email conversations or even conversations in my house. I used to laugh at people who were so paranoid that they taped over the camera on their monitors. Not anymore. So long as it’s just used for ads I suppose it’s fairly innocuous but it’s intrusive nonetheless and such data will be misused, always is. I’m largely beneath the radar, my personal activities are likely of no interest to anyone other than marketers, but if I were to become noteworthy somehow, I’d imagine that data would come into play.

48 posted on 12/26/2017 7:40:59 AM PST by RegulatorCountry
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To: RegulatorCountry


“Alexa” is simply the latest way for the camel to get its nose under the tent.

It amazes me that so many would purchase & invite such snooping tech into their home...voluntarily.

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To: Rum Tum Tugger

“Give ‘em a break.”

Maybe if you had someone you cared deeply about being trafficked for sex, you would think about that person getting “a break” from their torturous life.

Other human beings do not exist for your or anyone else’s self-gratification.

Perhaps the tech nerds need to step away from their computers and participate in acts of kindness toward their fellow human beings.

It is, after all, such loneliness, isolation, and self-loathing that fuel sex addictions, as well as other kinds.

50 posted on 12/26/2017 7:50:35 AM PST by unlearner (You will never come to know that which you do not know until you first know that you do not know it.)
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To: Drew68

“So when we read stories about human trafficking regarding sex workers, we are reading about the world’s oldest profession, what used to be called plain old prostitution.”

And when people rush to the defense of prostitution as a victimless crime, it is reasonable to suspect that such people have a problem justifying their own self-destructive and harmful-to-others behavior.

51 posted on 12/26/2017 7:55:11 AM PST by unlearner (You will never come to know that which you do not know until you first know that you do not know it.)
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To: unlearner
And when people rush to the defense of prostitution as a victimless crime, it is reasonable to suspect that such people have a problem justifying their own self-destructive and harmful-to-others behavior.

There are plenty of escorts pulling in the mid six figures a year who would rather not hear sanctimonious busybodies call them victims and whose greatest fear is getting arrested and having their friends, family, and legitimate employers find out what they do.

Not every sex worker out there is a victim asking to be rescued. Many would rather you mind your own business and let them mind theirs.

52 posted on 12/26/2017 8:08:24 AM PST by Drew68
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To: wally_bert

I don’t get up there much, either. I live out east, in Monroe Bypass country. GAH.

53 posted on 12/26/2017 8:12:22 AM PST by Tax-chick ("It is better to have a home full of misbehaving children than a silent house."~Kevin Williamson)
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To: Popman

Yeah yeah yeah, I know ;)
Hallmark’s movies are so predictable, their foreshadowing so blatant...I sit and predict what’s gonna happen thru the episode. I get the eye roll.
Seeing The Bionic Man and The Bionic Woman together again was kinda cool, no?

54 posted on 12/26/2017 8:38:54 AM PST by polymuser (Its terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged today. - Chesterton)
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To: newfreep

Agree totally. A company i know gave employees Alexas as gifts. Not well thought out. Who wants a microphone constantly listening in their home, always connected to, logging and tracking? Not us.

55 posted on 12/26/2017 8:42:50 AM PST by polymuser (Its terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged today. - Chesterton)
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To: MD Expat in PA
surfing non-work related stuff or shopping on line on company time

Nobody cares! Quit being a conformist slave. The boss does not own employees.

Authoritarian bosses are a destruction to productivity. They over control because they have too little inside their head.

HR hires these destructive turds because HR are unskilled, unscientific,  conformist snowflakes.

Instead, act human.
1) Buy your internet  stuff at work.
2) Browse away.
FU loser authoritarian unskilled whackjobs.

56 posted on 12/26/2017 8:54:12 AM PST by TheNext (Fake Elections have no BALLOT PICTURES!)
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To: TheNext

So you think it is OK for a worker to steal time that they are being paid for to do the actual work they are being paid to do but instead do personal shopping on line and surf the internet for fun, email and or text or talk on the phone with their friends and relatives for hours on end while they should be performing the work their employer pays them for?

That’s not “authoritarian” that’s just common sense.

I’m not talking about allowing employees to have some leeway, say for instance using a company computer to shop or web surf while on their lunch break, I’ve done that and no employer I’ve had has ever had a problem with that.

The boss does not own employees.

No. But they own the time they are paying for.

Let me explain it another way. Let’s say you hire a plumber to come work at your house to replace some rusted pipes and install a new sink and let’s say you are paying him by the hour. He shows up, does about 5 minutes of work, then gets out his smart phone, texts, makes personal phone calls, orders some personal items from Amazon, takes a lunch break, comes back does another 5 minute of work then goes back to goofing off, then finally finishes the job but bills you for the entire time he was there. You’d be OK with that?

57 posted on 12/26/2017 9:11:20 AM PST by MD Expat in PA
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To: Drew68

“Not every sex worker out there is a victim asking to be rescued. Many would rather you mind your own business and let them mind theirs.”

Prostitution and adult entertainment in general result in more and other types of crime. Lust is never satisfied. And the inability to be satisfied leads to anger, violence, and violent crime. These “businesses” are inextricably linked with organized crime.

Prostitution and adultery are often engaged in by married men who betray their marital vows and expose their wives to venereal disease. Non-monogamous sex spreads STDs.

Prostitution and adult entertainment are incompatible with family, faith, and a civil society. They destroy marriages. That means they destroy the lives of children.

Prostitution and adult entertainment lead to unwanted pregnancies which leads to murder via abortion.

Prostitution and adult entertainment cause extremely powerful addictions, similar to controlled substances. These addictions destroy the ability of individuals to be anything other than leeches on society. They become unable to be loving and caring family members, friends, and members of society.

Like all addictions, addicts live in the lie that their addictions do not hurt anyone.

Prostitution and adult entertainment a plagues on civilization worse than chemical weapons and land mines. People who are victimized by it deserve to be helped. Those who adamantly advocate, defend, and promote them deserve the full force of the law to put a stop to their self-destructive and society-destructive behavior.

“mind your own business “

It’s not none of my business. What YOU do effects other people. Stop lying to yourself and others.

When a person goes to a prostitute, he contributes to a business that innately abuses children. It results in children being subjected to violence, sex abuse, and neglect.

Your advocacy is like a child abuser telling others to “mind your own business.”

“There are plenty of escorts pulling in the mid six figures a year who would rather not hear sanctimonious busybodies call them victims and whose greatest fear is getting arrested and having their friends, family, and legitimate employers find out what they do.”

Yeah. I know some of them. I know how common suicidal depression and other mental illness is among women who are neither pimped nor trafficked into prostitution. But there is ALWAYS drug and alcohol abuse. There is always severely damaged familial relations.

Many illegal activities pay six-figures. Making money is not the primary objective in life. Further, some jobs benefit society by creating wealth. Some do not create wealth, but are still beneficial to society. Some jobs may be legal but are not beneficial to society.

God designed people to have lifelong, monogamous sexual relationships within the confines of marriage in order to raise children in a healthy, two-parent environment. While this ideal is not always achievable, it is the ideal. It is the left that is sex-obsessed and makes personal identity all about sexual preferences. But life is more than sexual gratification.

58 posted on 12/26/2017 9:26:42 AM PST by unlearner (You will never come to know that which you do not know until you first know that you do not know it.)
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To: polymuser
I get the eye roll.

Yup... must be a genetic default gene...

All wife's seem to have that...

I used to do the "mystery theater 3000" commentary while we watched...

She went from eye roll to death stare...LOL

59 posted on 12/26/2017 9:36:46 AM PST by Popman (My sin was great, Your love was greater  What could separate us now…)
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Because these 67 were either too arrogant, or too stupid, to use their own private email accounts.

Or they are millennials who grew up thinking there was nothing wrong with Napster sharing copyrighted music with everyone, and they treat their work email system the same way?


60 posted on 12/26/2017 9:42:48 AM PST by Political Junkie Too (The 1st Amendment gives the People the right to a free press, not CNN the right to the 1st question.)
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