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As always, soliciting FReeper comments, observations, and opinions on the shows.
1 posted on 07/16/2017 4:40:30 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
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To: acapesket; A.Hun; aligncare; Bernard; bray; BreezyDog; Calpublican; cajungirl; Carley; CDB; ...
This is the Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread Ping List! If you want to be on it, reply to this post or FReepmail me (in case I miss it). If you want to be taken off, simply send me a FReepmail.
2 posted on 07/16/2017 4:41:34 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (Keep fighting the Left and their Fake News!)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Trump's attorney on all 4 programs.

I'm so sick of this collusion cr**. Trump won the election and he won it without the help of Russia. I never read one wiki leak and I never wavered from my first pick.

6 posted on 07/16/2017 4:43:25 AM PDT by Sacajaweau
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To: Alas Babylon!

It looks like a full court press by the Swamp Media to declare Obamacare reform dead. Let’s hope Sekulow brings some sense to the proceedings.

7 posted on 07/16/2017 4:51:35 AM PDT by norwaypinesavage (The stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Jay Sekulow is on all 4 of the shows! He talks fast.. he can do it. But they will wear him down... he’s sorta new to this... he’s been before the SC and won.. but the media is ruthless and rude.

I never watch the Sunday shows... they turn my Sundays into frustration and I don’t need it!

I wish Trump’s side would not talk seriously about rusha rusha rusha... they should laugh at the ridiculous fact the media “fell for it”... and point to hillary and obama... don’t let them pin it on Trump.. turn it to them and make fun of the fact they spend all their time with a lie from the beginning.

Gorka did that with CNN and cooper was dismayed and insulted.. which is the goal.. to insult them out of existence.

9 posted on 07/16/2017 5:03:55 AM PDT by frnewsjunkie
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To: Alas Babylon!

Sabrett hot dogs recalled!
Someone found a small piece of bone in one.

Oh Noes!

National news!

11 posted on 07/16/2017 5:10:03 AM PDT by mylife (the roar of the masses could be farts)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Morning all.
Looks like Jay Sekulow has been given the job of facing the drivebys this week,hope he kicks some butt.
Meanwhile, many wonder about the strange death of Peter W. Smith.
Smith was an 81 year old Chicago business man who had been known to play both sides of the aisle and could easily have been taken out by either side. But, since he was working on finding the lost 30k e-mails of Hillary Clinton and looking into the wonderful world of slush funds namely the CGI it's probably more likely he's now a member of the well known Clinton Dead pool.The dead pool has so many members its hard to ID them all.
The drivebypress of course would have you believe that Smith bought two huge containers of laughing gas, helium, from Wal- mart lugged them back to his apt. where many Mayo Clinic patients stay,got a 26 minute phone call that was very depressing, hooked up a bag into the helium and killed himself.
all this after he wrote a “brilliant” suicide note that stated in all caps:THERE IS NO FOULD PLAY INVOLVED:
year right Pete.
Here's some notes i took from a one hour video done yesterday by that dynamic duo of batman and an Robin—
George Webb as Batman and Jason Goodman starring as Robin.
These guys are fearless and all they need is a bat cave and a bat-mobile and they can rock.
They interviewed a brilliant guy named ,Charles Ortel—Wash. Times/ Yale and Harvard grad, for over an hour and what he revealed is so good you have to see the video.
The notes I took are from the video above.
there is lots more. But, I urge those of us in the New Media who actually care about stuff like this to find out why the cameras at Wal Mart are not referenced in his death along with who purchased the helium,what was said during the 26 minute phone call and why Smith was staying at a place normally reserved for sickly Mayo patients.
Oh yeah, there is also the little matter of Smith suggesting that he killed himself since his five million dollar life insurance policly was about to run out.As if a life insurance company will pay for his suicide, sounds like more dnc hit men incompetence.....
All this wreaks of those who killed Seth Rich if he's really dead, just incompetence from start to finish.
Anyway inquiring minds.....
13 posted on 07/16/2017 5:32:58 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Home of the Free because of the brave.MAGA!!)
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Hopefully these remarks enter into the conversation. I also see a full-court press by Sekulow, so one theme is "Russia, Russia, Russia."

HillaryClinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?
@realDonaldTrump - 6:35 AM - 16 Jul 2017

Thank you to former campaign adviser Michael Caputo for saying so powerfully that there was no Russian collusion in our winning campaign.
@realDonaldTrump - 7:04 AM - 16 Jul 2017

With all of its phony unnamed sources & highly slanted & even fraudulent reporting, #Fake News is DISTORTING DEMOCRACY in our country!
@realDonaldTrump - 7:15 AM - 16 Jul 2017

The House Intelligence Committee didn't want to question Mr. Caputo in public. By accounts, they badgered and harrassed him. He was before the committee for three and a half hours.

Michael Caputo emerges from high-stakes testimony on Capitol Hill unbowed - The Buffalo News

Michael Caputo's Opening Statement
My wife and I were buried in threats

Michael Caputo's Closing Statement
I'm a Bills fan, not a Gucci-loafered lobbyist

... your investigation and others into the allegations of Trump campaign collusion with Russia are costing my family a great deal of money. I'm paying for this in the only way an average guy can: I have liquidated my children's college fund.

I've been clear. I know your work is important, and I am proud to have helped in any way I can. But I am convinced this Russian Collusion narrative is designed primarily to disrupt the presidency of Donald J. Trump. There is no ripple in still water when there was no pebble tossed. This is just politicians throwing stones.

A comment following the "Closing remarks" post notices, "They [Congress] slander people publicly, and only allow them to clear their names privately." Just so.

Oh. A relevant but trivial observation. Kellanne Conway's use of "Collusion Delusion" this week? See "The Russia Collusion Delusion" by Michael Caputo. That is from May 18.

17 posted on 07/16/2017 5:46:06 AM PDT by Cboldt
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25 posted on 07/16/2017 5:57:15 AM PDT by HokieMom (Pacepa : Can the U.S. afford a president who can't recognize anti-Americanism?)
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To: Alas Babylon!

I don’t think I can subject myself to the faux outrage today.

26 posted on 07/16/2017 5:57:56 AM PDT by Proudcongal (Trump making American great again!)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Ken Cuccinelli‏Verified account @KenCuccinelli 9m9 minutes ago

You can catch me on @CNNSotu this morning w/@jaketapper as we talk Obamacare and the status of repeal in the Senate. Don't miss it! #CNNSOTU

28 posted on 07/16/2017 5:58:43 AM PDT by HokieMom (Pacepa : Can the U.S. afford a president who can't recognize anti-Americanism?)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Alas Babylon! Can you update us on the Senate primary in Alabama.

Hannity is pushing Mo Brooks. Back in the day I listened to Hannity when were both lived in Hutspatch.

Is Roy Moore getting any money? Luther the Strange one apparently is getting money and buying air time

32 posted on 07/16/2017 6:03:05 AM PDT by DanZ
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To: Alas Babylon!

Jay is good on FNS, he told Chris to shut up.

43 posted on 07/16/2017 6:11:36 AM PDT by Deplorable American1776 (Proud to be a DeplorableAmerican with a Deplorable Family...even the dog is DEPLORABLE :-))
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To: Alas Babylon!

Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.

Watch thread commenters Cboldt and Shalom Aleichem for especially thoughtful insight.

Tuesday Date-7/11/17

More Russians! Comey releases classified information.

So President Trump goes to Europe and he is quite welcomed and applauded.

The liberals don’t like this.

So they been holding on to this meeting with Trump Jr. and some Russian lawyer which, as they all do, turned out to be a nothing-burger.

They really hate when Trump is received well, even inventing a snubbed handshake that didn’t happen.

Liberals need to find love, somewhere.

So we are to understand those little notes Comey took during meetings with President Trump had classified information within although Comey denies it.

Man, the head of the FBI is knee-deep in all kind of shenanigans and let’s not forget our CIA agencies, all seven hundred and fifty thousand of them, are all corrupt liars.

Wednesday Date-7/12/17

Olympics in L.A.? Trump Jr. colluding with Russians? New nominee for FBI Director.

The story of President Trump’s vow to try and bring the Olympics to LA kind of flew under the radar. I do not think that will happen nor do I think it should.

I remember when President Obama was newly elected and he said he would bring that year’s Olympics to Chicago.

Chicago! Heh. All Olympians had to supply their own gun.

Well Obama didn’t get his way or will Trump.

Pick a nice city guys for the Olympics.

Like Baltimore!

The Russians are back and now we learn that over a year ago they were in contact with President Trump’s son, Donald Jr.

Only it , as it always does, turned out to be a big nothing, nothing.

Americans are getting so sick of this.

We hear Wray, who I never heard of, is the new nominee for Director of FBI.

His confirmation hearings are coming up. We will be watching and we will report.

Thursday Date-7/13/17

Christopher Wray for FBI…..hearings. Did the Democrats set up Trump Jr?

I watched the hearings yesterday for new FBI Director nominee Christopher Wray. He seems like a down to earth fellow and looks surprisingly a lot like my father.

Will the Democrats hold up his nomination and will Wray get along with Mueller?

As for this Russian thing with Donald Trump Jr. meeting some fake Russian woman. This same fake Russian lawyer was seen AFTER meeting with Trump Jr. with a Democratic operative.

Well President Trump had a great tour of Europe and the left has been holding on to this meeting for just such an occasion.

For the goal is not to capture Trump in some kind of wrong with the Russians. The goal is to keep his name out there in a negative light, mention impeachment via the lousy Democratic legislators with noses up Hillary’s butt.

Yet it keeps on folks, you know why? Because the Republicans lite won’t take a stand.

I say throw Susan Collins and her find operatic voice out first. John McCain and his magnificent airplane flying ability, next.

Keep on going from there.

Friday Date-7/14/17

No new health care version….they’re not going to do it. Trump visits France and big contest for Sussex GOP

So the Delaware GOP is sponsoring a voter registration contest lasting until the end of this year.

I think it’s a good idea and hope they publicize it more. All five Delaware regions are included:
Colonial, Northern, Western, Kent and Sussex.

All kind of prizes including a grand prize trip to Jamaica, are offered.

The email says to contact your region chair (I have no idea who my regional chair is, nice they should tell you). Find somebody involved in Delaware politics and they can probably direct.

Donald Trump Jr. is still taking flack over his contact with that Russian babe, whose job it is evidently is to contact Americans and set them up for whatever who hired her wants.

The very fine, very honest John McCain was part of this whole effort against President Trump.

They should put him in an airplane and let him fly over North Korea. McCain will crash land somewhere….it’s what he does.


Supposedly the senate rolled out a new version of Obamacare but folks, give it up.

They control us. They are our masters. Look at John McCain, one of the biggest nothing burgers in congress, and they adore the guy.

Remember that Campaign Finance Reform act McCain crafted? Man, I sleep better every night knowing ole John did that for me.

America has Campaign Finance Reform…..HOORAY!

Saturday Date-7/15/17

President Trump’s faux pas with wife of French Prez? An ode to liberals.

Yes it was Russian lies 24/7 yesterday but I’m sick of it and will pay attention no more. Arrest somebody or shut up is my take on it all.

However, heh, President Trump told the wife of French President Macron that she was “in great shape”.


That is not something an American President should say about the wife of another President.

But Donald Trump loves the ladies, yes he does, and somebody tell me what’s wrong with that?

Would a female American President admire the muscles of the husband of a male President and declare him in great shape?

I don’t think I would but hey, I would notice.

Am I criticizing Trump? Not really. Trump is Trump is Trump and liking the opposite sex is no longer in vogue. Maybe he’ll bring it back.

Below a pic from a friend of mine, sweet lady and yes she’s a liberal. She has had no success in life whatsoever.



On a personal note….

Had a flap with a Carolina Thrasher. How I love those birds, building nests in my bushes for the past five years.

Anyway, I showed the Guatalamalans the nest and was fine….

… first.

I don’t know how the link below will work in Facebook, but below a link to a video showing Mrs. Thrasher attacking me for bothering her babies. Turn on your sound, hear my screams.

I now give Mrs. Thrasher a wide berth and my humble human apology for bothering her babies.

46 posted on 07/16/2017 6:15:23 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Alas Babylon!
Good news:

Washington Examiner‏Verified account @dcexaminer 57m57 minutes ago

Trump favors Christian refugees over Muslims, says State data

50 posted on 07/16/2017 6:18:08 AM PDT by HokieMom (Pacepa : Can the U.S. afford a president who can't recognize anti-Americanism?)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Why anyone would disturb their Sunday morning by watching this bilge is beyond me. These shows will all go away if we just stop watching.

59 posted on 07/16/2017 6:27:35 AM PDT by JonPreston
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To: Alas Babylon!

I guess McNuts, with his recent, Senate vote-stopping surgery, won’t be on the tube today.

73 posted on 07/16/2017 6:52:10 AM PDT by Road Warrior ‘04 (Molon Labe! (Oathkeeper))
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