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Dems/GOPe attempted Weds Coup against Trump and Pincer Movement to Destroy Economy has Failed
opinion | 5-19-2017 | ShivaFan

Posted on 05/19/2017 7:55:16 AM PDT by ShivaFan

The Democratic Party and the GOP establishment and operatives such as John McCain, John Kasich and other “leaders” who have joined the Resist Movement with the cop-killers and Maduro wanna’ be’s, and this includes cheap labor open borders turtles such as McConnell who from day one wanted Hillary to win the election, tried to purposely destroy the economy on Wednesday with the idea of trying to hurt the Trump agenda that the Republican base voted for while the far left of ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN would run amok and blame Trump for the DOW dropping 2,000 points.

But they failed.

The idea is to run with the “Trump is a communist agent of Russia” crap that Americans don’t care about nor believe, in order distract and forcefully occupy the White House not to actually prove that Trump is a Russian agent which isn’t going to ever be proven, but to obstruction the tax cuts because the Democratic Party and the GOPe knows Americans are very, very happy with their 401k’s right now and the incredible bull market which is already fantastic but will rise even further to eye popping numbers once the tax cuts are put in place and they know Americans vote their wallet, their jobs and the markets – period – and Trump wins re-election easily. So it doesn’t matter that the middle class will be hurt by the Democrats and the GOPe if they succeed in sabotaging the economy, that was their objective.

But they failed.

The markets on Wednesday did not drop 300 points because the markets were outraged at Trump being “a Russian communist agent”. No, the markets were concerned that this tin foil hat crowd and cheap labor open borders saboteurs would be able to distract things enough to sink the tax cuts and thereby try to hurt the economy. The markets WANT the tax cuts, they do NOT want Elizabeth Warren’s call on Wednesday to RAISE taxes and they damn sure do not want this freak to be President, which isn’t ever going to happen anyway no matter how much the crazed and violent Soros political domestic terrorists in black masks love her and cheer on Maxine Water with her ugly face and stupid demeanor that is attached to her very small brain shout “Impeach! Impeach!”…

They failed.

The market didn’t drop 2,000 points. It dropped only 300 and considering the massive gains in the markets since December, 300 is only a small percentage and was the normal concern that Trump’s agenda might be delayed by these communist and cheap labor and open borders saboteurs with their entire “Trump is a Russian agent” crap that no one cares about except the fake news of ABC,NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN.

And then the very next day, all three markets, DOW, NASDAQ, S&P 500, and came back green, and today the Trump surge continues again.

They failed.

No matter how many conservative websites the Alt-Left working with the Obamanists in the FBI, CIA, NSA take down and hack attack, and no matter how they try to threaten our local police, intimidate and snoop on Americans, no matter how too busy they are spying on Americans and because they are so busy with their deep state attacks on America and Americans to notice that every other country on earth is now hacking the USA because the FBI, CIA, NSA is too busy hacking and snooping and spying on America and Americans to notice … they failed.

All these attacks on patriots in Congress and every attack on Trump are actually attacks on our representative government itself. Because they cannot win elections anymore, and have no message, and are total failures, and have lost so much power at every level of government, Governorships, Senate, House, State Legislatures, Presidency, now losing the courts, they want to destroy representative government and they want all power in the hands of unelected Obamanist spies in the FBI, CIA, NSA, they want all policy set by spies and all policy determined by anonymous sources.

In other words, they are all the Enemy of Democracy.

But they are failing. The grand coup d*etat is failing. Doesn’t matter what CNN says.

So, let me see. We are supposed to believe that America now wants to raise taxes, what they want is Obamacare to remain, and they now want a new, huge flood of illiterate illegal and criminal aliens from Mexico et all hording over the open borders to vote Democrat and they want tens of thousands of muslim males from Somali with HIV as their new neighbors, and they want to be occupied and under the domination of Sharia Law enclaves. And they WANT all those diseases and plagues to enter unchecked. They want their babies born with shrunken heads, and they LIKE it when Democrat politicians put up “art” in the halls of government depicting our cops with pig heads and cop killers as heroes, and they are in comradeship with black masked political thugs in the street that are suppressing free speech with violence, and what America now wants is a Maduro style government run with spies and unelected judges and political street thugs and they want the economy of America to be Venezuela where there are no zoo animals left because the people have been reduced to eating them all for food in the name of Socialism.


Well, actually, I do not want to be ruled by Obamanist spies in the deep state nor do I want policy set by anonymous sources. I want representative government instead, that is why Trump won. I want tax cuts, I want to repeal and replace Obamacare, and I want the wall.

They don’t want that.

Now here is my opinion of those who look like they are ready to break ranks to get more face time. It looks like that Ann Coulter was thinking of doing that. I do not agree with the FOCUS of her concern, and I DO agree with the Daily Caller in its article with the premise and the FACT that "Violence and intimidation against Republicans are quickly becoming the new normal in an increasingly tense political climate." In addition, I believe there are Democrats who I say are involved in murders of their own who executed those inside their own Party who had turned on Hillary Clinton. And that George Soros is positioning his fortunes to engage in an act of international sabotage in an attempt to destroy the United States economic position in the world while he benefits on a few select “investments” and he is funding domestic terrorism. The enemies involved in these attacks against Trump agenda are all the usual suspects: Every single Democrat which is a Party that has become essentially Maduro wanna' be's, and the GOP establishment such as McCain, Graham, McConnell et all who were NeverTrump from day one because they are all toadies of their cheap labor, open borders benefactors. The nature of what we are facing is literally, CRITICALLY, WAR. The enemy will now attempt to suppress all opposition media, to shutdown conservative websites with repeated attacks sponsored by George Soros who wants to take away our free speech with spies, sabotage and domestic terrorism. Any setbacks have nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with obstructionist Democrats, GOPe NeverTrump, and a bunch of corrupt politicians who are servants of K-Street and think only about funding their re-election campaigns. Right now, the most IMPORTANT thing to getting the wall, tax cuts, et all – is to understand that this is about an attack on our right to representative government itself which is under assault by Obamanists who have deep state goons using deep state espionage against AMERICA and our citizens instead of our foreign enemies, we have all the suspects in BUREAUCRACY who are unelected goons and frankly many of them are Afro-Centrists and Nation of Islam cultists put in place by Obama who have no good intentions for us and our nation, and we have Maduro wanna' be's that are running amok and in control of the Democratic Party which wants to suppress ALL OPPOSITION MEDIA and to END FREE SPEECH, we have black shoes over stepping their powers and spying on us and our President and we have the IRS targeting conservatives and "political enemies", we have the Democrats using street thugs to use VIOLENCE upon us, this is serious, and right now we need to give LOYALTY to President Trump - because turning on Trump is EXACTLY what our enemies want us to do. We need the tax cuts NOW. Why? Because then we will see the economy and markets REALLY BOOM and a great upswing - it is all about MOMENTUM. This momentum will DRIVE FORWARD the success of the ENTIRE Trump agenda including the WALL. The WALL will ALSO drive forward even more economic GAINS. So at this time - this is WAR. But guess what?

Do not believe CNN. The Democrats and the GOPe are losing this war. In fact, Trump gains more as they scream their Russia crap and scream impeachment. In fact, in reality, it isn’t working. And the economy will continue to grow. And we will get tax cuts and then repeal and replace and the wall. We will win… now destiny is ours… unless … Unless we let the enemy make us do the GREATEST MISTAKE of all. We need to PROMOTE LOYALTY to the President, not cut our "general" off at the knees. And speaking of war, we may very well be facing a REAL HOT WAR with North Korea, what we do NOT need right now is the Trump administration to be cobbled, to be obstructed, to be missing in action or not yet have all appointments in place, nor Obamanist saboteurs in the FBI or CIA or NSA or the IRS or the many unelected bureaus and agencies of government – we need to purge them and we cannot be nice about it. We need to STOP the obstructionists NOW as it is literally a matter of national security. So I say: I don't give a damn about the careers of the politicians and especially as they backstab Trump. And, in the same, I don't give a damn about the careers of conservative commentators, either. Both can go to hell as far as I am concerned if they try to get facetime by backstabbing Trump and breaking ranks in the name of their own book signings.

Ready to dump on Trump? Nope. I will dump Ann Coulter first. Anyone who breaks ranks in the middle of this street to street, house to house fight, is dog crap IMHO. Because this is the cusp and we are winning no matter how much they troll, attack free speech, use violence, manage to get some to break ranks or run away. In fact, Trump has already won re-election. So now they will use attempted coups and violence. No problem. We will fight them every block. We will win. And I can tell you, no matter how much money Soros has – or is now losing by putting money in all the wrong places – there are millions of investors who are now aligning investments and moving money to help the Trump agenda. And this agenda is going to happen. And in the end, we will see who goes to prison.

TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions

1 posted on 05/19/2017 7:55:16 AM PDT by ShivaFan
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To: ShivaFan
The mainstream media reporters have been committing sedition . The media lies against President Trump and constant false propaganda is an act of war.
2 posted on 05/19/2017 8:05:53 AM PDT by Democrat_media (Trump saved America from Hillary(socialism) risking it all to save America)
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To: ShivaFan
The mainstream media reporters have been committing sedition . The media lies against President Trump and constant false propaganda is an act of war.
3 posted on 05/19/2017 8:05:57 AM PDT by Democrat_media (Trump saved America from Hillary(socialism) risking it all to save America)
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To: ShivaFan

we need a friggin toilet plunger and drano waterboarding to fix this swamp...start kickin the pig..hard..

4 posted on 05/19/2017 8:06:23 AM PDT by aces (Got Jesus?)
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To: ShivaFan

Great comments. Thanks.

5 posted on 05/19/2017 8:08:08 AM PDT by pugmama (Ports Moon.)
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To: ShivaFan

We’re always told that we must accept the will of the people and accept the vote even if the other side wins. What we are being shown is that a small subset of the American people are NOT accepting the will of people and doing everything in their power to overturn the results.

What this means is that one side of equation will NEVER accept that the “other side” wins and agree to be governed by them (they did this with W Bush as well). This is a not very silent coup by the media and their sock puppets, the Dems, and their very willing accomplices, the GOPe.

Now let me pose a thought exercise. Having seen this twice, why should one side ever again believe in the fiction that we are a nation of laws and agree to accept a vote peacefully when the OTHER side might win?

To quote ACE of Ace of Spades: “Once you’ve formally announced to the public that their decisions simply do not matter, and that a niche subculture of the country gets to exercise an extra-constitutional veto on any decision they don’t approve of — once you’ve made it plain that America is a government with a nation, not a nation with a government — what exactly is it that binds the people to a government that cannot in any way be described as “their” government?”

6 posted on 05/19/2017 8:10:43 AM PDT by Stand W (My Name is Tucker Carlson and I am going to destroy you.)
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To: ShivaFan

No, they have succeeded. Mueller is the insiders insider. He now de facto rules the country or, at least, allows the elite insiders to. If Trump doesn’t cooperate, charges filed. Trump cooperates and charges still may be filed.

Russia?!? Collusion?!? It’s Scooter Libby time baby!! You won’t hear a damn thing about Russia in a month. Instead, Mueller will have moved onto something else based upon where the “facts” lead him.

It is as if I hired a prosecutor to follow you around until you do something wrong and then, bam, you are charged!! John Stossel always says that with the gazillions of laws on the books it is only a matter of seconds before you are breaking some law. Rest assured, whatever law they find that Trump broke it will be cast as the most consequential violation of law in the history of mankind.

Welcome to the United States of Bannana where far left judges and an unelected Deep State are insulated from the democratic process and those that are subject to it spend countless hours trying to rig it so that they can’t lose while preserving the illusion that elections have any real consequences.

7 posted on 05/19/2017 8:12:15 AM PDT by FlipWilson
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To: Democrat_media

Team Trump is going to rifle all the FBI files

8 posted on 05/19/2017 8:13:23 AM PDT by Despot of the Delta (`)
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To: ShivaFan
and have lost so much power at every level of government,

Well, they have lost position. Whether they have lost power remains t be seen.

9 posted on 05/19/2017 8:14:50 AM PDT by arthurus
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To: Stand W

Getting to be time to start killing these bastards.

10 posted on 05/19/2017 8:14:55 AM PDT by Noumenon ("Only the dead have seen an end to war.")
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To: Stand W

This is a coup by the news media, democrats and gope .

Propaganda is an act of war.

It’s time for war, civil war.

11 posted on 05/19/2017 8:19:10 AM PDT by Democrat_media (Trump saved America from Hillary(socialism) risking it all to save America)
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To: Stand W
What we are being shown is that a small subset of the American people are NOT accepting the will of people and doing everything in their power to overturn the results.

In other words...crybabies.

12 posted on 05/19/2017 8:19:39 AM PDT by Bloody Sam Roberts (Good judgement comes from experience. And experience? Well, that comes from poor judgement.)
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To: ShivaFan
and have lost so much power at every level of government,

Well, they have lost position. Whether they have lost power remains to be seen.

13 posted on 05/19/2017 8:21:41 AM PDT by arthurus
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To: FlipWilson
John Stossel always says that with the gazillions of laws on the books it is only a matter of seconds before you are breaking some law.

"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone?"
- - Dr. Ferris - "Atlas Shrugged"

14 posted on 05/19/2017 8:25:44 AM PDT by Bloody Sam Roberts (Good judgement comes from experience. And experience? Well, that comes from poor judgement.)
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To: ShivaFan

Coulter is simply not reliable. She has “broken ranks” before.

15 posted on 05/19/2017 8:26:42 AM PDT by arthurus
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To: Stand W
Having seen this twice

You betray your youth. You don't remember Reagan or Nixon. Nixon was philosophically more like Them than like Us but he was not a member of the Club.

16 posted on 05/19/2017 8:29:16 AM PDT by arthurus
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To: ShivaFan

The market had a drop do to profit taking

The rest of your rant is pure tin foil hat crap. Pick up the phone Mike or Alex or roger would be happy to chat

17 posted on 05/19/2017 8:36:55 AM PDT by Nifster (I see puppy dogs in the clouds)
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To: arthurus
Whether they have lost power remains t be seen.

Sure looks to me like they're still in charge. Elections don't have consequences, they just don't matter, period.

18 posted on 05/19/2017 8:40:14 AM PDT by virgil (The evil that men do lives after them.)
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To: ShivaFan


Always remember who these malignancies are...always.

19 posted on 05/19/2017 8:40:59 AM PDT by hal ogen (First Amendment or Reeducation camp?)
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To: FlipWilson; ShivaFan

And soon we’ll have the democrat Lieberman (or something similar) as head of the FBI.

If this is winning, I’m truly tired of it.

20 posted on 05/19/2017 8:48:36 AM PDT by aquila48
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