This morning's strikes by Turkish warplanes on Qandil region of Medya Defense Zones also targeted the villages with civilian population, and the fields of the locals.

Footage by ANF shows Turkish airstrikes openly targeting civilian areas.


What is the goal?

The Turkish state is known to be after accomplishing its genocidal operations against the Kurds and the dirty policies it seeks to pursue mainly in Kurdistan territory.

Turkish airstrikes targeting civilian areas in South Kurdistan reveals clearly, once again, the intention of the policies pursued by the Turkish state, and the groundlessness of some circles' perception that the AKP and Erdoğan will amend its Kurdish policy following last Sunday's referendum.

After months of AKP government's propaganda that PKK will be finished through operations in North and South Kurdistan, the Turkish army is now suffering major blows as result of guerrilla actions progressing with the arrival of spring, which consequently results in the Turkish state bombing civilian areas in an effort of vengeance, in desperation caused by the fight of guerrilla forces.