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The List: Obama's Three Hundred and Fourth Week in Office
Nachumlist ^ | 11/21/14 | Nachum

Posted on 11/21/2014 11:56:31 AM PST by Nachum


Obama's Three Hundred and Fourth Week in Office


Obama Amnesty

Obama: U.S. Taxpayers Must Pay For Illegals’ Children

'We're Not Going To Deport You': Obama Announces Amnesty For Millions Of 'Anchor Baby' Parents….

Livid GOP Governors threaten legal action over Obama’s immigration executive order

Appropriations panel: Defunding immigration order ´impossible´

Obama Doesn't Bother to Solicit English-Speaking Networks for Coverage

ICE readies 2,400 beds for new spring surge of illegal immigrants through Texas

Coincidence? Obama to Announce Executive Amnesty on National Revolution Day in Mexico

Speaker Boehner: Obama Said He’s Not a King or Emperor ‘But He’s Sure Acting like One’

Ted Cruz Cites Cicero: 'How Long Is That Madness Of Yours Still to Mock Us?'

WH Laughs: 'It Doesn't Tear Up the Constitution'

WH Official Palmieri: Obama’s Not ‘Tearing Up the Constitution’ on Immigration

Obama’s Amnesty Will Add As Many Foreign Workers As New Jobs Since 2009

Caught on Camera: Obama Called Exec Immigration Action Illegal… 25 Times!


Smoking Gun: Obamacare Subsidies For States Without Exchanges Invented 2 Years After Law Passed

"Some Folks Lied" - How The Administration Fabricated Obamacare Enrollment Numbers:...Obama administration included as many as 400,000 dental plans in a number it reported for enrollments

To claim 7 million Obamacare enrollees, the government just changed its own rules

Vermont Cuts Gruber Off  

Gruber Impact: Anti-Landrieu TV Ads Feature Comments of Obamacare Architect

Trey Gowdy: Gruber an ‘Insomniac with Tourette’s Syndrome’

Broken promise: More states offering Obamacare abortions, violating no-subsidy rule

Gruber video sleuth: ´This is not about me´

He found the Jonathan Gruber videos — and no media outlet would call him back


Bombshell: Email Proves that White House, DOJ Targeted Reporter Sharyl Attkisson


$4.15 Per Pound: Ground Beef Climbs to Another Record High

US Manufacturing PMI Misses By Most On Record, Lowest Since January

Initial Jobless Claims Hit 2-Month Highs, Continuing Claims Tumble To 14-Year Lows

The Latest Scandal: Goldman, Fed Employees Busted For Illegally Sharing Confidential Information

Government Motors

General Motors Is Sued by Arizona for $3 Billion Over Recalls

It's 3am and nobody's there

 Senate Threatens New Sanctions Ahead of ‘Weak and Dangerous’ Deal with Iran  Senate to Obama: You are handing Iran a nuclear weapon

Hagel: ‘U.S. Military Capability is Being Threatened’

McCain: Hillary Accomplished Little as Secretary of State

'Concerned' Kerry Says No Extension on Iran Nuclear Deadline

Russian Reset

 Russian Bombers Threaten Guam Two Tu-95 Bears circumnavigate Pacific island, site of major U.S. base

Obama and Your Privacy

Utah lawmaker questions city water going to NSA

VA Deeath Panel

6 Months Since VA Scandal Broke and ‘Nothing Has Changed’

Report Finds VA Clinics ‘Missed Opportunities’ To Prevent Vietnam Vet’s Suicide

Obama and the IRS

IRS is monitoring comment threads on conservative blogs

Obama and Common Core

Common Core: Just Standards or Deceit?

The Ebola Plague

CDC chief drops worst-case Ebola estimate

Eric the Red

Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Reveal Justice Department Sent Community Relations Service Agents to Ferguson at the Request of the NAACP



CNN’s Tapper: Gruber Claims Contradict What Obama Said ACA Wouldn’t Do

Key ObamaCare official used threats, ´tantrums´ to push website launch despite concerns, email claims

School Paid $26,000 For Gruber Speech In Which He Called American Voters Stupid

School Claims Gruber’s Agent Blocking It From Reposting Deleted Video

This Gruber-gate supercut video is positively enraging

The Gruber Charade

Obama Amnesty

Boehner: Obama Guilty of ´Flagrant Untruth´ Regarding Executive Amnesty

Sessions: Obama Now ‘Emperor of the United States’

Mia Love: Obama’s Executive Amnesty ‘Looks More Like A Dictatorship’ [VIDEO]

WH: Obama Being Called Emperor Is ‘Criticism the President Wears with a Badge of Honor’

White House hits TV networks for skipping immigration address

Obama Immigration Speech: CBS, Fox, NBC & ABC Not Airing

His Own Words: Obama Said He Doesn't Have Authority For Executive Amnesty 22 Times

DHS secretary says country could face new surge of illegals

Obama to announce immigration order in Las Vegas on Friday

A White House Mass Pardon for Identity Thieves

Russian Reset

This Is What Is Really Taking Place Behind The Scenes Of The Second US-Russian Cold War

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Washington Stresses 'Consistent Opposition' to Construction

Israel destroys home of Palestinian tram attacker

It's 3am and nobody's there

Furor in Australia over Obama´s closing remarks at G20 meeting


Homebuilder Hope Hammered As Housing Starts Tumble

Obama and the IRS

Church Leaders Alarmed That IRS Agents Could Pose as Clergy to Access Privileged Information

Obama and Syria

Obama passed on opportunity to use Syrian army defectors to topple Assad

Obama and Agenda 21

 Taxpayers Paid 8 EPA Employees $1 Million to Do Nothing OIG: EPA employees on paid administrative leave ‘for years’

Obama Selfies

Taxpayers Billed $358k For Obama To Attend MSNBC Host’s Wedding



Obama 2012 Campaign Press Release: Gruber “Helped Write Obamacare”

Gruber: GOP Governors’ Refusal to Expand Medicaid ‘Almost Awesome In Its Evilness’, Blames ‘Racial Reasons’

Picture: Gruber with Obama in the Oval Office

Gruber frequently visited White House (21 times per WH visitor logs)

Fmr. Obama Adviser: White House Considered Gruber An ‘Important Figure,’ ‘The Man’ [VIDEO]

Insurers ´will strenuously resist Republican efforts to dismantle´ Obamacare

Hannity Contributor David Webb Confronts Jonathan Gruber

Obama Amnesty

Video: Reporter Asks WH if Obama Thinks He’s ‘the Emperor of the United States’

Exclusive: 3000 Unaccompanied Minors in Houston Schools

Artesia mayor: 95 percent of families of illegals being released

Obama´s imminent plans to halt deportations of millions of illegal immigrants divides Democrats

Cornyn: ‘Criminal Organizations Would be One of the Biggest Beneficiaries’ of Immigration Order

Community Organizer to the World

´If you do not have a gun, get one and get one soon´: The alarming online chatter between Ferguson´s own cops and their supporters*

Eric the Red

Eric Holder Speaks of a Young Black Man (Michael Brown) Who 'Died Senselessly and Far Too Soon'

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Obama Tells Palestinians And Israelis to 'Lower Tensions and Reject Violence'

Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Attack: 'Too Many Palestinians Have Died'

Kerry: Terror Attack 'Pure Result of Incitement'

AP" Obama condemns Jerusalem attack as ‘horrific’

Palestinian Terrorists Slaughter Four Jews in Jerusalem Synagogue Attack

It's 3am and nobody's there

Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq [2008]

Obama orders full review of US hostage policy

State Dep’t Asks UAE Why It Labelled CAIR a Terrorist Group


 Wholesale Inflation Heats Up Due To Jump In Car, Food Costs, New Calculation Method

Record Beef Prices Soaring By 28% Got You Down? Then Drown Your Sorrows In Cheaper Booze

Obama and the IRS

How The IRS & Homeland Security Are Expanding Undercover Work

Obama and Agenda 21

EPA chief denies McConnell´s ´war on coal´

Boehner: Keystone Veto Would Be Like 'Calling the American People Stupid'

Obama Launches Global Warming 'Toolkit' as Nation Freezes

The Ebola Plague

Columbus-based National Guard unit gets Ebola assignment in west Africa

Obama vs Your Privacy

FCC official warns Obama-backed net neutrality plan would bring 'immediate' Internet tax

Posse Comitatus

Navy veteran fired for posting Homeland Security vehicles on Facebook

Obama Selfies

Obama’s Labor Day Trips Cost Taxpayers $1,539,402 in Flight Costs Alone

Obama Voter Fraud

Republicans File Complaint Alleging Vote-Counting Abuse in Colorado



Hill Editor: Gruber Probably Has Emails Showing ´Close Relationship´ with Dems

Obama Flashback: ‘I’ve Stolen Ideas’ From Jonathan Gruber ‘Liberally’

Gruber praises Hillary Clinton’s health care plan in 2008

Jonathan Gruber: Obama personally asked me to help disguise unhelpful Obamacare facts

Gruber: ‘Seniors Do A Terrible Job Choosing’ Health Care Plans

Obama Says Gruber “Never Worked on Our Staff” …But There’s Proof He Met With Gruber in White House

Oops! Obama Says Gruber “Never Worked on Our Staff” …Except That He Starred in an Obamacare Ad

Obamacare Hits a New Low in Approval

Court Packed with Democrats Rules with Obama on Obamacare

Obama vs the 1st Amendment

CNBC Told Journalist to Quit Negative Obamacare Reports – She Was “Disrespecting Office of President” (Video)

Obama Amnesty

Shock Flashback: Obama Says Illegal Immigration Hurts ‘Blue-Collar Americans,’ Strains Welfare [VIDEO]

Community Organizer to the World

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Ferguson Activists Discuss Plans to Target White Areas (Video)

Obamacare Facebook page comments mostly from small group of supporters;  60 percent of site’s 226,838 comments attributed to fewer than 100 unique profiles

Liberals are Already Trying to Re-write the History of the Obama Presidency

Eric the Red

 Eric Holder Likens Michael Brown to Emmett Till: "The Struggle Goes On"

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Israel to halve second order of F-35 fighters  In talks in Washington last month, Ya'alon agreed to a preliminary deal for 25 to 31 planes, but members of ministerial committee raise objections, pushing for a smaller purchase of 10 to 15 planes

Is NBC muzzling its Middle East employees?

It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama: I’ll Send in Ground Troops Only If ISIS Gets a Nuke (Video)

Obama: ISIS Beheadings ´Represent No Faith, Least of All the Muslim Faith´

Obama Insists on calling Peter Kassig, “Abdul Rahman Kassig”


 Obama Economy Leaves People Hungry Underemployed seek meals from food banks

Industrial Production Drops; Auto Manufacturing Slumps 3rd Month In A Row - Worst Run In 5 Years

Report: 25 Percent Of Connecticut Households Above Federal Poverty Level But Struggle To Meet Basic Needs

Obama Admin Appointee Admits few net jobs created

VA Death Panel

“More than 600,000 veterans — 10% of all the Veterans Affairs patients — continue to wait a month or more for appointments at VA hospitals and clinics

The Ebola Plague

Schumer to Obama: Reimburse NYC for $20M Ebola treatment

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Using Executive Order on Immigration, Obama Would Reverse Long-Held Stance

Obama vs Your Privacy

FCC official warns Obama-backed net neutrality plan would bring ´immediate´ Internet tax



Administration Tries to Distance Itself from Gruber’s Comments

Democrat Senator: We All Knew Obama Was Lying About Obamacare (Video)

Obama on Gruber: I Just Heard About This Today

The CBO Effectively Used Gruber’s Model to Score Obamacare

Chuck Todd Grills HHS Secretary: Is Gruber Welcome Back At White House? [VIDEO]

ABC, NBC Finally Acknowledge Existence of Gruber Videos: after 9 days

Obama: We didn’t mislead on health care.......-  ´not deceptively marketed´

Obama Calls the Architect of Obamacare ‘Some Advisor Who Never Worked on Our Staff’

Jonathan Gruber In 2010: ‘I’m An Ivory Tower Guy’  

HHS still doing business with firm that twice defrauded Medicare

NBC MTP: Health Secretary Burwell: 'I'm Focused on Transparency'

USA Today Front Pager: Under Obamacare, 'Rural Hospitals In Critical Condition'

Your “Children Will Be Fined” If You Fail To Sign Up For Obamacare: People Are Going To Be In for A Shock

White House Website STILL Praises “Objective Analysis” Of Gruber On Benefits Of Obamacare (Doesn’t Mention He’s Paid Consultant)

Obama Amnesty

Debate over executive action is “between President Obama and President Obama”

Community Organizer to the World

Obama Met With Ferguson Activists – Said He’s Concerned They “Stay on Course”

Eric the Red

 Justice Department prods Ferguson police to improve The feds are playing an unusually hands-on role in preparing for grand jury protests

Obama Selfies

Obama Brags to Brisbane Audience About His 31 Million Twitter Followers (Video)

Obama and Syria

ISIS releases new video claiming to show US charity worker Peter Kassig execution and horrific mass beheading of Syrian soldiers

US discussing training Free Syrian Army members with Turkey

Obama Ethics, Year 6

New York Post: The lies that are central to Obama’s agenda

Attkisson: Faith In Government Has Declined Due To Obama Administration Lies [VIDEO]

It's 3am and nobody's there

Ex-US officials criticise Obama ‘micromanagement’


Keystone left behind as Canadian crude pours into U.S.



FBN’s Melissa Francis: ‘I Was Silenced’ When at CNBC for Criticizing ObamaCare

Fox Anchor says CNBC "silenced" her coverage of Obamacare

Washington’s Obamacare Exchange Is Already Shut Down

USA Today: experiences some early hiccups

He went FULL GRUBER: Watch Obamacare architect say his reputation would suffer if he blatantly lied!

Obamacare architect in 6th video: ´Mislabeling´ helped us get rid of tax breaks

Politico Downplays Jonathan Gruber as Obamacare Architect

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber has billed federal and state governments at lest $5.9 million for advice, as more videos surface showing him undercutting the landmark law

Who Lied? Jonathan Gruber Linked to Getting Obamacare to Illegal Aliens "Jon Gruber Helped Write Obamacare"

Obama Amnesty

DHS chief: Obama immigration order 'in final stages'

Barack Obama defends US immigration reform pledge

EE. UU. will grant refuge to children; Minors in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras will receive refugee status in the United States as of December

Politico: Conservative Stand Against Obama´s Executive Amnesty Leaves White House in Disarray

Obama’s immigration overhaul could put burden on states

500,000 Undocumented Immigrants In NYC Hanging On Obama’s Determination


USDA Christmas Tree Tax Takes Effect

Tax Revenues Set Record for October; Feds Still Run Monthly Deficit of $1,050 Per Household

Obama and Agenda 21

‘I want my grandchildren to be able to see it in 50 years’: Barack Obama warns Tony Abbott over threat of climate change to Great Barrier Ree

Obama: ‘Judge’ Keystone on ‘Whether or Not It Accelerates Climate Change’

Russian Reset

Putin Arrives At G-20 Meeting Escorted By 4 Warships; Sent Clear 'Message' By World Leaders

Obama vs The US Military

U.S. military readiness for war, competitive edge worsening: officials

HUD secretary says L.A., nation on track to house all homeless vets

Communty Organizer to the World

Washington Cathedral’s first Muslim prayer service interrupted by heckler

Obama vs Your Privacy

More Federal Agencies Are Using Undercover Operations

It's 3am and nobody's there

Top U.S. general makes surprise trip to Iraq

UAE Lists American Muslim Groups As Terrorist Organizations

China and the United States Are Preparing for War; Despite the Obama-Xi handshake deal, the probability of confrontation will only heighten as long as the PLA remains a black box.

For the Iranian Regime, Obama´s the One

Bad Bergdahl Bargain

McCain: GOP Senate will ‘absolutely’ look into Bergdahl swap

Obama vs The 2nd Amendment

NRA warns of Obama-fueled ‘end-run around Congress’ on gun rights

The Ebola Plague

Biden: U.S. Needs a Hospital That Can Handle Ebola In ‘Every State of the Union’

In Australia, Obama Criticizes PM Abbott for Closing Borders Over Ebola

Eric the Red

Holder Takes Death Penalty off Table for Gang Members Charged with Killing Cop

Queen Michelle

Michelle Obama to Teen: 'It's an Honor For You To Represent My Hometown'



Jonathan Gruber Made Over $4 Million Pimping Obamacare & Lying to “Stupid” Americans

Obamacare architect in 6th video: ´Mislabeling´ helped us get rid of tax breaks

BOOM! Gruber White House Meeting Included CBO Director, Robert Gibbs, Axelrod and Barack Obama

Grubered Again! Fifth Video of Liberal Mastermind Surfaces

ObamaCare architect mouths off again, as videos cause problems for Dems

Gruber: GOP 'Master Strategy' to 'Confuse' People About ObamaCare

Harry Reid Praised Gruber On The Senate Floor [Video]

  Obama Amnesty

Obama to GOP: Immigration action 'going to happen' in 2014

Working for ICE 'is Hell right now,' as Obama plans amnesty for illegals

Obama State Dep't. Creates New Program to Import Children from Latin America

Defiant Obama: I will use my power

The Ebola Plague

Obama Immunizes Gov’t Contractors From Being Sued for Importing Ebola to US

Russian Reset

Russians Disable U.S. Guided Missile Destroyer

Loretta the Lyncher

Is Loretta Lynch Another Eric Holder? Here’s What We Know About Her Troubling Past

Obama vs The US Military

Three US missile bases had to SHARE a wrench, Hagel admits as he orders top-to-bottom changes in nuke force

Obama and Syria

The White House Reveals Its "New Strategy" To Fight ISIS: Classified ads

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Home of Baby Murdering Terrorist to be Demolished Israel issues demolition order to home of Abdelrahman Shaludi, who murdered three-month-old Chaya Zisel Braun in Jerusalem.

Obama and Agenda 21

Obama Touts Energy Taxes To Fight Global Warming

Obama to Blow $3 Billion on World Climate Change Fund

Obama unmoved by looming Keystone XL vote: ´My position hasn´t changed´

Andrea Mitchell to EPA Chief: How Will You Handle GOP 'Climate Deniers'?


POLL: 39% of Young Americans Don't Want to Work

The Reason Small Businesses Are Disappearing, As Explained By A Small Business Owner

Communty Organizer to the World

MSNBC: ‘No One Ever Really Leaves the Clinton Orbit’

Washington National Cathedral To Host Muslim Prayer Service For First Time In American History

Rev. Franklin Graham: Muslim Prayer Service at National Cathedral ‘Sad to See'

Eric the Red

EXCLUSIVE: In Scathing Letter to Obama, Former FBI Assistant Director Slams Holder as "Chief Among Antagonists" in Ferguson

Obama vs Your Privacy

Judicial Watch Sues Federal Communications Commission for Records About “Critical Information Needs” Plan To Question Newsmen, Monitor Blogs

Obama vs The 1st Amendment

President Who Goes After Press Promises that Reporters Will Not Be Imprisoned for ‘Doing Their Job’

Obama Ethics, Year 6

EXCLUSIVE: Read the Secret Emails of the Men Who May Run Hillary Clinton's Campaign

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: list; obama; office; week
Obama Amnesty: Setting the country on fire and watching it burn.

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1 posted on 11/21/2014 11:56:31 AM PST by Nachum
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To: Nachum

Yesterday I as anticipated the usurper’s speech of evil, which I did not watch....I wondered if you still had the list going. I was worried this task had become too much of a burden considering the huge PITA that Obola is. I hope he is careful not to trip while skipping down the airplane steps. Sure looks dangerous to flit on down those stairs like a winged fairy every time. Gee I hope he stays safe. Do I have to say it? ~s~

2 posted on 11/21/2014 12:11:57 PM PST by TheConservativeParty
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