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The List: Obama's Two Hundred and Seventy-Eighth Week in Office
Nachumlist ^ | 5/23/14 | Nachum

Posted on 05/23/2014 9:50:34 AM PDT by Nachum

The List: Obama's Two Hundred and Seventy-Eighth Week in Office


The V.A. Death Panel

Megyn Kelly: exposing how the Obama administration knew all along that the VA schedules were being gamed.(video)

Lawmaker: VA Wait-List, Cover-Up Allegations 'Tip of the Iceberg'

As Vets Wait To Die, Obama Waits For IG Report

Senate Democrats Just Blocked a Bill to Increase Accountability at Scandal-Plagued Veterans Affairs Department

Veterans Affairs whistleblowers face ´long slog´ in fighting retaliation

VA Has Already Admitted 23 Veteran Deaths Linked to Delays in Care; Report contradicts president's claim.

Miami VA Whistleblower Exposes Drug Dealing, Theft, Abuse

NBC News: Albuquerque VA assigning veterans to doctors who NO LONGER WORK THERE

Another Dem Calls Obama Out on His Lackluster Response to VA Scandal

American Legion: We Have Totally Lost Confidence in Shinseki

Veterans groups blast Obama’s remarks on VA scandal: ‘Tremendous disappointment’

 Shinseki Rescinds Bonus to Phoenix VA Director

Treasury Outlays to VA Department Up 92.2% in One Decade

Study: $8.787 Million in Bonuses Flow to Troubled VA Centers

Obama, Shinseki stories on VA medical care don't add up

Obama and The IRS

GOP: Justice Department pushed Lois Lerner to help build criminal case against nonprofits

Sen. Ted Cruz GRILLS FBI Director on IRS investigation

Barber Breaks Down Report of IRS Workers Spending 500K Hours on ‘Union Activities’

IRS backs off proposal critics warned would ‘silence’ conservative groups


One of the White House’s First Responses During the Benghazi Attack: Call YouTube

White House Contacted YouTube During Benghazi Attack, Darrell Issa Says

Rep. Clyburn: Benghazi Committee ‘Same Kind of Thing’ That Led to End of Reconstruction

Rep. Darrell Issa says White House 'hurried to settle on a false narrative' on Benghazi attack

Despite Calls For Neutrality, Rep. Elijah Cummings Is Not Very ‘Neutral’ On Benghazi

Obama Ethics, Year 6

“Obama Is So Angry” Montage: Obama Just Found Out About (Insert Scandal) & He’s Really Mad (Video)

FBI chief: ‘Be suspicious’ of government power

Obama Amnesty

      Sheriffs to ICE: 'Fed Immigration Policy Has Failed,' Refund Cost of Housing Illegals

It's 3am and nobody's there

‘Over My Dead Body’: Spies Fight Obama Push to Downsize Terror War

Obama Admin Declares Al-Qaeda No Longer A Direct Threat To America, U.S. Intelligence Officials Revolt

 US ´losing patience´ with Venezuela - John Kerry

      Blunt on Christian Facing Martyrdom in Sudan:‘She Is Wife of U.S. Citizen’

Obama sends 80 U.S. troops to Chad to help search for Nigerian schoolgirls


Obamacare Spikes ER Visits Despite Promise to Do Opposite

California veteran told to cancel Obamacare plan because not enough doctors

Government Motors

Did the Obama administration defraud purchasers of GM shares?


 Echoes Of 1937 In The Current Economic Cycle

Proposed Fannie, Freddie Replacement: ‘Obamacare of the Housing Finance Industry’

All That Is Wrong With The US Housing Market In One Chart;:  Good for the very rich, bad for everyone else

Hewlett Packard Just Announced Another 16,000 Job Cuts

Obama and Your Privacy

House passes curbs on NSA surveillance

'Everyone should know just how much the government lied to defend the NSA  A web of deception has finally been untangled: the Justice Department got the US supreme court to dismiss a case that could have curtailed the NSA's dragnet. Why?

Russian Reset

Hot On The Heels Of Its China Breakthrough, Russia Set To Build Eight Nuclear Power Plants In Iran

 Russia Shifts to China After Ukraine Crisis Joint war games most sophisticated to date and target U.S.

Putin Outfoxes Obama Again With China Gas Deal

Community Organizer to the World

NBC's 'Today' Gives More Time to Malia Obama Driving Than VA Scandal; ABC's 'GMA' Edits Out Criticism of President

Obama and Syria

No Signs Syria is Handing Over Remaining Chemical Weapons

Queen Michelle

Emails Shed Light On How The CDC Looked To Give A ‘Shout Out’ To Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama renews her call to #Bringbackourgirls

Obama Voter Fraud

White House Sued Over Possible Hatch Act Violations Judicial Watch seeking records on Rahm Emanuel, Jim Messina investigations

Posse Comitatus

The TSA has issued a solicitation requesting 24 million rounds of .357 SIG “duty ammunition” over a five year period, prompting fresh questions as to whether the federal agency is planning to arm its workers.


Obama Ethics, Year 6

Montage: Obama Discovers Every Scandal Through the Media

Montage: Obama Just Found Out About (Insert Scandal Here) and He's Really Mad

The V.A. Death Panel

Obama transition team was told about 3 audits showing VA misreported wait times

VA Hospital Director Where 40 Died Received Bonus Last Month- VA claims bonus was result of 'administrative error'

 Dem Slams Obama’s Response to VA Scandal

Obama: 'I Know People Are Angry'

Obama: 'We All Know It Often Takes Too Long for Veterans to Get the Care They Need'

Obama Talks VA Scandal: Vets Are ‘One of the Causes of My Presidency’

Watch the Longest Obama Response Ever to a Yes or No Question

Obama: Any misconduct at VA will be punished

This memo shows that the VA knew of records manipulation in 2010

Obama to Meet with Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki

Obama to receive update on Veterans Affairs firestorm

Thune: Obama’s Response to VA Scandal ‘National Embarrassment’

Conflicting accounts of when Obama learned of VA problems

'VA Whistleblower Says He’s Been Demoted, Bullied'

West Virginia Doctor: Veterans On VA Waiting List Are Committing Suicide


House Demands Report From Obama on Efforts to Capture Benghazi Attackers

Pelosi names Democrats to Benghazi committee

Rules show Benghazi committee intends to break new ground

It's 3am and nobody's there

Speaker John Boehner: Obama´s Border ´Monument´ Impedes Critical Security

DHS 'Hands Off Terrorist List' Investigation in Hands of Inspector General

Video: Obama Admin: ‘Doing Everything We Can’ (repeated over and over)

 Obama Administration distances itself from Libyan general who vowed to rid Libya of jihadists

As Libya Disintegrates, Obama Administration Calls for 'Dialogue'

State Dept. Won’t Say If Christian Toddler Jailed in Sudan is U.S. Citizen


Health insurance coverage now costs $23,215 for a typical family

Federal funds earmarked to offset Affordable Care Act insurer losses

Spending on to break $1 billion mark

Early ACA Data Shows No Wave of Sick Patients

Federal investigators issue subpoena to Cover Oregon, Oregon Health Authority

Obama and Agenda 21

Land grab? Local officials blast move by Obama to set side 500,000 acres in NM

US windfarms kill 10-20 times more than previously thought

Obama and Israel

US State Department issues condolences over killing of Hamas terrorist


27 Huge Red Flags For The U.S. Economy

Poll: 47% of Unemployed Have 'Completely Given Up' Looking for a Job

State Tax Revenue Grows, but a Full Recovery Eludes 26 States

Speech: Obama is Upset That No One is Properly Following Orders

More Adult Californians Moving in with Parents

Obama vs The 2nd Amendment

Check Out The Administration’s Latest Backdoor Effort To Control Gun Sales: Operation 'Chokepoint'- Financial attacks on Gun Stores

Russian Reset

U.S. tests enhanced Aegis system, fires SM-3 missile onshore

As Russia Dumps A Record Amount Of US Treasurys, Here Is What It Is Buying (Gold)

Community Organizer to the World

Obama says Americans are better off now than when he came into office

Queen Michelle

USDA Announces More 'Flexibility' For Next Year's School Meals

Obama and The Muslim Brotherhood

Obama’s intel chiefs lied to Congress about Muslim Brotherhood connections


House Democrats repeat flawed numbers on guns seized in Mexico

Eric the Red

Radical Group That Listed ‘Pitfalls Of Working With White People’ Received Over $250K in DOJ Grants


Obama and the IRS

 After DOJ Dodges Questions, Issa Subpoenas Justice Department for IRS Investigation Targeting Documents

Issa Subpoenas DOJ After ‘Election Crimes’ Director Refuses to Answer Critical Questions 34 Times

Obama Voter Fraud

Issa Subpoenas DOJ After ‘Election Crimes’ Director Refuses to Answer Critical Questions 34 Times

'2016' Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza Pleads Guilty in Campaign Case


Obama: 'In five years it will no longer be called Obamacare'

Second ObamaCare contractor facility doing nothing — and still hiring

Obamacare Serco Scandal Grows Arkansas office also pays people to do nothing

Document Requests Stalled On Obamacare Contractor With No Work To Do

Judicial Watch Obtains 106-Page HHS Document Revealing Scope of Obamacare Rollout Disaster, just two enrollments in Obamacare after the first day of operation on October 1

The V.A. Death Panel

Why Hasn’t Obama Addressed the VA Scandal Since Last Month?

Ed Henry vs. Jay Carney on VA Scandal

Florida VA Hospital Kept ‘Secret’ Wait Lists

More VA Whistleblowers Coming Forward, Campaign Says Lawyers who have represented VA informers say the agency is a heinous abuser of rights.

Obama Was Warned About VA 'Death Panels' 5 Years ago

 Whistleblower retaliation in the VA scandal: put on unpaid leave

CNN President Jeff Zucker: ‘We’re Not Going To Be Shamed’ Into Covering Benghazi

ABC, NBC Ignore Report Showing Obama Administration Knew About Ongoing VA Problems

Obama and Agenda 21

600,000 Acre Border ‘Monument’ Could Become Corridor for Cartels into USA

Kerry: If We're Wrong on Climate Change, "What's the Worst That Can Happen?"

Government Motors

Following Latest Recall Shocker, GM Has Recalled 56% More Cars In 2014 Than It Sold In 2013


10,996,447: Disability Beneficiaries Hit New Record

The Decline Of Small Business = Decline Of Basic Skills

 Caterpillar Retail Sales Plunge By 13%, Most Since February 2010; Decline For 17 Consecutive Months

Geithner: ‘How Well You Do in Life ... Depends Too Much on the Color of Your Skin’

Obama vs The U.S. Military

Military Leave Policy Altered to Accommodate Same-Sex Weddings

Russian Reset

 Russia conducts test-launch of ballistic missile

Russian Prime Minister: We Are 'Approaching a Second Cold War'

Obama vs. Your Privacy

Federal ‘Biosurveillance’ Plan Seeking Direct Access to Americans’ Private Medical Records

Did Obama’s Top Adviser Really Just Joke About Spying On Your Online Activity?

The NSA records EVERY cell phone call in the Bahamas as part of previously unknown program revealed by Snowden papers


WH ‘picking up the pace’ on executive actions

 Benghazi Constructs Much is still murky, but the Obama team was at the least guilty of negligence and deception.

At fundraiser, Obama dismisses GOP scrutiny of Benghazi, Obamacare

It's 3am and nobody's there

State Dept. Won’t Say If Christian Toddler Jailed in Sudan is U.S. Citizen

Pentagon prepares for possible evacuation of US personnel from Libya, amid upheaval

China Halts Cybersecurity Cooperation After U.S. Spying Charges

FBI’s Huge Hacker Bust Could Be Bogus

White House says CIA will stop using vaccination programs as cover for operations

Community Organizer to the World

Obama: Republicans´ Only Goal Making People ´Cynical,´ ´Angry,´ ´Suspicious´ to Win Elections

Obama to Fundraiser: We’re Debating ‘About What, Benghazi? Obamacare? It’s Not Serious’

Obama Ethics, Year 6

At Last, Congress Checks Obama's Rogue Consumer Bureau

WH ‘Believes’ President Obama Took 5 Percent Pay Cut Last Year

White House won´t say if Obama kept promise to return 5% of his salary in solidarity with budget sequester ´furloughs´ – but his tax return hints that he never did

Obama Selfies

Take him out to the ballpark: Obama Little League stop part of carefully planned photo op

Selfie Backfires:--‘Laughing sooo hard’: Obama again attempts to throw baseball as mockery heats up in bullpen

Obama Caused A Huge Traffic Jam After He Stopped To Play Catch

Obama and Israel

Watch: Psaki Gets Defensive When Asked About Indyk's, Rant State Department spokeswoman gets defensive when reporters ask her about Martin Indyk's alleged rant against Israel

Dems Kill Key Pro-Israel bill to Appease White House on Iran

Obama and Boko Haram

The Nigerian Connection – Boko Haram, Obama, and Qatar

Obama and Syria

U.S. can’t track all of the American jihadists home from Syria

Obama Amnetsy

The Part of the Obama Admin. That’s Supposed to Help U.S. Workers Is Calling for More Foreign Labor

Study Finds No Shortage of High-Tech Workers in U.S.

Kagan Mania

The Supreme Court Had to Correct Justice Kagan’s Prayer Case Dissent Because of This Historical Error

Obama Voter Fraud

'2016' Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza Pleads Guilty in Campaign Case

Posse Comitatus

Police Now "Armed For War" Against Returning Veterans


Obama vs the 1st Amendment

‘Awkward’: White House Press gets sent to its room while Obama fundraises [Pic]


Obama criticizes Republicans for focusing on Benghazi, Obamacare

Gowdy names Capitol Hill veteran to Benghazi probe: Philip Kiko, a key aide to Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis

Pay Attention, Chuck Todd: Benghazi Attorney Rattles Off Questions He'd Like Answered

Obama vs. The U.S. Military

ONLY IN OBAMALAND: On Armed Forces Day Obama Honors Gays & Trannies Instead of Armed Forces

The V.A. Death Panel

Reporters Call Out Carney For Spinning VA Retirement As A Resignation [VIDEO]

Jay Carney: Obama First Learned About VA Scandal in the Media

Obama Campaigned Against VA Waiting Times, Care in 2007; Called Long Waiting Times "Dishonorable"

Whistleblower alleges VA clinic is destroying evidence

Surprise: VA Official Who 'Resigned' Over Death Scandal Was Already Set to Retire

Veterans, Families Share VA Healthcare Horror Stories

 American Legion: 'We Need the White House, the President to Come Forward'

Exclusive: VA Scandal Hits New Hospital

Obama and Israel, Year 6

 Menendez Threatens to Scuttle Key Pro-Israel Bill Senator threatens to pull AIPAC-backed bill over Iran oversight measure

Abbas Security Adviser Calls to End Security Arrangements Senior Fatah official wants to end arrangements with Israel, claims many Jews support 'one-state solution of Palestine.'

Obama and Agenda 21

John Kerry slams climate change critics in graduation speech: ´We are risking nothing less than the future of the entire planet´

Feds Review Plans For 5,000 New Wyoming Wells

Scientists Rebut White House Global Warming Claims

Obama's War on Coal, on the ground in W.Va.

It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama's FBI Director James Comey: 'I Just Didn't Appreciate' Terrorism Was Still Such a Threat

China Responds To "Ridiculous" Hacking Charges, Warns "Will Harm Relations With US", Demands US "Rectify Mistake"

U.S. to charge Chinese hackers with espionage

FBI Chief: I Underestimated Terror Threat

“We’re At Greater Risk”: Q. & A. with General Keith Alexander

Community Organizer to the World

Obama Motorcade Gets The Finger

Goodwin: The American Spirit is Breaking

Obama Ethics, Year 6

 Did the President Take a Pay Cut Like He Promised? White House Won’t Say Year after pledge, confusion over whether Obama is writing checks

Victoria Nuland Accused Of Meeting With Neofascists In Washington

White House lawyers ‘unable to find’ critical Iraq letter from Tony Blair telling George Bush: ‘I’m with you whatever’

 Breitbart News Investigative Journalist  Proves Birthers Right; Gets Axed By Breitbart News!? editors refused to write about 'Birther Claims' after they found them to be true.... they were afraid of persecutions by the IRS and other government agencies.


In Speech on Bipartisan Cooperation, Treasury Secretary Cites Obamacare Vote

Nunn Dodges Questions on Whether She Would Have Voted for Obamacare

Obamacare Increases Large Employers' Health Costs

Obama vs. Your Privacy

Did NSA blackmail Roberts to OK Obamacare? Klayman: 'Tyranny is greater today than in 1776'

Obama Amnesty

Left scrambles to defend release of criminal illegals Activist calls controversy 'publicity stunt' by those pushing Obama's impeachment


Goldman Sachs Downgrades the GDP and Housing Recovery (Leaves Out Fewer Qualified Buyers)

Class of 2014, Most Indebted Ever

5 Crucial Facts About the So-Called 'Transportation Cliff'  

Obama and Syria

U.S.-Armed Syrian Rebel Group Seeks ‘All Syrian Land Occupied by Israel

Syria Death Toll Rises to 162,000

Obama Amnesty

U.S. Air Base Provides Comfort and Benefits for 1,000 Illegal Immigrants in Texas

Queen Michelle

House GOP wants to roll back school lunch rules championed by Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama Wants Students to Monitor Family Members for Racial Insensitivity

Eric the Red

Holder: 'Too Many' People 'Irrationally Fear the New America That Is Emerging'

Obama Selfies

Obama to create largest national monument of his presidency

President Obama golfs with Bain Capital lobbyist


The V.A. Dead Pool

Obama warned about VA wait-time problems during 2008 transition

'Delay in treatment' a factor in more than 100 deaths at VA centers

CBS's Major Garrett Grills WH Chief Of Staff Over Obama Silence on VA Scandal

Will Obama Award Denis McDonough a Purple Heart? Non-veteran WH Chief of Staff Claims ‘Scars’ from VA Scandal

Obama ´madder than hell´ over VA scandal

Veterans Affairs Undersecretary Robert Petzl didn´t resign, but was FORCED OUT by Obama administration amid deadly health care scandal blamed for 40 deaths

Posse Comitatus

Police Now “Armed For War” Against Returning Veterans

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Susan Rice: Israeli Attacks Against Secretary Kerry Are Totally “Unacceptable”

Netanyahu 'Never Wanted Indyk as a Mediator' After fresh accusations of bias, MK says PM only accepted Indyk as mediator 'on Kerry's request'; slams Livni for Abbas meeting.

Indyk was forced on Netanyahu by Kerry

Obama Selfies

White House Reporter Sent To Shed During Obama’s Golf Game


Investigative Findings: Benghazi video linked to the CIA?

Associated Press: GOP Benghazi team brings long list of accusations

Sen. Feinstein on Benghazi Committee: ‘It’s a Hunting Mission for a Lynch Mob’ (Video)

Dem Rep Alan Grayson Volunteers to Be Trey Gowdy’s “Worst Nightmare” on Benghazi Committee

Obama and Agenda 21

Obama Endorses the Orwellian 'B1 Emissions Path'

Government's power over ranchers and their land is frightening

It's 3am and nobody's there

India elects man who Obama denied a visa to: The BJP party's Narendra Modi, conservative, anti-jihadi, and supporter of free markets

U.S. Becomes Chief Enabler of Christian Persecution

Community Organizer to the World

Obama Administration Announces Sports Concussion Symposium in Wake of Hillary Brain Injury Controversy

Russian Reset

Cheney: Obama Demonstrates Repeatedly He Can Be ‘Pushed Around’ by Putin

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Five Times Obama Officials Expressed Outrage at Their Own Incompetence

Jew-Basher John Kerry Jokes About Donald Sterling at Yale Graduation

Eric the Red

Eric Holder Attacks John Roberts: Colorblindness Not Best Way to End Discrimination

Holder: US should worry about discrimination, not racist rants


KTVI-MO: MO ObamaCare Contractor Says Supervisor Led Team Games Instead Of Working

Obama vs. Your Privacy

The United States Of Secrets: Frontline program on U.S. Domestic Surveillance

Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

Hillary Connected to ANOTHER Muslim Fundamentalist


There's never been as much long-term unemployment, -not since they started keeping records in 1948.

 Net Worth Of College Grads With Student Debt Is 20% Less Than High School Grads With No Debt

Obama vs the 1st Amendment

Harry Reid: Vote to Amend U.S. Constitution to Limit Political Speech

Obama and Common Core

U.S. Bishops Admit Growing Concerns About Common Core Effects On Mission of Catholic Schools

Obama vs the 2nd Amendment

Targeted? Gun sellers say ‘high risk’ label from feds cuts off banking options, restricts business Obama plan pressures financial institutions


Obama vs. Your Privacy

The FCC Issues its Proposal On Net Neutrality; Protesters Are Tossed from Hearing

Leaked Photos Show NSA Hardware Interception And Bug-Planting Workstation

The V.A. Dead Pool

Vets Using Phoenix VA are Angry, Sick and Scared

GOP: Where´s the Obama leadership on this ´unconscionable´ VA care crisis?

More whistleblowers detail VA abuses, suffer retaliation

House Veterans’ Affairs Chair: Shinseki ‘Woefully Unprepared’ for Hearing

Jon Karl vs. Jay Carney on VA Scandal

VA Scandals Raise The Specter Of Healthcare Rationing


Hillary Clinton ´clearly bears responsibility´for State Department´s Benghazi failures, says Dick Cheney

’13 Benghazis That Happened Under Bush’ Viral Meme Taken Apart & Destroyed Before Your Very Eyes

Posse Comitatus

New USDA Ballistic Vests Order.... "what troops wear in an attack evolution" ; This is a full military-styled kit, not designed for typical defensive security work

Obama and Agenda 21

EPA readies rules on CO2

"Cliven Bundy's Thugs: 'We Had a "Bead On The" Feds With Intent to Kill Them.'"

Obama and Boko Haram

Nigeria and its neighbours ‘declare war’ on Boko Haram

'Nigeria Security Tracker' Maps Out Boko Haram Violence Since 2011


Your ObamaCare subsidies are probably wrong, but don’t worry. We’ll bill you later.

Obamacare versus the Hippocratic Oath


Bernanke Shocker: "No Rate Normalization During My Lifetime"

Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach'

It's 3am and nobody's there

Ophthalmologist: Lined glasses Hillary wore used to treat double vision common to cases of severe head trauma

Obama and Common Core

Common Core: ObamaCare for Education

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Livni Attacked for meeting in London with Kerry: -Jewish Home: Livni Like a Satellite that Lost Contact with Earth Jewish Home slams Justice Minister Tzipi Livni over her meeting in London with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Obama Sees Israel as Responsible for Peace Talks Failing

'Blaming Israel Again'

Honest Broker? Indyk Reveals 'Nasty' Anti-Israel Bias US mediator reportedly held a half-hour tirade blaming Israeli 'settlements' and Naftali Bennett for talks' failure in upscale DC bar.

Government Motors

Inquiry by General Motors Is Said to Focus on Its Lawyers

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Report: Hillary, Kerry Broke Law That Could Have Prevented Criminal Immigrant Releases

Queen Michelle

New York Times: Michelle Obama Cites View of Growing Segregation

Obama and the IRS

The Obama Administration is still stonewalling IRS scandal documents

The Internal Repression Service

Eric the Red

Holder: subtle racism worse than bigoted outbursts

Obama Selfies

Obama Golfs at Exclusive Club in Northern Virginia… The 163rd Round of His Presidency


Obama and Israel, Year 6

Indyk Caught Bashing Israel at Hotel Bar, Slams Israel for failed peace process

US Citizens Warned: Stay Away from Golan Heights IDF security measures prompt warnings from the US government.


Head Of ‘Benghazi Truth Squad’ Comes Up Short On Answers To Basic Questions (Lanny Davis)

Was Lanny Davis hired to be a "fixer"? - Lanny Davis: The skipper for big names in dire straits

New Benghazi Panel GOP Aide Lobbied For Liberal Groups

As Libya crumbles, Marines ready boots on the ground in Sicily --- The real Benghazi scandal


Obama Administration Promises to Shift Money Around to Make Obamacare's Health Insurer Bailouts Work, If Need Be

Federal health-care subsidies may be too high or too low for more than 1 million Americans

Obama names new deputy chief of staff to oversee healthcare

PhRMA warns out-of-pocket costs could double under O-Care

Obamacare to Blame for Iowa Hospital Laying Off 29 People

ObamaCare Deductibles To Rise To $6,600 In 2015


Obama NLRB Unconcerned by Threats of Violence During Union Elections

America is being damaged by low rates, weak dollar

United Renter States Of America: Spot What's Wrong With These Housing Charts

Housing Starts, Permits Smash Expectations On Surge In Rental Construction

No Raises For Anyone: Real Hourly Wages Decline For The First Time Since 2012

Bernanke The Sophist: The Deception Behind QE

NBER Report: Medicaid Expansion Reduces Incentives to Work

Obama vs The U.S. Military

Rep. Paul Broun: VA Scandal Shows Obama's 'Disdain' for Military

Pentagon Press Conference Turns Into Heated Debate Between Top Generals From US And China

The V.A. Dead Pool

White House: Top VA official's resignation "is a termination"

Seventh VA office finds secret wait list — with over 200 veterans on it

Eric Shinseki’s Meaningless Claim That He ‘Takes Responsibility’

Sex Change For Manning As Vets Die From VA Neglect

Billions wasted on fruitless bid to create paperless vet health records

It's 3am and nobody's there

Iran Threatens U.S. Navy with ‘Suicide Missions’ Suicide attacks, drones, missiles aimed at U.S.

Hoekstra: China and Russia Taking Advantage of 'Weak America'

Kerry Compares Governing Libya to Being a Massachusetts Senator

Obama and Boko Haram

State Dept. Official: ‘Just Not Accurate’ to Characterize Boko Haram as Muslim

Eric the Red

Report: Holder Tells DEA Chief to Get in Line

Government Motors

GM 'Rocked' By "Record" DoT Penalty - Fined 0.02% of Revenue

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Sessions Updates Catalogue of Obama Administration Immigration Non-Enforcement

Grassley Investigating Alleged DHS Terrorist Lookout Record Deletions

62 Percent of Labor Department’s International Grants Missing Documentation

Government ethics attorneys say Obama's IG system is broken

Obama: Senate Needs to Change ‘How a Filibuster Works’

Obama Amnesty

Jarrett pulls back from suggesting Obama has ‘commitment’ from Boehner on immigration

John Boehner disputes Valerie Jarrett immigration description

Official says immigration program up for review


Judge seeks middle ground in Fast and Furious lawsuit

Posse Comitatus

Feds ignite suspicion with explosive buying spree Blasting caps, 'linear-shaped charges' included in delivery order

Dept. of Agriculture Orders Ballistic Body Armor

Obama and Syria

Kerry: 'Not Going To Pin Ourselves Down' on Response If Syria Again Used Chemical Weapons

Obama and Agenda 21

Obama Devotes $2 Bil to Make Federal Buildings Energy Efficient

Community Organizer to the World

Kerry Commemorates ´International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia´

Obama vs. Your Privacy

Obama’s Internet ID Plot Being Tested in Two States

Queen Michelle

Michelle Obama: Talk about race

Obama Selfies

White House Photo of the Day: Obama Slides Rear on Restaurant Counter


TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: list; obama; office; week
Long week. Started a new file on the VA scandal to handle the flow of information. Everything is blowing up (no pun intended) at the same time in Obamaville.

Let me know if you wish to be on or off the ping list.

1 posted on 05/23/2014 9:50:34 AM PDT by Nachum
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To: Nachum
Obama's Two Hundred and Seventy-Eighth Week in Office

America's Two Hundred and Seventy-Eighth week of Incompetance, Lies, Deceit, and Failure. By Far the worst President ever in our country's history...even counting Jimmy Carter...and he was worse than terrible.

2 posted on 05/23/2014 10:07:11 AM PDT by GoldenPup
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To: GoldenPup

My count says 973 days left...

3 posted on 05/23/2014 10:12:11 AM PDT by RedEyeJack
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To: Nachum

...and the Administration become even more saturated with islamists.

4 posted on 05/23/2014 10:28:33 AM PDT by onedoug
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