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The List: Obama's Two Hundred and Sixty-Sixth Week in Office ^ | 2/28/14 | Nachum

Posted on 02/28/2014 10:10:16 AM PST by Nachum

The List: Obama's Two Hundred and Sixty-Sixth Week in Office


Obama and the IRS

Official's testimony reveals IRS planned crackdown rules in 2012

After 3 Years, 2 Months & 10 Days – Tea Party Patriots Granted Tax Exempt Status By Phone Call on Eve of Congressional Testimony

McConnell to IRS: Leave the First Amendment Alone

House Majority Whip: Obama administration 'will hold up every firewall they can' to block IRS investigation

Proposed IRS rules for non-profits - limiting free speech


Obama Marks 95th Anniversary of Grand Canyon Park With A Picture of Himself


HHS Releases Impossibly Bad Ad for ObamaCare: "Very Benefits, Many Coverage, Much Affordable"

A Double Whammy for Obamacare Analysis: New regulations strengthen federal control of America's healthcare system

The cost of health coverage rises for these Californians

Obamacare Victims Are 'Liars' Says Top Democrat

Obamacare: Now Appearing On Your Restaurant Bill

Obamacare Hurting Illinois Police Officers

TIME's Steven Brill: Obama Is The One Responsible For Botched ObamaCare Rollout (Video)


CBO slams Obama's recovery as sluggish; labor force won't recover for years

Blow to Obama as Harry Reid suddenly withdraws Senate Democratic support for minimum wage hike

The Reality Behind The New Home Sales Number

 John Kerry: "The US Is Beginning To Act Like A Poor Nation"

Obama and Syria

Kerry on Syria: 'I Don't Want To Get Into the Definitions' of Genocide

It's 3am and nobody's there

Rubio Calls for Vote on Iran Sanctions

Convicted Terrorist Worked as Obamacare Navigator in Illinois; Woman involved in deadly terror bombings kept her past secret from authorities in President's home state.

Obama Ethics, Year 6

´I got high': Obama talks about his teenage drug use again as he introduces initiative to help minority boys

Joltin' Joe Biden

'I was given every s*** job in the world by Obama': Biden makes astonishing revelations;  claimed he was 'frozen out' by White House over gay gaffe

Obama Shuns Biden: Biden in Winter

Queen Michelle

Federal audit calls new school lunch rules a failure

Michelle Obama to Push Changes to Nutrition Facts Label

U.S. toddlers are slimming down; Obama White House credits itself

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Abbas 'exploded with rage' at Kerry over 'insane' framework proposals

Obama 'personally' pressuring Netanyahu to accept Kerry proposal

AIPAC 'Neutered' on New Iran Sanctions; Pro-Israel lobby mute on support for new sanctions

Obama and Your Privacy

Yes, The Government is Spying on You Through Your Webcam – Another "Conspiracy Theory" Proven True


Obama and the IRS

Ex-IRS official Lerner's attorney says no Hill testimony without immunity or court order

Republicans recall Lois Lerner to testify on IRS targeting

IRS WARNING: 'Shared Responsibility' Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid With Tax Return\

Obama Voter Fraud

Battleground Texas Ends 'Questionable' Voter Registration Practice

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Jonathan Turley: We are now at a constitutional tipping point in our system

Video Capturing Al Sharpton Saying the Exact Same Words as the President Is Hilarious

GOP attorneys general UNLOAD on Holder after AG says to ignore law

 Bombshell: British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael  Shrimpton; Obama Born In Kenya In 1960; CIA DNA Test

Ellie Light: Dozens more sightings of Obama's most prolific letter-writing fan

Obama and Your Privacy

 Government agents are infiltrating online communities

Obama Asks Court To Make NSA Database Even Bigger

Greenwald: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive and Destroy Reputations

Obama vs The U.S. Military

Pentagon's Counter-IED Force to Shrink by Two-Thirds This Year

Hagel to the Troops: It’s Not About the Money


Harry Reid Denies All Obamacare 'Horror Stories'; 'All Are Untrue'

Hayes Slams Media for Obscuring Obamacare Enrollment Numbers

Hawaii health marketplace off to an especially rough start

Rhode Island Obamacare Exchange is Failing Consumers

ObamaCare menu mandate creates headache for restaurants; all restaurants with at least 20 locations to list nutritional information alongside each and every item on their menu.

Obama Amnesty

Report: Obama Admin Slashing Fines for Businesses Caught Hiring Illegals


Appeals court orders Google to remove Muhammad video that Obama blamed for Benghazi jihad murders


Obama: Stimulus 'actually worked'

What Weather? New Home Sales Surge 9.6% In Feb As Median Home Price Drops To 5 Month low

It's 3am and nobody's there

Kerry Promises Ukraine $1 Billion Bailout (Detroit, Not So Much)

Putin Rattles Saber: Orders Test of Forces in Western and Central Russia

 Obama Administration Ignores Russian Nuclear Violations Moscow’s cruise, ballistic missiles undermine ’87 treaty, experts say

ABC: Obama's Inept Ambassador Nominees

Obama and the 1st Amendment

Obama complains that his policies are 'contested'

Obama and Agenda 21

EPA Officials Obstructed Fraud Investigation

Obama's science czar: Opposing climate views outside the 'mainstream scientific opinion'

Feds to Alaskans: No road for humans, lots of land for animals

Obama appointee subsidizes electric bus company, then goes to work for it


First Step to Impeachment: House Committee Holds Hearing on President’s Duty to Execute the Law

Joltin' Joe Biden

Biden: 'I May Be a White Boy, But I Can Jump'

VP Biden Claims 'Hatred' Is Force Behind Voter Id Laws

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Right-wing MKs apologize to US ambassador for 'closed meeting' leaks

PA Report: Abbas Angry at Kerry, Threatened to End Talks PA-based newspaper: Kerry demanded that Abbas recognize Israel, annex 10 Jewish communities and give up on Jordan Valley.


Obama Ethics, Year 6

Obama Says Supporters Doing 'God's Work'

GOP Governors Accuse Obama of Politically Motivated National Guard Cuts

Rick Perry: "I was troubled today by the tone of the president…": As a matter of fact [Obama] he said in that meeting "if I hear any of you pushing back, making statements about Washington spends too much money, you’ll hear from me."

Lawyers slams Holder's legal attack on marriage

Holder: State Attorneys General Don't Have to Defend Same-Sex Marriage Bans

Holder: Discriminatory Laws Don't Need to Be Defended

Black Pastors: Impeach Holder

Obama vs The U.S. Military

Defense secretary recommends elimination of A-10 fleet

Pentagon Budget Slashes Benefits for Active Duty Personnel as Obama Wants Pay Raise for Civilian Fed Employees

 DoD budget seeks cuts in BAH, commissary, Tricare benefits

DOD to Continue Using Liberal Southern Poverty Law Center as Training Resource


 The Left's New Story: Nobody Is Hurt by Obamacare ; Are ACA horror stories just propaganda from right-wing papers like the Times and the Washington Post?

Joe Biden: Obamacare not a jobs killer

Sebelius' Jobs Claim Debunked, Again

Sebelius blasts GOP governors for 'playing with people's lives'

Sebelius: Administration Never Set 7 Million ACA Enrollment Goal – CBO Did

Cost of Rescue Continues to Rise

Washington Post: Obamacare 'horror stories' fall apart under scrutiny

125,000 Immigrants Eligible for Medi-Cal Benefits Under Obamacare

Another Obama Lie: O-Care Will Raise Premiums for 2/3 of Small Businesses (Video)


Obama announces new Midwest manufacturing hubs

Post-9/11 Vets Not In Labor Force More Than Doubles Under Obama

Soldiers survive combat, then lose their jobs After years of war, career soldiers given one more order - you're no longer needed

Consumer Confidence Drops Most In 4 Months

It's 3am and nobody's there

State Department union may oppose Obama ambassador nominees

Obama warns Pentagon to prepare for complete Afghanistan withdrawal, leaving ZERO troops behind at the end of the year

Obama asks Pentagon for complete Afghanistan withdrawal plan, speaks with Karzai

Pentagon Contractors Exploring Business with Iran Companies with more than $107B in DoD contracts eyeing Tehran

 China Becomes Iran's Largest Trade Partner; Iranian trade profits soaring as sanctions collapse

Obama and Syria

Russia Weakens Another U.N. Security Council Resolution on Syria

Obama and Agenda 21

Report Panel on EPA Circumventing Congress

Obama and the IRS

Cleta Chronicles: IRS scandals, part 1

Is Obama Gay?

Uganda Could Lose U.S. Aid, Face Sanctions Over Its Homosexuality Law

Queen Michelle

White House Sets New Limits on Junk Food Ads in Schools: Part of Michelle's "Let's Move" initiative

Michelle Obama pushes ban on marketing junk food in schools

Federal rules will reportedly limit marketing unhealthy food in schools

Obama and the IRS

White House Vows to Kill Bill That Would Block New IRS 501(c)(4) Rules


Obama Propaganda

Two New MSNBC Hosts Bring News Media-Obama Revolving Door to 30

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Obama (Again) Vows To Rule By Imperial Decree…

U.S. 'has stepped up surveillance bugging of senior German officials since Barack Obama ordered NSA to halt spying on Angela Merkel'

Max Baucus New China Ambassador Baucus Donated $475K to Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Ted Nugent Calls Obama "Mongrel" – Media Erupts… Obama Calls Blacks "Mongrel People" – Media Ignores Statement (Video)

Obama Violates His Own Rules: Blows Up Wedding Party With Drone Strike (Video)

Obama and the Isreal, Year 6

Samantha Power: Daniel Pearl's Beheading Is Reminder of "Accountability" in "Cycle of Violence"

'Most pro-Israel administration evah' presides over 80% rise in rejection of Israeli visa requests

Obama vs The U.S. Military

Department of Veterans Affairs employees destroyed veterans' medical records to cancel backlogged exam requests [AUDIO]

Pentagon budget slashes benefits

Hagel: Dominance of US military 'can no longer be taken for granted'

Hagel 2005: Beware Defense Cuts!

Defense budget said to shrink Army to pre-World War II low

 Pentagon to propose shrinking Army, scrapping some jets: report

Governors to Obama: 'Don´t Cut the National Guard'

General Keane: Proposed Budget Cuts Into Bone of Army


Report: Two-thirds of small business employees to see Obamacare premium hikes

Democrats Declare War Against Obamacare Cancer Patients

Study: Obamacare Medical Device Tax Killed 33,000 Jobs

Obama's claim that 7 million got 'access to health care for the first time' because of his Medicaid expansion: Four Pinocchio's

The Democrats in the famous Obamacare signing photo are rapidly retiring

Obamacare Website Encourages the Incarcerated to Enroll in Medicaid

Maryland to fire contractor that built troubled health-insurance exchange

Stephen Blackwood: ObamaCare and My Mother's Cancer Medicine The news was dumbfounding. She used to have a policy that covered the drug that kept her alive. Now she's on her own.


Bobby Jindal Thumps Liberal Connecticut Governor Wallace at White House Meeting (Video)

Obama: The Time for Austerity is Over, the Time to Spend is Now!

The Imaginary 'Era Of Austerity' Comes To An End

It's 3am and nobody's there

State Dept. to Send Deputy Secretary to Ukraine

Spy Chief James Clapper: We Can't Stop Another Snowden

Queen Michelle

Michelle Obama's 'Let's Move' 'Focus Group' Features Will Ferrell

Obama Voter Fraud

Texas Tribune Distances Itself from Battleground Texas Apologist Buck Wood

Is Obama Gay?

Holder Sees Way to Curb Bans on Gay Marriage


Obama vs The 1st Amendment

Seven things you need to know about the Obama donor prosecuting Dinesh D'Souza


Obama's top economic advisor presents two different faces when discussing labor market, immigration

Obama and the IRS

COMPLAINT: IRS 'improperly withheld' documents on new nonprofit rules

Obama vs The U.S. Military

 Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to recommend deep budget cuts targeting pay, benefits

Obama administration knew that veterans' personal info was at risk, security programs violated federal law


REVEALED: Obama's 'attack' on Medicare Part D

Vt. Gov. Denies Exchange Is a 'Mess,' Acknowledges Small Businesses Can't Sign Up

Hospital cited by Obama as health-reform model for the nation accepts only one kind of insurance plan under Obamacare

It's 3am and nobody's there

U.S. warns Russia to keep its military out of Ukraine after protesters force president out

After DHS Denial, Local News Station Finds Evidence Terrorists Have Crossed the Border

Niall Ferguson: America's Global Retreat Never mind the Fed's taper, it's the U.S. geopolitical taper that is stirring world anxiety. From Ukraine to Syria to the Pacific, a hands-off foreign policy invites more trouble.

Statement by the Press Secretary on Ukraine

Taliban suspends talks with US over trading US soldier for five Taliban prisoners because of 'complex political situation' of Afghanistan


‘PATENTLY FALSE': Susan Rice claims Obama administration did not mislead voters, no regrets over Benghazi talking points [VIDEO]

'I'm almost speechless': McCain laughs at Susan Rice's 'embarrassing' Benghazi denial [VIDEO]

Obama and Agenda 21

California almond farmers face tough choices

Obama Ethics, Year 6

President Obama: Extremist radical in his own words

LETTER: Ralph Nader questions Obama administration’s ‘legal authority’ to shut out Fannie and Freddie shareholders from future profits

Is Obama Gay?

'Obama Not Gay,' Kenyan Elites Claim

Obama and Egypt

Egypt’s Morsi accused of leaking secrets to Iran

Obama Dead Pool

Josh Lang's Photos of the Fuddy Crash Are Not the Same Plane



Obama's stimulus beginning to drag economy down: CBO

Perry: Still Waiting for Obama to Thank Me 'for Saving Our Bacon': Without Texas, President Obama would be facing a much worse economic situation


Court: Notre Dame must adhere to ObamaCare birth control mandate

#DemWarOnWomen : Vulnerable Dem In MI Using Lawfare To Silence Cancer Stricken ObamaCare Critic

MI DEMOCRATS FILE CHARGES to Get Truthful Obamacare Ad Taken Off Air (Video)

Once the Obamacare model, Massachusetts now the law's disaster

The Independent Payment Advisory Board: PPACA’s Anti-Constitutional and Authoritarian Super-Legislature

Obamacare in NJ: Four out of five enrollees have paid their premiums

Obama vs The 1st Amendment

Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding

FCC grasps for expanded powers with net neutrality push

Justice Dept. revises media rules

Dinesh D'Souza Speculates on 'Retribution': 'Vindictive' Obama Sees Critics as Enemies

Whistleblower FCC Commissioner explains his concerns with the 'newsroom study'

Queen Michelle

Michelle Obama listed daughters Sasha and Malia as 'Senior Staff' on Africa junket

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Democrat Kickback? Obama To Open Public/Private Manufacturing Institutes in Chicago and Detroit

Judge rips feds in Sherrod-Breitbart lawsuit

Obama Calls On Democrats: Get 'Sexy' To Win Elections

It's 3am and nobody's there

China summons U.S. official over meeting between Obama and Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama gets ice from Obama, warmth from conservatives

Hagel again misstates administration policy on Iran nukes

Senior UK Defense Advisor: Obama Is 'Chronically Incapable' Of Military Strategy

Ukrainian President Flees Capital – Opposition Takes Control of Kiev

US official: It's possible Iran might have small, discreet enrichment program

Obama and Israeli, Year 6

Wendy Sherman to Israel: Don't Make Iran Talks Harder The United States hopes no one will interfere with the talks with Iran, says chief American negotiator as she arrives in Jerusalem.

Obama Dead Pool

Congressional Hearing Scheduled for 30 fallen Heroes Killed in Shoot Down of Extortion 17

Obama and the IRS

Christine O’Donnell: I was a victim of the IRS


Obama Voter Fraud

Texas LT. Governor: Investigate Battleground Texas Immediately

Texas Tribune Duped by Dem Operative on Battleground Texas Scandal

Texas Tribune Downplays Video Proving Left-wing Voter Fraud in Lone Star State


Obama's Budget Increases Spending by $56 Billion

WH: Not Just the 'Wealthy': Now It's the 'Well-Connected,' Too

WH: 'We Don't Want Deficit Reduction to Come at Expense of Investments'

Existing Home Sales Miss Expectations, Plunge 14% From Highs, Drop To 18 Month Low

Spot The Weather's Impact On Existing Home Sales:  Worse homes sales stats in warm weather west

Mexico to trump Japan as No. 2 car exporter to US

Workers on Disability Decrease for First Time in 17 Years

Homeless Camp Springs Up in Baltimore 


  Obamacare Forces Closure of Four Ga. Hospitals

Even Low Income Families Will Pay Thousands Of Dollars In Obamacare Taxes

Impact of the Health Insurance "Annual Fee" Tax

Obama vs The 1st Amendment

The changed politics of late-night TV

'Mission-driven' firm to run FCC newsroom probe Seeking 'positive change' in effort to influence story selection

Here's back story on FCC's newsroom-policing agenda Former Obama 'diversity czar,' Hugo Chavez fan has published plan


The Benghazi Cover-up (cont.)

Former CIA official accused of misleading lawmakers on Benghazi

Queen Michelle

Michelle Obama: 'Young People Are Knuckleheads,' Which Is Why They Need Obamacare

Michelle Obama Joins Jimmy Fallon and Will Ferrell in Drag

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Senators Demand FBI Head Answer Questions About Indictment of Dinesh D'Souza

DOJ: 'Older Victims May Not Be Believed If They Report Stalking, Particularly If the Victim Has Dementia'

HillaryWatch: Last Week Cable News Spent More Than 400 Minutes on Hillary Clinton

Obama and Agenda 21

Electricity Price Index Soars to New Record at Start of 2014; U.S. Electricity Production Declining

California farmers won´t get federal water

Obama on Keystone Pipeline: 'We Only Have One Planet'

It's 3am and nobody's there

 WH Nat. Sec. Advisor: I Don't Understand Obama 'Red Line' Criticism Tapper: Are you not concerned Obama's threats might ring hollow because of Syrian 'red line'?

Garry Kasparov shreds Obama and his ‘red lines’ as bloodbath continues in Ukraine [pics]

Ukraine Defense Minister Won't Take Phone Call from Defense Sec Hagel

World View: U.S. Naval Intelligence Chief Confirms Worst Fears of China's Military Buildup

U.S. Official: No Formal, Written Framework on Iran Nukes, 'But We All Know What It Is'

Obama and Israeli, Year 6

US Ambassador: Framework agreement will insist 'Palestinians' recognize Israel as Jewish state

Obama Dead Pool

Loretta Fuddy: Video evidence of others in the water- What Do You See?

TOPICS: Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: list; nachumlist; obama; office; week
Another week ends for the most transparent administration evah!

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1 posted on 02/28/2014 10:10:16 AM PST by Nachum
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