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The List: Obama's Two Hundred and Sixty-Third Week in Office ^ | 2/7/14 | Nachum

Posted on 02/07/2014 1:48:03 PM PST by Nachum

Obama's Two Hundred and Sixty-Third Week in Office


Obama and the IRS

Cleta Mitchell Rattles Off A Litany Of IRS Criminal Offenses

Tea Party Attorney to Congress: "DOJ IRS Investigation Is a Sham, Non-Existent" (Video)

Catherine Engelbrecht: IRS targeting of conservatives is the weaponization of government

SC Rep Trey Gowdy on Fire! Blast Obama on Prejudging IRS Tea Party Investigation

Conservative activist claims Rep. Cummings tried to 'intimidate' her, files complaint

Tea Party Leader(Englebrecht) Filing Ethics Complaint Against Dem Rep (Cummings)

Rep. Elijah Cummings accuses Katherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote of racism

Cleta Mitchell: I was a Democrat till I realized they had become the party of gov't & not the people

SMOKING GUN: Email Proves IRS's Lois Lerner & Treasury Dept. Secretly Drafted Rules Targeting Conservatives

 The IRS Secret Police? Proposed rules seek to curb the free speech of Obama's political opponents.

Obama Ethics, Year 6

FBI Agents revolt against Eric Holder

"Fuck The EU" - US State Department Blasts Europe; Revealed As Alleged Mastermind Behind Ukraine Unrest

Obama at Prayer Breakfast: 'Killing the Innocent' Is 'Ultimate Betrayal of God’s Will' - but referring to terrorists, not the unborn

Obama defends freedom of progressive religion

Democrats Block Widow of Murdered Police Officer From Testifying Against Obama DOJ Nominee Debo Adegbile

Holder Hails Sweden as Human Rights 'Champion'

The Farce Is Complete: Blythe Masters Joining CFTC; alegations of Blythe Masters "interventions" in the precious metals markets

Obama and Egypt

Egyptian reports highlight alleged Morsi-al-Qaida cooperation

Obama vs. The 2nd Amendment

U.S. Postal Service Announces Giant Ammo Purchase

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Obama Lauds Kerry's Peace Efforts Amid Israeli Criticism; Obama thanks Kerry for his "extraordinary passion" in trying to achieve Israeli-PA peace.

'John Kerry is Living in a World of His Own' Wife of stabbing victim horrified after US Sec. of State claims no Israelis were killed by terrorism last year.

Anti-Defamation League Blasts John Kerry Over Anti-Israel Threat

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki loves Klingons (and Kerry)

Obama and Syria

Kerry Uses Vietnam War Peace Talks as Reference for Syria Policy


Retreat: Obama Admin May Extend Plans Canceled by Obamacare for 3 Years

Jails Enroll Inmates in Obamacare to Pass Hospital Costs to U.S.

Obamacare 'Bailout' For One Insurer Will Cost Up To $450 Million In 2014

House panel says Obamacare co-op improperly diverted $25 million

WHNT-AL: Alabama Schools Face Shortage Of Substitute Teachers Due To ObamaCare

Video: ObamaCare disincentivizes work … by doctors

WashPost's Furious Pro-ObamaCare Spin: 'Health Law Will Boost Employment'!

Obama and Agenda 21

Obama Pushes Climate Change at National Prayer Breakfast

REVOLT! Six major unions beg the Senate to stop EPA coal regulations

It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama bundler nominated as ambassador to Argentina has never been to the country

Pentagon Rpt.: Unlikely U.S. Will Know If Iran Obtains Nuclear Weapon Capability

Community Organizer to the World

CNN: Obama Admits He’s Toxic, Offers To Stay Away From Democrats Running In Midterm Elections…

Joe Biden

Joe Biden Says LaGuardia Airport Like a "Third World Country"

Queen Michelle

Michelle Obama Pitches Student Aid: 'Almost Everyone Is Eligible'

Is Obama Gay

Obama: We sent Putin a message on gay issue


28 Signs That The Middle Class Is Heading Towards Extinction

Almost One in Four 26-Year-Olds Still Live with Parents

Obama Voter Fraud

ACLJ Chief Counsel: Very Possible IRS Targeting Impacted 2012 Election


Obama and the IRS

Obama donor leading feds' IRS scandal investigation 'highly unlikely' to attend Thursday oversight hearing

 Email: IRS's Lerner, Treasury Department secretly drafted new rules to restrict nonprofits......----.Two years ago

New IRS chief apologizes to targeted conservative groups after House hearing

Obama's intervention in FBI investigation is fine, says Carney

Jay Carney Denies IRS Corruption: Obama''s 'Smidgen, Not a Gaffe


Brian Terry's Brother Rips Holder on Fast and Furious: 'Where Is the Accountability?'

New court documents reveal final moments of border agent Brian Terry's life


Lindsey Graham Accuses Obama of Intentionally Distorting Intelligence on Benghazi


Obama's Minimum Wage Hike "Won't Meaningfully Help Economy"

ADP Plunges In January To 175K; Biggest Miss Since August; December Revised Lower: "Cold, Storms" Blamed

ADP Jobs Report Misses Expectations

U.S. Debt Up $6,666,142,606,010.53 Under Obama

Cornyn Blasts Obama For Missing Budget Deadline Again


1.1 million to 1.8 million U.S. adults newly enrolled in Medicaid

CBO Director Admits Obamacare Incentivizes People to Quit Working

Democrats new argument on Obamacare jobs decline: It reduces 'job lock'

White House: It's A Good Thing That Obamacare Will Drive 2.5 Million Americans Out Of The Workforce

CGI Federal earned 6 more CMS contracts after Obamacare website flop

Treasury IG to Admin: Stop Changing Obamacare

Obamacare enrollees hit snags at doctor's offices Many consumers faced hurdles signing up for Covered California health plans. Now they're having trouble finding in-network doctors.

California: Obamacare Turning Cancer Patients Away

Obama Applauds CVS for Stopping Sales of Cigarettes and Tobacco Products

CBO: Obamacare Will 'Reduce Incentives to Work;' WH Spins It As 'Choice'

HHS Uses Mom Jeans In Latest Push To Get People To Enroll In Obamacare…

Virginia: Personal Information is Being Stolen After Enrolling in Obamacare

 The Obamacare Security Nightmare: It Gets Worse

Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Meets Obama in White House

Obama and Agenda 21

U.S. to launch 'climate hubs' to help farmers face climate change

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Kerry to Israeli critics: I’ve been 'attacked before by people using real bullets'

State Department: Attacks on Kerry Are Unacceptable Israeli criticism of Kerry's peace efforts "distort his records and distract from key issues," says State Dept. spokeswoman.

 Israeli Widow Blasts 'Insensitive' Kerry Claim Kerry claim that no Israelis killed by terror shocks widow

Israel issues permits for east Jerusalem housing

It's 3am and nobody's there

Russia Mocks U.S. Envoy Power's Meeting with Russian 'Pussy Riot' Band

U.S. Nuclear Negotiator: If Iran Can’t Get the Bomb, Its Ballistic Missiles Will be 'Almost Irrelevant'

Head of Iran Nuclear Organization: 'Entire Nuclear Activity of Iran Is Going On'

Obama Meets in Situation Room to Discuss Sochi Olympic Security

Administration Indicates Support for Karzai's Secret Talks With Taliban

Risch Blasts State Dept Over Pastor Saeed Abedini's Imprisonment in Iran

Amid pushback, Jarrett to meet black Democrats on Obama picks

Obama and Syria

Syria Misses Deadline to Hand Over All Critical Chemicals


Barack Obama Marks 225th Anniversary of George Washington's Election With A Picture Of . . . Barack Obama…

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Barack Obama's 'hard-working American' is actually a London Overground commuter

GOP Sens. Blast Obama 'Coercion' of Schools Through Common Core

White House Endorses Twitter Troll Account Featuring GOP Elephant Auto-Fellating…

Jay Carney calls 'Freedom' a 'Buzzword'

Obama Voter Fraud

NLRB resurrects union election rule

Obama vs. The US Military

Debbie Does USAF  The cheating scandal is huge—and there's more.: Deborah Lee James, Secretary of the Air Force, 20 years of her 30-year career as a House Armed Services Committee staffer and a Clinton administration Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. Her last ten years were spent at SAIC (a large Beltway consulting firm). Never in the military

Obama Amnesty

Obama admin unilaterally changes law to allow immigrants with 'limited' terror contact into US

Justice Sonia Sotomayor: Labeling Illegal Immigrants Criminals Is Insulting



Issa: There Will Be More Than 2.5 Million Jobs Lost Due to ObamaCare By the Next Election

Obama Regime: 2.5M People Losing Their Jobs Just A "Small Percentage of the Economy"

White House Responds to CBO: Claims That Obamacare 'Hurts Jobs' Not Supported by Facts

CBO: Health-care law will mean 2 million fewer workers

US deficit to drop to $514B, lowest of Obama years

U.S. Productivity Growth Has Taken a Dive It has averaged about 1.1% since 2011, less than half the historical rate since 1948.

Factory Orders Drop Most In 5 Months, Inventories Rise Fastest Since June

Too Big to Manage: Taxpayers fund top-dollar federal employee union reps through official time

Gas prices over $3 in every state in the country

500 layoffs expected today at Time Inc.

Radio Shack to Close 500 Stores


  WH advisor on ObamaCare disincentivizing work: This is about choice

Flashback: Nancy Pelosi Says Obamacare Will Create 400,000 Jobs "Almost Immediately!"

CBO nearly triples estimate of working hours lost by 2021 due to Affordable Care Act

Obama Picks 36 Year-Old Far Left Doctor Organizer as Surgeon General

Carney: 'Only Around 22,000' Obamacare Subscribers Have Appealed Policy Errors can't handle appeals of enrollment errors

Video: Criminal fraud in Oregon ObamaCare exchange?

Errors made by can't be fixed in

New Obamacare Ads Hope to Atract Young Women by Featuring Pets

Millions Are Now Realizing They're Too Poor For Obamacare

ObamaCare Casts White Working Class Out in the Cold

Obama and the IRS

Obama didn’t consult Justice before saying no corruption at IRS President dismissed any ‘corruption’ in scandal

Obama's intervention in FBI investigation is fine, says Carney

Obama and Agenda 21

WH chief of staff: Hey now, Obama's always been very clear that he’s going to insulate Keystone from politics

Did an EPA Report Just Kill 30,000 Jobs?

Obama and Your Privacy

Klayman asks Supreme Court to hear NSA case

Judge mocks Obama's NSA lawyer Another setback for Justice's defense of massive spying program

Obama and Israel, Year 6

Wrong Again… John Kerry Says There Were No Deaths from West Bank Terror in 2013 …(There Were 5)

Obama and Syria

Top intelligence chiefs warn Syria could become base for attacks against US

It's 3am and nobody's there

Reset: U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul Announces Resignation

 Iranian Ballistic Missile Program Can Continue Under Deal U.S. Negotiator Wendy Sherman: 'We've not shut down' Iran's nuke delivery program

Obama stammers through incoherent explanation of why Fox is 'unfair'

Obama Amnesty

Obama: 'We Don't Want Two Classes of People in America'


CIA director: Benghazi rescuers required to sign non-disclosure agreements because contracts being updated


Obama Ethics, Year 6

White House Writes NFL Players' Pro-Obamacare Tweets WH staffer promotes suggested language in Super Bowl Sunday email to NFLPA

Flash Back- Why Is Obama Hell Bent OnGoing After Dinesh D'Souza?!?!

Baier, Fox & Friends Respond to Obama Interview: IRS, Benghazi Are 'Fox's Fault'?

Obama: 'I Don't Think We Need to Fundamentally Transform the Nation'

Obama says Fox News´s O´Reilly 'absolutely' unfair in extended interview

Bill Ayers and Obama Both Quote Alinsky

Barack Hussein Soebarkah: In Two Places at the Same Time?

Panelist at Podesta Think Tank on Common Core: 'The Children Belong to All of Us'

White House doubles down on Homeland aide tied to Pa. scandals

Obama Muslim Cultural Ambassador Arrested for Torching Seattle Gay Club With 700 People Inside (Video)

Malik Obama's link to terrorism

Obama and Agenda 21

DOT plans to mandate 'talking' cars

As Keystone XL Pipeline Clears One Hurdle, WH Hints at Further Delay

EPA's Wood-Burning Stove Ban Has Chilling Consequences For Many Rural People

Obama and Syria

Senators: John Kerry Suggested Arming Syrian Rebels

Kerry tells Capitol Hill that Obama's Syria policies have failed

Rogin: A Split Between Kerry And The White House Does Exist

CBS News to Jay Carney: What Part of Syria Policy Does The President Think Is Working?

Obama and Israel, Year 6

US issues travel warning on Israel, West Bank, Gaza

Susan Rice Blasts Israel for Criticizing Kerry National Security Advisor says that Israel's condemnation of Kerry's boycott threats are "unfounded and unacceptable."

State Department: Kerry 'Frustrated' by Claims He's Anti-Israel

Report: U.S. to Delay Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan

Netanyahu: US, European Boycott Threats To Israel 'Immoral And Unjust'

It's 3am and nobody's there

 Key senator: Sanctions after Iran talks fail might be too late

U.S. Treasury allows transfer of $550 million to Iran

Kerry: 'Al-Qaeda Threat Is Real, It Is Getting Out of Hand'

Obama: Coffee shops shouldn´t have better Internet than schools

Obama Won't Take Executive Action to Remove Pot from Narcotics List


You Can Buy A House For One Dollar Or Less In Economically Depressed Cities All Over America

Treasury's Lew warns that U.S. default could happen quickly

Welcome Janet: Worst February Start For Stocks In 32 Years

Dude, "It's Going To Be A Bloodbath": Newly Private Dell To Fire 15,000

GM Channel Stuffing Second Highest Ever In January

Ford, GM Car Sales Tumble: Weather Blamed As Usual

Illinois Loses 80,000 Workers in One Year


Herridge: Fmr. CIA Director Morell May Have Altered Benghazi Talking Points to Benefit Obama Admin.

Inhofe rips 'outrageous lie' on Benghazi

Obama on Benghazi: 'We revealed what we knew at the time'

Obama Ties Military's Hands By Reading al Quaeda Out of Benghazi

Queen Michelle

Michelle O: Be More Like Your Dog to Be Healthy

So, Michelle and Barack Obama: What IS the state of your union? Rumours their 21-year marriage has been racked by screaming rows, allegations of infidelity and a string of jealous fights


The Belarusian Connection Obamacare network vulnerable to cyber attack

Oregon Gov. Abruptly Cancels Interview After Negative Obamacare Reports

Obama holding 'everyone' accountable for botched health law rollout

Betrayed by the President and ObamaCare

Carney: ObamaCare enrollment errors 'a very small percentage'

White House Writes NFL Players’ Pro-Obamacare Tweets

Obama vs The U.S. Military

Obama's Army Only 85% Ready To Fight

Obama and the IRS

Embattled IRS plans employee bonuses for 2013 work


Obama and the IRS

'Not even a SMIDGEN of corruption': Obama DOUBLES DOWN on IRS targeting denial [VIDEO]

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Obama Tweets Pic of Himself Throwing Football on Super Bowl Sunday

Confirmed: Obama Inaugural Donor In Charge of Dinesh D'Souza Prosecution

New Homeland official was key figure in Pennsylvania corruption case

Obama and Syria

White House to 'Make Sure' Syria Gives Up Chemical Arms

Obama and Israel, Year 6

'Kerry Never Meant to Threaten Israel,' State Department Claims US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki denies Kerry threatened Israel with boycotts.

 Ya’alon: Israel 'will manage' without a peace deal Defiant defense minister insists conflict isn't about land, but rather a Palestinian reluctance to recognize Israel as Jewish

Israeli Intel Minister on Kerry Statements: 'Offensive, Unfair, Insufferable'

Israeli Leaders Slam Kerry--Again

 IDF allows first peek into secret Golan Heights field hospital Facility has treated 700 Syrians, from children to old men, breaking down stereotypes about 'the Zionists' as clashes continue across the fence

It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama to O'Reilly: Fox News Reason for My Problems

Iranian commander: We have targets within America


As predicted: 'Tapering' prompts market dive Dow's worst January in 24 years follows Fed adjustment

Obama vs the 2nd Amendment

DOJ Report: Firearm-Related Murders Down 39% Since 1993

Queen Michelle

Let’s compare Michelle Obama's birthday party with Laura Bush’s when George was in office


Doctor’s 'I will not comply' Obamacare break-up letter getting incredible praise from her peers

Daniel Bahr, German former health minister, becomes 'Obamacare' advisor

The next healthcare reform drama: Obamacare and farmers


It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama mocks Art History majors

Clinton White House Counsel Can't List a Single Hillary Accomplishment

Saudis snub US congressional delegation

Report: Obama heading to Saudi Arabia

Queen Michelle

Mrs. Obama Takes a Jab at Us "Wilderness" Folks

Obama and Israel, Year 6

PA Reps Slam 'Israeli' Kerry Plan, Threaten Intifada Jibril Rajoub threatens a return to terror war as Abed Rabo rejects Kerry plan as 'Israeli.'

Kerry slammed by right for 'encouraging' Israel boycott

John Kerry Threatens Israel With Boycotts if Talks Fail Dept. Defense Minister responds to new boycott threats by US Sec. of State Kerry: 'Friends don't put ultimatums on Israel's security.'

European Banks Boycott Israeli Banks Because of 'Settlements' Two of the largest banks in northern Europe announce they will boycott Israeli banks because they operate in "occupied territories"


California Insurance Rates Skyrocket for Pre-Obamacare Policies

Labor union officials say Obama betrayed them in health-care rollout

Speechwriter: Obama Didn’t Lie About ObamaCare, He Just Didn't Understand How It Worked

KY Woman Confronts Obama About Losing Plan And Son's Doctor Due To ObamaCare

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Tax-exempt Obama Foundation doesn't exist at listed addresses

Obama and the IRS

Justice bars lawyer from testifying before House panel in IRS probe

Dinesh D’Souza Tells Hannity Indictment Could Be 'Payback' for Anti-Obama Film


 Dow Dumps To 2nd Worst January In 24 Years

Bernanke Leaves Fed with Record Balance Sheet of $4,102,138,000,000

Obama and Agenda 21

EPA Administrator: We 'Look at Climate Change As Something Where We ... Can Grow Jobs'

 Gibson Sticks Thumb in Obama Administration´s Eye with 'Government Series' Guitars

Automakers continue to quietly void warranties if you use E-15 gas

Obama Amnesty

President Obama may accept deal offering 11 million undocumented immigrants legal status



Obama will have White House call woman who lost her insurance plan, might lose son's doctor

Sick Kids Denied Specialty Care Due to Obamacare in Washington

Anthem to raise some premiums as much as 25%

Nancy Pelosi: ObamaCare incompetence "not my responsibility"

Obama Ethics, Year 6

Obama Will Take 'Executive Action' to Reduce Prison Population

In an e"xclusive and wide-ranging" interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, President Barack Obama locked down on his promise to wield the powers of the presidency with greater force if Congress refused to act on the agenda he laid out in his recent State of the Union Address.

State Dept. Webcast Features Guest Who Called Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice 'Uncle Toms'

Obama and the IRS

Confirmed: IRS Gave Preferential Treatment to Malik Obama – Who Is Linked to Hamas

Obama vs The 1st Amendment

Abramson: National security reporting ´effectively being criminalized´ under Obama

Obama and Israel, Year 6

US offered Palestinians a lease deal for isolated settlements

Obama and Syria

Obama-Backed Syria Jihadists Say Liberation of 'Palestine,' Golan Will Follow Fall of Assad

Syria Misses Chemical Weapons Deadlines, But No Talk of Consequences

Obama and Agenda 21

State Department report finds no major climate impact from Keystone XL pipeline

EPA Administrator to Scientists: ´Speak the Truth' on Climate Change to Meet Obama's ´Needs'


Jobless claims rise more than expected

White House: Rich guilty of 'hyperventilation' over income inequality push

Nearly Half of America Lives Paycheck-to-Paycheck

Queen Michelle

Michelle Obama to Donors: 'Writing Those Checks Is the Single Most Impactful Thing You Can Do'

Obama vs the 2nd Amendment

Holder Confirms Obama Ready to Use Executive Order on Guns 'in Absence of Meaningful Action'

Obama vs the US Military

In trying to reduce the cost of its specialized AC-130 gunships, the U.S. Air Force may have made them more vulnerable to enemy gunfire.

The Sandy Hook School Massacre

Sandy Hook Killer Had 'Movie Depicting a Man/Boy Relationship' on His PC

It's 3am and nobody's there

Iran Reveals Plan to 'Confront U.S. Naval Forces' Ahead of War Games, Military commanders continue to issue threats against the U.S.

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: list; obama; office; week
Obama IRS abuse dominated the headlines at the end of the week. Stocking up on lots of popcorn...

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1 posted on 02/07/2014 1:48:04 PM PST by Nachum
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To: Nachum

Excellent, thanks for compiling the list.

2 posted on 02/07/2014 2:04:27 PM PST by chud
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