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The View from Marcellus
City Journal ^ | Summer 2013 | James Panero

Posted on 08/15/2013 9:59:37 PM PDT by neverdem

Fracking brings breathtaking economic and environmental benefits—at least to places that welcome it.

Few people understand the ground better than Larry Fulmer, a soft-spoken man with flowing white hair pulled back into a ponytail. Fulmer, the hydrofracturing superintendent for Cabot Oil & Gas in Pennsylvania, knows just how much pressurized water and sand will liberate the natural gas trapped in the shale rock a mile beneath our feet. Here, in a small square field carved out of hill country in Dimock, Pennsylvania, his crew is mixing water and sand day and night. “They pull [the mixture] in at 35 to 40 pounds per square inch,” he explains, “and boost it to whatever our treating pressure is, anywhere from 4,000 to 9,000 pounds per square inch, and they send it back to the missile”—the final hose to the well. Like a traveling show, Fulmer’s people will be here for just four days before packing up and moving on to the next venue.

Over the last half-decade, workers like Fulmer have tapped immense quantities of previously unreachable energy from pockets deep underground. The economic and political benefits of this Shale Revolution, as it’s sometimes called, are enormous. Shale gas is locally abundant and easily transported to serve the heating and electricity needs of the East Coast. It diminishes our dependence on foreign oil and gas, generates domestic jobs, and pours money into poor rural areas. The hydrofracturing technology to extract, transport, and use it already exists, so there’s no need for decades of research and development before we can take advantage of it.

Shale gas is also far cleaner than oil and coal; indeed, environmentalists should be crusading for it. Instead, they have sought to smother the Shale Revolution, claiming that it’s harmful to the environment and promoting their cause through complaisant media. Their relentless work has begun to turn public opinion and has even influenced New York’s governor to delay the approval of fracking in his state. That’s why I’ve come to visit an active drilling community in rural Pennsylvania, atop the vast rock formation called the Marcellus Shale. I want to observe gas exploration in person. When you’re on the ground, it’s hard not to be awed by its promise—and worried that so many have become convinced otherwise.

The Marcellus Shale is a layer of gas-rich rock that runs northeast to southwest across several mid-Atlantic states. It extends from New York’s Finger Lakes district and Southern Tier through the western half of Pennsylvania and into eastern Ohio and much of West Virginia, covering nearly 100,000 square miles. The layer gets its name from a surface outcropping near Marcellus, New York.

Geologists became aware of the natural gas trapped in the Marcellus Shale decades ago. The problem was how to extract it. Some liken shale to the filling of an Oreo cookie: it’s a “pay zone” sandwiched horizontally between layers of limestone far beneath the earth’s surface. The shale is composed of thin sheets of rock packed too closely together to allow gas to move through. And even if you could free the gas somehow after digging a traditional vertical well, you would reach only what was directly beneath your drilling site—just as a straw punched through the outside of an Oreo might reach the filling at the straw end but would have little luck pulling in the cream around it.

The problem was solved by Texas oilman George P. Mitchell, who spent millions of dollars and nearly two decades trying to extract the natural gas trapped in the Barnett Shale formation in his native state. What did the job, Mitchell eventually discovered, was a combination of two technologies: hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Hydraulic fracturing—otherwise known as hydrofracturing, fracing, or (most popularly, though it was originally pejorative) fracking—is the fracturing of rock with pressurized fluid. The technology has been around since the late 1940s, when companies used it to release additional oil from spent wells. Horizontal drilling has existed even longer but became prevalent in the 1970s, with the development of advanced surveying tools and the directional “mud-motor” drill head, impelled by pressurized mud that is pumped down a well and passes over a screw-shaped rotor.

Mitchell’s horizontal fracking came online about 15 years ago and launched the Shale Revolution. Once drillers reach the right depth, they bend their well hole horizontally, so that it runs through the middle of a shale formation. Then, after punching additional holes through the sides of the horizontal well, they pump in pressurized fluid, which pushes through the holes, forces the layers of shale slightly apart, and releases the gas trapped inside, which can then flow up the well. Water and sand make up 99 percent of the fluid; the rest consists of biocides and softeners to reduce friction and contaminants. The sand’s job is to keep the fissures about a millimeter open after the water is removed so that the gas can continue to flow. The drilling stage of this process can take several weeks, with the pressurized-fluid treatment lasting four days.

On the northern Pennsylvanian Marcellus, the wells link up with the underground infrastructure of gas pipelines that crisscrosses the eastern United States, making on-site gas storage unnecessary. The gas flows to power plants and urban distribution lines. Once the drilling and fracking are completed, the energy firm removes all the equipment from the site and restores the topsoil. All that’s visible is a tiny wellhead and storage tanks to collect the small amount of fracturing fluid that returns to the surface, which the company will reuse in future jobs.

Since the first modern hydrofracturing wells pushed down into the Marcellus in 2007 and 2008, the estimates for the recoverable gas content of American shale have kept rising. In 2000, shale produced only 2 percent of our domestic gas supply. According to the federal government’s Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, 50 percent now comes from shale and other unconventional sources, a share expected to rise to 80 percent by 2035. Pennsylvania may sit on the second-largest natural-gas field in the world; significant deposits also lie beneath Arkansas, Louisiana, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, and West Virginia. In 2012, the International Energy Agency predicted that the United States would surpass Russia to become the world’s largest natural-gas producer by 2015. A 2011 study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) estimates that America’s supply of gas will last more than 90 years.

The Shale Revolution has brought enormous economic benefits to American producers and consumers. According to a 2012 study by the consulting and forecasting firm IHS Global Insight, shale oil and gas combined generated $87 billion in domestic capital investments in 2012. These investments will rise to $172.5 billion annually by the end of the decade, IHS says, and could total $5.1 trillion by 2035. Much of the investment has taken place in struggling rural economies. Shale developers not only lease drilling sites from their owners; they also pay the owners of the distant plots whose gas is being tapped. Gas distributors pay people to run underground pipelines through their properties. Drilling firms share the returns of each well with the landowner.

The advantages aren’t confined to the gas industry and its direct beneficiaries; savings on energy ripple through the broader American economy. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that the shale-gas boom has pushed down the price of natural gas in America to one-third of its 2008 level. The lower costs of shale gas, PricewaterhouseCoopers reports, will yield 1 million domestic manufacturing jobs by 2025 and add 0.5 percent growth to the nation’s gross domestic product. From 2012 through 2015, American households will save an average of $900 per year—2 percent of median household income—on their heat and electricity bills thanks to shale gas, IHS estimates.

The development of a ready source of domestic energy directly improves America’s geopolitical position, too, given that unsavory states currently govern much of the world’s energy supply. Shale gas even helps protect the environment by replacing coal in power plants, since gas produces far less carbon dioxide, sulfur, carbon monoxide, and ash than coal does. For years, coal drove more than half of all American energy production, but its share dropped to 42 percent in 2011, the lowest figure since analysts began keeping track in 1949. The ongoing shift from coal to natural gas is the main reason that American greenhouse-gas emissions have declined by 450 million tons in five years—a 5.3 percent drop from 2011 to 2012 alone. By contrast, greenhouse-gas emissions have risen in Europe, which lacks a ready source of gas and has been replacing oil and aging nuclear power with coal. “Displacement of coal-fired power by gas-fired power . . . is the most cost-effective way of reducing CO2 emissions in the power sector,” the MIT study concludes.

New York City in particular could benefit greatly from the Shale Revolution. A network of pipelines already delivers gas to nearly every home stove in the five boroughs. The heating boilers in the basements of most residential and commercial buildings, which now run mostly on dirty Number 4 and Number 6 heating oil, could be converted to cheaper, cleaner natural gas over time. My own Upper West Side apartment building has just replaced an obsolete boiler that burned Number 6 oil with one that burns cleaner Number 2 but can shift to gas power with the flick of a switch—once enough gas is available. Utilities are already working to upgrade the underground pipelines to make the changeover possible. Con Edison is installing a gas line an avenue away from my building, and a new city initiative called NYC Clean Heat is helping us persuade the utility to bring the supply to our building. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has embraced shale development, envisioning a city in which buses and trucks run on natural gas and electric vehicles are charged through gas-fired power plants. “Remember that 13,000 Americans will die from the effects of coal-fired power plant pollution every year,” Bloomberg said this April. “I don’t know of anybody yet that’s been killed by fracking.”

Shale gas’s benefits won’t be realized, though, if environmentalists have their way. Convinced of the evils of fossil fuels and the promise of renewable energy, they have successfully portrayed fracking as a destructive and dangerous practice, rather than a safe, tested means of extracting a clean, local, and naturally abundant resource. They often cite a 2011 article in Climatic Change, written by Robert Howarth, Renee Santoro, and Anthony Ingraffea, that contends that “3.6 percent to 7.9 percent of the methane from shale-gas production escapes to the atmosphere in venting and leaks over the lifetime of a well.” Therefore, the piece continues, “the [greenhouse-gas] footprint for shale gas is greater than that for conventional gas or oil when viewed on any time horizon.” This much-publicized article, however, has been debunked by many other researchers, including Cornell University’s Lawrence Cathles, who argues that Howarth and his colleagues “significantly overestimate the fugitive emissions associated with unconventional gas extraction.”

An equally unpersuasive environmentalist claim is that fracking contaminates groundwater. As Columbia Law School’s Thomas Merrill and David Schizer conclude in a study of shale regulations, “there is little evidence so far that subterranean fracturing activity can directly contaminate groundwater, and this risk may never materialize. The layer of shale that is fractured is usually thousands of feet below the water table, with a buffer of dense rock or clay in between.” Of the 35,000 gas wells fractured in the United States in 2006, they write, “the paucity of confirmed incidents of water contamination from the underground migration of fracturing fluid provides powerful evidence that the risk is small.”

At one point, a handful of Pennsylvania residents complained to the media that fracking had contaminated their drinking water, but the Environmental Protection Agency surveyed their groundwater and found it safe. The recently released anti-fracking documentary Gasland (not to be confused with the recently released anti-fracking movie Promised Land, starring Matt Damon) shows a Colorado man holding a match near his faucet water and watching the flame flare up dramatically—because of gas released by fracking, the documentary says. But Colorado’s Oil and Gas Conservation Commission discovered that the cause was naturally occurring methane in the resident’s water. (Merrill and Schizer recommend that gas companies, before drilling, survey water for existing levels of methane to mitigate false claims and shakedowns.) The Center for Rural Pennsylvania, an agency of the state legislature, has found “no statistically significant increases in methane levels after drilling.”

Nevertheless, celebrities have embraced the anti-fracking cause with gusto. In 2012, Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon, the widow and son of slain Beatles front man John Lennon, formed the advocacy group Artists Against Fracking, which soon had more than 200 prominent signatories, including Alec Baldwin, Anne Hathaway, David Geffen, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Lady Gaga. Artists Against Fracking has erected billboards, organized a letter-writing campaign to New York governor Andrew Cuomo, and chartered a luxury tour bus to drive to Dimock, where Ono and Lennon, along with actress Susan Sarandon, brought drinking water to residents. “I can’t believe that here in the United States people don’t even have water to drink,” says Ono in a video about the trip posted on YouTube. “It’s more horrible than I could imagine,” Lennon adds.

Seven months after Artists Against Fracking formed, a March Quinnipiac University poll found that, for the first time, New Yorkers opposed fracking, 45 to 39 percent—an unsurprising outcome, given the unremitting campaign against shale gas. One of the opponents is apparently Governor Cuomo, once a supporter of shale-gas development, who has cited environmental risks in delaying approval of drilling in the state’s economically depressed Southern Tier. As the New York Post’s Fredric Dicker reported in April, “After telling associates for nearly two years he believed natural-gas drilling could be conducted safely, Cuomo developed cold feet late last year in the wake of an increasingly aggressive ‘anti’ movement led by environmental activists, including his former brother-in-law and uncle to his three daughters, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.” Further, proposed legislation in Albany would require all shale gas to undergo tests for radon before it could enter city limits, probably raising the ultimate price of gas and encouraging people to stick with coal and heating oil.

It’s worth noting that Artists Against Fracking was born after gas-development companies, looking to serve New York City’s cleaner energy demands, announced plans to run an underground distribution line near the Lennon family’s second home in Delaware County. The not-in-my-backyard possessiveness of wealthy Catskills second-homeowners is effectively preventing poorer, less politically connected, communities from profiting from the energy wealth beneath their feet.

Soon after Lennon and Ono traveled to Dimock, I made my own trip and found a very different scene. Most of the protest signs are pro-gas. One pro-fracking organization, Dimock Proud, was founded by two landowners to serve, they say, as the “voice of the silent majority” in their town. Residents here took part in a new documentary, FrackNation, an effort by journalists Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney to document the distortions of the anti-fracking lobby.

For an area with extensive gas development, Dimock seems almost bereft of heavy industry to the naked eye; its wells are tucked into the region’s endless folding hills. After many twists and turns, I finally come to a Cabot derrick, one of five that the company runs in the area. Here I ask Steve McDonald, Cabot’s colorful drilling consultant—a dead ringer for Hank Williams, Jr.—if the owner of the house next door to the site had to move out. “No, sir,” McDonald tells me. “The gentleman right up there, Mr. Gray, he come down when we first rigged up down here and he visited with me a little bit, and he says, ‘Steve, if you don’t mind, try not to point the lights towards my house, because that’s my bedroom side.’ Well, we done everything we could do to keep them from pointing lights at his house. So he comes down three or four days later and I’m thinking, ‘Oh, devil, we done pointed light at his house up there.’ And he comes, and he brings three dozen of those Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and I’m all about them things. And I asked him, just to see, ‘Is everything okay up there?’ And he said, ‘I hardly know y’all here.’ ”

The Marcellus story is a positive one. The gas industry has newly paved the roads around Dimock. Farmers now have income to pay down debts and fix up their properties. Jobs are growing. McDonald tells me about a conversation that he had with a local contractor hired by Cabot to do odd jobs around the drilling site. “ ‘I’m living the dream,’ the contractor says. And I said, ‘What do you mean by that?’ He said, ‘Man, I couldn’t be any happier. I’ve got a good job. I do what I need to do, and before I got this job here, I was personally almost eating out of garbage cans, trying to feed my family.’ Best thing that’s ever happened to him and his family is the oil company.” As that story suggests, Pennsylvania has been wise enough to let the Shale Revolution improve its residents’ lives. New York should follow suit.

James Panero is the managing editor of The New Criterion, where he writes about art every month. His Twitter handle is jamespanero.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Culture/Society; Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: carbontax; energy; fracking; kenyanbornmuzzie; marcellus; naturalgas; opec

1 posted on 08/15/2013 9:59:37 PM PDT by neverdem
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To: neverdem

2 posted on 08/15/2013 10:03:53 PM PDT by Jet Jaguar
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To: neverdem

Pulp Fiction reference.

3 posted on 08/15/2013 10:07:10 PM PDT by Jet Jaguar
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To: Jet Jaguar

The Wolf will be there directly.

4 posted on 08/15/2013 10:35:35 PM PDT by edpc (Wilby 2016)
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To: neverdem; no-to-illegals; SunkenCiv; All

Thank you for posting this very long informative article. I have been following the fracking story with great interest as it does have the potential to restore decades of US economic stability. However, I must bring up a few thoughts of concern. The article says we have enough reserves for 90 years, so what happens after these reserves are used up? We should enjoy the current plenty, but at the same time develop solar, wind and other new technologies, so that the gas will last a lot longer than 90 years.

Also, not all shale oil and gas are the same. I was shocked to discover that the oil in that terrible train accident at Lake Megantic which has killed around 50 people was from the Bakken Shale, which I believe produces both gas and oil. Apparently some of the Bakken oil is high in flammable, corrosive, poisonous, explosive hydrogen sulfide vapor. Enbridge, a company which had a major pipeline spill of Canadian tar sands oil into the Kalamazoo River, has requested permission to refuse to transport some of the Bakken Oil. Apparently the $billion + cost of the Kalamazoo spill which is still not finished, has taught them to tread carefully. I am wondering if New York’s caution in exploiting their shale formations is the result of Liberal bias, or if they may have somewhat different oil and gas from that in Pennsylvania.

There have also been reports of very toxic effects on ground water and people’s wells. I believe that wherever fracking is planned, the water in surrounding homes should be tested first so there is a base line with which to compare possible future problems. I know that in some places the water is pretty foul without any human tampering. Also, although the article speaks of drilling at 1,000 feet, I am wondering how they keep the biocides (life form killers??) and other chemicals from leaking out along the length of the drill pipe and contaminating water tables closer to the surface. Perhaps one of our alert readers will know the answer.

At any rate I am glad we have found these vast reserves and can counter Russian geopolitical moves more easily as a result. I am also glad my son is safely back from Afghanistan, and hope we will be less inclined to be involved in Middle East problems as we become less dependent on their fuel reserves.

5 posted on 08/15/2013 10:58:56 PM PDT by gleeaikin
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To: Jet Jaguar

Marcellus says: “That’s pride f%$*ing with you. In the third round, you go down, dig?”

6 posted on 08/15/2013 11:33:51 PM PDT by boop ("You don't look so bad, here's another")
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To: gleeaikin
Apparently some of the Bakken oil is high in flammable, corrosive, poisonous, explosive hydrogen sulfide vapor.

No. Bakken crude is sweet. If there was H2S in those tank cars, it came from a different formation--likely the Mission Canyon.

Also, although the article speaks of drilling at 1,000 feet, I am wondering how they keep the biocides (life form killers??) and other chemicals from leaking out along the length of the drill pipe and contaminating water tables closer to the surface.

The first part of the well is drilled using fresh water and native solids (those picked up in the drilling fluid from the strata near the surface). Very little is added to that, usually some clay to increase viscosity of the drilling fluid and coat the wellbore (to prevent seepage). After the aquifers in the area have been drilled through, surface casing is run through the interval and cemented in place. This prevents contamination of the near-surface aquifers.

After the wellbore has been turned (called building the curve) intermediate casing is run and cemented in place. There are now two layers of steel pipe and surrounding cement to protect the aquifers and other rock formations from contamination, and in turn, these keep the wellbore intact as well. The cement integrity can be (and in most states is required to be) checked using a casing bond log, which works like a sonogram to determine whether the cement job is good--if not, it can be fixed by perforating the casing in the area of the bad cement, setting packers above and below those perforations and pumping cement into the voids behind the casing (known as a "squeeze job". this may be done either before or just after drilling the lateral and running the production liner.

Then the well is fracked.

It isn't in the interest of the oil companies to lose any gas or oil they could produce, and great pains and expense are taken to prevent that, not only to make more money, but to avoid creating problems down the road (legal and otherwise).

I hope that answers your question.I have been working as a wellsite geologist since '79, working horizontal wells since '90, and Bakken wells since 2000.

7 posted on 08/16/2013 2:09:34 AM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
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To: gleeaikin

You ask what happens after 90 years........

Just think about what the “known reserves” were like 90 years ago.

New finds are being made everyday. Advancements in drilling are moving rapidly to make even more hydrocarbons available to be extracted.

In the last 3 years, oil & gas has increased their productivity by over 200%. It took solar and wind over 20 years to do the same.

8 posted on 08/16/2013 3:41:41 AM PDT by Erik Latranyi (When religions have to beg the gov't for a waiver, we are already under socialism.)
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To: gleeaikin
The article says we have enough reserves for 90 years, so what happens after these reserves are used up?


According to the US Geological Survey in January 2013....the Green River Formation has 3 TRILLION barrels of oil

The Green River Formation contains the largest oil shale deposits in the world. It has been estimated that the oil shale reserves could be equal up to 3 trillion barrels (480 billion cubic metres) of shale oil, up to half of which may be recoverable by shale oil extraction technologies

9 posted on 08/16/2013 4:10:09 AM PDT by spokeshave
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To: Smokin' Joe; All

Thank you for the detailed information. The article I saw referred to western ND shale oil. Perhaps they meant something like Mission Canyon. At any rate I said “some”, not all, and apparently Enbridge definitely wants to have the right to refuse transporting some of that oil.

The other question if have is in regard to the cementing. Wasn’t this the same sort of problem that the BP oil spill experienced. Although I guess conditions are probably quite different—not being 5,000 or more feet under water.

10 posted on 08/16/2013 11:12:43 PM PDT by gleeaikin
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To: gleeaikin
Not all writers are familliar with the Williston Basin, its geology, nor the number of different oil-producing formations here.

Enbridge (pipeline) handles oil production from the 14 or so other rock formations in the Williston Basin which produce oil, too. Some of those formations produce sour crude, depending on where the wells are in the Basin. The Mission Canyon, Red River, and Duperow are known to have sour reservoirs, again, depending on the field they produce from. That can cause handling problems. The gas (H2S) is dissolved in the oil, the gas is lethal in concentrations of 1000 ppm and less, and is corrosive, causing hydrogen embrittlement in steel. It also has a wide explosive and flammable range, and I don't particularly blame Enbridge for being picky now that there is a good supply of sweet crude to move.

Yes, the BP well had a bad cement job. From rig data charts posted online, this should have been caught before the blowout. The well was flowing, and it should not have been.

They should also have run a negative pressure test (and may have) on the casing, to see if there was a problem with the cement job, and made sure the fluid in the hole was holding the formation pressure back (the pressure exerted by the fluid in the wellbore is a function of the weight in pounds per gallon and the height of the column of fluid).

They really got in trouble when they displaced the 5000+ ft. of marine riser, pumping in seawater to displace the drilling mud. The seawater was lighter than the drilling fluid, the subsequent loss of hydrostatic pressure (by exchanging a lighter seawater for the heavier drilling mud) allowed the formation to produce into the wellbore, and it did, with disastrous results.

Had that been caught in time, the well could have been kept under control and the problems with the cement job remediated, saving the entire industry a black eye.

11 posted on 08/17/2013 2:40:00 AM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
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To: gleeaikin
The article says we have enough reserves for 90 years, so what happens after these reserves are used up?

Utica Shale

12 posted on 08/20/2013 1:46:01 PM PDT by Ditto
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