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A Letter from President Roosevelt on Race Suicide (1907)
Direct | April 3, 1907 | Theodore Roosevelt

Posted on 06/14/2013 7:32:37 AM PDT by ProgressingAmerica


[After reading Dr. Cronin's article on "The Doctor in the Public School," in the April number of the Review Of Reviews, President Roosevelt dictated the following letter to the editor of this magazine. Owing to the widespread interest in the subject, the President has acceded to the editor's request that the letter be given to the public. It is perhaps only fair to Dr. Cronin to call attention to the fact that he was dealing in his article with the question of large families in some of the crowded sections of New York City. The President heartily approved of the article as a whole, but took exception to the single paragraph cited in his letter. - The Editor.]

My Dear Dr. Shaw: YOU know how sincerely I believe that your magazine generally stands for moral betterment all around. I was really shocked to see in it the last paragraph but one in the article in the April magazine on " The Doctor in the Public School." The ordinary individual thinks so little on these questions that it is pardonable for him to think in confused fashion even on such an elementary proposition as this. But the man who affects to instruct others in matters of moral and hygienic reform must be expected to exhibit at least the rudimentary intelligence and morality necessary to prevent his saying what has been said here. The writer states clearly that it is an erroneous idea to assume that the average American family should have a larger number of healthy children than the present birth-rate shows. The vital statistics of a State like Massachusetts show that there the average native American family of native American descent has so few children that the birth-rate has fallen below the death-rate. This, of course, means race suicide, and it ought to be understood that if after a while there are no children to go to school the question of their health in school would not even be academic.

The writer's statement that "physical defects go hand in hand with a large number of children, both in the rich and the poor," is simply not true, as he could tell at a glance by looking up, for instance, the fact that athletes are most apt to be found in fair-sized families. I am not speaking now of families of inordinate size, though even as to such the high standard of health and strength among the French Canadians, for instance, is astonishing, but of those of half a dozen children or thereabouts. Let him look up any serious statistics, or study any author worth reading on the subject at all, including Benjamin Franklin, and he will see that in the ordinary family of but one or two children there is apt to be lower vitality than in a family of four or five or more. All he has to do, if he doubts this, is to study the effects of the marriages with heiresses by the British nobility. The question at issue is not between having "a few perfect children" and "a dozen unkempt degenerates"; it is between having, in the average family, a number of children so small that the race diminishes, while, curiously enough, the physique in such case likewise tends to fall off, and the reasonable growth which comes when the average family is large enough to make up for the men and women who do not marry and for those who do and have no children, or but one or two. The writer quotes the statistics for Berlin. Let him study them a little more; let him study other statistics as well; let him turn to any book dealing with the subject if written by a man capable of touching on it at all (as, for instance, let him turn to page 162 of Finot's "Race Prejudice," which I happen at this moment to be reading), and he will see that in cities like Berlin the upper classes, the wealthier classes, tend to die out precisely because of the low birth-rate to which he points. The greatest problem of civilization is to be found in the fact that the well-to-do families tend to die out; there results, in consequence, a tendency to the elimination instead of the survival of the fittest; and the moral attitude which helps on this tendency is of course strengthened when it is apologized for and praised in a magazine like yours. It is not the very poor, it is not ignorant people with large families, who tend to read such articles in magazines like the Review Of Reviews; it is the upper-class people who already tend to have too few children who are reached and corrupted by such teachings.

Our people could still exist under all kinds of iniquities in government; under a debased currency, under official corruption, under the rule of a socialistic proletariat, or a wealthy oligarchy. All these things would be bad for us, but the country would still exist. But it could not continue to exist if it paid heed to the expressed or implied teachings of such articles as this. These teachings furnish excuses for every unnatural prevention of child-bearing, for every form of gross and shallow selfishness of the kind that is really the deepest reflection on, the deepest discredit to, American social life. There are countries which, and people in all countries who, need to be warned against a rabbit-like indifference to consequences in raising families. The ordinary American, whether of the old native stock or the self-respecting son or daughter of immigrants, needs no such warning. He or she needs to have impressed upon his or her mind the vital lesson that all schemes about having "doctors in public schools," about kindergartens, civic associations, women's clubs, and training families up in this way or that are preposterous nonsense if there are to be no families to train; and that it is a simple mathematical proposition that, where the average family that has children at all has only three, the race at once diminishes in numbers, and if the tendency is not checked will vanish completely, - in other words, there will be race suicide. Not only the healthiest, but the highest relations in life are those of the man and the woman united on a basis of full and mutually respecting partnership and wise companionship in loving and permanent wedlock. If, through no fault of theirs, they have no children they are entitled to our deepest sympathy. If they refuse to have children sufficient in number to mean that the race goes forward and not back,* if they refuse to bring them up healthy in body and mind, then they are criminals.

Sincerely yours,

Theodore Roosevelt.

The White House, Washington, April 3, 1907.

* This must mean, on an average, four among the families which are not, from natural causes, childless or limited to a less number than four. Prof. Edward A. Ross, of the University of Wisconsin, has put the matter concisely as follows: "The type to be standardized is not the family from one to three, but the family of four to six. The one-child or two-child ideal growing in favor with the middle class would, If popularized, hurry us to extinction."

TOPICS: Government
KEYWORDS: eugenics; progressingamerica; progressives
There was also an earlier letter which initially caused me a problem in sorting out.


WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, October 18, 1902.

My Dear Mrs. Van Vorst:

I must write you a line to say how much I have appreciated your article, "The Woman Who Toils." But to me there is a most melancholy side to it, when you touch upon what is fundamentally infinitely more important than any other question in this country—that is, the question of race suicide, complete or partial.

An easy, good-natured kindliness, and a desire to be "independent"—that is, to live one's life purely according to one's own desires—are in no sense substitutes for the fundamental virtues, for the practice of the strong, racial qualities without which there can be no strong races—the qualities of courage and resolution in both men and women, of scorn of what is mean, base and selfish, of eager desire to work or fight or suffer as the case may be provided the end to be gained is great enough, and the contemptuous putting aside of mere ease, mere vapid pleasure, mere avoidance of toil and worry. I do not know whether I most pity or most despise the foolish and selfish man or woman who does not understand that the only things really worth having in life are those the acquirement of which normally means cost and effort. If a man or woman, through no fault of his or hers, goes throughout life denied those highest of all joys which spring only from home life, from the having and bringing up of many healthy children, I feel for them deep and respectful sympathy—the sympathy one extends to the gallant fellow killed at the beginning of a campaign, or the man who toils hard and is brought to ruin by the fault of others. But the man or woman who deliberately avoids marriage, and has a heart so cold as to know no passion and a brain so shallow and selfish as to dislike having children, is in effect a criminal against the race, and should be an object of contemptuous abhorrence by all healthy people.

Of course no one quality makes a good citizen, and no one quality will save a nation. But there are certain great qualities for the lack of which no amount of intellectual brilliancy or of material prosperity or of easiness of life can atone, and which show decadence and corruption in the nation just as much if they are produced by selfishness and coldness and ease-loving laziness among comparatively poor people as if they are produced by vicious or frivolous luxury in the rich. If the men of the nation are not anxious to work in many different ways, with all their might and strength, and ready and able to fight at need, and anxious to be fathers of families, and if the women do not recognize that the greatest thing for any woman is to be a good wife and mother, why, that nation has cause to be alarmed about its future.

There is no physical trouble among us Americans. The trouble with the situation you set forth is one of character, and therefore we can conquer it if we only will.

Very sincerely yours, THEODORE ROOSEVELT.

(Transcriber's note: During the time of some of Roosevelt's early biographies, this letter was known as "Roosevelt's Famous Race Suicide Letter")

First published in 1902 and 1907 respectively, these writings are in the public domain.

1 posted on 06/14/2013 7:32:37 AM PDT by ProgressingAmerica
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To: locountry1dr; Kenny Bunk; OldNewYork; Zeneta; CommieCutter; SwankyC; Albertafriend; preacher; ...
If anybody wants on/off the revolutionary progressivism ping list, send me a message

Progressives do not want to discuss their own history. I want to discuss their history.

2 posted on 06/14/2013 7:33:59 AM PDT by ProgressingAmerica (What's the best way to reach a YouTube generation? Put it on YouTube!)
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To: ProgressingAmerica
TR's response to eugenicist Charles Davenport.

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3 posted on 06/14/2013 7:36:11 AM PDT by cripplecreek (REMEMBER THE RIVER RAISIN!)
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Here's the article which fostered a presidential response:



BY JOHN J CRONIN, M.D. (footnote 1)

ONE of the most important duties of the Department of Health of the City of New York is to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in and through the schools. Nearly all epidemics have their origin at school, and the spread of contagion among children usually takes place through the intimate association of a large number of pupils representing different strata of the population.

In 1897 the Department of Health appointed a corps of medical school inspectors, - physicians chosen after a rigid competitive Civil Service examination. The duties of the inspectors consisted in visiting their respective schools every morning at a stated hour and in examining any children sent to them by the teachers for suspected contagious diseases. The inspectors excluded children found to be affected with such diseases, and readmitted them only after a second examination and after the premises where these children lived had been disinfected. This phase of the work is still continued in all the schools of the city, and the result has been a greatly diminished number of cases of contagious disease.

In 1901, under the Low administration, a, corps of nurses was added to the corps of inspectors. The duties of the school nurses consist in promoting the cleanliness of the children and in treating minor ailments of the skin and eyes, under the direction of the inspectors. The corps of physicians was also enlarged and its work extended so as to include a visit to each classroom once a week. The children were then passed before the doctor and their general appearance, the condition of their hair, face, eyes, mouth, and throat were noted, and records were kept of the minor contagious conditions which the nurses treated at the school. This work resulted in a great improvement in the cleanliness and healthfulness of the children, and through this agency one of the most dangerous forms of contagious eye disease (trachoma) was greatly reduced in frequency among the children. The number of cases of trachoma in the schools of Manhattan Borough on March 31, 1905, was 17,710. A year later, on March 15, 1906, a careful census showed only 12,000 cases. (The above statistics are used with the permission of Dr. Thomas Darlington, Commissioner of Health, under whose administration this new work was established.)


In the course of their weekly visits the school physicians had noted many pale, improperly nourished, and apparently sick children, some of whom presented such marked characteristics of disease that no further examination was needed to know what ailed them. Some of these, with hollow eyes, flat chests, and emaciated frames, were evidently suffering from tuberculosis. Others, with subdued manner, pale lips, and breathlessness on mounting stairs, bore the outward and visible signs of heart disease. Thousands of children with the typical expression of the "mouth breather" were encumbered by soft growths in the vault behind the soft palate (adenoids) and showed impaired hearing and retarded mental and physical development, simply because a comparatively trifling procedure, - the removal of these growths, - had not been thought of. As they went from class to class the inspectors also noted a large number of children whose tense brows and suffused eyes, whose blinking lids and close-range reading, meant nearsightedness and eyestrain, and whose languid and "headachy " manner was the despair of their teachers and the mockery of their fellows. They noted, too, in almost every class, one or more children with an insatiate desire for motion, children who were constantly reproved for being " fidgety," but who in reality needed treatment for St. Vitus' dance, or for kindred nervous affections.

Saddest of all, the doctors in every school came across pupils whose defective mental and moral make-up should have from the first excluded them from association with normal children. These were the weak-minded children of all grades, from the "backward child," that could never do the simplest sums, to the imbecile and the idiot, whose presence was obviously an offense against the normal children among whom these defectives were obliged to sit day after day.

It was evident that if the parents of these children were notified as to the existence of

(See the image at the bottom of page 434)

(See the image at the top of page 435)

these manifold infirmities, and if in each case the necessary medical treatment were applied, a great improvement would result, not only in the health of the school children, but also in their capacity for school work, to say nothing of the lasting benefit to them in after-life conferred by timely treatment at an early age. Accordingly, in March, 1905, the doctors of the corps began examining each school child individually, going over a school about once a year. These examinations include the consideration of the child's general health and strength, of the condition of his heart and lungs, of the presence of nervous disease, mental deficiency, deformities of spine or limbs, as well as affections of the teeth, throat, nose, eyes, or ears. The physical record of each pupil is noted on a card filed at the Department of Health in such a manner as to be accessible at any time. If any disease or defect be found, the parents are notified by mail and are advised to consult their family physician.

While these notifications are purely advisory, and no compulsion is attached to the matter, the authority of the Department of Health is such that few parents of intelligence neglect the warning. In the great majority of instances the advice of the school physician is followed at once. Of course, there are always some people who raise the cry of " paternalism," and who object to any interference in their "private affairs" by officials of the city. Such people insist upon their alleged inalienable right under the Constitution of the United States to have diseased or weak-minded children and to allow them to grow up as defective citizens. The same hue and cry was raised, it will be remembered, when compulsory education was first discussed in this country. Compulsory care for the child's health is just as necessary as compulsory school attendance. With our present system of public dispensaries and clinics, lack of money is no excuse for parental neglect, and such negligence should be punishable as a misdemeanor, just as a parent is now punished for neglect to provide medical attendance for a minor child under his care in case such neglect results in the death or permanent disability of the child. The school children must be educated to regard the law as to compulsory treatment as one to be obeyed, and thus the feeling that some of the children are charity patients attending a dispensary will be replaced by the simple view that they are obeying a general salutary law, like that providing for compulsory vaccination.


While the great need for the new work of physical examinations was perceived before this work had begun, no one had expected the astonishing percentages of sick and defective children that were revealed in the first few months after the new system had gone into effect. Of 99,240 children examined in the schools of the Borough of Manhattan from March 27, 1905, to September 29, 1906, 65,741, - or about 65 per cent., - needed some form of medical treatment. Of those 99,240 children, about 30 per cent. (30,958) required correction of defects of sight, in most cases by eyeglasses. A still larger percentage (39,778) needed attention to their teeth. There were 38,273 children with swollen glands in the neck, indicating some present or past trouble in the throat, nose, ear, or some abnormal constitutional condition. Enlarged tonsils, with their baneful effects, including liability to tonsillitis and diphtheria, were found in 18,131 children. About 10 per cent, of all the children examined (9850) were found to have adenoid growths in their throats, - a condition which predisposes to affections of the ears, the nose, and the lungs, and which interferes most seriously with the child's general health and mental development. Heart disease was found in 1659 children; disease of the lungs in 1039, deformities of the body or limbs in 2347. Of the children thus far examined 2476 have been found mentally deficient; but probably the percentage of such children in our schools is slightly greater, as the figures thus far quoted include largely the primary grades, in which the mental development of the children is not so easily judged as in the upper classes.

When these figures were first made known even the officers of the Department of Health stood aghast. Doubts were expressed in some quarters as to the accuracy of the results. It may be said here that the corps of school inspectors now working under the Department of Health is a body of picked men, who represent the most thoroughly trained school physicians in this country. The positions are coveted, and of 800 doctors who applied for the places only 250 succeeded in passing the examinations, and of these only a few secured places.

Nowithstanding this, in order to be absolutely sure of the results, a special commission was appointed to re-examine a large number of children taken at haphazard in different sections of the city. The results showed that the figures given by the inspectors had been, if anything, too conservative. The result of a large number of eye examinations conducted by some of the foremost specialists of the city showed identical percentages with those found by the school physicians, and thus the accuracy of their findings was verified.


The work of examining the school children of the city had not proceeded far when letters of appreciation began to come in at the office of the Department of Health. Hundreds of parents had got their first inkling of an oncoming illness or of a serious physical defect from the postal cards sent out by the medical inspectors. In some cases cataracts that in the course of time would have permanently blinded the children were discovered during the examination, and the parents had been unaware that anything was wrong with their child's eyes. About 8000 children are now wearing glasses as the result of the examinations, and the principals and teachers are enthusiastic over the improvement in the work of these pupils. The following extract from a teacher's letter is only an example:

Since the last physical examination of my class seven girls have been fitted with glasses. The girl that was the last to be induced to go to the dispensary has shown marked improvement. Although always sitting in the front row, she seemed never to see the board and was absentminded. Now there is no girl in my class more alert or more nearly up to the standard. She always had good reasoning- powers, so I could not understand why she was deficient in reading, writing, and spelling. She could not see the blue lines on white paper, but always wrote in the spaces between them. Now all this is corrected since she has the use of eyeglasses. In fact, her spelling is now perfect every day.

While the examination of vision at the dispensaries of the city is free, there is always a charge (and in some cases a sum out of the reach of the poor) for the eyeglasses prescribed. There is, therefore, an urgent need for funds to be provided by the city to supply school children with eyeglasses. School books and other school supplies are now provided free of charge by the city, and eyeglasses for those that require them are just as essential as books.

Even the children themselves have now come to appreciate the value of the examinations, especially those whose failing eyesight has been discovered and corrected. One little girl in a school on the lower East Side came triumphantly to school with the report: "I have got glasses; I had my tonsils cut, and my ringworms cured."

(See the image at the top of page 437)

But perhaps the most striking results in the way of physical and mental improvement have been noted in the children who have had adenoid growths or large tonsils removed. The amazing change which these children have undergone can scarcely be believed unless actually witnessed. From dullards, many of them have become the brightest among their fellows, after the operation. The following letter from one of the inspectors shows the transformation of a boy who underwent the operation:

This boy, aged seven years, was regarded by his teacher as a hopeless idiot, and his appearance justified her opinion. His was a case of most pronounced nasal obstruction, had an acrid, persistent discharge from both nostrils, his mouth was always open, and tongue and mucous membrane of the mouth were dry and covered with crusts of mucus. Hearing was defective, apparently about 8-16 in both ears. Mentally, he seemed hopeless; he would sit in his seat gazing blankly around the room, answering questions indifferently, and playing aimlessly with articles on his desk. He did not romp or play with other children, and his motions were sluggish and dull.

He was operated on, and at once improved in activity, both mental and physical, - the 'discharge disappeared, his expression brightened, and he became possessed with such exuberance of spirits that he became the most mischievous boy in the class.

The brilliant results attained in various parts of the city in children operated upon at home or at the dispensaries impelled the authorities to give attention to those children whose parents were too poor to pav even the necessary car fare to send them to the clinics where the operations could be performed. A number of such children were attending one of the East Side schools, where it was especially important to have the operations performed on account of the presence of a number of mentally defective children in special classes. The parents' consent having been secured in writing, these children, eighty-four in number, were operated on, on June 21, 1906, under the supervision of Dr. Emil Mayer, of Mt. Sinai Hospital.


We present herewith the pictures of several of these children taken at the school before the operation. Another set of pictures shows, as well as a camera can show it, the result after the operations. These were taken in September, 1906, after the children had returned from their vacations in the country, where they had been placed in the care of the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor.

Placed side by side, the pictures strikingly show the marvelous transformation effected by the removal of adenoids in these cases. The dull, listless, apathetic expression, the open mouth, the staring eyes of the children are replaced after the removal of the growths by bright, intelligent countenances, and a general look of health.

The scholarship of these children has improved to such a degree that the principal, Miss Simpson, who has faithfully and enthusiastically devoted time and energy to this special work, has made the following report:

You will doubtless be interested in learning about the little ones who were operated upon last June. Without exception, we have found a marvelous improvement in these children. They all assert that they can breathe better, sleep more soundly, and have better appetites. Several of the boys have been able to give up their habit of cigarette smoking, and all appear to be in far better physical condition; mentally, they exhibit an unusual alertness, interest, and intelligence, the absence of which was the chief and most noticeable feature of their previous condition.

Even our lowest types of mentally defective pupils exhibit a wonderful physical and mental improvement, which can only be appreciated by those who come in daily contact with the children. Much of their abnormal restlessness and nervousness has disappeared, and they show a ready response to directions, which previously was wholly lacking, the latter probably due to their improved hearing.

An added interest from another viewpoint attaches to the particular children pictured here. They were the innocent causes of one of the most appalling riots ever witnessed on the East Side of New York. Some mischievous person had spread the rumor that the Russian Government had hired the teachers and the school doctors to exterminate the children of the East Side Jews and that a wholesale cutting of throats was going on in the schools. A week after the operations had been performed this rumor took effect in a panic in which thousands of frantic mothers stormed the doors of the various schoolhouses of the district, clamoring for their children. The pupils were dismissed in time to avoid serious disaster. The tinder-like quality of the temperament of the foreign population, inflamed by baseless and malicious rumors, precipitated this outburst of passion, and among the clamorous mob there was not a single mother whose child had been actually operated upon. The latter had quietly remained at home, for at great pains they had been informed exactly as to what was likely to happen. Nothing in these riots could therefore be construed as reflecting the indignation of the mothers actually affected by the measures advised by the Department of Health. On the contrary, so pleased were many of the parents at the results of the operations that in the fall of the year a number of them requested the Health Department to have other children in their families operated upon, so as to give these the benefit of this treatment.


One of the most interesting phases of this work is its effect upon the education, and therefore, upon the future welfare of the backward child, the mentally deficient child, and the truant.

(See the image at the bottom of page 438)

(See the image at the top of page 439)

It has been shown that 95 per cent, of "backward children" and of mentally deficient children have physical defects which can be remedied, thus improving their mentality as well as their physical health. According to the City Superintendent of Schools, 40 per cent, of the children of the schools of New York are below the grades in which they should be according to their ages. The Department of Health has found that 2 per cent, of all the children thus far examined were mentally deficient, and in nearly all these cases adenoid growths, defects of vision, or other remediable disabilities existed. In the special classes for defectives in Public School 110, 95 per cent, had adenoid growths in the throat.

When the backward child and the mentally deficient child shall receive the special attention which they require at the bands of physicians and teachers, especially when such children shall be taught in special classes or schools by specially trained educators, then only can we say that we have done all that is in our power for these unfortunates. The physical examination of backward or mentally, deficient children, therefore, is but one step in the right direction.

Moral obliquity, of which truancy is the first manifestation in school life, goes hand in hand with physical defects. Thus, among eighty-three truants examined by the Department of Health in the special Truant School in this city, 87 per cent, were found to have physical defects, in most cases of a remediable character. Truancy, and its kindred ills, - the " street habit," and the " gang habit," - lead to crime unless speedily checked. The records of the Children's Court in New York and of the similar court in Chicago showed that nearly all the youthful criminals that were brought to these courts were truants, and, what is more, that 85 per cent, of these children were found physically defective.

The source of truancy, therefore, lies chiefly in defects which prevent children from pursuing their studies. Remove these defects, and the ability to go on with school work will be restored, while the tendency to truancy will be vastly diminished. It is as difficult for a healthy body to do and think wrong as it is for a diseased body to do and think right; as an Italian savant, Mafucci, expresses it, "Man is responsible for the good that he does, - for the evil, the disease that is in him."


Deficient physical conditions and consequent inability to cope with their studies are also responsible for the large number of children who leave school early to enter factories and to form a part of the brutal system of "child labor." The physical examination of a large number of children in the upper four grades of a school on the upper East Side of New York showed that the physical condition of these scholars was far more perfect than in the lower grades. The cream of the school rises to the top, while the worthless sediment falls to the bottom and is removed in the process of the survival of the fittest. The children less well endowed physically leave school early, in most cases three or more years before graduation. In nearly all instances these children are far below the grade in which they should be according to their ages, and throughout their school course they have been backward in their studies and troublesome to their teachers on account of their physical defects. Actual poverty is the cause of leaving school early in but a very small proportion of cases, as was found by a principal who has been following the careers of his scholars for twenty-five years.

A moment's reflection will show the great financial loss to the families of these children through the fact that, leaving school in a low grade, they command but a pittance of wages as unskilled laborers, while upon graduation they could enter far more profitable fields of employment, requiring a better education. The earning capacity of the child that leaves school early is actually diminished 50 per cent, as compared to that of the child physically and mentally perfect. Thus every effort should be made by the State to keep every child at school until his elementary education is completed and until he has acquired a good earning capacity.


To sum up, we may say that we have shown beyond peradventure that physical defects exist in about 60 per cent, of all school children in New York; that in most cases these defects are remediable by proper treatment, and that the early discovery of these defects is the prime factor in the maintenance of the health of the school children and in enabling them to pursue their studies.

We have shown, furthermore, that backward, mentally deficient, and truant children can be vastly improved by the early recognition of physical infirmities which underlie their mental or moral defects, and that by appropriate treatment, if applied early enough, we can save these children from illiteracy, from drudgery in factories at small wages, or from an almost inevitable criminal career.

In view of these facts what can be more important than a systematic individual physical examination of every school child at stated periods, and what can be of more lasting benefit than the early application of the proper treatment in all cases in which physical defects are found?

In view of these facts what can be more important than a systematic individual physical examination of every school child at stated periods, and what can be of more lasting benefit than the early application of the proper treatment in all cases in which physical defects are found?

The question as to the maintenance of the school child in perfect health is of such overweening importance that the problem of "race suicide," over which so many well-wishers of the race have grown hysterically enthusiastic, is of little consequence in comparison. The "race suicide" idea is based upon the assumption that the average American family should have a larger number of healthy children than the present birthrate shows, - an assumption clearly erroneous. As a matter of fact, physical defects go hand in hand with a large number of children, both in the rich and in the poor. The poor are more prolific than the rich, and the number of children in a family by actual count increases as the poverty of the family becomes more poignant.(footnote 2) A very little study of sociology will convince the advocates of the " race suicide" idea that a few perfect children are far better for the nation and the family than a dozen unkempt degenerates, who add pathos to the struggle for existence, and who sink under the inflexible law of the survival of the fittest.

The health of the school child will determine the very warp and woof of the nation's future, and the lessons taught us by the physically defective child should be heeded by every man and woman who has the future of our Republic at heart.

(footnote 1) In the preparation of this article, and particularly in the securing of photographs, the author acknowledges his indebtedness to Dr. De Santos Saxe, his colleague on the medical inspection staff of the New York City Health Department. It Is proper to state that the department Itself is not in any way responsible for the opinions expressed in the article.

(footnote 2) This is shown, for instance, by the statistics of Bertillon. who found that in Berlin, with an aver age birthrate of 103 children per 1,000 women, the very poor showed a birthrate of 157 children, the comfortable classes showed 96 children, and the very rich only 47 children per 1,000 women In each class.

(Transcriber's footnote: I put the links to the pictures in the transcript along the lines of where they exist in the original article, not as they are referenced in paragraphs written by the original author, Dr. Cronin.)

4 posted on 06/14/2013 7:39:58 AM PDT by ProgressingAmerica (What's the best way to reach a YouTube generation? Put it on YouTube!)
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To: ProgressingAmerica
Back in TR's day it was imagined that evolution acted rapidly and you'd see changes in a single generation. Today we aren't even sure it exists but we do know a little something about DNA, and even epigenetics that affects DNA.

Given that TR wasn't a biochemist I wouldn't particularly dwell on whatever it was he said regarding heredity, but he did seem to have a bias for medium size families of at least a dozen kids.

Both the guys running for Governor in Virginia meet that standard. One of them is a self-made multimillionaire.

5 posted on 06/14/2013 7:41:06 AM PDT by muawiyah (ui)
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To: muawiyah

People wrote so much better and with purpose back then.

Now, when a president writes a letter or a speech, it’s just like idiocracy in comparision.

I blame TV for dumbing everyone down. Me included.

6 posted on 06/14/2013 7:49:47 AM PDT by skinndogNN
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To: AngieGal


7 posted on 06/14/2013 7:59:09 AM PDT by PetroniusMaximus
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To: muawiyah
Visit any American inner-city and you will see how rapidly disgenics (opposite of eugenics) functions.

As evidence, please visit this thread:  Deedy Slaughter

This may be a rare point of agreement between FDR and myself.

8 posted on 06/14/2013 8:04:47 AM PDT by Aevery_Freeman (We say "low-information" but we mean "low-intelligence")
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To: Aevery_Freeman
  Deedy Slaughter


9 posted on 06/14/2013 8:07:11 AM PDT by Aevery_Freeman (We say "low-information" but we mean "low-intelligence")
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To: ProgressingAmerica

Great article. On an aside, my fifth child is due in late October.

10 posted on 06/14/2013 8:15:22 AM PDT by MeganC (A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don't have one, you'll never need one again.)
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To: ProgressingAmerica


11 posted on 06/14/2013 9:07:26 AM PDT by Yekaterina Derevko (The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought.)
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To: ProgressingAmerica; 185JHP; 230FMJ; AKA Elena; APatientMan; Albion Wilde; Aleighanne; ...
Moral Absolutes Ping!

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Fascinating letters and the article at the bottom as well. I read every word and advise others to do so. The admixture of truth and nonsense is quite interesting. I found myself agreeing and disagreeing with one assertion after another. Also good examples of how malingant the theory of evolution is; belief in evolution ("always getting better") must engender eugenics as the best path to "better humans".

Anyone wanting on/off my ping lists freepmail me.

12 posted on 06/14/2013 8:44:50 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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