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"The List", President Obama's One Hundred and Thirty Fourth Week in Office ^ | 8/19/11 | Nachum

Posted on 08/19/2011 9:54:46 AM PDT by Nachum

President Obama's One Hundred and Thirty Fourth Week in Office


Let them eat Kale

Obama all smiles as he jets to Martha's Vineyard - as approval plummets, unemployment rises and stocks tank

Community Organizer to the World

Samantha Power, Obama's anti-genocide advisor, unveils new "Atrocities Prevention Board"

Obama orders new plan to diversify federal workers

 Muslim World More Anti- American Than Ever

Obama’s vacation ripped, but he’s taken less time off than Bush

Triangulation... The New Obama

White House memo urges cuts to federal agencies


Obama’s & Holder’s guns to Mexico hitting the streets of Mexico, being used to commit robberies

ATF denies it promoted Fast and Furious supervisors

Gunwalker: President Obama’s Un-Plausible Deniability

The Berwick Chronicles

Never-Confirmed Medicare Director Announces New Obamacare Paperwork Requirement


 Employees beware: Higher healthcare costs ahead

Federal Court to Investigate ObamaCare Secret Meetings

Obamacare: Where's the investigation of Epic Systems?

Judith Faulkner, founder and CEO of Epic Systems Corp.and Democrat donor gets a federal health policy slot despite conflicts of interest: A federal committee that includes a major donor to Obama and whose company stands to profit from the panel's recommendations holds in its hands the future of health information technology policy

Obama and Israel"

Mubarak falls, Sinai terror rises

The White House condemns Thursday’s attacks in Israel near Egypt.

White House Mischief

Obama Ethics

Joe Biden update: His GOP 'terrorists' quote reaffirmed

Obama Amnesty Begins: Halts Deportations for 300,000 Illegal Aliens; Offers ‘Work Permits’

S.E.C. Files Were Illegally Destroyed, Lawyer Says

The EPA's Abuse of Power

Arne Duncan's Glass School House


Bank of America Set to Slice Jobs: Many More Seen

ASTA Refutes Obama Slam of Travel Agents

New CBO Budget Baseline Shows that Soaring Spending—Not Falling Revenues—Risks Drowning America in Debt

Administration launches energy partnership with Brazil

Obama MPG Regs Can Cause Vehicle Cost Increases of Over $11,000

Flashback: Genital Washing in Africa with Your Tax Dollars

U.S. farmers oppose EPA's proposed dust regulation

Gold hits a record $1,830

American Axle to Close Plant in Blow to UAW

Exxon Fights US Over Major Oil Discovery

Maxine Waters Says Congressional Black Caucus "Getting Tired" Of Covering For Obama

Weekly initial jobless claims go up 9,000

Jobless Claims in U.S. Increased More Than Forecast Last Week

One in five American children now living in poverty according to new report

Sales of existing homes fall 3.5% in July, 8 month low

NYSE invokes Rule 48, braces for volatile open

A Second Great Depression, or Worse?

Morgan Stanley cuts global growth forecasts (U.S., euro zone ‘dangerously close to a recession’)

It's 3am and nobody's there

Fort Knox military cops disgusted with solar patrol carts

Obama Administration Backs Muslim Brotherhood in Syria

The Border is Safe, Federal Officials Say

U.S. combat mission in Iraq only over on paper

New DHS rules cancel deportations

U.S. Announces Emergency Flood Aid for North Korea

Obama Calls on Assad to Step Down

Obama’s New ‘Terrorists’: Well-Dressed White Women (New Big Sis PSA Ad)

Obama and Agenda 21

UN’s Agenda 21 forcing society back to the Ghetto



Holder requests Fast and Furious docs from Issa, Grassley for ‘independent’ investigation

New York Times' Issa hit piece shows desperation to shield administration

Obama and Israel"

Israel Says It Won’t Apologize to Turkey for Deadly Flotilla Raid

Israel's largest daily newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, reported on Wednesday that the Obama Administration is threatening Israel to either apologize to Turkey over its bloody interception of a Gaza aid flotilla last year, or risk strained ties with Washington

Obama Re-Writes History on Bush and Jerusalem

Obama Ethics

Report: Government probe of Standard and Poor's

Oversight Committee letter to NLRB

Oversight Committee Presses NLRB on Failure to Comply with Subpoena

A federal judge is ruling against the Secret Service, saying records of visitors to the White House are subject to Freedom of Information Act requests

Secretary of State Clinton says State Department will coordinate with OIC on legal ways to implement UN's resolution criminalizing "defamation of religion"

Bankrupt Solar Company Stimulus Money Missing From Federal Records

Flashback: Biden: Tea stands for 'terrorist'

Obama's Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans


Outgoing Obama ‘Car Czar’ Makes Yet Another Communist Reference

(Video) Obama Dismisses Farmer's Concerns About Regulations: 'Don't Always Believe What You Hear'

EPA’s new ozone regulations overburden local governments, say critics

Direct Federal Subsidies to 'Clean' Energy Up 186.6%

U.S. Government Investing $500M in Solar Power Projects—In India

Obama: We're Not In Danger of Another Recession

Obama Blames the Internet for High Unemployment

Core wholesale inflation up most in 6 months

U.S. places $40 million chicken order

Southern Co., parent of Alabama Power, critical of EPA emission rule

On Day 938 of his presidency, Obama says he'll have a jobs plan in a month or so..........after his vacation

Community Organizer to the World

          Obama erroneously referred to Wyffels Hybrids Inc, the company hosting his town hall meeting in Illinois today, as "Waffles". The employees groaned and corrected him.(video)

Top Black Dem On Obama Bus Tour: "He's Not In Any Black Community" (video)

Perry responds to Obama 'lecture': 'Actions speak louder than words'

Obama bus catches buzz on the Web.... Built in Canada


Larry Klayman wins round against Obama health reform panel

David Explains 11th Circuit Ruling: Transcript from Wall Street Journal video

Obamacare means 'rationing'

HHS may have to get ‘creative’ on exchange

It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama administration kills F-16 deal with Taiwan

Napolitano calls on business to support expanded security-awareness campaign

Obama: I have it tougher than Abe Lincoln


Triangulation,  The "New Obama"

Obama has again acknowledged the necessity of doing something many Democrats fiercely oppose -- reforming entitlement programs, such as Medicare and Social Security


ATF's 'Fast and Furious' firearms tracked to at least 11 violent crimes

ATF promotes supervisors in controversial gun operation (Fast and Furious)

Washington Post Stories Post stories on ATF’s Fast and Furious

Obama Ethics

White House’s Jay Carney once called Bush’s working vacation strategy a ‘photo op’

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission today sued a Raleigh insurance office for not hiring a recovering drug addict who tested positive for methadone in his system.

Donald Trump Demands Obama Campaign Pay For Bus Tour: ‘It’s A Fundraising Tour"

Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett: Brought Together by Fickle Fate, or Something More?


Miami Declares Financial State of Emergency, Gives Unions Two Weeks to Agree to Cuts; California Revenue $541 Million Below July Forecast

New IRS rules require PayPal to report sales information

Record Number Of People Say They Are Paying More For Groceries Now Than Ever Before

Residential starts drop 1.5%, single-family starts drop 4.9% in July

Solon shutters U.S. solar panel plant amid shakeout

Corporate chiefs are slowly dropping their traditional reticence to criticize presidential policies that affect their businesses.... and have begun, in uncustomary fashion, speaking up against Obama and his policies

Obama administration to invest $510M in biofuels industry to power ships, jets

Seattle green jobs program falls short of goals: Spent $20 million in stimulus funds, got 14 jobs

Obama Ag Secretary Vilsack: Food Stamps Are A Stimulus

State Department Funds Anti-American Propaganda

Free meals for all Detroit schoolchildren in fall

Bailed-Out GM Creates 800 Jobs – In Indonesia

Former WH Economist: Unemployment Won’t Drop Below 8% Before End of 2012

Fitch Ratings backs US 'AAA' credit rating

Regulation Business, Jobs Booming Under Obama

Community Organizer to the World

Obama: Foes put party ahead of country

Obama To Perry: "Be A Little More Careful About What You Say"(video)

White House Warns Perry Should Watch What He Says............Flashback: Barry's Angry Words.... Flashback: Van Jones (Obama 'advisor) Grab the Whip, Run the Plantation, Take Media & Power From Mean, Dumb Republicans

Gibbs Scolds Perry, Raises Issue of Texas Secession Comments -- with Video

Obama on tour: ‘I make no apologies for being reasonable’

Obama blames blogs, Fox News for political vitriol

Obama adviser: Obama not obsessed with keeping job

Gibbs: 'We're not running against Bush'

It's 3am and nobody's there

Brace for another U.S.-Mideast war First Libya, now sources say next country warned of NATO attack

The U.S. military has lost $360 million intended for combat and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan to the Taliban, criminals and local leaders during nearly a decade on the ground there

The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced

Obama and Israel

Jewish Telegraphic Agency: Obama and Israel are not on the same page

Let them eat kale

Obama’s Frightening Bus Tour (Massive Motorcade vide


Obama Ethics

Video: Tea Party activist talks about confrontation with Obama

Obama gets into a fiery exchange with a Tea Party member

Appeals Court Rules Fannie/Freddie Docs Can be Kept Secret:

Tax fraud suspected in Obama land deal


Obama on health care plan: It's 'Obama cares'

Obama: Individual Health Insurance Mandate ‘Should Not Be Controversial’

Grace-Marie Turner On Why Obamacare is Wrong for America


On mortgage rates, government should keep significant role, Obama says

Moodys lowers US economic outlook through 2012

Radical overhaul of military retirement eyed

Obama: I reversed recession until 'bad luck' hit

Obama to automakers: ‘You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks’

Average Teen Unemployment Rate in D.C. is 50.1%, Analysis Shows

Obama Administration Bows To Chinese Pressure On Taiwan Arms Sales; Will Cost U.S. 16,000 Jobs

Obama to create new Department of Jobs under Commerce Department

Gallup: Only in D.C. Do They Think Economy Is Getting Better

Bank Of America: Gold Upgraded To AAAA, 12 Month Price Target: $2,000

Evergreen Solar files for bankruptcy, plans asset sale

Obama: Buffett is right on taxes

Obama On Debt: I Had A Deal That 'Would Have Solved This Problem'

Obama: Solving Deficit is `Not that complicated' (video)

Obama on his bus tour: "Over the last six months we've had a string of bad luck."

Homebuilders are just as pessimistic about the depressed housing market as they were two years ago.  The National Association of Home Builders: its index of builder sentiment in August was unchanged at 15. The index has been below 20 for all but one month during the past two years.

Treasury Yields Fall Below Fed's Stress Test Levels

Student Loan Debt Climbs

The Reagan stimulus vs. the Obama one

Is Capitalism Doomed?

President Sees Bright Green Future for Battery Jobs; Details Show Reality Still Very Cloudy

Community Organizer to the World

Obama souvenir sales in tailspin

Obama took on the entire GOP presidential field Monday — mocking their collective pledge to block even the slightest attempt to hike taxes on the rich — while singling out Mitt Romney for particularly scathing ridicule over his health reform stance

First Stops on Obama's Bus Tour Are Economically Healthy Towns

Obama’s Jekyll and Hyde Routine: Disturbing Mixed Messages

It's 3am and nobody's there

Rick Perry: Secure the Border, It's a War Zone

U.S. Secret Service gets 2 new buses ahead of Obama tour.... -$2.2 million for Secret Service's new armored buses

A disastrous summer for the White House. Is Barack Obama now the most unpopular US president since Jimmy Carter?

Pakistan lets China see downed US stealth helicopter

Obama and Israel

Obama pressured by Jewish supporters to release Pollard


Triangulation,  The "New Obama"

Obama tries to turn the tables on GOP with call for tax cut extension

Obama Ethics

House Oversight Chairman Widens Probe Into CAFE Standards Deal: White House.. "Outside the Law"

Obama's Ramadan Dinner guest list omits controversial attendees

Ramadan Dinner- Obama's iftar: Islamists secretly invited, moderates out

NY Post on Obama Dead SEALs "Photo op": Obama's cheap 'shot': These men died with honor, but the president dishonors their memories


Booming business of fear: Sales of safes soar

Companies balk at hiring, even if business picks up

A Devastating Look At Obama's Economic Policy Strategy: there doesn't seem to be anyone at The White House who really grasps the magnitude of the economic problem

Obama’s former economic adviser, Christina Romer, an architect of Obamanomics, made the argument against raising taxes on CNN.........Romer Lies

Obama's top reelection strategist charged Friday that Republican White House hopeful and Texas Governor Rick Perry had "very little to do" with his state's economic success

Feds to be foreclosure landlords? U.S. seeks ideas; local real estate experts wary

Black Employment | Back to the 1970s

Community Organizer to the World

Gallup: Obama job rating sinks below 40% for first time

On Morning After the Republican Debate, CBS Skips GOP, Interviews Only Obama Spokesman

Obama launches political counteroffensive this week with Midwest trip amid GOP campaign buzz

It's 3am and nobody's there

US State Dept. Reaction to China’s First Aircraft: “We would welcome any kind of explanation that China would like to give for needing this kind of equipment,”

Obama and Agenda 21

Obama administration encounters opposition to international climate agenda

Obama Administration Racing Towards Rio + 20

The UN Agenda 21 Marches on in America with the USDA-EPA National Partnership



Fast & Furious Straw Buyer Faces Charges for Gunrunning


In Weekly Address Obama Praises Plant Where‘Green’ Jobs at $2 Million Per Job (video)

Business owner said he was 'taxed out' of California lands to Corpus Christi

Obama left short-handed on economy: Advisors leave

Caterpillar CEO to Obama: Get Serious About Job Creation

Obama Ethics

The United States has apologised for controversial remarks made by a US diplomat who spoke of "dark and dirty" Indians, calling the comments "inappropriate". US Vice-Consul Maureen Chao told Indian students...that her "skin became dirty and dark like the Tamilians" after a long train journey, according to Indian media

Chairman Issa Response on NLRB Refusal to Fully Comply with Oversight Committee Subpoena

NLRB fails to comply with congressional subpoena

Straw poll rebuttal? Iowa bus tour isn't political, White House says

Obama and Israel

'Hamas, US reach compromise on Gaza aid'

It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama Makes It Back To The Golf Course After Seven-Week Lull (76th time)

Payments to Taliban: US confronted Italy

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

U.S fears over Al Qaeda plotters in Yemen trying to acquire deadly ricin for terrorist attack

Assad defies US as crackdown continues

Community Organizer to the World

East Sussex charities aid Obama Kenya project

Obama Compares His 'Suffering' to Martin Luther King Jr.

Obama to Frustrated Voters: Tell Congress to Start Delivering



Obama has forcefully rejected calls for Attorney General Eric Holder to resign


White House criticizes court's health care ruling

Appeals court rules against Obama healthcare law

Obamacare Bombshell: Did the Government Underestimate the Costs of PPACA's Exchanges by Hundreds of Billions?


Federal Judge Throws Out Obama Drilling Rules

EPA Regulation Would Cost $1.2 Million Per Job Created

Calls for Geithner to resign

Canada jobs rise, unemployment lowest since 2008 (Corp taxes cut from 42% to 15%)

Obama meeting with CEOs at the White House

Retail Sales in U.S. Climb Most in Four Months Even as Confidence Declines

GM to reopen Indonesia plant, create 800 jobs

Consumer Sentiment Drops to Lowest Level in 3 Decades

Deficit Averaged $110 Billion Per Month So Far in 2011

48% Think Spending Cuts Could Trigger Violence (13% very likely)

Obama Visits Corporation Where His Stimulus Created 'Green' Jobs at $2 Million Per Job

Chicago: State can no longer afford to bury dead poor

Most of America’s metropolitan areas saw personal incomes rise last year, with the biggest increases coming in towns where the military thrives and oil and other mining interests dominate the private sector

Obama Ethics

Standard & Poor's faces investigation over 'possible insider trading' over downgrade of U.S. debt

Issa: NLRB a ‘rogue agency’

SEC makes S&P downgrade Inquiries


Thousands line up for free dental services in Woodstock

Obama and Israel

The U.S. State Department threatened to withdraw more than $100 million in aid to Gaza if Hamas leaders do not end demands to audit American charities working there

White House Scrubs Web Site of Reference to ‘Jerusalem, Israel’

Let them eat Kale

Barack Obama faces calls to cancel summer holiday

Michelle Obama Spent 42 Days on Vacation During Past Year

It's 3am and nobody's there

While American defense budgets are in a rapidly escalating free-fall, Chinese defense budgets have seen annual double-digit increases

Clinton urges world cut economic ties with Syria

Community Organizer to the World

Obama Attempts to Create “National Education Industrial Complex”

Obama and TARP

Bank of America Chief Executive Brian Moynihan met privately this week with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve governor Daniel Tarullo amid the campaign to calm investors and employees about the bank's share price fall

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: list; obama; office; week
It's not that the President went on vacation... it's that he is coming back.

Let me know if you would like to be on or off the ping list.

1 posted on 08/19/2011 9:54:52 AM PDT by Nachum
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To: Nachum
It's not that the President went on vacation... it's that he is coming back.

That's an impressive list, nachum.



2 posted on 08/19/2011 10:55:02 AM PDT by GOPJ (126 people were indicted for being terrorists in the last two years. Every one of them was Muslim.)
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To: Nachum

Excellent work, nachum.
We appreciate you.

3 posted on 08/19/2011 11:57:16 AM PDT by patriot08 (TEXAS GAL- born and bred and proud of it!)
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