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The List, Obama's Sixty Fifth Week in Office ^ | 4/22/10 | Nachum

Posted on 04/22/2010 8:30:03 PM PDT by Nachum

Obama's Sixty Fifth Week in Office

The List" for 4/22/2010

Obama's health care overhaul law will increase the nation's health care tab instead of bringing costs down, government economic forecasters concluded Thursday in a sobering assessment of the sweeping legislation.

Obama argued for more government regulation and the SEC watches porn

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs- The President doesn't take--and didn't in the campaign--money from registered federal lobbyists -----Presidential ties to lobbyists... HERE ... and HERE

Netanyahu is amenable to an interim agreement in the West Bank that would include the establishment of a Palestinian state within temporary borders

Grassley Slams GM, Administration Over Loans Repaid With ;"It appears to be nothing more than an elaborate TARP money shuffle

Blagojevich wants to subpoena to the President of the United States of America.

Former governor Rod Blagojevich's defense team asked to issue subpoena to Obama: Redactions revealed.

In an interview with Channel 2 television news (Israeli TV), Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that there will not be a construction freeze in Jerusalem, and that there is “a full understanding that there must not be preconditions for negotiations.

VIDEO: ObamaCare: Sebelius Admits Admin Has No Clue How Much ‘High Risk Pools’ Will Cost

Israel's prime minister on Thursday rejected U.S. calls to halt construction in disputed east Jerusalem

Obamacare bans private student loan business, Sallie Mae to lay off 2,500 people

January of 2010: Obama promised Democrats he would promote the health bill...

Three months ago, at a private meeting of nervous House Democratic lawmakers, Obama promised to put the full weight of his office behind the marketing of the health-care bill once it became law.  -since April 1, the subject has hardly escaped his lips publicly

Obama and Biden to Celebrate Earth Day by Tying Up New York Air Traffic

The Obama administration is pushing Israel to hand the Palestinian Authority full control of a major neighborhood in Jerusalem as a so-called confidence-building gesture to jumpstart Israeli-PA negotiations

The Obama administration pledged to the Palestinian Authority it will secure an extension of a freeze on Jewish construction in the West Bank and a de facto freeze in eastern Jerusalem, a top PA leader told WND

While Goldman Sachs' lawyers negotiated with the Securities and Exchange Commission over potentially explosive civil fraud charges, Goldman's chief executive visited the White House at least four times.

Obama claims there is no abortion litmus test for the Supreme court, but establishes one

The top spokesman for President Barack Obama was stymied by the press Wednesday afternoon after Obama said in a morning meeting that he would have no abortion litmus test for the Supreme Court and then proceeded to outline how any nominee must support unlimited abortions

The List" for 4/21/2010

Obama is directly connected to a cap and trade scam.  -Former Fannie Mae Chief Executive Officer Franklin Raines, two of his top underlings and select individuals in the "green" movement were inventing a patented system to trade residential carbon credits.  Patent No. 6904336 was approved by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office on Nov. 7, 2006 -- the day after Democrats took control of Congress. Former Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., criticized the award at the time, pointing out that it had "nothing to do with Fannie Mae's charter, nothing to do with making mortgages more affordable." It wasn't about mortgages. It was about greenbacks. The patent, which Fannie Mae confirmed it still owns with Cantor Fitzgerald subsidiary, gives the mortgage giant a lock on the fledgling carbon trading market, thus also giving it a major financial stake in the success of cap-and-trade legislation. The patent, which covers both the "cap" and "trade" parts of Obama's top domestic energy initiation, gives Fannie Mae proprietary control over an automated trading system that pools and sells credits for hard-to-quantify residential carbon reduction efforts (such as solar panels and high-efficiency appliances) to companies and utilities that don't meet emission reduction targets. Depending on where the Environmental Protection Agency sets arbitrary CO2 standards, that could be every company in America.

Obama's google ad disappears after a Rush Limbaugh caller explained that google would charge the advertiser per "click"

Obama's Democratic allies in the Senate promise to cut the deficit by almost two-thirds over the next five years, but their budget plan could threaten about 30 million people with tax increases averaging $3,700 because of the alternative minimum tax.

Obama's "TARP" forever act: Under his proposal, the largest Wall Street firms would become eligible for special treatment, including taxpayer-funded resources unavailable to smaller financial firms. These include exclusive access to a pre-existing bailout fund, a Treasury-backed line of credit and a government guarantee for any debt.

Obama suggested Wednesday that a new value-added tax on Americans is still on the table, seeming to show more openness to the idea than his aides have expressed in recent days.

Israeli Officials Weigh Option of Attacking Iran Without U.S. Consent

Obama's fifth-quarter Gallup approval slips, among worst 3 of modern presidents

Campaign contributions from Goldman Sacks employees to President Obama are nearly seven times as much as President Bush received from Enron workers, according to numbers on

The Pentagon is "very confident" that it could defend the U.S. against the threat of an Iranian ballistic missile strike, the Defense Dept.'s chief spokesman said Wednesday.

NYC mayor defends Wall Street before Obama visit

Organizing for America, Barack Obama's political organization, run by the Democratic National Committee, wants to recruit and train a cadre of activists, and is holding camps all over America

White House aides are scoffing at a move in the Arizona legislature to force President Obama to show his birth certificate to get on the state's ballot in 2012 for his likely re-election battle.

Testimony Could Undercut SEC Charge Against Goldman

President Barack Obama on Wednesday said "categorically" that the Securities and Exchange Commission never discussed fraud charges against Goldman Sachs with the White House in advance.

VIDEO: White House: Obama Did Not Take Goldman PAC Money, Will Not Return Donations

White House: Obama Did Not Take Goldman Sachs PAC Money, Will Not Return Donations

US Won’t Promise Won’t Shoot Down Israeli Planes

Obama said Wednesday that he will not insist that his Supreme Court nominee pass any "litmus tests" over supporting abortion rights, but made clear he will choose a candidate who will consider personal privacy and women's rights when ruling on cases

US official: Iran military strike 'off the table'

A problem in the new health-care overhaul law that may have inadvertently left members of Congress and some congressional staff without health insurance has been resolved, the White House said Tuesday.    A recent Congressional Research Service report said a possible "drafting error" in the legislation left unclear the date by which lawmakers and certain staff members will be required to drop their existing insurance and sign up for state-run exchanges that the law will create for people who lack coverage through their jobs.

Numerous Goldman Sachs execs are in the White House

Loan repayment of 8.1 billion dollars of TARP funds by General Motors to federal government was financed by other government money and not from profits

General Motors Co. has repaid the $8.1 billion in loans it got from the U.S. and Canadian governments, a move its CEO says is a sign automaker is on the road to recovery. GM still owes $45.3 billion to the U.S. and $8.1 billion to Canada, money it received in exchange for large stakes in the company. The U.S. government now owns 61 percent of the company and Canada owns roughly 12 percent. GM plans to repay both with a public stock offering, perhaps later this year.

A committee of Louisiana lawmakers has advanced a bill to the full House that seeks to stop federal health care reform from taking effect in the state

report released yesterday (.pdf) by Neil Barofsky

A new report by Neil Barofsky, special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) warns that Obama administration efforts to bailout homeowners through the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) are ineffective and will not stem the sweeping tide of foreclosures.

Obama Supreme Court nominee Liu's published wrtings expresses support for "use of foreign authority"

VIDEO: - Rahm Emanuel tries to explain how the White House was able to seamlessly coordinate its political strategy with the charges filed against Goldman Sachs. "I have no idea. I can tell you with absolute--everybody at the White House found out like everybody else, when it hit the news. The SEC is an independent agency. Nobody at the White House knew anything ahead of anybody else."

The List" for 4/20/2010

US Vice President Joe Biden warned Tuesday the Obama administration would not let "powerful," "cynical" foes block its financial reform plan, including the regulation of "shadowy" derivatives.

'Most Transparent White House Ever' Prevents Reporters From Covering Protest

Alaska makes it 20 States suing to stop the Radically Unconstitutional Obamacare

U.S. officials slam pro-Israeli ads in American media

White House economic advisor, Austan Goolsbee, refuses to rule out VAT-- six different times in one TV appearance after contradicting White House spokesman Robert Gibbs

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said in an interview on Monday that the time has not come yet for a new U.S. Mideast peace proposal.

State Dept.: U.S. unsure whether Syria sent missiles to Hezbollah

United States administration officials have voiced harsh criticism over advertisements in favor of Israel's position on Jerusalem that appeared in the U.S. press with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's encouragement

Hispanic leaders in the House of Representatives called Tuesday for President Barack Obama Tuesday to act against Arizona's anti-illegal immigration legislation and to throw his weight behind a comprehensive immigration overhaul. Reps. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., and Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., demanded a halt to the bill that passed Arizona's Senate Monday

Rep. Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight committee, is demanding a slew of documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission, asserting that the timing of civil charges against Goldman Sachs raises “serious questions about the commission’s independence and impartiality.”

The recovery remains jobless for most of the nation, with only 16 of 384 metro areas showing job gains in the past year, according to new Adversity Index data for February from Moody's Economy.comand

Justice Department Civil Rights Division head Thomas Perez and Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, sparred Tuesday over the DOJ’s handling of a November 2008 case against the New Black Panther Party

In a veiled warning to President Barack Obama, Israel's foreign minister said on Tuesday that any move to impose a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians would lead to greater conflict

White House caught altering stimulus baseline projection by 7 million jobs.

40,000 stranded in Britain, Obama AWOL.  No calls for the Navy to help.

Obama is now fighting for legislation on Capitol Hill that would set up a permanent fund to bail out companies in the financial sector.

Whitehouse: Preparing our Youth for the Clean Energy Jobs of the Future

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel met with Wall Street investors Sunday, the night before his boss, President Obama, criticized such meetings with Wall Street investors. In Los Angeles trying to help Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) boost her sagging senatorial campaign that is in serious trouble, Obama Monday called such Wall Street meetings “shocking

Drug companies sharply raised prices last year, ahead of increased rebates they must pay to Medicaid and other expenses tied to the federal health overhaul passed last month. Prices rose 9.1%

Obama nominates Harvard Medical School professor Donald Berwick to run the nation’s Medicare and Medicaid programs.  Medicare funding is set to shrink by $400 billion while Medicaid, the program for the poor and disabled, will undergo its biggest expansion in history.  “Dr. Berwick has dedicated his career to improving outcomes for patients and providing better care at lower cost,’’ Obama said in a statement.

FDA plans to limit amount of salt allowed in processed foods for health reasons

The List" for 4/19/2010

VIDEO: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs attacking former GOP Rep. Tom Tancredo, saying "I won't respond to the general lunacy of someone like Tom Tancredo."

Rahm Emanuel: "I would like to run for Mayor" (of Chicago)

Top Contributor to Barack Obama: Goldman Sachs ...$994,795

US Climate report: "Global warming is unequivocal and primarily human-induced ... Global temperature has increased over the past 50 years. This observed increase is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases."

The Pentagon was ratcheting up pressure for military action against Iran last night as America’s top uniformed official said for the first time that a

strike on nuclear targets would “go a long way” towards delaying Tehran’s uranium enrichment programme. The remarks by Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were his strongest yet

VIDEO: 2010 -Obama admitted to the White House Meeting on Exports and Job Creation that America and American consumers will not be in the same position after the last several years

The Senate Homeland Security Committee Monday issued subpoenas to the Obama administration regarding the shooting at Ft. Hood last year. Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and ranking Republican Susan Collins (Maine) had threatened to subpoena the administration by Monday after repeated requests to release records on the shooting, which left 13 dead.

Obama has played golf 32 times since he took office, eight times more than his predecessor George W. Bush - who was mocked by the Left for his fondness for the game

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the White House ''absolutely'' did not have advance notice that the Securities and Exchange Commission would announce its case on Friday

VIDEO: White House press secretary Gibbs regarding the value added tax (VAT); (repeated twice) that the President has "not proposed" such a tax, nor is it being considered

Obama economic team already calculating the new Value Added Tax (VAT).  Twice in the last 10 days, Obama said his promise not to raise taxes on those earning less than $250,000 only applied to income taxes

Goldman Suit Harnessed by Obama Aides for Internet Ad Campaign

The Obama Campaign Bought the Google Search for Goldman Sachs SEC:  When typing in a search in the google search engine: "Goldman Sachs SEC ", two paid search results at the top of the page.  These adverts appear to have been paid for by the Obama campaign.

Administration to Tea Parties: We're on your side.  Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said in an interview Sunday, when asked about the Tea Party protests, that the Obama administration is paying more attention to the deficit than the Bush administration did.

Website: Jewish Americans For Sarah Palin

A new Jewish organization has been started in the United States – openly supportive of Sarah Palin, but its bottom-line goal appears to be opposition to President Barack Obama and his tilt against Israel.

EPA Contest Seeks Videos Promoting Government Regulations

Bond markets negatively affected by "Obamanomics".  Less people are investing in US treasuries.

U.S. stock futures fell Monday amid continuing concerns over the fallout from fraud allegations against Goldman Sachs Group

Obama attacks Las Vegas: The IRS forces nightclubs to keep closer eye on cash customers-  The incredible cash flow of the clubs has attracted intense interest from the IRS. In an effort to make the cash transaction reporting rules clearly understood, IRS agents from the criminal and civil divisions recently conducted two meetings with more than 40 high-level local nightclub managers. Las Vegas IRS Special Agent in Charge Paul Camacho confirmed the meetings.

Obamacare taxes home sales: Obamacare imposes a 3.8 percent tax on home sales and other real estate transactions. Middle-income people must pay the full tax even if they are “rich” for only one day – the day they sell their house and buy a new one.

The "New Al Sharpton" recieves praise from Obama, top officials

The List" for 4/18/2010

Today, the SEC charged giant investment bank Goldman Sachs with more than $1 billion worth of securities fraud for its dealings in the subprime mortgage market. Ironically at the same time the SEC is seeking justice for Goldman's alleged vitims, President Obama and Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) are pushing a bill that would reward the firm with potentially billions of dollars by instituting a so-called "resolution authority" that would in practice be a permanent bailout fund

The planned withdrawal of nearly 45,000 U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of August is on track in spite of a recent increase in attacks by militant forces, the top U.S. military commander in Iraq said Sunday.  Army Gen. Ray Odierno said that al-Qaida's strength in Iraq is steadily degrading. Unless there's a dramatic and unforeseen change in the security situation, the U.S. troop drawdown will go ahead as scheduled, he said.

Obama skips Polish leaders' funeral, heads for the golf course

The Pentagon and U.S. Central Command are updating military plans to strike Iran's nuclear sites, preparing up-to-date options for the president in the event he decides to take such action, an Obama administration official told CNN Sunday

The news of the Goldman Sachs Fraud Allegation has negatively impacted the financial market.  US Stocks in the S&P 500 fell 1.6% on the news. The Dow Jones Industrial fell 125.91 points upon the news, and closed barely over 11,000

The U.S. Justice Department has abruptly abandoned what had become a high-profile court fight to read Yahoo users' e-mail messages without obtaining a search warrant first.In a two-page brief filed Friday, the Obama administration withdrew its request for warrantless access to the complete contents of the Yahoo Mail accounts under investigation

Wall Street suspects Goldman charges 'not coincidental' to financial reform effort

The List" for 4/17/2010

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has warned in a secret three-page memorandum to top White House officials that the United States does not have an effective long-range policy for dealing with Iran’s steady progress toward nuclear capability, according to government officials familiar with the document.


Director Tries To Warn About Home Grown Islamic Terrorists, Without Mentioning “Islam”


Obama: "Under my plan, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"


Jennings, Obama’s “Safe Schools” Czar and founder of GLSEN, has long turned to BAGLY as an important community “support group” for “gay and lesbian youth.” BAGLY is the Boston Alliance of Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth. It is a sexual radical organization currently promoting homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism, transsexuality, polyamory, sadomasochism, and even “sex work”(prostitution) to young teens..

Obama accused Republicans on Saturday of spreading misinformation about a Democratic bill that aims to tighten oversight of Wall Street banks and their practices.

The U.S. is destined to endure a new economic crisis that sticks taxpayers with the bill unless Congress tightens oversight of the financial industry, Obama said Saturday.


Drops on SEC Filing vs. Goldman Sachs

The SEC has filed civil charges against Goldman Sachs and its banker Fabrice Tourre for its role in structuring subprime mortgages, which it structured at the behest of hedge funders like John Paulson


government has accused Goldman Sachs & Co. of defrauding investors by failing to disclose conflicts of interest in mortgage investments it sold as the housing market was faltering.

In his self-styled war against Wall Street, President Obama appears to have a powerful ally: Goldman Sachs.The nation's largest investment bank, famously cozy with top government officials in both parties, has tipped its hand to its shareholders, indicating that major financial "reform" proposals will help Goldman's bottom line."Given that much of the financial contagion was fueled by uncertainty about counterparties' balance sheets," Goldman Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein and President Gary Cohn wrote in a letter at the beginning of the annual report, "we support measures that would require higher capital and liquidity levels, as well as the use of clearinghouses for standardized derivative transactions.

The List" for 4/16/2010

First Lady Says Mexico Still Safe for Travel

Obama said on Friday his administration would shift its focus to climate and energy legislation after finishing financial regulatory reform, which he said would take a few more weeks.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told officials from more than 32 Western Hemisphere nations on Thursday that the United States is looking to those nations to develop better energy policies and practices.  “For our part, we believe the United States has a lot to learn,” Clinton said at the Energy and Climate Ministerial of the Americas in Washington.

Kenyan Parlament restores March 25, 2010 minutes declaring Obama born in Kenya

MSNBC space reporter: No NASA workers allowed at Obama's speech yesterday

Speaking at a dinner attended by the ambassadors of Israel and several Arab states, Mrs Clinton urged Israel to "refrain from unilateral statements and actions" that could undermine peace.

Obama is weighing the possibility of submitting a new American Middle East peace plan by this fall, senior Washington officials told the Washington Post

Obama Muslim outreach: At month's end, the U.S. government will play host to some 500 mainly Muslim business people for intensive seminars on entrepreneurship.

Another devastating consequence of the Obama administration's major government expansion: charity organizations will likely experience additional major decline in contributions. The new budget proposal would scale back charitable deductions for families making over $250,000

The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto.

The White House ripped CBS News for publishing an online column by a blogger who made assertions that possible supreme court nominee, Elena Kagan, is gay

Obama: "change beginning to take hold"

Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the Pentagon has "no interest in hiding anything" on last year's mass shooting at Fort Hood. Gates told reporters on Friday that the military will supply Congress with information so long as it doesn't impact the prosecution case. Leaders of the Senate’s principal oversight committee are accusing the Obama administration of stonewalling an investigation they have been conducting into the background to the deadly shootings at the Ft. Hood military base last Nov. 5, for which Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan was arrested and charged

Michelle Obama: favors diversity on the nation's top court

Navy restores access to Fox news after hours offline

Members of the U.S. Navy were blocked Friday from gaining access to Fox News' Web site

Obama "amused" by massive protests against him

VIDEO: Obama talks of the Tea Partiers: "You'd think they'd be saying thank you"

Clinton: The U.S. won't impose peace deal on Israel

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 111th; agenda; bho44; elenakagan; fifth; fifth100days; list; sixty; week
The record of the worst administration in the history of the republic.

OK, that was dramatic. True, but dramatic.

Let me know if you would like to be on or off the ping list.

Complete record at

1 posted on 04/22/2010 8:30:03 PM PDT by Nachum
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To: Nachum

Only 1,005 days to go until it’s over.

2 posted on 04/22/2010 9:36:44 PM PDT by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: Nachum

I hope soon, he’s out of office and the list stops. Thanks for this list. I read it every week to remind me.

3 posted on 04/22/2010 9:38:20 PM PDT by machogirl (First they came for my tagline.)
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