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Eleanor Clift once praised Rod Blago as a "cherubic" young governor who would "clean up" Republican corruption in Illinois.
1 posted on 12/22/2008 1:57:15 PM PST by St. Louis Conservative
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Another member of “Alexandra’s On-The-Rag Time Band” ??
(I just had to steal that one...)

2 posted on 12/22/2008 2:00:41 PM PST by xcamel (The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. - H. L. Mencken)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

That alone qualifies here to speak on a platform of integrity and high quality character. (sarc)

3 posted on 12/22/2008 2:00:50 PM PST by rovenstinez (,)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
Wright is a prophet of hate and doom, using a man-made marxist construct for religion so he and those like him can advance their sick desire for power and money.

...and this individual knows it but wants so badly to advance that cause that they are willing to call good, bad, and bad, good to try and get there.


4 posted on 12/22/2008 2:01:23 PM PST by Jeff Head (Freedom is not free...never has been, never will be. (
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Good grief.

As I’ve said before, there is nothing quite as embarrassing as an idiot who thinks she’s brilliant.

5 posted on 12/22/2008 2:01:46 PM PST by Steely Tom (RKBA: last line of defense against vote fraud)
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To: St. Louis Conservative


6 posted on 12/22/2008 2:02:47 PM PST by 50mm (Waiting anxiously for my bailout.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

How many sets of presidential kneepads does she hold?
No wait, that’s what’s her name , huh?

7 posted on 12/22/2008 2:02:47 PM PST by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi ... Godspeed)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Saying “G-D America” is a heroic voice trying to enlighten the masses. Stating marriage is between a man and a woman is ignorant hate speech. Boy, what has this country come too. And to think these people are now totally in charge....

8 posted on 12/22/2008 2:02:59 PM PST by Always Right (Obama: more arrogant than Bill Clinton, more naive than Jimmy Carter, and more liberal than LBJ.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
Presented to

Eleanor Clift

First Prize

9 posted on 12/22/2008 2:05:02 PM PST by Anti-Bubba182
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To: St. Louis Conservative

So which part was prophetic? America getting what it deserved on 911 or being Amerikkka?

11 posted on 12/22/2008 2:05:47 PM PST by Brett66 (Where government advances, and it advances relentlessly , freedom is imperiled -Janice Rogers Brown)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
“Eleanor Clift: Wright Had ‘Prophetic Theology’”

Eleanor's father should have used a prophylactic.

14 posted on 12/22/2008 2:11:37 PM PST by AlexW (Reporting from Bratislava, Slovakia. Happy not to be back in the USA for now.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
Eleanor Clift had a gay brother-in-law, the movie actor Montgomery Clift. Besides being one of the most shrilly annoying people on television, apparently her mind isn't capable of holding more than one thought at a time, or she would be able to see both sides of the gay question. And of the Reverend Wright question.

But no.

15 posted on 12/22/2008 2:11:52 PM PST by Albion Wilde ("Praise and worship" is my alternate lifestyle.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

She has for a long time struck me as one of the most unpleasant, dishonest, and immoral writers or commentators of all time.

16 posted on 12/22/2008 2:12:19 PM PST by yarddog
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To: St. Louis Conservative

...according to Eleanor Clift...”At the same time, Warren has moved his followers away from a singular focus on social issues to embrace other areas of concern: climate change, global poverty, AIDS and genocide in Darfur.”

Her Marxist points dissected:

1) Climate change - yes, the climate is getting a lot colder as evidenced by sub-zero temps all over the world. Global Warming is a myth of the Commie Green Leftists who have no intention of saving the environment, but restricting freedoms under the pretext of altruism

2) Global poverty - more rhetoric that the UN needs more money from us to send to the likes of Mugabe and Odinga...Obama has promised a Global Poverty Tax that will set the US back nearly $85 billion per year in addition to what we already send via the government and privately

3) Darfur - please call Islamic leaders as the conflict is centered on Muslims killing Christians, which the MSM continues to ignore everywhere on the planet

She is not only dumb, but the reason we cannot stand Liberals, in general.

18 posted on 12/22/2008 2:15:02 PM PST by wac3rd (In the end, we all are Conservative, some just need their lives jolted to realize that fact.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
Rev. Jeremiah Wright was a voice crying in the wilderness that the mainstream media and middle class America weren't quite ready for...

Mods, please let the following stand. It is important that as many people as possible know the truth about Wright's 'theology'. Tanks.

"God D*** America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11"
--Rev Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for twenty years

Wright: "In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01. White America and the Western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns."

"America’s chickens... are coming home... to ROOST!"

The Real Story Behind Rev. Wright's Controversial Black Liberation Theology Doctrine
Monday , May 5, 2008
FoxNews/Hannity's America
[special Friday night edition--original airdate May 2, 2008]

(some key excerpts)

["(Jose) Diaz-Balart is the son of Rafael Diaz-Balart y Guitierrez (a former Cuban politician). He has three bothers, Rafael Diaz-Balart (a banker), Mario Diaz-Balart (a US Congressman) and Lincoln Diaz-Balart (also a US Congressman). His aunt, Mirta Diaz-Balart, was Fidel Castro's first wife."]

JOSE DIAZ-BALART, TELEMUNDO NETWORK: "Liberation theology in Nicaragua in the mid-1980's was a pro-Sandinista, pro-Marxist, anti-U.S., anti-Catholic Church movement. That's it. No ifs, ands, or buts. His church apparently supported, in the mid-'80s in Nicaragua, groups that supported the Sandinista dictatorships and that were opposed to the Contras whose reason for being was calling for elections. That's all I know. I was there.

I saw the churches in Nicaragua that he spoke of, and the churches were churches that talked about the need for violent revolution and I remember clearly one of the major churches in Managua where the Jesus Christ on the altar was not Jesus Christ, he was a Sandinista soldier, and the priests talked about the corruption of the West, talked about the need for revolution everywhere, and talked about 'the evil empire' which was the United States of America."

REV. BOB SCHENCK, NATIONAL CLERGY COUNCIL: "it's based in Marxism. At the core of his [Wright's] theology is really an anti-Christian understanding of God, and as part of a long history of individuals who actually advocate using violence in overthrowing those they perceive to be oppressing them, even acts of murder have been defended by followers of liberation theology. That's very, very dangerous."

SCHENCK: "I was actually the only person escorted to Dr. Wright. He asked to see me, and I simply welcomed him to Washington, and then I said Dr. Wright, I want to bring you a warning: your embrace of Marxist liberation theology. It is contrary to the Gospel, and you need, sir, to abandon it. And at that he dropped the handshake and made it clear that he was not in the mood to dialogue on that point."

Source: The Real Story Behind Rev. Wright's Controversial Black Liberation Theology Doctrine:,2933,354158,00.html


Excerpt from The American Thinker
Obama, Black Liberation Theology, and Karl Marx
May 28, 2008

Just one nugget from the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, "Instruction on Certain Aspects of the ‘Theology of Liberation': " would be illusory and dangerous to ignore the intimate bond which radically unites them (liberation theologies), and to accept elements of the marxist analysis without recognizing its connections with the (Marxist) ideology, or to enter into the practice of the class-struggle and of its marxist interpretation while failing to see the kind of totalitarian society to which this process slowly leads."
- (Author: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect, now Pope Benedict XVI; written in 1984)

Understanding that black liberation theology is Marxism dressed up to look like Christianity helps explain why there is no conflict between Cone's "Christianity" and Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam." They are two prophets in the same philosophical (Marxist) pod, merely using different religions as backdrops for their black-power aims.


From the Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam website,
Malik Zulu Shabazz, chairman of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (NBPP):
"We are happy today to be standing side by side with the Nation of Islam. We believe, like the Nation of Islam and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad believe, in a nation of our own. We believe in a Black first philosophy and a Black Liberation Theology. We don’t worry about the criticism. We love all of those who labored in the Panther Party from the ’60s. Many are with us today."


From the Maoist Internationist Movement:
[1960s/original] Black Panther Party [BPP] Archives

"On May 1st, May Day [1969], the day of the gigantic Free Huey rally, two of Alioto's top executioners vamped on the brothers from the Brown Community who were attending to their own affairs. These brothers, who are endowed with the revolutionary spirit of the Black Panther Party defended themselves from the racist pig gestapo.

Pig Joseph Brodnik received his just reward with a big hole in the chest. Pig Paul McGoran got his in the mouth which was not quite enough to off him.

The revolutionary brothers escaped the huge swarm of pigs with dogs, mace, tanks and helicopters, proving once again that "the spirit of the people is greater than the man's technology."

To these brothers the revolutionary people of racist America want to say, by your revolutionary deed you are heroes, and that you are always welcome to our camp."

Source: Maoist Internationist Movement
Article: REVOLUTIONARY HEROS (May 11, 1969):


Louis Farrakhan, at the Millions More Movement rally in DC, Oct 15, 2005: "...what Mao Tse Tung did was, he went to the cultural community, and they [Farrakhan spreads his arms beneficently] accepted his idea."... "Mao Tse Tung ... had a billion people whose lives he had to transform."..."the idea of Mao Tse Tung became the idea of a billion people, and China became a world power on the base of the culture and the arts community. If we had a ministry of art and culture in every city we'd create this movement [in the U.S.]."


Louis Farrakhan, Santiago de Cuba, February, 1998: "There is not a member of the black masses in the United States who is not proud of the example set by Cuba and its revolution, with Comandante Fidel at its head"


"Minister Farrakhan and his delegation met privately with President Fidel Castro of Cuba."


[that's Michelle Obama with Mrs. Farrakhan. Mrs. Farrakhan is at center bottom wearing white]


Louis Farrakhan, at the annual Saviours' Day celebration in Chicago, Feb. 25, 2008: "This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better"..."If you look at Barack Obama's audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed."

Video of Farrakhan's Obama endorsement at the above 'annual Saviours' Day celebration in Chicago, Feb. 25, 2008'. Hear him call Obama "The Messiah" And speak of "universal change":

Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Obama's pastor and spirtual advisor "crazy uncle" of more than 20 years, honors "Honorable" Minister Louis Farrakhan with the "Jeremiah A. Wright Lifetime Achievement Trumpeteer Award" at the 2007 Trumpet Gala held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
[it appears the original video was removed, but this one is identical to it]


Obama's Church: Gospel of Hate
Kathy Shaidle,
Monday, April 07, 2008

In March of 2007, FOX News host Sean Hannity had engaged Obama’s pastor in a heated interview about his Church’s teachings. For many viewers, the ensuing shouting match was their first exposure to "Black Liberation Theology"...

Like the pro-communist Liberation Theology that swept Central America in the 1980s and was repeatedly condemned by Pope John Paul II, Black Liberation Theology combines warmed-over 1960s vintage Marxism with carefully distorted biblical passages. However, in contrast to traditional Marxism, it emphasizes race rather than class. The Christian notion of "salvation" in the afterlife is superseded by "liberation" on earth, courtesy of the establishment of a socialist utopia.


From "45 Communist Goals":
#27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion.


Catholics for Marx
By Fr. Robert Sirico | Thursday, June 03, 2004

In the days when the Superpowers were locked in a Cold War, Latin America seethed with revolution, and millions lived behind an iron curtain, a group of theologians concocted a novel idea within the history of Christianity. They proposed to combine the teachings of Jesus with the teachings of Marx as a way of justifying violent revolution to overthrow the economics of capitalism.

The Gospels were re-rendered not as doctrine impacting on the human soul but rather as windows into the historical dialectic of class struggle. These "liberation theologians" saw every biblical criticism of the rich as a mandate to expropriate the expropriating owners of capital, and every expression of compassion for the poor as a call for an uprising by the proletarian class of peasants and workers.


From the New York Times, April 28, 2008
Reverend Wright at the National Press Club
"In the late 1960s, when Dr. James Cone's powerful books burst onto the scene, the term 'black liberation theology' began to be used. I do not in any way disagree with Dr. Cone, nor do I in any way diminish the inimitable and incomparable contributions that he has made and that he continues to make to the field of theology. Jim, incidentally, is a personal friend of mine."


From Jeff Head's website...
One notable quote from [James] Cone describing his Black Liberation Theology is as follows:

"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love." - "Divine Racism: The Unacknowledged Threshold Issue for Black Theology", in African-American Religious Thought: An Anthology, by William R Jones, ed Cornel West and Eddie Glaube (Westminster John Knox Press).

African American Religious Thought: An Anthology (Paperback)
by Cornel West (Editor), Eddie S. Glaude Jr. (Editor)


HANNITY: But Reverend Jeremiah Wright is not backing down and has not for years and in his strong stance on the teaching of black liberation theology is nothing new. He had the same things to say last spring when he appeared on "Hannity & Colmes:"

WRIGHT: If you're not going to talk about theology in context, if you're not going to talk about liberation theology that came out of the '60s, systematized black liberation theology that started with Jim Cone in 1968 and the writings of Cone and the writings of Dwight Hopkins and the writings of womynist theologians and Asian theologians and Hispanic theologians, then you can't talk about the black value system.

HANNITY: But I'm a — reverend

WRIGHT: Do you know liberation theology, sir?,2933,354158,00.html


"Their founding document [the Weather Underground's] called for the establishment of a "white fighting force" to be allied with the "Black Liberation Movement" and other "anti-colonial" movements[1] to achieve "the destruction of US imperialism and the achievement of a classless world: world communism."..."-Berger, Dan (2006). Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity. AK Press, 95.

Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity (Paperback) by Dan Berger


From the New York Times, August 24, 2003

"they [the Weather Underground] employed revolutionary jargon, advocated armed struggle and black liberation and began bombing buildings, taking responsibility for at least 20 attacks. Estimates of their number ranged at times from several dozen to several hundred."

Article: Quieter Lives for 60's Militants, but Intensity of Beliefs Hasn't Faded

19 posted on 12/22/2008 2:16:01 PM PST by ETL (Smoking gun evidence on ALL the ObamaRat-commie connections at my newly revised FR Home/About page)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Eleanor ran down the road after Bubba with a mattress on her back.

24 posted on 12/22/2008 2:39:38 PM PST by golfisnr1 (Democrats are like roaches - hard to get rid of.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
That woman is mentally incompetent and needs full-time supervision (also never allowed out at night.)

The mere fact that she still appears on TV and in print, shows that the MSM are so desperate that any idiot will do when it comes to spouting inanities.

25 posted on 12/22/2008 3:06:37 PM PST by zerosix (native sunflower)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Eleanor is the only woman on earth to have 24/7 P.M.S.
Too bad that face change operation was wasted on somebody else.

27 posted on 12/22/2008 6:09:27 PM PST by Uncle George
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Steeped: Soaked in hot water.

28 posted on 12/22/2008 6:14:28 PM PST by Cyber Liberty (Pretending the Admin Moderator doesn't exist will result in suspension.)
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