Posted on 02/03/2008 10:38:49 PM PST by mtrott
"Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, led McCain 40 percent to 32 percent in California, where the margin of error was 3.3 percentage points"
Oh, also notice this is a “rolling poll” of three days, Friday, Sat, and Sunday. In a rolling poll, as each new day is added, the first day of the prior poll is dropped off.
This means that if there is a big shift going on, its effect will be minimized by the previous two days of the poll.
California is not a “winner-take-all” state, from my understanding, unfortunately (if I’m wrong, someone please correct me).
I want to see the delegate count move completely away from McCain.
Probably, his site has not updated his visit to Southern California. We’ve been getting survey calls for the past few days. I have only been polled once before and that was years ago, in the past few days, we’ve had about 6 or more polling calls.
This FRisco FRedhead is voting for Mitt on Tuesday. You can put that in your temple undergarments, baby!
I’ve been listening to talk radio (not a whole lot but an hour here and there) and most of the calls are anti McCain calls.
I hope it’s true, and think it may be because McCain has not handled the conservative backlash. But aren’t there polls ahowing the opposite in both paties? I’m also seeing Obama beating Clinton and visa versa depending on the poll.
No, it is not. But, as stated in the article, “Romney winning California would give some Republicans pause when they look at McCain as the potential nominee.”
To be more specific, the calls have been anti McCain, pro Romney.
A Twofer on Tuesday.
Both Shrillary and the McCaniac get their comeuppance.
And, it would help to give him more delegates and maybe get the media to quit trying to push McCain down our throats.
Who would have thought a few months ago Hillary would have to be fighting for her nomination and against a newbie like Obama. Bet she never dreamed of such a scenario. They were so arrogant to think they can send out Bill and have him be so divisive without the democrats blinking an eye.
Under the California systems candidates get 3 delegates for every congressional district they win, and the statewide leader gets 11 bonus delegates.
The system is pretty messed up as a candidate gets as many delegates for winning a San Francisco district with almost no Republicans as he does for winning the most heavily Republican of Orange County districts.
In other words, the more Democrat the area you live in, the more your vote counts.
Sweet! The McCainiacs may do a lot of sweating in the next 36 hours..... I wondered whether having Arnold endorse McCain and Mrs. Arnold-Kennedy endorse Obama might backfire..... remind all the conservatives and even a lot of moderates who are conservative on borders, defense, and economics that the Arnold-Kennedy-McCain axis is more liberal than conservative on many many issues......
Unfortunately, it won’t help those voting in a Super Tuesday state until the following day.
Yeah....and the stupid dims moved up the its day after tomorrow voting and shrillary doesn't have enough time to play the dirty tricks.
I bet the ash-trays are flying fast and furious tonight.
I guess they will blame Karl Rove.
Strategery + Schardenfreude = Stratenshardenfreudery.
That is excellent, first Maine and now California appears to be saying no thanks to McCain. How about Georgia and Missouri now? :)
The unfair thing about this system is that the voters in sparse GOP districts like San Francisco have the same weight as a heavily GOP district like Orange County.
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