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War on terror is also war against liberal media and politicians
The Courier ^ | Aug. 17, 2006 | GORDON BISHOP

Posted on 08/19/2006 11:39:42 AM PDT by FairOpinion

Terrorists around the world love America’s liberal politicians and liberal media who support these so-called “insurgents” and “freedom fighters.”

Insurgents? Freedom fighters?

No, they are cold-blooded murderers with a mission to destroy every Jew, Christian and infidel if they do not convert to radical Islam. And every American, by definition, is an infidel.

Which means the liberal politicians and liberal media are not infidels because they do not support the global war on terror. Only those who believe in our Christian God (not their God, “Allah”) are destined to have their heads cut off by a sword.

This is what United States President George W. Bush and a few allies of America are up against: Mindless, mendacious anti-American liberals and their mass media counterparts.

The Far Left will do anything, including aiding and abetting the enemy, to take out George W. Bush, either politically, or by undermining the War on Terror. Yes, these non-humans have no morals, ethics or values. They are corrupt to the core.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Editorial; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: globaljihad; islamicnazis; liberals; msm; terrorism; terrorists; treason; waronterror; wot
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He is really telling it like it is!
1 posted on 08/19/2006 11:39:43 AM PDT by FairOpinion
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To: FairOpinion

Excellent: The RNC should use this as a campaign ad in the NE and tri-state area there. Kean , Steele, Santorum need all the help they can get by revealing to even the looniest of Dem voters that their party is a diaster waiting to happen.

2 posted on 08/19/2006 11:49:10 AM PDT by phillyfanatic
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To: FairOpinion; 91B; HiJinx; Spiff; MJY1288; xzins; Calpernia; clintonh8r; TEXOKIE; windchime; ...

3 posted on 08/19/2006 11:54:29 AM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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To: FairOpinion
"Which means the liberal politicians and liberal media are not infidels because they do not support the global war on terror. Only those who believe in our Christian God (not their God, 'Allah') are destined to have their heads cut off by a sword."

Actually, they are considered infidels: anyone who is not a slave to Allah is an infidel. The terrorists just see the left's use in the cause of jihad - like Marx and Hitler did - and will use the left until their usefulness is over. So they'll be the lastr to have their heads sawed off.

Other than that, the piece is spot on.

This comment was perfect:

"Random lurker 19 Aug 2006, 11:45 Robert wrote:'...Oh to find a Republican to have an intelligent debate on the issues this country faces.'

Fine. Try and wear your asbestos. "

Nice work!

4 posted on 08/19/2006 11:58:00 AM PDT by cake_crumb (One presidential visit to Baghdad is worth 1000 pathetic declarations of defeat from the left)
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To: FairOpinion
"Terrorists around the world love America’s liberal politicians and liberal media who support these so-called 'insurgents' and 'freedom fighters'.”

Yes. You betcha. They're their enablers now, and they'll be the first on the chopping blocks when they take over.

5 posted on 08/19/2006 12:01:28 PM PDT by Savage Beast (9/11 was never repeated--thanks to President George Bush.)
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To: cake_crumb

"and will use the left until their usefulness is over..."

absolutely! the bad guys are encouraged to lie to us, they seek "charismatic" characters specifically for this purpose...

the enemy is here and now, frankly, and the left is going to reject any notion that they are culpable in any way for the insideous invasion currently underway...

6 posted on 08/19/2006 12:14:24 PM PDT by callthemlikeyouseethem (GWB: 12 Aug 06: "...I ask for your patience, cooperation, and vigilance in the coming days.")
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To: FairOpinion

Thanks for the post. The comments at the link are very telling.

7 posted on 08/19/2006 12:37:41 PM PDT by Just A Nobody (NEVER AGAIN..Support our Troops! and - Now more than Ever!)
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To: FairOpinion
I enjoyed the post and the article.

They have used every dirty tactic and malicious propaganda to destroy their former Vice Presidential candidate.

Why? Because Connecticut Senator Lieberman supports Bush’s War on Terror, something liberals cannot comprehend because of their evil mindset.

ACU voting score, low is liberal
Connecticut 2005 2004 Lifetime
Dodd 8 4 8
Lieberman 8 0 17

Lieberman is a liberal in every respect but one. He supports America, George W. Bush, and Israel in the war against (jihadist) terorrism. If the Democrats had any patriotism, or brains, they would field 100 Liebermans in an attempt to take over the Senate.

8 posted on 08/19/2006 1:43:20 PM PDT by ChessExpert (Mohamed was not a moderate Muslim)
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To: sauropod

for email list

9 posted on 08/19/2006 1:49:24 PM PDT by sauropod (Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys." PJO)
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To: sauropod

Here is a good question for all of you to ponder.

In a war between global Communism and Radical Islam, who would win?

Think about it for a bit. These are our two worst enemies and our nations leftwing supports both of them. If we lose, one of these ideologies wins. And in the end, these two will face off for global domination.

10 posted on 08/19/2006 2:12:40 PM PDT by EQAndyBuzz ("If you liked what Liberal Leadership did for Israel, you'll LOVE what it can do for America!")
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To: FairOpinion

One of the best and most accurate articles on the terrorist left within I have read yet. Thanks for a great find.

11 posted on 08/19/2006 2:17:38 PM PDT by ladyinred (Thank God the Brits don't have a New York Times!)
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To: EQAndyBuzz
"Here is a good question for all of you to ponder.

In a war between global Communism and Radical Islam, who would win?"

"Think about it for a bit. These are our two worst enemies and our nations leftwing supports both of them. If we lose, one of these ideologies wins. And in the end, these two will face off for global domination."

Communism, no contest. They simply kill off the leaders and communities that oppose them.

These are the guys who killed 10-20 million in Ukraine, 50 million in China, 2.5 million in Cambodia, etc, etc.

They're as ruthless as the Islaminazis and have better organization and technology.

That said, the Commies are history. Their political philosophy has no traction. USSR split up, and China has gone capitalist, with a ruling oligarchy.

Islam will last until its nations democratize and permit freedom of religion. Then Christians will evangelize them and that will be the end of that.

Islam trumps paganism and secularism (Europe) but Christianity will triumph over all.
12 posted on 08/19/2006 2:31:36 PM PDT by Forgiven_Sinner (Here's an experiment for God's existence: Ask Him to contact you.)
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To: Forgiven_Sinner

"Communism, no contest. They simply kill off the leaders and communities that oppose them."

Thank you. That's what we should be doing. It will send a message to both ideologies that we aren't to be screwed with. This should set back their movments by a couple of hundred years.

13 posted on 08/19/2006 2:37:16 PM PDT by EQAndyBuzz ("If you liked what Liberal Leadership did for Israel, you'll LOVE what it can do for America!")
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To: FairOpinion
Which means the liberal politicians and liberal media are not infidels because they do not support the global war on terror.

Laughable. The House of War is not restricted to the liberals who call themselves conservative nowadays.

14 posted on 08/19/2006 2:37:55 PM PDT by Name Withheld
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To: EQAndyBuzz
It will send a message to both ideologies that we aren't to be screwed with.

Just like it showed the Algerians and the Afghani.

15 posted on 08/19/2006 2:40:22 PM PDT by Name Withheld
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To: Name Withheld

What do you mean?

16 posted on 08/19/2006 3:09:20 PM PDT by EQAndyBuzz ("If you liked what Liberal Leadership did for Israel, you'll LOVE what it can do for America!")
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To: Forgiven_Sinner
In a war between global Communism and Radical Islam, who would win?"

Both are economically inept.

17 posted on 08/19/2006 3:16:43 PM PDT by Doe Eyes
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To: EQAndyBuzz
Terrorism is a weapon by those who can't fight on the battlefield. If you can't utterly decimate (as in genocide) the problem population, any heavy-handed strikes simply make your problem worse (see, for example, the way the Afghanis did in the Russians and the Algerians forced out the French).

You can't cow a population into submission unless you're willing to do it the way Mao Tse Tung and Stalin did (and even then it's not a long-term control mechanism). You have to use fraud or they have to be genuinely willing to obey.

Thus, "killing off their leaders" is not sound policy -- it just makes them immortal heroes to their footsoldiers.

18 posted on 08/19/2006 3:37:22 PM PDT by Name Withheld
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To: EQAndyBuzz
Here is a good question for all of you to ponder.

In a war between global Communism and Radical Islam, who would win?

Think about it for a bit. These are our two worst enemies and our nations leftwing supports both of them. If we lose, one of these ideologies wins. And in the end, these two will face off for global domination.

We should have confronted radical Islam in its infancy.
It may be too late but it is probably just prophecy being fulfilled.
I think radical Islam would win over Communism because communists are selfish in the name of compassion but they don't want to die where as the radical Islamist leaders don't want to die but they want their people to die to make a point and can easily coax their people into believing they are doing Gods work.
You can't negotiate with that.
What do you think?
19 posted on 08/19/2006 8:34:19 PM PDT by cjmae (Sanity was not equally distributed)
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To: Name Withheld

"You have to use fraud or they have to be genuinely willing to obey."

Ah, like the way the MSM and DNC operate?

20 posted on 08/20/2006 3:24:12 AM PDT by EQAndyBuzz ("If you liked what Liberal Leadership did for Israel, you'll LOVE what it can do for America!")
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