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Marx and the Worship of Man
Newsmax ^ | Dec. 21, 2005 | Steve Farrell

Posted on 02/06/2006 7:01:01 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe

Missing the Mark With Religion, Part 4

Again I pose the same question, but with slight variation: Do religion and morality have a place in public policy, public law, and public education – or are they to be scorned, shunned, and silenced?

Finding the answer to that question in lieu of the hot battle between 21st Century Compassionate Conservatism on the one hand, and 20th Century Modern Liberalism (and its twin sister on moral and religious issues – Libertarianism) on the other, is a quest worthy of our full attention.

As I've already stated without apology, the unspoken consensus – though few admit it – is: ‘It's right to inject religion and morality into the public sphere just so long as the moral slant parallels my moral view of the universe, and it is dead wrong if it does not!'

It's time to fess up, reality speaks!

So let's get frank with those on the left who keep telling the religious folks on the right to ‘hush up' – even the most devout atheist cannot escape the innate compulsion to moralize.

Communist founder Karl Marx was just such a man. Being one who arrogantly proclaimed "there is no morality," he was, just the same, incapable of restraining himself from endlessly condemning capitalists – in moral terms – such as egotistical, exploitive, greedy, calculating, disgusting, and hypocritical men, who look upon their wives and daughters as "common prostitutes," or their wives and children as "simple articles of commerce and instruments of labor." (1)

Meanwhile, let's not forget Marx's constant references and illusions to the oppressed, the minority, the outcast, and the victim (or collectively the ‘Workers' – apparently no one else works under his generalized lens) who deserve better, who OUGHT to be in control, who he implies, by default, are the only moral ones, the only deserving ones, the ones who – as a result – get all the rewards (the forcibly redistributed booty and benefits), while everyone else is liquidated.

And why not? The previous ruling class – and under Capitalism this refers mostly to the middle class – have committed every moral atrocity against the working class – even though Marx denies the existence of right and wrong – and thus they OUGHT to die. Get it?

Don't be deceived. Marx moralized everything, with good guys and bad guys and rewards and punishments. It's just that he had a different set of rules to interpret, to reward, and to cure moral injustices. Just how can his central dogma "the ends justify the means" be interpreted as anything other than a moral perspective?

It is this high and holy frame of reference of the ends justifying the means that is the moral driving force behind everything communist; a driving force that drags behind it a host of additional moral teachings such as lies may be told, property may be stolen, babies may be aborted, and millions may be strategically starved by order of the state if it so be that the lucky ‘left behind' masses will be benefited at the dinner table with a few more meager morsels of rice, a few more acres of unproductive common property, or to tell the hidden truth behind the propaganda, if it so be that the privileged few of the ruling class might ascend one step higher in prominence and privilege over the toiling, suffering, mindless masses that the communists pretend to defend, but are ever ready to crush with their iron fist.

Such moral ends! Nevertheless, each of these ‘means,' and a million other diabolical variations upon them, are moral, as Marx defines morality.

Such a moral system!

But Marx does not leave off there. The same Marx who arrogantly proclaimed against morality, only to invent his own morality; next arrogantly proclaimed that he had "dethroned God," only to invent his own God – man. "Man is God," he taught. But not willing to leave bad enough alone he had to invent his own theory of how life began and evolved. And when he had finished with it, and arrived at the final product in the equation, religion entered the formula again in an ironically self-serving, ‘masses be damned' way.

For Marx taught, as did Darwin, that man evolved from the lower species, but rather than evolving (taking up enormous periods of time for the slightest changes), Marx concluded evolution from the lower species to the higher came in quantum leaps. That is, yesterday's monkey is today's man. No stuff in the middle. Where the real trouble starts is when Marx decided that some men leaped farther than others, and that he, Marx, had leaped farther than they all!

With such a theology as this, it isn't hard to understand why Marx soon expected to be worshiped, that he made it a practice to crush all competitors in the communist movement, and that communism and socialism re-introduced to the world the worship of the state.

But that was not all. Communism introduced the diabolic belief that genocide was a highly moral act. Marx taught that emerging communist states should conduct swift and brutal purges of capitalist and/or religious people in society to speed up the transition from capitalism to full-blown communism. This murderous intervention tactic by communist masters, which would occur during the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Marx described as "compassionate" because it would be less costly in blood than if capitalism died a slower, more natural death.

And so this exposes another fiction: the mass murdering campaigns of Stalin and Mao and other communist dictators were and are Marxist, not a gross departure from Marx as the historical revisionists many claim. Indeed, there is a bloodbath to be found wherever Communism has set up camp and conquered, and the root to this violence is found in nearly every political pamphlet Marx ever wrote, beginning with his Manifesto which blatantly proclaims: "The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing conditions. Let the ruling class tremble at the Communist revolution." (2)

The ruling class trembled all right. To the tune of nearly 200 million dead in the 20th Century, (3) and countless billions more robbed, raped, and enslaved – and the count goes on.

Fascism fits right into this discussion as well, for it seems the question leftist historians and political scientists habitually refuse to address is whether or not the root gospel that produced Hitler's belief in the superiority of the Aryan race and his hatred for Jews was not Christian and Capitalist (as the revisionists also claim), but a race-oriented twist on Communist Marx's ‘man as God' theology. Rarely mentioned when one hears the word Nazi is that the Nazi Party's official name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (4); that Hitler, a student of Marx, was one of its founders; that German socialism had infected Germany with a hatred for the Jews long before Hitler was born (Marx even identified Germany in the Communist Manifesto as the place "The Communists turn their attention chiefly to,") and that the beginning of all this modern Jew hating dates at least as far back as Marx's own call for "the species ... [to be] abolished." (5)

It would be more honest, therefore, to state that Fascism is but one form of socialism, and that Hitler's racist Holocaust was motivated by the morality of the atheistic, hate-God-left, not the believing, love-God-right.

This is no light matter. One of the loudest and emotionally charged arguments used against the involvement of conservative Christians in the public debate is this supposed link of Christianity to the Holocaust, as if to warn that Christian fundamentalism was made in Hitler's image. But the link to Christianity doesn't wash. In fact, Communist Founder Karl Marx's made it clear that his resolve to have the species abolished (which Hitler would be one to initiate in Europe) needed to be extended to Christianity as well. Wrote Marx: "Christianity sprang from Judaism. It has merged again in Judaism. From the outset, the Christian was the theorizing Jew, the Jew is, therefore, the practical Christian, and the practical Christian has become a Jew again." (6)

All of this being vital to both Marx and Hitler because it was the spirit of Judaism which was, according to both of them, at the root of the love of property, and it was this Jewish inspired love of property that was the enemy of both the fascist and the communist state, or if you will, the socialist state.

Again from Marx:

What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time. An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible. ... Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. (7)

This is the real Marx, the moral philosopher, the great ‘emancipator of our time,' who first made the modern moral case for the genocide of entire classes and races and religions (particularly Judaism and Christianity) in search of that emancipation; and when initially impossible (in the more advanced capitalist nations), of their step by step removal from public life and public influence. And again, this is the real Marx, the creator of a ‘new' religion, Communism, which outlaws the Judeo-Christian God only to make Marx and his successors the Gods that MUST be worshipped.

Yes, Communists moralize. Yes, Communists set up religions and Gods and mix their morality and their religion in the hands of the state. It's inescapable. That's what humans do – because humans are moral beings – and so their laws reflect morality of one sort or another.

Little surprise then, as we have seen, laws sponsored by liberals or libertarians, compassionate conservatives or communists, have at their foundation one moral view of the universe or another, some correct, some flawed, some applied in ways which enhance human liberty, others which crush it. However, one thing is for certain, never has there been an approach to the role of religion and morality in public life which missed the mark with more deadly, more dreadful, more crushing results than that inspired by the atheist Karl Marx, who haughtily denied the existence of the true God, banished His worship and attending system of morality and truth from the earth, only to put man in His place – the Marxist Man, that is.


1. Marx, Karl. Communist Manifesto.

2. Ibid.

3. Rummel, R. J. Death by Government, Transaction Publishers, 1997.

4. Shire, William L. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, New York, MJF Books, 1959, 1960, p. 50.

5. Marx, Karl, On the Jewish Question, online at

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: communism; marx; religion; worldview

1 posted on 02/06/2006 7:01:03 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe
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To: Tailgunner Joe

Great posts tonight! You're on a roll!

2 posted on 02/06/2006 8:31:07 PM PST by Travis McGee (--- ---)
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Vulgar or old Marxism doesn't work but the new and improved brands are truly dangerous and amoral... They don't believe in truth or morality but in power... and they will lie, cheat and be completely dishonest if it furthers their cause. It's all about tearing down the Capitalist system and replacing it with a totalitarian state run only by MAN... no room for religion... only a mild recognition of man's "religiosity" or man's "sacredness." Very sad.
3 posted on 02/06/2006 10:00:25 PM PST by Blind Eye Jones
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To: Tailgunner Joe

It is said that Marx had a son by his maid, that the children grew up illiterate and remained a servant in the household, even though he was the spitting image of Marx.

4 posted on 02/06/2006 10:06:43 PM PST by RobbyS ( CHIRHO)
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To: RobbyS

5 posted on 02/06/2006 10:20:44 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe
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To: Tailgunner Joe

Speaking of, Engels was a good man and Marx was not.

6 posted on 02/06/2006 11:26:08 PM PST by RobbyS ( CHIRHO)
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Spot on. There is no such thing as an absence of morality. It's always going to be someones morals being imposed on society. The question will always be whose morality is best to live by.
7 posted on 02/06/2006 11:37:28 PM PST by oneofmany (Moral relativism is the intellectual refuge of the weak.)
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To: Tailgunner Joe

Great post... I have been saying the same things for some time...

It is no coincidence Islamic pagans hate Israel, Jews, Christians and Western Civilization. The entire basis of Western Civilization is Mosaic Law, something both the Neo-Pagan Left and the pagan Islamic thugs cannot abide and wish to destroy.

The very idea that human beings have individual rights not subject to the whims of a monarch, but subject to the laws of Yahweh, is directly from Moses.

Historically, this is proven over and over again with the succsessive conflicts between the forces of paganism and the Judaic culture. (This includes the idolatry of Marxist paganism.)

Today, "morals" are defined by a quasi-religious pagan philosophy based on esoteric hobgoblins. A greater number of "atheists" and "pagans" adopt the same hackneyed tenets of a false Judaic-Christian ideal (golden calf). They also subscribe to the Judaic fetishism of "sin," but will fight to their death in denial of it. Most of them are so wrapped up in their own polemics that they have become nothing more than pathetic anti-Christians with the same false hypocritical philosophy. They just slap a new label on it hoping nobody will notice - - they replace the idea of "avoiding sin" with "morals."

Morality and all of its associated concepts are from the belief some higher power defines what is correct in human behavior. Today, "morals" are a religious pagan philosophy of esoteric hobgoblins. Transfiguration is a pantheon of fantasies as the medium of infinitization. Others get derision for having an unwavering Judaic belief in Yahweh or Yeshua, although their critics and enemies will evangelize insertion of phantasmagoric fetishisms into secular law.

Mosaic Law (of which the Ten Commandments is just a part) is the foundation of Western Civilization. Genesis is the primary focus of the Declaration of Independence, from where our Constitutional rights are derived. The Ten Commandments are the foundation of our judicial system.

Moses wrote Genesis. This is why such people will jump up and down screaming when the Ten Commandments are displayed or the Creationist idea of monogamy from the Book of Genesis is introduced.

The latter (Genesis) also ruins the illogical and non-biological arguments of homosexual monogamy. In a secular sense, homosexuality is an idolatry of perversion. It is in no way an anatomical function of the human organism, but a phantasmagoric creation from within the mentally disturbed human mind, a social psychosis, naked and on full exhibitionist display.

This is the whole crux of their attack on creationism - - they are really frustrated by Genesis, but cannot destroy the axiomatic state of procreant human biology, it does not fit their religious agenda.

Homosexual monogamy advocates seek ceremonious sanctification of their anatomical perversions and esoteric absolution for their guilt-ridden, impoverished egos.

Neither of those will satisfy their universal dissatisfaction with mortality or connect them to something eternal. With pantheons of fantasies as their medium of infinitization, they still have nothing in them of reality, no more than there is in the things that seem to stand before us in a dream.

Homosexual deviancy is really a pagan practice (and a self induced social psychosis) at war with the Judaic culture over what is written in the book of Genesis (1:27, 2:18).

This is exactly what the National Socialists were at war with... so, when someone uses the term “Gaystapo,” they might not realize how close to the truth they really are.

Many will seek ceremonious sanctification and esoteric absolution in some type of marriage rite, but that still fails to give them a connection to the eternal in both a religious and temporal, procreant sense - - the union does not produce offspring.

Dissatisfaction with inevitable mortality only feeds the impoverishment of the ego further. Homosexuals really hate human life, their whole desire is rooted in the destruction of it...

Abortion is akin to slavery... life to be bought and sold...
Contemplate the religious fervor associated with the pro-abortion advocacy. The societal practice of abortion is ritual mass murder upon the altars of conceit dedicated to idolatrous vanities, a collective human sacrifice before pagan idols.

It has a similitude to the Teutonic paganism of Adolph Hitler (whose idolatry was the idea of a "master race," among other things). In effect these genocides are a mass human sacrifice to those pagan idols. The abortionists, like the National Socialists, incinerate the remains of their victims.

Aleister Crowley, who openly supported the National Socialists, was affiliated with Ordo Templi Orientis, A.A. (Order of the Silver Star) and other such occult lodges all across Germany. Crowley engaged in all manner of deviancy, homoeroticism, sadomasochism and murder. Much of the occultism in National Socialism is derived directly from there. Crowley envisioned himself as the Great Beast (To Mega Therion), just as der Fuhrer made himself in that image. Hitler's life as a struggling, inept artist was where that association blossomed.

Crowley's creed, “Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the Law,” (which is actually from Francois Rabelais) and used by Neo-Pagan nutcases without attribution for obvious politically correct reasons, is with certainty no different than the National Socialist “will to power,” or their ubermensch mentality.

It is also no accident Nietzsche's “over-man” and nihilist philosophy and resulting insanity from venereal disease closely mirrors the insanity of der Fuhrer.

These occult orders, sex and drug cults still survive today, as do the Neo-pagan, Neo-Nazi groups, black supremacist Rastafarian potheads, prison gangs and other related filth.

Crowley occultism is also from where L. Ron Hubbard emerges with Scientology. Note the NAZI symbolism of that kooky cult of weirdos and their deviant adherents who advocate homoeroticism and other perversions. Hollywood Cultural Marxists love Scientology.

Ah, Hollywood! The fountain of fantastical images, perverts and hypocrisies! It is by no accident the Cultural Marxists of Hollywood are flaming haters of America, Israel and Christendom, and who advocate the most bizarre and psychotic.

8 posted on 02/07/2006 3:27:25 AM PST by Sir Francis Dashwood (LET'S ROLL!)
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To: Blind Eye Jones

Like the necromancy of the late Senator Paul Wellstone’s funeral rally, or "funerally" (see the Steven Plaut article, The Rise Of Tikkun Olam Paganism, Arutz Sheva: December 27, 2002, in reference to the Wellstone brand of Judaism), the use of Martin Luther King Day, or constantly invoking the "spirit of the ‘60’s," the Left attempts to raise spirits of the dead as a totem for worship. This occurred with respect to Diana, Princess of Wales, following her "tragic" death in 1997.

Consider the seemingly coincidental circumstance that Diana is also the name of a pagan Greek goddess, and idolatry. The figurative deification of Princess Diana and the massive outpouring of public grief are a form of civil worship. The heaping of flowers at Kensington Palace as if it were a shrine, melodramatic eulogizing and the political expressions of how the world should comply with her posthumous intent concerning certain issues is a modern use of idolatry. Royalty magazine, in a special edition, had a large drop quote spanning across two pages: "She needed no royal title… to generate her particular brand of magic." The whole magazine is about pet Leftist political causes mixed in with the pictures and soliloquy about her sainthood. A Golden Calf.

This idolatry also partly played into the modern conflict of pagan vs. Judaic concerning her billionaire playboy lover, Dodi Al Fayed. Although many consider Islamic belief to be of Judaic origin, it is pagan. The crescent symbolizing Islam was also used to symbolize the pagan goddesses (Diana, Isis, etc.) and used by modern neo-pagan nut cases as an icon. The use of the bedrock at the Dome of the Rock and the meteorite at the Kaaba as an excuse to label it an Islamic holy site, is idolatry. The three goddesses, daughters of Allah, are also contrary to the idea that Muslim faith is monotheistic.

Saddam Hussein and the Socialist Ba'ath Party are cult figures. This is a great part of the reason the Left is so frantic and upset by Western military activities in the Middle East. Hussein and his two deceased sons were not at all Muslim. They were considered to be secular political figures, when actually they were extensions of ancient pagan Chaldean and Babylonian cults. They had more than just a similitude to the Amalekite Pharaohs of ancient Egypt that arose after the fall of the Eighteenth Dynasty in the Hyksos invasion. There is a historical relationship to the book of Exodus in the Judaic Bible, where Moses figures most prominently, and a relationship to the current conflict in Israel. Saddam funded Palestinian terror. The pagan Roman occupation created the mythically perceived state of "Palestine" to begin with, specifically disenfranchising the Jews. A Golden Calf.

The Amalekites were nomadic plunderers who also plagued the Hebrews during the forty years of wandering the wilderness described in the Judaic Bible. They were also the progenitors of modern day "Palestinians." (Also, consider the ancillary fact that Yasser Arafat was actually an Egyptian by birth.) The occupation of Egypt after the Alexandrian invasion by the Ptolemic Dynasties through the Roman invasion and occupation of Egypt (where the Queen Cleopatra and Marc Antony, subjects of more Shakespearean tragedy, and legend for their affair in the dire displeasure of the Roman Emperor) are all concretely connected to the historical Pagan conflicts with the Judaic (Judaic includes Christians).

As U.S. Senator, and Democrat presidential primary candidate, Joseph Lieberman has pointed out - - if the Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean had his way, Saddam Hussein and his two maniacal sons would still be in power, murdering, raping and plundering. Howard Dean had in effect, run on a platform of having Saddam Hussein as his running mate, and so had that other loser Sen. John Kerry.

As well, the opposition by the Leftists to Western military operations in Afghanistan, something once considered previously a subject of serious inquiry by Left leaning feminist groups because of concern for the treatment of women under the Taliban, has been displaced by the neo-pagan New Age mysticism and the 1960s' psychedelic drug culture permeating the political Left. A great source for lot of opium and hashish coming into the West is and/or was from Afghanistan. A Golden Calf.

Think of the Hashashins, from whom we get the English word ‘assassin.’ Who were they? Wondering bands of robbers stoned on hashish, plundering, raping and murdering their way across the desert. Osama Bin Laden and his groups of thugs are just like them, just in the same way Saddam Hussein and his murderous sons roamed around in Iraq. The Taliban in Afghanistan also fit this model quite neatly. Remember the Luxor, Egypt massacre of Western Tourists by terrorists? Is the recent rash of Islamic beheadings ritual murder? Is Islamic terrorism really a murder cult like the Kali cult of Hindu Thuggees?

There is a clear connection between modern neo-paganism and ancient paganism related to Islamic conflict with the Judaic roots of Christendom. A focus on how this is manifested in a modern sense only requires a look at pop-culture icons in entertainment, sports "heroes," and attempts by the Left to use a pseudo-Christian sense of pagan moralistic idolatry to demonize political opposition. I present to you the attack on U.S. Senator Rick Santorum for his comments on sodomy as a useful example. A Sacred Cow.

Another example is Michael Jackson. With the undying support of his "fans" (or fanatics) in the face of his more than questionable activities concerning the abuse of children, they still hold him up as an idol. Jackson, both in his family life as a child and his adult life, is a modern extension of pedagogical pagan pedophilia of previous ages in ancient civilizations. Look at the macabre pagan elements of Jackson's video, Thriller.

Michael Jackson had Nation of Islam thugs as bodyguards escorting him after a court appearance through the throngs of frenzied supporters. Is Jackson their new pharaoh? Nation of Islam is a militant racist cult, that is neither Muslim or based on any traditional religious doctrine. Their leaders, Louis Farrakhan (the numerologist) and Kahlid Abdul Mohammed, are known Jew haters. They also support many illogical and socially subversive Leftist political activities intent on tearing down the structures of Modern Western Civilization and capitalism.

Astrology is another blatant example of primitive pagan idolatry and fantasy with planets of the solar system assigned the names of pagan gods, stars grouped as fantastical images of mythical legend, whereby the fate of a person is purportedly revealed. The astrologers are revered as prophets by psychotic, neurotic adherents in frequent fanatical devotion to any musings these charlatans utter.

Images of distant stars being most often many centuries and millenniums old, are no things corporeal. The actual objects have ceased to exist as perceived and are phantasms, mere ghosts of what once was long ago. (Divination through spirits of the dead is necromancy.)

Attempting divination by optical illusions emanated from long past objects, avoiding your actual self-determined future repeatedly disregarded in favor of musings by a mystical witch doctor is neurotic, idolatrous and fanatical.

Astrology is simply an epic lunatic fantasy, and saying so is the ultimate blasphemy for such pagan religionists.

The idea of fate is rooted in the fantasy that some imaginary, ethereal forces determine the course of human events. This is contrary to the ideas that God allows free will to choose or reject Salvation, and that God alone reveals prophecy (a.k.a. Providence). It is also an attempt to counterfeit and replace those ideas, where pantheons of fantasies are the medium of infinitization and not a singular limitless Creator.

The Enemy as represented in the Egyptian Book of the Dead: "Behold, I am Set, the creator of confusion, who creates both the tempest and the storm throughout the length and breadth of the heavens."

Astrology arises from the pagan Chaldean cults of Babylon. We now know Babylon as Iraq. The Tigris-Euphrates Valley is the cradle of human civilization and has never known freedom in all of history. Is it coincidence? Is it coincidence the Neo-Pagan, New Age mystery cults of Leftist politics are so animated in their opposition to bringing freedom and the Judaic principles of justice to Iraq? Is it coincidence that many domestic social issues are being driven by cultic Leftist advocacy of unnatural, phantasmagoric perversity? Is it coincidence that they have such a seething hatred of George W. Bush?

It is no coincidence Islamic pagans hate Israel, Jews, Christians and Western Civilization. The entire basis of Western Civilization is Mosaic Law, something both the Neo-Pagan Left and the pagan Islamic thugs cannot abide and wish to destroy.

The proliferation of psychics, seers, soothsayers, healers, gurus, UFO cults, conspiracy cults, witches, etc., etc., ad nauseum, is a social psychosis, an occulted (or masked) promotion of Leftist propaganda, a social psychosis of Cultural Marxism (that I have identified in the Drama Complex). [See: Cults and Cosmic Consciousness: Religious Vision in the American 1960s, Camille Paglia perfectly describes in section 9, the magazine I now call Psychopathy Today...]

A great source of much anecdotal evidence for all of the things I previously mentioned and others I will elaborate on later, can be found in the May/June, 2003 issue of Psychology Today. The publication is strictly a political propaganda rag, not at all applicable to a secular study of psychological science, but filled with esoteric neo-pagan New Age drivel from the psychedelic 1960's, idolatries, advertisements for religious cults and drugs, manic sex perverts, inductive argument, and outright fallacies when either put to the testing of truth tables in prepositional logic or tested by categorical logic - - all of it masked by the assumption it is somehow scientific because of the name on the cover. Pavlov's salivating dogs... Fantasy and phantasms... The social psychosis of the Drama Complex illustrated in almost every detail.

‘They worship for gods those appearances that remain in the brain from the impression of external bodies upon the organs of their senses, which are commonly called ideas, idols, phantasms, conceits, as being representations of those external bodies which cause them, and have nothing in them of reality, no more than there is in the things that seem to stand before us in a dream...’

Marxism and the numerous forms of Cultural Marxism are a religion, a collection of cults. In many cases they worship a dead Karl Marx like some (and I stress some) Christians worship a dead Jesus, and not a living God. This is no more apparent than in the practice of enshrinement and regular grooming of Lenin’s corpse in the former Soviet Union, the use of Princess Diana, Martin Luther King Jr. and other dead people. Bovine excrement of Sacred Cows.

9 posted on 02/07/2006 3:46:14 AM PST by Sir Francis Dashwood (LET'S ROLL!)
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Marxism claims to support the working class and poor.

Yet, simultaneously, leftists denigrate and (sometimes viciously) attack Christian Churches. The problem is that, over the centuries, faith based charities and churches have, and continue, to play a tremendous role in helping the poor and underprivileged of the world. If you look at the largest charities in most countries, you'll find that most are linked to a major church; Catholics through the Catholic Church alone donate billions of dollars to the world's poor each year. The person on the front line helping the homeless is often a priest. missionary, or volunteer from a faith-based charity.

Surely, if the Marxists cared about the poor, as they claimed, they would support the essential work being done by millions of Christians across the globe.

They don't.

Rather than helping the beggar and the bum, as many priests and missionaries are doing around the world right now, the Marxists would rather pontificate about how a much larger state will help the workers from the safety of their ivory tower.

And worse for the commies, the working class don't want any part of their ideology either. Many working class people realize that there are a number of ways one person can have power over another in a society, including political party. Working class people realize that there is a class of trustafarians and elites who, while never working an honest day's work in their lives, seek to entrench their power through making big government even bigger. In contrast, most working class people are honest, hard-working folks who patriotically love their nation, seek guidance from their faith, want to earn a fair day's pay for a fair day's work without half going to big government in taxes, and love freedom. Working class people want to be safe in their homes, and want to live a life free from threats like terrorism (in contrast to the leftists, who want to 'embrace diversity').

Working class people despise the out of touch Marxists, fascists, and leftists who claim to speak on their behalf, and push their other agendas (agendas like feminism, which many working class men and women hate) in their name. Making it even more dangerous, many Marxists are completely unaware of just how out of touch they are with both the working class, the poor, and reality.

Marxism claims to support the working class and poor, in theory. In reality, it has thoroughly failed.

10 posted on 02/07/2006 4:00:25 AM PST by ThinkFreedom (Well, that's my 2c, take or leave.)
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To: oneofmany

I encourage you read some of the interviews that have been done with Osama Bin Laden (ABC News Interview, then compare it to the recommended rhetoric for Marxists to use (look around on the webpage - they have articles about it) to help bring about the revolution. They have taken a medieval religion, mutated it, and grafted it on to Marxism. This is what their philosophy is based on, and they have allies everywhere there are Marxists.

The parallel between the ACLU attack on the public display of the Ten Commandments, the removal of the Ten Commandment monument in the Alabama Supreme Court and the Taliban blowing up ancient Buddhist statues in Afghanistan are most notable comparisons in this respect. It is just like the legal attack on the United States’ Pledge of Allegiance, the demand for removal of a cross on the seal of the city of Los Angeles while ignoring the presence of the pagan goddess depicted next to it.

But since we are all properly obeying * the modern interpretation * of the First Amendment... Good or bad isn’t the question. Good, bad, right, wrong, evil, moral: all of these are purely religious. Morality and all of its associated concepts are based on the belief that some higher power is defining the correctness of human behavior.

* The First Amendment says that Government must exorcise all traces of religion and theism from itself. * (The "modern interpretation.") Therefore, the Government should never consider issues of morality and of right and wrong. Excuse the sarcasm...

Plato’s Euthyphro is a great illustration. Socrates advances the argument to Euthyphro that, piety to the gods, who all want conflicting devotions and/or actions from humans, is impossible. (Socrates exposed the pagan esoteric sophistry.)

Likewise, morals are such a construction of idols used by the Left as a rationale for them to demand compliance to their wishes in politics, which most often are a skewed mess of fallacies in logic. Morals are a deceptive replacement for the avoidance of sin. If a person believes in God, it is the conviction of the Holy Spirit that guides them, not the idolatrous vanities of conceited morality constructed by others.

It is my personal conclusion that libertarians, or more properly, liberal-tarians, are really Cultural Marxists so wrapped up in their own contrarian polemics, that they have become nothing more than pathetic anti-Christians...

11 posted on 02/07/2006 4:00:54 AM PST by Sir Francis Dashwood (LET'S ROLL!)
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To: Sir Francis Dashwood

I see you've done some research on this subject. I find it extremely interesting as well. Thanks for the enlightenment and the links.
I say I have to agree about Libertarians. It looks good on the outside but is crushed under the weight of its own relativism.

12 posted on 02/07/2006 5:05:26 AM PST by oneofmany (Moral relativism is the intellectual refuge of the weak.)
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To: Blind Eye Jones
Sadly, I don't think that Marxists lieing, cheating, and acting dangerously or amorally is a new thing. From Wikipedia:

It is generally agreed by conventional historians that if famines, prison and labor camp mortality, and state terrorism (deportations and political purges) are taken into account, Stalin and his colleagues were directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of millions. How many millions died under Stalin is greatly disputed. The 1926 census shows the population of the Soviet Union at 147 million and in 1937 another census found a population of between 162 and 163 million. This was 14 million less than the projected population value and was suppressed as a "wrecker's census" with the census takers severely punished. A census was taken again in 1939, but its published figure of 170 million has been generally attributed directly to the decision of Stalin[13] (see also Demographics of the Soviet Union). Even still, the 1939 census displayed a 3.2 million to 5.5 million excess deaths which leaves the reports of a 1937 census subject to skepticism. Note that the figure of 14 million does not have to imply 14 million additional deaths, since as many as 3 million may be births that never took place due to reduced fertility and choice.

Since "the margin of error" with regard to the number of Stalin's victims is virtually impossible to narrow down to a universally accepted figure, various historians have come up with extremely varying estimates of the number of victims, from under 10 to over 50 million deaths.


For the record, that figure is a lot closer to 50 million than 10 million (10 million is the figure generally given by neo-Marxists and Stalinist apologists). And that's just the work of Stalin alone, not counting those killed by the brutal reigimes of Mao, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Castro / Guevara, or the countless other massacres that happened in Marxist / Communist states during the Cold War.

Through the Cold War there were a number of excellent anti-Communist books written which really captured the Soviet era, and its failings. I'd highly recommend you read Arthur Koestler's 'Darkness at Noon', George Orwell's 'Essays', 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' and 'Animal Farm', and anti-Communist dissident Vaclav Havel's 'Power of the Powerless' if you get a chance, as well as any decent history of the cold war. Friedrich Hayek's 'Road to Serfdom' also has a number of excellent chapters on topics like 'Economic Control and Totalitarianism' which discuss how any left wing economic statism automatically leads to the loss of freedom in all other areas (contrary to the Libertarian 'world's smallest political quiz' myth that some on the left want 'social freedom' without 'economic freedom').

Make no mistake, old Marxism wasn't just a system that 'didn't work'; it was a brutal and violent system that sent undercover communist operatives and set up parties to all corners of the world - all centrally funded from Moscow - with the explicit aim of overthrowing the world's free states. And it's always been a bankrupt and dangerous ideology which deserves to die.

13 posted on 02/07/2006 5:43:56 AM PST by ThinkFreedom (Well, that's my 2c, take or leave.)
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To: Toddsterpatriot; Mase; expat_panama

interesting timing

14 posted on 02/07/2006 5:46:55 AM PST by 1rudeboy
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To: ThinkFreedom; Sir Francis Dashwood
"And it's always been a bankrupt and dangerous ideology which deserves to die."

I agree. I just want to point out some of the recent post modern twists:

* on one hand all truth is relative; on the other hand postmoderns tell us like it really is.
* on the one hand all cultures are equally deserving of respect; on the other hand western culture is uniquely bad.
* values are subjective -- but sexism and racism are really evil.
* technology is bad and destructive but its not OK if some people have more technology than others
* tolerance is good and dominance is bad -- but when the postmoderns come to power political correctness follows.

These contradictions don't matter to the postmoderns (the heirs of Marx) because the object is to exercise power... not to determine the truth. They use these contradictions as a strategy to confuse and undermine faith in Capitalism. These are desparate and dangerous people and they do what they do because socialism itself is in crisis.
15 posted on 02/07/2006 10:07:15 AM PST by Blind Eye Jones
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To: Blind Eye Jones
These contradictions don't matter to the postmoderns (the heirs of Marx) because the object is to exercise power...

It is strange how the Left gravitates to the cause of Islamofascism, isn't it? Islam is totally opposed to what the Leftists would have us believe they are...

16 posted on 02/07/2006 7:47:33 PM PST by Sir Francis Dashwood (LET'S ROLL!)
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To: Sir Francis Dashwood
"It is strange how the Left gravitates to the cause of Islamofascism, isn't it? Islam is totally opposed to what the Leftists would have us believe they are..."

Yeah, David Horowitz make a great case for their connection in his book "The Unholy Alliance." Islamofascists cast America as the great Satan that has to be destroyed. The Communists also claim that America is essentially corrupt, regardless of its institutions, and that reform is useless... there has to be a revolution. Both parties have a religious zeal that heightens their commitment and carries them in their cause... it borders on maniacal.
17 posted on 02/07/2006 10:06:23 PM PST by Blind Eye Jones
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