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FReep 28 of Code Pink at Walter Reed, Oct 28 (Pinkos Prolong War, Heavy graphics, Join us Nov 4!)
DC Chapter ^ | Nov. 4, 2005 | BillF, with tgslTakoma and bmwcyle photos

Posted on 11/03/2005 11:13:21 PM PST by BillF

FReepers from the DC Chapter and beyond have countered Code Pinkos at their weekly obscene anti-war blood dance outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center for over half a year.  Despite a breeze that made it feel cooler than the upper 40s temperatures, FReepers were out in force again.  Cindy Sheehan was on the Pinko side ever so briefly, but her usual press entourage was nowhere to be found. Karl Rove joined us for the second week in a row and President Bush made a surprise appearance, leading one of the Pinkos to confront us close-up on our side. The Veterans for Peace bus showed up again and was used illegally, leading to a showdown that flummoxed the Pinkos for a considerable time until numerous police officers showed up.

Code Pink is truly stuck in a quagmire as FReepers severely hinder the Pinkos' cynical attempts to manipulate severely wounded soldiers and relatives in hopes of finding those who will join the anti-war movement and break faith with the troops still fighting a ruthless enemy. Please help us by showing up next Friday night per details below.  Stand up against the Pinkos who've endorsed "the Iraqi resistance" (as they call our enemy, see here and here), given money to the other side in Fallujah, and called our troops "killers." Then, the Pinkos demonstrate at the hospital and pretend that they support our troops.

Please join us this Friday, Nov 4, at 6:30 pm. After this story in the Washington Post about the weekly dueling demonstrations of Pinkos vs. FReepers, the leftists might draw more people this Friday. Please make an extra effort to attend.

To help people get there on time, without having to stop for dinner, we got pizza on site at the FReep.

The honor roll of those in attendance (lurkers are marked with an asterisk*, except that Rolling Thunder and friends are labeled RT): 2nd Class Citizen, Adam from MD*, Albion Wilde, ALlRightAllTheTime, Andi *, Angelwood, Apple Blossom and daughter, Beandog, Bill from MD*, Bmwcyle, Bstein80 , Christopher Lincoln, concretebob, Dustin10thMountain, Fraxinus, GottaLuvAkitas1, G.R. Quinn, Hoodlum91, Jack Deth, Jimmy Valentine’s brother, Joan*, JohnyO (RT), Justanobody, kristinn, Landry Fan, maica, mr.sarcastic , mrs.sarcastic , Pleadeal, Ronnie (RT), Smitty (RT), Spiff, tgslTakoma, Tom the Redhunter, trooprally (two FReepers: Mr. & Mrs.), W04Man, and BillF. 

We were proud to have three from Rolling Thunder (RT) on the same night that other Rolling Thunder members were involved in a ceremony at Fran O'Briens. In celebration of the second anniversary of the restaurant's program to give wounded troops and family members free meals on Friday nights, RT was giving $10,000 towards the program.

That's 39 patriots including Spiff, in from Arizona for work. After two hard work weeks in the DC area, he delayed his return to Arizona so he could attend the FReep. So where were you? He made the time to get down to Walter Reed. Now for those of you who live a lot closer then him, why can't you make it? Unless you have medical, work, or family factors that prevent you from coming, you owe it to the troops to come. The troops tell us every week how important it is for us to be there. Don't just be a spectator, come out and show your support in person to the troops. You'll be glad that you did.

The event was so large that I can only present that part of the story that I saw. If you were there, please describe your own experiences at the FReep. Also, let me know if I publish your photo without your name or, worse, I mislabel you in a photo.

[CLICK ON A PHOTO TO OPEN A LARGER VERSION IN A NEW WINDOW if it has a border around it. If a photo doesn't have a border, it is not hyperlinked to a larger version.  Click on another photo and its larger version should open in the same window that the first enlarged photo did. Or you can simply close the window with the enlarged photo and click on another photo in the report to open a new window with an enlarged photo. Note that some of the wider photos may open in a window wider than your screen and you can use a horizontal scroll bar to see parts. Photos will be interspersed in the report.

Photos were taken by bmwcyle (click here for his full outstanding collection of photos), tgslTakoma (click here for her full outstanding collection of photos) and myself.  The photographer can be determined from the name of the photo. You can see that on hyperlinked photos (i.e., borders at edge) by running your mouse over them. On other photos, right click on the photo and click properties. The key is this: photos of bmwcyle begin with "Dbmw," photos of tgslTakoma begin with "Dtgsl," and photos of mine begin with "DSCN." Another photo is labeled as having come from W04Man. Click here for all of his photos. He also got some great video on this night (click here for the video and click here for the thread about the video).]

Opposed to our 39 patriots, the Pinkos managed to get, at most, only 30 America-hating traitors and their well-meaning, but incredibly-misguided, dupes. The dupes do not realize that their Pinko organizers, who claim to support our troops,  call our troops "killers,"  endorse "the Iraqi resistance" (those killing and wounding our troops, see here and here), and  have given money to "the other side" in Fallujah. Their poor showing was in spite of Cindy Sheehan showing up.


FReepers at our main corner, around the "God Bless Our
Soldiers" MOAB (Mother-Of-All-Banners).

FReepers at the secondary corner under the "Code Pink Kills"


bstein80, Dustin10thMountain, ALlRightAllTheTime and
Jack Deth


Ronnie at left came with Rolling Thunder contingent.

Primary FReeper corner in background with "God Bless" MOAB
and secondary FReeper corner in foreground with anti-Code Pink
MOAB at right.

We were proud to have Adam from MD join us

W04Man, at left, poses with some troops/WR patients. They had
stopped to thank us. This photo was posted by W04Man and
apparently taken on his camera. Click here for all of his photos.
He also got some great video on this night (click here for the
and click here for the thread about the video).

GottaLuvAkitas1, at right facing camera, came up from the
Richmond area. Justanobody and concretebob have come
up from the Richmond area or much further away every Friday
for weeks and weeks now. You live a lot closer. Why can't
you come?

The Cindy Sheehan appearance was underwhelming. She stood with the Pinkos a short time on the "bad side of the street" (as soldiers call the Code Pink side) and walked through the Walter Reed gate by herself. Several of our patriots, who have access to military facilities, discreetly walked a distance behind her. She may have deposited a thank you card and a small bouquet of flowers at the information desk, but then she promptly left the base after briefly being inside a building. She did not meet with any soldiers.

After Sheehan left the base, she simply stood with the Pinkos very briefly before she and her handler, left the event. She was on base no more than 5 minutes and was at the Code Pink event less than 30 minutes. With no press around, she sure wasn't going to stay there.

Landry Fan with Smitty of Rolling Thunder.

Albion Wilde, Spiff (aka Karl Rove), and Andi.


GottaLuvAkitas1 displays an
admiration for President Bush.




Andi of Andi's World (click to
check out her great account of
the evening) with the President.

Landry Fan is also a fan of the

Karl Rove, standing with the
President, challenges the leftists
with a taunt based on their

When the President showed up, numerous FReepers, including those above, posed with him. I could be wrong, but I think that his smile grew slightly bigger when the three lovely ladies were posing with him. And that is not to put down our own Spiff, the Halliburton-provided clone of Karl Rove, who came in from Arizona.

As shown in the below photos, Bruce Wolf, Code Pink's boy in blue (he always wears blue) and designated writer of fiction, invaded our permitted space to try to get a photo of Rove and the President. See the leftists in the background near the Walter Reed sign.  FReepers told him to go back to his side and stood between him and Rove and the President. bmwcyle and others warned him that the police would be called. Then, the Pinko minder, who had came with him, dragged a frustrated Wolf back to the Pinko side.


Bruce Wolf invaded our permitted space on our side to try to get
a photo of Rove and the President.  See the leftists in the
background near the Walter Reed sign on their side.



Wolf had brought a Pinko minder (behind him) to make sure
she could help if he had a sixties flashback. Since his whole life
is a flashback of the sixties, she clearly has not been any help.


The Pinko minder pulls Wolf back from the brink.

bmwcyle, having dispatched Wolf, watches as the dispirited relic
of the sixties, dragging his pony tail behind him, returns to the
Pinko side.

Pinkos primary corner

Another photo of the Pinkos primary corner. There is a guitar player leading them in song. As an unintended irony, he is standing just
behind and to the left of their "Quiet Zone Soldiers Healing" sign. Hey Pinkos, stop global warming, put out your candles.

Pinkos at the secondary corner for them include at, right, Eric "Squeegee Guy" and Pink Hat Pinko.

The Veterans for Peace (VFP) bus parked illegally across from us.

The Veterans for Peace (VFP) bus, which had provided us with much entertainment when stuck on a side street behind us two weeks earlier (click for report), was a focus of attention again tonight. Carrying no more than two people to the protest, it illegally parked in the southbound right turn lane that ambulances use to get in the gate of Walter Reed. Moreover, it was the vehicle for the Pinkos and their allies to prolong the war.

How often have the leftists told us, "No War for Oil?" Well, they kept their bus running for at least one hour and 15 minutes, even as it was illegally parked and no persons were inside it. If the war is for oil, we now need more of it because of their wasteful use of gas in their rolling billboard and pollution machine. Maybe we'll have to fight longer in Iraq to in order to get more gas (hey, that's what they think that we are doing) as a result of the leftists' waste of gas. Of course, most of us believe that they are prolonging the war by encouraging the terrorists to think that the leftists will give the terrorists a political victory by forcing premature U.S. withdrawal.

A bus is designed to transport large numbers of people, but when they use it as a rolling billboard and transport only two people in it, they are wasting gas and damaging the environment. Moreover, and apart from blocking the ambulance turn lane going into Walter Reed, it is illegal to idle a bus for that long in DC.

Various FReepers called the police. Despite assurances from officers during the past 8 months that we should call them if we have problems and they would come to help, no help was forthcoming. Maybe we didn't call the right number or say the right things? A police car even drove by, but refused to stop as a FReeper tried to wave the officer in.

After an hour and 15 minutes of the bus illegally idling in the ambulance turn lane, kristinn then turned one of the leftists favorite tactics against them. In order to get the police to come out, he took a chair and sat in front of the bus, see below.

kristinn sitting in front of the VFP bus as he test fires the Halliburton pinkish-red GITMO beam, designed to instantly teleport anyone
wearing pink to GITMO. It's going to take a lot of work before it ever works right. Or maybe that's just an artifact caused by a car's
tail light?

The pinning of the bus was done shortly before the usual time when the leftists flee the scene of their traitorous activities. Keep in mind that the leftists do not like to linger in location because it tends to show as a lie Gael Murphy's statement in the Washington Post about troops thanking her for being at Walter Reed.

Injured patients and their family members are treated at Fran O'Brien's,  a fancy DC restaurant, on Fridays.  The patient bus returns around 9:15 to 9:45. This forced Code Pink to change their 8 to 10 pm "vigil" to 7 to 9 pm several months back.

The Pinko leadership kept telling their dupes that the Walter Reed patients were happy to have the Pinkos protesting outside their hospital, but the patients overwhelmingly indicated displeasure at the presence of the blood dancing Pinkos. Specifically, the patient bus would stop before it turned into the gate. The driver would turn on the interior light and numerous of the troops would flip-off the Pinkos. The troops on the side of the bus facing us waved and signaled thumbs-up. Rather than having to explain the contradiction repeatedly, the Pinko leaders just rescheduled their protest so that the leftists would be disbanded by the time the bus arrived.

On this night, the Pinkos feared that the patient bus would return to see them stuck in the quagmire that kristinn had posed for them. At least one of the Pinkos threatened to run him over and told him that the bus weighed 28,000 pounds. Another Pinko told kristinn that he would go to jail.

kristinn seated and tgslTakoma standing in front of the bus as bus driver, who had let it idle illegally in the ambulance turn lane for
over an hour, returns to the bus.

Many FReepers went over to the Pinko side, this now being after their protest normally ended.

FReepers interspersed with leftists as some FReepers join kristinn in front of the bus.

Bus driver backs up, but foolishly turns his front wheels so that back right wheel hits the curb.


kristinn then moves his chair in front of the bus again


Another photo of kristinn, who moved into the path like the tank-
blocking man in Tiananmen Square

Leftists watching as kristinn mimics their tactics. Gael Murphy at right.

Despite the smile in the above photo, Chief DC Pinko Murphy and the other Pinkos were quite upset by this turn of events. Murphy apparently was seriously worried that the troop bus from Fran O'Briens would return before the leftists could return to their bead and incense filled places of residence.

Laughably, Murphy had told the Washington Post (related thread here), apparently before this past Friday FReep, that we were trying to disrupt their "vigil." This from a woman, who specializes in disrupting the operations of our government's elected officials. Her accusing us of trying to disrupt her psych-op against war-wounded troops is also ironic in that we leave the Pinkos alone. Not only do they not leave us alone, she sent over three leftists holding "Kill the Poor" signs to disrupt our counter-protest on the first night. One of them claimed to have a gun in his pocket. The three fled like thieves in the night, changing their outer layer of clothing to foil identification by the police. See the report here.

 On this night, the police finally came out. Indeed, at least 8 to 10 officers showed up to a situation that a pair of officers could have easily handled. At any rate, it was good to see them, even though they let the bus driver off without a ticket. They simply ordered kristinn to move, which he gladly did following the arrival of the police.

Although the VFP bus standoff had kept some of the leftists on site past the normal return time of the patient bus from Fran O'Brien's, that bus did not arrive until very late. The return was at least 1 and 1/2 hours later than usual due to a ceremony celebrating the second anniversary of Fran O'Brien's program of free meals for wounded troops and their families.

Quite a few FReepers had gone onto the base to welcome the patients when they returned. When waiting for the patients to return from Fran O'Brien's, we talked to other patients at Walter Reed. We talked about their experiences in the military, not about Code Pink or any political matters.

We were happy to see the police arrive

Many had quite inspiring stories. One in particular was hit by a bullet and severely, but not permanently, injured. He plans to join the Marines as soon as he gets out of the Army. I don't think he will be driving the Veterans for Peace bus anytime soon.

Let's help our wounded heroes maintain a positive attitude.  We absolutely must keep the pressure on Code Pink and keep showing the wounded troops at Walter Reed that Code Pink doesn't speak for the nation. If you live in the DC area and haven't yet come out for one of these FReeps, please do so this next Friday. Injured Walter Reed patients, including amputees, have repeatedly told us how important it is for us to be there to counter Code Pink.

If we can sufficiently outnumber the leftists often enough, embarrassment may cause the leftists to stop these outrageous morale-damaging ("Maimed for a lie" was one of their commonly-used signs) demonstrations at the hospital. At the very least, we can hinder their psychological warfare operation against the wounded troops. What about you? Can you spare a few hours on a Friday night?  

Can you give up next Friday night at the movies to support troops who've given up limbs for your freedoms? Will you?

This FReep is rewarding, fun and important for our troops and our nation.

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: aar; antiwar; cindysheehan; codepink; codepinkdc; dcchapter; freepcodepink; infinitefreep; rally; supportourtroops; walterreed
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To: Jimmy Valentine's brother

Meet me at Fran O'Brien's next Friday and I'll toast your efforts. My wife and I will be downstairs at the bar outside the dinner.

81 posted on 11/04/2005 12:31:43 PM PST by wtc911 (see my profile for how to contribute to a pentagon heroes fund)
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To: angelsonmyside
Buford made me laugh.

Buford's good at that. A few weeks ago a little girl came out to WRAMC on her 7th birthday, and he had her in stitches when he yelled over to Code PinkOs that they were "poopy-heads." The little girl was squealing with glee that a grown-up had said something so silly, out in public.

I whacked Buford on the noggin for being a bad example.

82 posted on 11/04/2005 12:32:24 PM PST by tgslTakoma
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To: wtc911
Psst...Come 'er. I want to tell you a secret...There are some...Promise not to tell?...some Freepers...that are full of hot air and cowardly...Shhh, don't tell anyone. And if anyone implies that there are...well...they're probably not talking to you.
83 posted on 11/04/2005 12:35:22 PM PST by BufordP (Excluding the WOT, I haven't trusted W since he coined the term "compassionate conservative")
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To: angelsonmyside; tgslTakoma

It's true. She did.

84 posted on 11/04/2005 12:37:18 PM PST by BufordP (Excluding the WOT, I haven't trusted W since he coined the term "compassionate conservative")
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To: wtc911

Meet us all at WRAMC. It's straight shot for the cabdriver, up 16th street; and the cabfare shouldn't be too pricey. The cabbie can wait while you meet everybody, and then he can take you back to the bar. 45 minutes to an hour, round-trip.

85 posted on 11/04/2005 12:37:44 PM PST by tgslTakoma
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To: Jimmy Valentine's brother
What you guys are doing is more important than I think even you all know.

When my brother was at Brooks General they would only allow 2 visitors per patient at each of the 3 visiting hours. There were 3 of us, my mom, my stepfather and myself. So we would take turns, 2 would spend time with my brother while the other would spend time with the soldiers that did not have family there.

We did nothing special, just talked, wrote letters for them, got them what ever they might need but mainly just befriended them. You could not imagine how grateful those wonderful men were and to see a man cry because of a simple act of kindness was more than we deserved. Here they had risk their lives and lost limbs for US. We owed them everything yet they were thanking us. WOW.

I guess part of the reason it bothers me so that I can't be there is because I have watched at length from the inside and if I could only talk to some of the pinko's sheep, maybe just maybe I could make them think about what there doing. If it sunk into just a few then maybe they could do the same and share that with others.
86 posted on 11/04/2005 12:40:38 PM PST by angelsonmyside
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To: wtc911

I think full of crap. I have seen your posts in the past. I guess we will meet tonight. I think you'll like it.

87 posted on 11/04/2005 12:43:11 PM PST by bmwcyle (We broke Pink's Code and found a terrorist message)
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To: tgslTakoma

My wife and I get a room at the hotel above the restaurant and have a quiet dinner with some WR friends before things get started.

88 posted on 11/04/2005 12:47:05 PM PST by wtc911 (see my profile for how to contribute to a pentagon heroes fund)
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To: BufordP

Leave the representation of the President alone. I bet no matter how rude you are, he will not stoop to your level.

By the way, dummies are made of wood or they wear pink and protest wounded soldiers.

89 posted on 11/04/2005 12:47:29 PM PST by Landry Fan (Proud Supporter of the President and the US Military.)
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To: wtc911

I would not label them cowards, although some are too timid to show up. Someone went too far when they used that term. Street demonstrations are not for everyone, but I appreciate everything that you're doing.

Other FReepers have said that they would probably lose their temper and ruin our reputation for behaving peacefully. We don't want that. Therefore, we're glad that people, who can't control their temper, stay away.

I think JVB intended his remarks at others, not you. Thank you for all that you're doing.

90 posted on 11/04/2005 12:48:07 PM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: BillF

Would you please be quiet and stop apologizing for everybody?

91 posted on 11/04/2005 12:50:12 PM PST by BufordP (Excluding the WOT, I haven't trusted W since he coined the term "compassionate conservative")
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To: bmwcyle
I think full of crap.


You may think what you like. And woofin is for kids. Hey, did you ever even check out the site to donate that's referenced in my profile? I bet you didn't but other freepers have and they have contributed. A number of freepers who do their own thing have taken you to task over your name-calling on these threads. It seems that everyone here but you gets it that there are a number of ways to help, all equally honorable, and that calling folks cowards is not exactly helping the cause although it may give you a thrill.

92 posted on 11/04/2005 12:52:14 PM PST by wtc911 (see my profile for how to contribute to a pentagon heroes fund)
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To: Landry Fan
..he will not stoop..

He'll stoop when I apply a guillotine!

93 posted on 11/04/2005 12:55:05 PM PST by BufordP (Excluding the WOT, I haven't trusted W since he coined the term "compassionate conservative")
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To: BufordP

No. People are misunderstanding each other.

94 posted on 11/04/2005 12:55:53 PM PST by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: wtc911; bmwcyle
...and that calling folks cowards is not exactly helping the cause although it may give you a thrill.

Neither is continuing this here. Please take it outside. Thanks.

95 posted on 11/04/2005 12:58:26 PM PST by tgslTakoma
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To: BillF; wtc911

Some misunderstand, some want attention.

96 posted on 11/04/2005 12:59:07 PM PST by BufordP (Excluding the WOT, I haven't trusted W since he coined the term "compassionate conservative")
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To: BufordP

We're still waiting for your apology, Bufe.

97 posted on 11/04/2005 12:59:11 PM PST by tgslTakoma
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To: BufordP

You need help. No more Spike TV for you.

98 posted on 11/04/2005 1:00:46 PM PST by tgslTakoma
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To: BillF; BufordP; Landry Fan; Jimmy Valentine's brother; Jack Deth; Doctor Raoul; kristinn; ...

Hey... what's the weather gonna be tonight?

99 posted on 11/04/2005 1:02:55 PM PST by tgslTakoma
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To: tgslTakoma

I'm headin' out for BillF's house now. Weather nice.

100 posted on 11/04/2005 1:04:45 PM PST by BufordP (Excluding the WOT, I haven't trusted W since he coined the term "compassionate conservative")
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