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Holocaust in Sudan - Does anyone care? (November/December 2000)
ASSIST News ^ | November/December 2000 | Dan Wooding

Posted on 09/13/2004 7:16:34 PM PDT by miltonim

The Russian-made MU2 Antonov aircraft, with Sudanese government markings, made six bombing runs on Thursday, March 23, over the grounds of the Christian Liberty Academy of Southern Sudan in Western Equatoria, dropping one or two 250-pound-shrapnel bombs at a time. This bombing mission by the Islamic-led government forces of Sudan inflicted numerous injuries on students and their parents.

Over 100 high-school-age students from the Moru tribe are enrolled in the recently completed boarding school facility, which is being sponsored and financed by the Christian Liberty Academy of Arlington Heights, Illinois, a 910-student school on the edge of Chicago. Students, parents and others were making final preparations at the school when the attack came.

Following the bombing, Dr. Paul D. Lindstrom, Superintendent of the Christian Liberty Academy education system, which has schools in Russia, Surinam, South Africa and elsewhere, called for "total U.S. sanctions" against the Islamic government in Khartoum.

"We are outraged by the continuing persecution of black Christians, moderate Muslims, animists and other non-Muslims in Southern Sudan by the military regime in Khartoum who controls the Sudanese government," he said. "It is accurate to say that the government of Sudan is engaged in genocide, especially against the black African Sudanese. And the silence of the U.S. government to all of this is deafening.

"This is not a political issue for us. Rather, it concerns the saving of children's lives and education. If the Sudanese government has bombed us once, they will do it again. Why is the U.S. assisting Muslims in Kosovo, Bosnia and elsewhere, including the providing of military aid, and yet forsaking Christians in southern Sudan? The ten-year reign of Sudan government terror must cease!"

Hospitals Targeted The school was fortunate. No one died in the incident. But this was not the case when the National Islamic Front (NIF) government of Sudan bombed a hospital sponsored by American Christian groups in the rebel-controlled south, killing two people and injuring several others. It was the third reported bombing of a southern Sudanese hospital in a two-week period.

Government aircraft dropped about a dozen bombs on the town of Nimule, on the White Nile River just north of the border with Uganda, according to Wes Bentley, the head of California-based Far Reaching Ministries, which trains chaplains at the hospital. "I think they just dropped a whole load on the city and didn't care where they hit," Bentley told Newsroom, based in the U.K.

Wes Bentley said that one chaplain was killed in the attack and another five chaplains were wounded along with a cook, who was struck in the head by a piece of shrapnel. "A bomb killed Tombek Marcello Daniel, a chaplain in training, as he ran out of a building near the hospital," said Bentley, who spends about half of his year in Sudan. The 28-year-old was married with three children.

Human rights groups say that NIF forces have frequently targeted civilian buildings, ignoring the principles of the Geneva Convention. Earlier this year NIF bombers also struck a hospital in the southern city of Lui, run by North Carolina-based Samaritan's Purse. With no military facilities within miles, bombs dropped by the Islamic Government of Sudan aircraft targeted the Samaritan's Purse civilian missionary hospital. The first attack killed at least two people and injured many others.

"The government of Sudan just continues to demonstrate that they are a terrorist nation," said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan's Purse and son of Rev. Billy Graham. "For more than 25 years, Samaritan's Purse has helped people all over the world recover from wars of hatred, but this is the first time we've ever been so blatantly and continuously attacked by the government of the very people we are trying to help."

In spite of this and the previous attack, which killed two people and wounded dozens, Samaritan's Purse is committed to keeping the hospital open. Graham said, "Our medical staff is committed to staying because we operate the largest hospital in southern Sudan, treating more than one million people since 1997."

A Controversial Document Voice of the Martyrs was among 26 groups that signed a "memorandum of understanding" with the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) that allowed them to continue working in the southern rebel-controlled part of the country under certain conditions. About a dozen groups, including World Vision International, refused to sign, contending that the agreement would have placed their staff, equipment and relief aid under SPLM control.

Open Doors, the international ministry begun more than four decades ago by Brother Andrew, the Dutch-born author of God's Smuggler, has announced that it will stay in the war-torn country and will continue to deliver Bibles and conduct training for Christians in the south.

"Open Doors is not leaving Sudan. We have a completely different strategy for how we conduct our ministry. We don't seek official government permission for our work, but rather we operate independently and work directly and only with the indigenous Sudanese church," explained Terry Madison, the President and CEO of Open Doors USA. "Although we have done relief work in Sudan food, clothing, medical supplies our primary ministry there is to strengthen the Christian Church through supplying Bibles and training pastors for the work of the Gospel in what is one of the most repressive countries of the world. So we have decided to stay."

Ruthless and Aggressive Persecution of Christians Reflecting on Open Doors' commitment to continue its ministry in Sudan, Brother Andrew went on to describe the situation and the need: "I know of no other place on earth where the persecution of Christians is more ruthless and aggressive than the Islamic Republic of Sudan. In southern Sudan, Islamic troops attack unarmed villages, killing our brothers burning their homes, churches and health clinics, and taking our sisters and their children as slaves.

"Government bombers terrorize the people as they thunder over their homes. And now their bombs contain deadly chemicals. The poison has killed children and caused many of our sisters to miscarry their unborn babies.

"The bombing and ground attacks, in addition to the famine the government has caused by cutting off international aid, has forced countless people from their homes and farms."

Brother Andrew went on to describe the refugee camps: "There, women are raped. Food is withheld from Christians who refuse to renounce their faith and embrace Islam. Yet even as I share this horrible description, remember that this is only the physical expression of the spiritual war being waged in Sudan. The Muslims, even the cruelest, are not our enemies."

He then called for urgent prayer for the believers of southern Sudan. "Although Open Doors has sent, and continues to send, humanitarian aid to our suffering brothers and sisters, we are most powerful when we are on our knees."

"Second in impact to our prayers are the Bibles and other Christian literature that we put in their hands."

A Jihad on the South The indiscriminate slaughter of two million people, mostly black Christians, but also Muslims and animists has been brought about by the National Islamic Front (NIF) who long ago declared a jihad (holy war) on the south. Human rights observers say that NIF violates almost every provision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Linda Slobodian of the Calgary Herald, who has traveled frequently to southern Sudan, wrote, "Civil war has raged in Sudan for 17 years. The NIF's war effort, strengthened by revenues since last fall from oil projects fueled by foreign investment, has brazenly stepped up its assault on civilians. Reports of attacks on school children and hospitals steadily filter out. The West ignores them. More people have died in Sudan than in Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosovo, Rwanda and Somalia combined."

She added, "Sudan is a place littered with graves of children. A place where government bombs fall like raindrops on civilian targets."

Harunn Runn, General Secretary of the New Sudan Council of Churches, the umbrella group for churches in southern Sudan, speaking at a Sudan consultation for U.S. church leaders sponsored by World Relief in Wheaton, Illinois, said that the war is not a Muslim crusade on the part of the north, but is rather a war of values. "It is a racial, economic and religious war," he stated.

"Religion is used to manipulate people." The Shocking Story of Francis Bok Bol According to a story in Religion Today, Francis Bok Bol was seven when his mother sent him to the market to sell eggs. The boy became a commodity himself that day.

Muslim troops raided the marketplace in southern Sudan, killing the adults and taking the children hostage, Charles Jacobs of the Sudan Campaign told Religion Today. Bol, a Christian, was thrown over a donkey and sold to a Muslim who forced him to convert to Islam, beat him and made him sleep in a barn. "He witnessed terrible things," Jacobs said. Bol, who escaped after 10 years in captivity, testified of the horror in Sudan at a rally outside the U.S. Capitol, May 23, 1999.

Christian Solidarity International (CSI), a Swiss-based human rights group has been active in buying back the freedom of more than 15,000 Sudanese slaves, and this has caused it to lose United Nations status. The U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) removed Christian Solidarity International's consultative status on October 26, 1999, by a vote of 26-14 with 12 abstentions. The vote endorsed a recommendation made earlier by the U.N.'s Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations.

John Eibner, CSI's representative to the U.N., insists that "there is a broad consensus of support" for CSI's slave redemption work among southern Sudanese tribal leaders, according to Newsroom. "The community leaders would not want us to redeem slaves if it meant more being taken into bondage, more being beaten, more villages burned," said Eibner, who helped secure freedom for 4,300 Sudanese slaves in October 1999.

Another View of Slavery Clive Calver, President of World Relief, the international assistance arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, has a different take on slavery.

He said, "World Relief applauds and supports abolition movements to end slavery in Sudan, but to truly facilitate churches working together, World Relief must honor the well-thought-out priorities of the Sudanese church. While slavery is an issue for them, it is currently not the primary one. Ending the war that has claimed two million lives, keeping another 2.4 million from starving to death and teaching them about Jesus are the top concerns they repeatedly voice to me.

"As Pastor Arkangelo Wani Lemi observed to me while I watched death happen, 'My people will not starve to death. We have brothers and sisters in the West; we are part of a family. Fight slavery, yes, but save lives and share Jesus as well.'"

World Relief says that since the 1998 famine, aid efforts in Sudan have had a profound effect on reducing starvation in southern Sudan. However, in many areas people's existence is tenuous at best as they depend on relief supplies for survival. There remain pockets of people with high malnutrition rates. Because of continued fighting and insecurity, some areas remain inaccessible to relief flights. Since the fall of 1998, World Relief has worked with southern Sudan's churches on several fronts as they address the massive suffering and complex issues facing their communities.

In February, the U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions that prohibit U.S. companies and citizens from doing business with partners of an oil pipeline project that according to Sudan's critics helps support the NIF's war machine.

The Liethnom area of southern Sudan has been repeatedly bombed, bombings intended to intimidate and discourage humanitarian workers. Following the most recent assaults by Sudanese military planes, Calver said, "It is an appalling travesty that the military forces of northern Sudan should target humanitarian endeavors aimed at improving the condition of the civilian population in Liethnom. At a time when the church there is exploding with life, I call upon churches in the U.S. to demonstrate solidarity with the church in Liethnom through their prayers and much needed humanitarian assistance at this time. We do not intend to leave our brothers and sisters to stand alone."

When will the horror in the Sudan end? Only when good people pray and take a stand against what is happening to innocent people in southern Sudan.

* This story was first published in the November/December 2000 issue of PLAIN TRUTH magazine.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: muslims; napalminthemorning

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Bombs found in Christian Schools. Pupils Warned to become Muslims or Die.

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U.S. gives Saudis a pass on religious persecution

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Muslim jailed for &quothonour killing" his daughter (she was dating a Christian)

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A Short Biography of Muhammad

Muhammad ordered Muslims to kill Jews?

"Moderate" Islam – But not for Converts to the Christian Faith

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Seven Killed in Pakistan Shooting (religion of peace kills Christians)

14 Christians Killed in Indonesia Associated Press

Youth Shot At, 2 Wounded-150 Meters From Police Station

The paper on sale in London that wants all Jews killed

Christian Persecution On The Rise In Iraq

Moslems restricted Christian to pray twice a year at Jerusalem holy site


Massacre & Destruction of Damour

Police Arrest Bomber Suspect (muslim persecution, Pakistan)(follow up to 1/15 story)

14 Year Old Girl Kidnapped-Feared Raped- "I will make you Muslim and you will bear a Muslim child".

Formerly Kidnapped Christian Teenager Goes Into Hiding for Safety (Pakistan, muslims)

Jubilee Campaign Trip 2004, Part III (Pakistan, persecution, muslims)

Christmas in Bethlem

Muslims are now &quotencouraged to kill Christians" in Egypt (Feb. 2001)

Coptic Christians are deliberately and arbitrarily executed by al-Gama’a al Islamiya (Sep. 1998)

Egyptian Coptic Christians allege police torture (Sep. 1998)

Experts: Attacks on religious freedom intensifying worldwide

Russian Soldier Goes Through Chechen Captivity Hell

Over 40 Serb churches destroyed in Kosovo - bishop

6 Killed in Attack on Christian School in Pakistan (August, 2002)

Twelve Christians Killed in Pre-Dawn Brutal Attack in Ambon, Indonesia (April, 2002)



Shooting reported at Christian charity in Karachi, six killed

Six killed in massacre at Christian school in Pakistan

Christian Missionary Killed In Philippines

INDONESIA: Malukus Separatism &quotMoslems raided two Christian villages and killed 13 civilians

Christian driver killed for running over Koran

Christians Killed, Churches Burned

Philippine Muslim rebels release German woman, others killed 21 Christians

Christian Killed in Guerrilla Shooting in Lebanon

Christians Being Killed in Pakistan


Another Christian Arrested Under Blasphemy Laws (muslims, Pakistan)

Sharia Continues (Nigeria, muslims)




Pressure mounts on Sudan over (christian) girl's flogging (muslim shariah)

Pastor at Prayer Shot Dead (missionary activity among muslims)

Mainstream Political Leaders Denounce Attacks on Christian Minority (Iraq, muslims)

Attacked Evangelist Slowly Improving--(Turkey, semi-vegetative after attack by muslims)

DEATHS MARK RENEWED VIOLENCE IN POSO (muslims, persecution, Indonesia Dec. 15)

Indo Muslim Groups Using Laws to Close Churches (carried petrol, ready to burn down the church )


Bomb Hurts 15 at Christian Site in Karachi

Christmas for Iraqi Christians: Three bombs and a Fatal Shooting (persecution)

Premeditated Islamic Attacks on Christians (Muslims burn down 10 churches,100+ church properties)

Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

TURKMENISTAN: Heavy fines on Balkanabad Baptists (75 US dollars each, more than one month's wages)

KOSOVO: No peace for Orthodox Christmas

KYRGYZSTAN: Religious freedom survey, January 2004

Follow Up On Murdered Pastor (from 1/05)(threats from Muslim extremist to close his Church)

Fugitives from Nigeria revolt in shootout 7 killed (failed rebellion)

Eritrea steps up its persecution of Christians

Arab-Jewish Refugees. Source: &quotFrom Time Immemorial" by Joan Peters

Battles Rage in West Sudan (genocide)

Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan as Thousands Flee Attacks (villages burned and looted)

SUDAN: Feature - Death and destruction in Darfur (December 11) (Janjaweed)

Nigerian state bans Muslim group for extremism (disrupting the peace)

EGYPT: Christian Centre Attacked by Army This Morning (nun beaten by soldiers)

Nigeria - A Refugee's Story

Pakistan: Gunmen Open Fire At Church Service - None Injured


Iraq (Christian) women gunned down




Muslim pleads guilty to killing Jewish man

On The Cutting Edge of Two Cultures

Enough, Already

Green Skies (December 2003)

Crescent Moons and Circling Sharks (December 2003)



MMA and ML-Q led government's first gift to Christians. A bomb blasts Balouchistan Church (Pakistan, December 2002)

Seven Christians shot dead in Pakistan

Christian shot dead in Iraq. (February 2003)

No Fizzle: Sharia thrives (and preys) in Nigeria.

Govt. Routs Radical Islamic Group Seeking Sharia (taking up arms for the first time)

Bahgdad restaurant bombed, five killed (Of about 35 people in the restaurant, most were Christian)(December 31, 2003)

Nigeria: 800,000 Internally Displaced Across Country - Refugee Agency

The New Year, Iraqi Christians, Alcohol, and other things also answers religion of peace deal.

Assyrians in Turkey: Disappearance of a Culture? (1922-1999)

Bible Society Attacked, Multiple Injuries Sustained

Car bomb hits Christian Bible society in Pakistan

Indonesia Backgrounder: Jihad in Central Sulawesi - Executive Summary

Recent bombing runs won't stop outreach in Sudan.

Believers batten down the hatches for anti-Christian violence in Pakistan.

Jewish Moroccan man shot dead in Casablanca

Sudan's ethnic cleansing

Jews expelled from Arab countries accuse Arab regimes of ethnic cleansing

Painful Memories


Persecutions of Muslim converts to Christianity continue

Sentencing of Richard Reid (The Shoe Bomber) (USA January 2003)

When the Tigris Burned and the Euphrates Ran Red

Jews in Sweden are afraid to be known as Jews (Left joins with Moslems in hate campaign)

After Milosevic, Crime, terror flourish in 'liberated' Kosovo

The Bethlehem exodus

Christians second-class in Muslim lands - cardinal

Govt. Raids Militant Islamic Stronghold to Pre-empt Attack on Christians

10 Churches Destroyed In Last Month

Indonesian Christians Flee Muslims

Christians terrorized in Muslim Indonesia: Islamic militants praising bin Laden

Terrorism Against Christians Intensifying in Indonesia


People are discovering Islam the hard way

International Religious Freedom: Afghanistan - 2000 Annual Report

Indonesia group tied to al Qaeda kills Christians


Christians terrorized by Laskar Jihad

Gunmen kill 9 Christians in Indonesia

Egyptians Destroy Church Hours After First Prayer Service

Anti-Semitism infuses scarf debate. French schools fight deeply rooted racism

Turkish Government Closing Churches (Prayer Needed)

Saudi Arabia releases Christian leaders

Muslim campaign in Nazareth part of overall strategy eliminate Christians

Blast kills reveler in Jakarta, churches bombed on Sulawesi island

Christians Remain In Saudi Prisons For Practicing Faith.

Chritmas Eve killing in Kosovo

A Body and Spirit Broken by the Taliban

Muslim Separatists Terrorize Filipinos With Kidnappings for Money and 'Marriages'

Christian missionary work among Muslims of the South


Christians claim torture by Saudis: 'Each of us were flogged 80 times with a flexible metal cable'

Christian woman to be stoned to death

Death by Stoning Highlights Risks To Christians Under Islam

For Outsiders, Worship Is Risk in Saudi Arabia

Coptic Church Attacked In Southern Egypt

Indonesian Christians Butchered In Islamic &quotCrusades"

Sudan Jihad forcing Islam On Christians, Using Rape and Killing

Arsonists torch Jewish school near Paris (on the same day as bombing in Turkey)

CNN Turk: Explosion rocks Neveh Shalom synagogue in Istanbul, Turkey 23 reported dead

Jubilee Campaign Trip 2004, Part II (Pakistan January 2004)

Filipinos and G.I.'s Falter in Effort to Free Hostages

Administration's Efforts Encouraging - Burnham update

'Are you Christian or Muslim?' Letter to U.S. leaders exposes more of Sudan's forced Islamization

Sudan jihad forces Islam on Christians

&quotThe CPMT Report on the Liang Area Atrocities: A Disgraceful Failure" (Sudan muslims June 2003)

The Moslem Conquest (of India)

American dream for Afghan family

Faith Under Fire: Christian in Mecca Feared Dead

Israel's Untold Story


Muslims Kill 48 in Nigeria's Latest Incidence of Religious Violence

Reports: Bomb blast in Turkey kills 2

Endless Jihad - The Truth about Islam and Violence

Texas missionary killed in Iraq

17 Kosovo churches, monasteries and convents looted or set ablaze

Christian Pastor Martyred After Watching &quotJesus" Film

Church Attacked on Easter Sunday Wounding Seven Police Reinforcements Arrive on Scene (4/12/2004)

Letter: Congressman Wolf Introduces Bill Condemning Sudan

Church Grounds Desecrated Turned into Public Toilet

Christians Fear Muslim Backlash (April 10, 2004)

Christians Threatened With Being Shot if they do not Convert to Islam

Islamic Extremist Group Vows to Kill All Somalian Christians (Mogadishu's Kulanka Culimada)

Pakistani Christian Murdered in His Home

12 Muslim Extremists Could Face Death Penalty for Torching Christian Village

Peace Talks Fall Apart as Violence Continues (Islamic militants burnt down nine churches)

Four Christians Released from Prison All Charges Dropped (jail for possession of bibles)

Report: Muslim violence against Jews on rise in Germany

Break-in: Church Looted and Icons Stolen (Kosovo)

Indonesia: Christians in Ambon Under Attack - Death Toll Exceeds 20 and Continues to Climb

Ambon Christians Under Attack: 120 Wounded, 14 Dead (4/25/2004)

Turkey Again Accuses Pastor of &quotOpening An Illegal Church

Muhammad-inspired persecution of Christians, Jews and all non-Muslims continues...

Mohammed, The Mad Poet Quoted....

Cyprus takes legal action to recover stolen church treasures [looted by Turks-sold to Germans]

Michigan Armenians mark genocide by Turks

Kosovo Albanians rampaged through Prizren destroying all Christian monuments (3/24/2004)

Destruction of Devic Monastery 17-18 March 2004 (Kosovo)

Destruction of Serb churches and homes in Prizren Part 1, March 17-18, 2004 (Kosovo)

Albanian throng in Djakovica attacks German KFOR vehicles with Serbian Orthodox monks

Ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Pristina, March 17-18, 2004 (Kosovo)

Destruction of Serbian Orthodox church in Podujevo (17-19 March 2004)

Muslim mobs burn Christian homes: Attack began at 3 a.m., continued until all were destroyed

Burning of St. Sava's church, March 17 2004 (Kosovo)

Bishop Artemije visiting ruins of Prizren, March 25 2004 (Kosovo picture story)

Burning of St. Sava church in south Mitrovica (Kosovo 17 March 2004 )(picture story)

Destruction of Serbian Orthodox church in Podujevo (Kosovo 17-19 March 2004) Gallery 2

Destruction of the Serb Orthodox church of St. Eliah in Vucitrn,desecration of cemetery - Kosovo

Return of monks to Holy Archangels (kosovo)

Photo Story: Devastated Christian Orthodox Sites in Prizren (Kosovo March 2004)

Destruction of Serbian Orthodox churches in Djakovica during the March pogrom (17-19 March 2004)

56 boy slaves freed in Sudan: Victims claim abuse, rape, death treats, forcible conversion

No One Charged For Destruction of Churches and Monasteries - Kosovo

Christian Persecution and Humanitarian Crisis Escalates in Sudan

Indonesia: Violence in Ambon Continues

Pregnant mother, four daughters laid to rest

Muslims Torching Prizren (Kosovo March 17, 2004 - pictures)

(Muslims) Burning of the Serbian village Svinjare, Kosovo March 17, 2004 - pictures


Convert or Else (Iraq Assyrian Christians)

The Sword Sermon - A Jew is hiding behind me, come and cut off his head (video)

Pakistani Christian Dies From Police Attack

Young Father Gunned Down By Terrorists (May 6, 2003)

Christian beaten to death in hospital by Muslim cop (Religion of Peace)

Videotaped execution of U.S. Jew may not shake commitment in Iraq (Yes, he was Jewish)

Cool gunmen hunted down Christians


Pure evil in Sudan: Joseph Farah says Islamist terrorism, genocide illustrates what's at stake

Saudi Police Torture Indian Catholic for His Faith

Iranian Police Arrest Christian Pastor

Jewish teenager stabbed in Paris suburb (Man crying &quotGod is great" plunges knife into Jewish teen)

A Serb teenager murdered by Albanian extremists in Kosovo

The Albanian terrorists, some 500 of them, threw bombs and bottles of benzene at KFOR tanks from Bondsteel in Urosevac on March 17. The attack continued even after the Greek commander, with the intent of dispersing the terrorists, ordered his soldiers to fire warning shots in the air.

Egyptian Police Protect Coptic Girl's Muslim Kidnappers, Christian Father Denied Access to Teenage Daughter

Chechen Separatist Leader Threatens Russia with New Terrorist Attacks

Egyptian Police Protect Coptic Girl's Kidnappers

No security or safety for young Christian girls in Egypt!

The Egyptian army attacks St. Patmos convent again..

60 injured in explosions targeting Iraqi churches

Sudan: Global Mission Center Leveled in Janjweed Militias Attack

Jailed Christian in Saudi to be Free soon?

Christians in Kaduna forced to renounce their faith or die

Will Of Faith - Christian Academy Fights Back Against Muslim Extremism

Protection for Iraqi Christians demanded

Darfur - exposing Arab goals for what they are: Genocide, racism and Arab political hegemony

Al-Qaida-related group attacks pastor

Secret Documents Reveal Ethnic Cleansing of Christians

Woman Minister Killed in Indonesia Church Attack (Presbyterian minister martyred)

Thai Buddhist shrine ransacked(Muslim rampage, beheading)

Radical Muslim group behind arson of Jewish community center: NO WAY!

[Sudan]Police seize Church offices in Sudan

"Stay Quiet and You’ll Be OK"

20 killed in Nigeria Muslim-Christian clash

Ambon violence sends Christians fleeing for lives

Anti-Christian Jihad Continues

Iraq's Christians Fleeing as Attacks Against Them Increase

&quotEminent U.S. religious leaders astounded by violence against Christian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija

A new era of Christian persecution: Pat Buchanan exposes why Islam is not a religion of peace

16 Murdered in Double Terror Attack in Be&acuteer Sheva

Bomb Damages Church in Northern Cyprus

U.S. Hostage Beheaded, Terror Group Says


Saudi Arabian Killed Jew in Houston

Report: Muslims slaughter 600 Christians

Qadhafi: Jews must be compensated for loss of property

GOTTA SEE THIS - Terrorists attack Russian School - Warning: Graphic images

Catholic Aid Worker Shut in Darfur - Sudan

It Was Christians Targeted In Beslan Russia

Hundreds of Christians Slaughtered in Akobo - Sudan (7/24/2004)

Iraq's disappearing Christians-Middle East is undergoing ethnic cleansing. Does anybody care?

Amid Escalating Fear of Massacres, Assyrian Christians Commemorate Martyr's Day 8-7-2004

Many Christians Flee Iraq, With Syrian the Haven of Choice

Attacks Upon Assyrians in Central Iraq (1997)

The Assyrians in the Christian Asia Minor Holocaust

Iraq Militants Kill 12 Nepali Hostages (August 2004)

FAITH UNDER FIRE: Iraqi Christians face persecution...


Sharon urges exodus of Jews from France

Anti-Semitism in France: Not only for Jews

Muslim raid kills 48 (Christians) in Nigeria [hacked to death inside their Church]

Christians Begin Exodus From Iraq

Christians flee Muslim mobs

Cool gunmen hunted down Christians

Enemy Islam. An Interview with the Bishop of Rumbek, Sudan

FAITH UNDER FIRE Sudan slave 'crucified' by master

Iran Arrests 80 Evangelicals, Amid Fears of New Crackdown on Christians

Religions in Eritrea

Two Christians killed and nine churches vandalized in Nigeria in protest against visit (2001)


Bombing of Church in Nigeria on Anniversary of Twin Towers Attack (September 17, 2002)


Train Fire in Western India Kills 30 (2,000 MUSLIMS ATTACK TRAIN FULL OF HINDUS - MY TITLE)

1 posted on 09/13/2004 7:16:34 PM PDT by miltonim
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To: miltonim

Wasn't it the government of Sudan that tried to give Osama Bin Laden to Clinton? Same government? Worth some consideration.

2 posted on 09/13/2004 7:28:48 PM PDT by bayourod (Kerry's promise not to act until attacked gives the terrorists carte blanch to attack.)
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To: bayourod

I would care if any of the intellectually enlightened countries which are so hyper-critical of us in Iraq decided to do something about it. Canada, Germany, and France together could probably force a regime change (The canadians might have to charter a jet from beoing to move their troops, and rent a volkswagon from Germany).

But apparently the only country in this world remotely capable of even attempting to do the right thing is the US and unfortunately we're a bit too busy with Afghanistan and Iraq and I guess the others are too busy bitching and moaning to care. So the answer is -- no.

Which means, if you're going to have a genocide happen, better to have it happen when the US isn't busy and it actually has a chance of catching the attention of people who give a rats rear end.

3 posted on 09/13/2004 7:38:39 PM PDT by pcx99
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To: miltonim
Does anyone care?

Franklin Graham has been caring about this for years AND he has been helping the people there AND he has been enlisting others to help him.


Islam is a religion whose beliefs essentially reflect the faith and laws of 7th century Arabia, out of which the religion emerged. In most Islamic states, the religion is uncompromising toward other faiths and harsh penalties can be imposed for conversion or proselytizing. With the exception of democratic states, in most Islamic countries hostility towards Christianity is common and often brutal.

Franklin Graham’s international relief ministry, Samaritan’s Purse, has been working in southern Sudan, where Mr. Graham has experienced Islamic persecution firsthand. The ministry reports, “Christian women and children have been nailed to trees with iron spikes. Those who escape that atrocity may face slaughter, being burned alive, or enslavement.”

Samaritan’s Purse operates a hospital in Sudan that has served more than 100,000 people — both Christians and Muslims — despite being subjected to seven bombing attacks by the Sudanese government. Graham says that America and the rest of the world have an obligation to get involved to end the ongoing butchery by the Khartoum regime. Two million people—mostly from the Christian south—have been killed in the ongoing civil war and genocide.

4 posted on 09/13/2004 7:55:12 PM PDT by syriacus (Kerry lied, while honorable men died. Benedict Arnold REALLY was a war hero before he was a traitor.)
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To: syriacus
Sorry about bad link above....should be Franklin Graham Scolded by NBC News for Denouncing Islam     11/21/2001
5 posted on 09/13/2004 7:58:26 PM PDT by syriacus (Kerry lied, while honorable men died. Benedict Arnold REALLY was a war hero before he was a traitor.)
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To: general

I think this is a perfect job for the UN. Unless of course they are nothing but a racist, impotent, worthless, piece of cow dung organization.

Maybe France and Germany could go get this straightened out. They're not really doing anything of value to the world right now..are they? This would be a great opportunity for them to show us how it is supposed to be done.

How about and George Soros, why don't those buch of whack job losers put their millions toward resolvong this? Idiots!!!

Or that fat a## Micheal Moore. He needs to take his cameras over their and get in the Janjaweed's (sp?) faces and tell them they are an no better than hitler.

Where are all the self righteous pieces of crap who condem the United States for our lack of moral authority. I am sickened by this whole fiasco. What is John Kerry's solution? Has anybody asked him? Somebody needs to.

6 posted on 09/13/2004 8:12:30 PM PDT by bjmorris
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Comment #7 Removed by Moderator

To: miltonim

My church has a burgeoning African refugee population. Most are from the Sudan, I think. They've got horendous stories of persecution; and like someone mentioned earlier in the thread, I can't help but wonder if we wouldn't be doing them "righter" by just arming them, letting them fight back against the Muslims. Moving from the Sudan to Big City, USA seems a lesser option than grabbing a rifle and sending some of those bastards on to Allah.

8 posted on 09/13/2004 9:14:59 PM PDT by Semaphore Heathcliffe ("Or what? You and the Country Bear Jamboree will banjo me to death?" - ???)
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To: miltonim

yes I care. I work with some Christian Africans that fled years ago. And thanks for the links.

9 posted on 09/13/2004 11:21:53 PM PDT by lainde (Heads up...We're coming and we've got tongue blades!!)
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To: miltonim

Thanks for this.

10 posted on 09/14/2004 6:12:00 AM PDT by SpookBrat
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