. . . is the title of this editorial in The Times:

Until earlier this month most of us had never heard of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Most were blissfully unaware, too, that the 12 cartoons published in that newspaper on September 30 last year...

What we call conquest by the sword the Muslims call "liberation". In their own 'Mein Kampf' like writtings they spell out what they plan for the world.

Al-Qaradhawi: "Islam will Return to Europe as a Conqueror"

THE LIBERATION OF CONSTANTINOPLE: (Conquest of infidels is viewed as their liberation by Muslims)

Area Muslims decry Bok cartoon

Beneath the Rage in the Mideast

How liberal Britain let hate flourish

(Islamic) Controversy Intrudes on Danish Curlers

Mob Theology

DNA leads to arrest in 1991 slaying case--Abdul Salami, A member of the religion of peace?

Danes urged to leave Indonesia over cartoon protests (Mommy, how much further till we're home?)

Terror link of "moderate" Muslims at London rally (Hamas commander ("former") involved)

Leader Of Cartoon Rally Warns Of 'Fire Throughout The World'

Cartoon Fray Shifts Views on Islam in Norway (Every little bit helps)

Note: The Cartoon Jihad links have been updated here:
