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Israel Remembers Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin - Please Sign Condolence Book
The Jerusalem Post ^ | November 1, 2003

Posted on 11/02/2003 2:39:10 AM PST by IsraelBeach


An estimated 100,000 people packed Kikar Rabin in Tel Aviv on Saturday night to pay homage to slain prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, gathering at the spot where he was gunned down eight years ago to show support for the peace process he helped launch.

Security was tight for the event, with some 1,500 police and soldiers manning barricades.

Security guards combed the crowds, following several acts of vandalism at the site, including Rabin's memorial itself.

Speakers delivered their speeches behind thick panes of bulletproof glass.

Though ostensibly a memorial service, the rally had deep political undertones and was hailed as something of a comeback for the dormant center-left.

Labor Party leader Shimon Peres, the rival-turned-supporter of Rabin, hammered away at the government.

"We are forgetting the Jewish majority in our land – but future demography will do what state policy refuses to do," Peres said, warning that Israel will lose itself in an Arab majority unless it withdraws from the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

He called for the immediate evacuation of the Gaza Strip, calling into question what Israel gains from the settlements there.

Peres also wondered aloud why the government has pinned its existence "on one leg, the leg of security."

"Yitzhak was right, and his path just," he said. "His views today are clear and enduring. There will be no retreat; we will continue."

Likud MK Gilad Erdan said it was a "shame and disgrace" that Peres used the memorial ceremony for Rabin to upgrade his own position as leader of the opposition, attacking the government with incitement against the right wing instead of calling for unity to respect Rabin's memory. "Who does Peres mean when he's talking about murderers?" Erdan asked. "This speech proves again that Labor is no alternative and has no proper leadership."

Backstage, former prime minister Ehud Barak told YNET that the problem is not with the Oslo peace process, "but with the spread of the settlements in Palestinian territory."

An emotional Dalia Rabin-Pelosoff, Rabin's daughter and a former deputy defense minister, focused her speech on the hatred wracking the state – which, she said, was responsible for the murder of her father by Yigal Amir, and which brought vandals to Tel Aviv on Friday to deface his memorial.

"This wicked cycle must be stopped," she said. "Its poisonous roots, which proved their power eight years ago, and again 24 hours ago, must be ripped up."

Rabin-Pelosoff added that "it is time to make peace." Without it, she said, "all the accomplishments of the State of Israel will crumble and be lost." Only dialogue and compromise can win this war, she concluded.

Between speeches, star musicians serenaded the crowd with songs associated with the peace movement.

The crowd was much larger than the group on hand for last year's rally, and brought something of a boon to Labor. Backstage, MK Ephraim Sneh told The Jerusalem Post that his party is working on a major peace plan "along the lines that a majority of Israelis can support," adding, "The current situation is intolerable, and there is an alternative."

The political undertones did not cheer everyone who crammed the square. Ron and Talia Lapan, for example, said they had come only to identify with Rabin, but not necessarily his politics.

They had hoped that the rally would be more about unifying the people around Rabin's tragic murder, they said, rather than about making a political stand.

On Friday, vandals – taking advantage of the poor security near Rabin's memorial just behind Kikar Rabin – spray-painted a large silver swastika on the memorial, and defaced a large portrait of Rabin with the slogan: "Kahane was right." A similar slogan, referring to the policies of the slain far-right politician Meir Kahane, was painted near Amir's Herzliya home.

The New York-born Kahane founded the Jewish Defense League, and then founded the Kach Movement after making aliya. The Knesset banned the Kach faction, and the Kahane Chai faction that followed it, as racist. Some of the groups' followers were accused of stirring up incitement against Rabin before his assassination.

Members of a Labor youth movement camped out overnight Friday to prevent a recurrence of the vandalism. Much of the damage was repaired by the time of the rally.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Rabin-Pelosoff over the weekend to express his disgust at the defacement. "Everything should be done to find those responsible, and to uproot such phenomena," he said.

Others, including President Moshe Katsav, joined in condemning the vandalism, calling for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. But Tel Aviv police noted Saturday night that apprehending the vandals will not be easy.

On Thursday, a Channel 2 film crew filmed a man in his 20s stopping at Rabin's memorial, gazing into the black stones, and spitting three times before looking back at the cameras and storming off.

As Rabin-Pelosoff spoke on Saturday night, dozens lined up to catch a glimpse of her father's memorial. Just five meters away, a glassed-off section of graffiti – kept as a memorial to the intense feelings of confusion and remorse that followed the murder – read in large block letters, "We are SORRY." Gil Hoffman contributed to this report.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: anniversary; arafat; assassination; entebbe; israel; jerusalem; jordan; lebanon; rabin; terrorism; warofindependence

1 posted on 11/02/2003 2:39:10 AM PST by IsraelBeach
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To: IsraelBeach
As a footnote to the Rabin story and condolence site:

The Israeli security / intelligence establishment in 1995 did not know that Arafat had his signature behind the daily terror attacks against Israelis until "Operation Defensive Shield" in 2002.

Rabin would have "taken him (Arafat) out" if he knew that he was being betrayed. Rabin helped create the State of Israel in 1948, opened Jerusalem in 1967, coordinated the Entebbe Rescue Mission in 1976 and signed a peace treaty with Jordan which today has brought an abundance of commercial trade between Jordan and Israel.

Rabin was a moderate - he was prepared for war and ready for peace. He epitomized Israel's values for maintaining a powerful defense system while seeking partners for peace.
When we finally get to Arafat and pump a few bullets into his body - one will be for Rabin.
God bless his soul and his family.
2 posted on 11/02/2003 2:49:27 AM PST by IsraelBeach
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To: IsraelBeach
Rabin led the attack on the Altalena, which was smuggling weapons into Palestine to be used during the war for independence under the direction of Menahem Begin. Tons of weapons were destroyed and many people died on the ships. This was traumatic for Jews still reeling from the destruction of 6 million souls during the holocaust. If those weapons had been brought into Palestine, I wonder whether Qalqilya and Jenin, two arab cities that abut green-line Israel, would have been captured by the Israelis.

Later, Rabin was led by the nose by Shimon Peres to endorse the illegal Oslo accords that brought about Israel's current existential tragedy. When Israelis on the West Bank tried to engage in dialogue he refused and said that they could "spin like propellers" for all he cared.

I don't know how in the world you can say that Rabin would have taken out Arafat. I'm sure Sharon would like to do this but has too much pressure from the US to do so.
3 posted on 11/02/2003 7:52:48 AM PST by Piranha
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To: Piranha
I found this excerpt from a lengthier article by Ruth King of Americans for a Safe Israel at and post it for the general interest of Free Republic readers. For some reason I can't post the entire excerpt in one post, so I'm breaking it up into two.

The villain of epic proportions is Yitzhak Rabin, who may not have been the architect of the Oslo accords, but made them acceptable to an Israeli public which would, but for their faith in him, initially have rejected out of hand the notion of an accord with Yasser Arafat. Israel's Prime Minister is also a de facto commander-in-chief. Rabin was doubly so, since he was also a respected general, chief of staff at the time of Israel's greatest victory in 1967. His greatest villainy was in persuading Israel that the only road ahead was surrender and abrogation of its legitimate historical and strategic rights, when, in fact, the nation's strength and international prestige were at an all time high.

4 posted on 11/02/2003 8:10:07 AM PST by Piranha
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To: Piranha

After the Gulf War and the defeat of Bush-Baker, Israel enjoyed a period of unparalleled opportunities. The Soviet Union had crumbled and could no longer arm and encourage its Arab clients. The PLO, which had backed Saddam Hussein, was discredited and defeated. The Arab uprising known as the "intifada" had subsided, and the nation was in the midst of economic resurgence. Instead of rallying citizens with an inspiring view of the future, Rabin persuaded Israelis that they had lost the initiative and the only road was surrender and withdrawal. He restored Arafat's prestige and even elevated him from international criminal to "statesman." He perverted the real meaning of "peace" by defining it as surrender and withdrawal, weakened his own nation and encouraged the murderous designs of its enemies. One must struggle with history books to find another example of a commander-in-chief who reverses hard won victories by surrendering all gains and persuades his troops that their sacrifice and valor were in vain and that the enemies' cause is as valid as their own.

5 posted on 11/02/2003 8:12:49 AM PST by Piranha
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To: Piranha
Sorry, I needed to get it on 3 postings. Does anyone know why this happens?

In addition, …it was Rabin who displayed a palpable loathing and indifference to Israel's patriotic citizens of Judea and Samaria, painting them as enemies of peace, telling them they were welcome to "spin like propellers in the wind." It was Rabin who then released and armed thousands of terrorists who wreaked carnage and havoc in Israel. He derided the victims of this terror by calling them "casualties of peace" even as he consorted with their killers.

It was Rabin who hypnotized a population tired of war with the chimera of peace....[L]et us not forget, the man now treated as a martyr and pseudo-saint was the wrong man for Jewish history and destiny. It is Rabin who will go down in history as the great betrayer of his people.

6 posted on 11/02/2003 8:14:02 AM PST by Piranha
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To: IsraelBeach
Rabin's legacy: 1400 dead Jews

With all due respect, though, had Rabin lived he would have recognized that the "peace process" was a failure and pulled out of it. By assassinating him, his failed policy has been enshrined as some kind of sacred doctrine that can never be changed or repealed.

7 posted on 11/02/2003 8:14:08 AM PST by Alouette (Neocon Zionist Media Operative)
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To: Piranha
For those people who wonder why the palestinian arabs have become the hero/victims of the Middle East for the European Union, I think it is because Rabin and Peres worked so hard to legitimize Arafat in the eyes of the world.

Unfortunately, Rabin's legacy of attempted peacemaking with mass murderers is still forcing Israel to march to its own destruction.
8 posted on 11/02/2003 8:17:42 AM PST by Piranha
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To: IsraelBeach
Rabin was an idiot. You don't negotiate with genocidal muslim terrorists; you kill them.

Israel still hasn't learned this lesson which is why 'life' (such as it is) in Israel will worsen.

Israel digs its own grave, afraid to finish it, afraid to climb out.

Such psychopathology the world has never seen.

9 posted on 11/02/2003 9:08:58 AM PST by tubavil
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To: IsraelBeach
PM Rabin was a hero and should never be a dividing point among Israeli political factions.
10 posted on 11/02/2003 9:48:48 AM PST by af_vet_1981
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To: af_vet_1981
a hero???

what you been smokin chaver.

rabin was a traitor of the first order.

lets see.....
negotiating with the plo when it was ILLEGAl to do so
sitting on his chain smoking ass while hundreds of jews were slaughtered on the streets
this disaster is his doing

good riddance
11 posted on 11/02/2003 1:01:43 PM PST by jabotinsky
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To: jabotinsky
Yes, a hero. You are doing a serious disservice to Israel and the Jewish people with your hate-filled diatribes against a great man.
12 posted on 11/02/2003 1:31:28 PM PST by af_vet_1981
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To: af_vet_1981
Yes - Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was a brave hero.
In war and in peace.

He was betrayed by Arafat, but worse - was murdered by another Jew who did not understand the word: "Democracy"

Rabin's assassin, Yigal Amir, is no different than those who fight for Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah. They are all blind with hate and terror.

God Bless the people of the democratic and potent State of Israel. It is our democracy which makes us strong, it is our democracy which sets us apart from our barbaric enemies.
13 posted on 11/02/2003 1:36:10 PM PST by IsraelBeach
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To: IsraelBeach
Yes and the people of Israel must remain united against the common enemy, just as the people of America must remain united. Otherwise we both fall into civil strife and our enemies triumph.
14 posted on 11/02/2003 1:38:10 PM PST by af_vet_1981
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To: jabotinsky; tubavil
I see the thread has been infiltrated by a bunch of stupid Israeli extremists. No wonder people hate you after you say these things. Rabin was a great man.
15 posted on 11/02/2003 3:31:48 PM PST by Norse
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To: Norse
The blind hate you have witnessed represents a very small minority of Israelis. It takes much more than "hate" to defend and protect a democratic nation.

The *** majority *** of Israelis ELECTED Rabin to government as Prime Minister and yes - he was and remains a hero to us all. May god bless his memory and family.
16 posted on 11/02/2003 5:41:48 PM PST by IsraelBeach
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To: Norse; IsraelBeach
Instead of 100,000 turning out for the eighth anniversary of a traitor's murder, they should turn out every time a bus, cafe, disco, pizzeria, or market is blown up. Do they? No?

The mindless, secular, socialist left in Israel does their best to destroy Israel; and they are doing a fine job.

Rabin was a traitor.

May the other filthy traitors Peres, Beilin, and Barak follow him soon. May their names be erased.

17 posted on 11/02/2003 6:08:15 PM PST by tubavil
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To: tubavil; IsraelBeach

You are consumed by evil. You are as much my enemy as Nazi Germany or Islamic extremists. Hope that you don't face me, you will be defeated.
18 posted on 11/02/2003 7:41:19 PM PST by Norse
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To: tubavil
"Instead of 100,000 turning out for the eighth anniversary of a traitor's murder, they should turn out every time a bus, cafe, disco, pizzeria, or market is blown up. Do they? No?"

Yes they do turn up. And sometimes we turn up in uniform!
Your hatred is what murdered an Israeli Prime Minister.
Your hatred is what divides Israelis and makes our enemies smile.

God bless Israel and keep her strong :>

19 posted on 11/03/2003 12:54:35 AM PST by IsraelBeach
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