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I am kind of a doom and gloomer. Without Republicans being able to a) articulate conservative principles in language that people want to hear and b) offering conservative solutions to 21st century issues such as health care, transportation, and education, the GOP will be a minority party for the better part of 2 generations.

The 2 keys in my opinion are A) always stand for conservative principles and B) move away from being perceived as the party of the rich and corporations and truly become the party of the small business owner

1 posted on 06/13/2009 11:26:56 AM PDT by MadIsh32
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To: MadIsh32

Liberal media agonizing over the GOP again. Just goes to show you that liberal ideas don’t work, so they want to snuff out conservatism in the GOP as soon as possible.

2 posted on 06/13/2009 11:31:34 AM PDT by Extremely Extreme Extremist ("President Obama, your agenda is not new, it's not change, and it's not hope" - Rush Limbaugh 02/28)
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To: MadIsh32



When faced with a choice between a REAL liberal and a liberal they`ll vote for the real one most of the time.

Republican party is dead, D-E-A-D dead.

What fool will vote for the guy who says, “ Yeah but we won`t spend AS much as them. And all those unconstitutional govt departments like HUD,EDUCATION,EPA ,etc, we`ll keep those too, that`s power.”

3 posted on 06/13/2009 11:32:50 AM PDT by Para-Ord.45
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To: MadIsh32

This country doesn’t have 2 generations left in it’s current form if our course isn’t just stopped but reversed.

If the GOP can’t get it together, there will be secession and war in the coming years. Possibly even worse than that. It may happen even if the GOP actually does get it together.

4 posted on 06/13/2009 11:33:01 AM PDT by perfect_rovian_storm (The worst is behind us. Unfortunately it is really well endowed.)
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To: MadIsh32

I agree with much of your post but I think the Democrats will make such a mess of things to lose support. Just look at wherever they’re in charge . . . absolute disaster. This notion that we can play nice with our enemies and they won’t take advantage is naive. Once we get hit again, lots of lemmings will wake up.

5 posted on 06/13/2009 11:35:36 AM PDT by A_Former_Democrat
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To: MadIsh32

A little early for this type of stories. I had expected something like this next year.

7 posted on 06/13/2009 11:36:17 AM PDT by ABQHispConservative (A Blue Dog Democrat is an oxyMoron!)
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To: MadIsh32
This is a screamer:

Obama bested John McCain 365-173 and Bill Clinton's two victories were in the same range. George W. Bush's two electoral college victories were narrow; he won just 271 votes in the disputed election of 2000 and 286 in his 2004 reelection.

So 0bama's electoral margin was 192 - and former-President Bush's margins were 271 and 286 ... say, exactly who had a greater margin of victory?

8 posted on 06/13/2009 11:36:35 AM PDT by Ken522
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To: MadIsh32

The Founding Fathers were wise enough to not enfranchise certain people. Once we did, the days of a functioning republic were numbered. There is no stopping the change in the demographics of the voting population.

12 posted on 06/13/2009 11:42:31 AM PDT by Minipax
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To: MadIsh32

(1) The Press is merely showing their rah-rah 0sama0bama/pro-Statist colors by acting all “befuddled” and “ohmygawd” about the Republican Party not having a “frontrunner” just 7 months after a Presidential election. Like the ‘Rats had THEIR “frontrunner” at this point in ‘01 and ‘07!

(and if ANYONE thinks that Nazi “Stretch” Pelousy and Harry “We’ve Lost” Reidiculous were the ‘Rats Party leaders, their retarded! Stretch and Reidiculous are merely the result of RINOs screwing the Republican Party into the ground!)

(2) It IS clear that the Republican Party is in the midst of determining its future. It is the RINOs (AKA Juan McCain, etc) versus the soul of the Republican Party .. the true Conservatives, who haven’t been in power since the late ‘90s! Failure for the Republican Party to once again become the polar opposite to 0sama0bamadingdong .. by making a hard Right turn to Conservatism (smaller gubmint/lower taxes/less regulation) .. is the true determinant of the longevity of the Republican Party!

The current state of the Republicans is exactly the same at this point as the ‘Rats at this point in ‘01 and ‘07. **NO** news there!

13 posted on 06/13/2009 11:43:05 AM PDT by RocketMan1
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To: MadIsh32; All
I'm pessimistic as well for the future of the country. It isn't just Obama although he is the final result of a process that's been going on since the mid 1960's.

The demographics are moving to a more third world country. If you look at the politics of those who have emigrated to the US over the past 40 years you will see a real trend toward statist policies. These newcomers are tailor made Democrats-ready and willing to receive benefits from the state at someone else's expense. Yes we have imported our own demise. This is the result of a number of factors. But the 1965 Immigration Reform act is probably the one factor that stands out. Yes the Democrats will outnumber us with massive immigration and the higher birthrates of the irresponsible in the society. Now couple this up with tens of millions of illegals whose children WILL BE CITIZENS and you have the makings of a disaster. Demographics is destiny and demographics are working against the forces of freedom.

You have to have a certain mind set or temperment to have a democratic republic. The people who are coming to our shores DO NOT have this temperment or mind set. They WANT benefits from the state at the expense of others. We are in real trouble.
14 posted on 06/13/2009 11:44:33 AM PDT by truthguy (Good intentions are not enough!)
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To: MadIsh32
"There's just not enough rural folks and small city people left in America in the key states that determine the electoral college to offset that difference," Lang said. "You're out of people."

With suburban voters trending Democrat, this will be a tough trend to overcome, especially suburban women who seem to like Nanny State legislation. There is also a demographic shift of minorities moving to the suburbs as YUPPIES move into urban areas.

The most important is the rising share of the vote accounted for by minorities. Whites accounted for just 76 percent of the overall electorate last November, down from 85 percent in 1988.

The major problem here is Texas, which is seeing an the Hispanic population increase and an influx of white Californians, both who vote Democrat. If these trends continue, Texas will be a Democrat state by 2020 and the Electoral College math gets very difficult for the GOP.

The last election saw more than two million additional African American voters, about two million more Hispanic voters and about one million more Asian American voters.

How does the GOP appeal to these voters and not abandon its principles?

16 posted on 06/13/2009 11:47:53 AM PDT by trumandogz (The Democrats are driving us to Socialism at 100 MPH -The GOP is driving us to Socialism at 97.5 MPH)
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To: MadIsh32

My best guess is that as a nation we have lost our moral base — which was easily whittled away at by the MSM & the Hollywood, financial, educational, & governmental Elite over several decades. IMO, that’s one of the main reasons why our conservative future may be non-existent.

Add to that the growing illegal alien population, which begs to have a massive Welfare State to feast upon...& there you have it.

We as a nation will NOT go back to the 1950’s “Leave It To Beaver” days until there is a MAJOR revival & return to our Christian heritage in all 50 states.

That’s what I think, anyway, but I’m probably wrong.

20 posted on 06/13/2009 11:53:11 AM PDT by ChrisInAR (The Tenth Amendment is still the Supreme Law of the Land, folks -- start enforcing it for a CHANGE!)
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To: MadIsh32

The GOP is not our “hope”, never was. Doom and Gloom? Come on. The GOP will at some point have to choose between the “dust bin of history” (apologies for stealing from El Rushbo) and re-energizing their parties’ chances.

If they choose to be the whipping post of the Democrats, then they will go the way of the Whigs, and a new party will have to emerge. It’s not pleasant, but it’s that simple.

23 posted on 06/13/2009 11:57:45 AM PDT by prismsinc (A.K.A. "The Terminator"!)
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To: MadIsh32

Every time, we lose an election, the media talks of doom and gloom. Yes, we are not a good place right now. But I am confident we will bounce back once we find our voice.

Remember Goldwater got his behind kicked in 1964. 4 years later, Nixon, a political has been, won. In 1974, thanks to Watergate, the GOP numbers shrunk to a lower level in Congress than we have now. 6 years later, Reagan won.

We held the White House for 8 years and Congress for 12 years. These things go in political cycles. The big question is are we going to get our act straight and find our way of the wilderness in 4 years or 12 years?

30 posted on 06/13/2009 12:08:08 PM PDT by yongin
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To: MadIsh32

Think outside the “GOP v Dem” model. That model’s only use is to screw over small government conservatives.

31 posted on 06/13/2009 12:11:55 PM PDT by mysterio
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To: MadIsh32
I just finished watching (again) “The Spirit Of Saint Louis” on TCM with Jim Stewart in the starring role.

It made me (again) proud to be an American,and with the Leftist agenda that seeks to dismiss or even outright delete the earthshaking accomplishments of such incredible Americans like Charles Lindbergh just because they were white,I felt a little proud to be white as well—if only because I detest overt hate in the defense of ideologically motivated mendacity strategically designed to take power not from merit but from forced guilt.

Am I a racist? If Lucky Lindy were nonwhite would his accomplishment require more adulation?
Not in my book if he were still an American.
But them I am a descendant of white devil slavemasters so my input is moot. But to make relevant my post to this thread,is the current liberal leadership of the GOP scared to publicly admire the deeds of such as Lindy without a politically correct disclaimer? No and we must dump them.The RINOs running the party have no concept of defense when attacked and God's America is perishing for it.

38 posted on 06/13/2009 12:41:55 PM PDT by Happy Rain (Germany MCMXXXIII = America MMIX)
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To: MadIsh32

Why would anyone vote for the Republican party the way it is now?
The best they could do was McCain?

41 posted on 06/13/2009 12:57:40 PM PDT by Leftism is Mentally Deranged
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To: MadIsh32

The chatter comes primarily from the left in its effort to confuse the public about who, if anyone, speaks for the Republican party. Their effort includes propping up different talking heads as “spokesmen,” “party leaders,” “faces of the GOP,” and other such garbage.

Whores like Larry King, Couric, Lauer, are all engaged in the effort by hosting morons like Meghan McCain, hoping to pass her off as the “face” or “voice” of the “new” republican party, as part of the effort to keep the wagers roiling within the GOP. Other clowns, like Matthews, Olbersturmbahnermann, George Stuffanoliveuphisass, and half of the NYT writing doofazoids are busily engaged in suggesting new platforms for the GOP, in order to seem more “inclusive,” a code word for abandoning all principle.

There isn’t anywhere near as much confusion or rancor within the party as those on the left hope to suggest. It’s just part of the ongoing effort to misinform the public about the opposition to their version of Rev Moon, the guy in the White House.

43 posted on 06/13/2009 1:17:53 PM PDT by DPMD (~)
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To: MadIsh32

What the GOP needs is a product manager? When a company dilutes its brand, hardtimes inevitably result.

45 posted on 06/13/2009 1:26:38 PM PDT by monocle
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To: MadIsh32
The people who ran the Republican party for the last 8 years were completely unresponsive to everyone including their own base. they did nothing. Republicans now have no imagination, no ability to think out of the box, no ability to think past the next election, No talent at all for changing the territory. The media is overwhelmingly left and smears all conservatives and Republicans. they cannot do anything to organize their money people to find another Rupert Murdoch (or two or three ) and change the matrix. They have managed to set moderates and conservatives against each other because neither feels they are getting anything (only the country clubbers get anything). It is all a total disgrace. We lack good people who have political skill and talent.
47 posted on 06/13/2009 1:53:23 PM PDT by bilhosty (Tax payers for change)
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To: MadIsh32
Almost all indicators are pressing the Republicans into minority status

until people get sick and tired of paying taxes that are too high.

50 posted on 06/13/2009 3:17:35 PM PDT by mjp (pro-{God, reality, reason, egoism, individualism, independence, limited government, capitalism})
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