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0:09·1999 a captain serving in the United
0:11·States Public Health Service Commission
0:13·Corps was asked to speak at Arlington
0:15·National Cemetery on the eve of his
0:18·now on face it's not surprising that a
0:21·30-year veteran might have been asked to
0:22·speak at Arlington but the captain who
0:25·was serving at Coast Guard headquarters
0:27·offered a unique perspective as the
0:29·Washington Post noted just two weeks ago
0:32·Captain Earl R Fox learned that he is
0:35·the last veteran of World War II to be
0:38·an active service in the United States
0:40·armed forces
0:42·the post noted that fox described
0:44·himself as the last direct physical link
0:46·between today's military and the
0:49·Warriors of Midway Normandy and Iwo Jima
·Early life
0:54·for someone who lived a full life Earl
0:56·Fox almost didn't have the chance the
0:59·website to writes that fox
1:01·was born on September 23 1919 at Fort
1:04·Eustis Virginia Army doctors believe
1:07·that the baby was still born and left it
1:09·for dead in a laundry room
1:11·only when doctors return later to
1:12·confirm the baby's gender that they find
1:14·him crying in the bin
1:17·Fox's wife Reba told the Richmond Times
1:19·Dispatch when he was born they thought
1:21·he was dead he wasn't breathing in the
1:23·lit him over the dirty laundry they've
1:24·been using with the mother he cried
1:27·for someone who started out dead she
1:29·says he's done really well
1:32·that was not the only hardship that Earl
1:34·Fox would endure as a child when he was
1:36·seven his father an army officer died in
1:39·an automobile accident
1:40·the boy's mother worked in a department
1:42·store but needed help raising three boys
1:44·his younger brother Jack told the Times
1:46·Dispatch in 1999. she was an extremely
1:49·smart woman but times were tight and
1:51·women weren't handled like they are
1:53·today she had to work she couldn't take
1:55·care of three boys
1:57·in 1932 the three boys were placed in
1:59·what was then called the Richmond Home
2:01·For Boys
2:03·formed as an orphan Society for
2:05·destitute Boys in 1846 the boys grew up
2:07·in the home with the Times Dispatch
2:10·noted frequent visits from their mother
2:12·despite the circumstances all three boys
2:14·found success Earl attended Thomas
2:16·Jefferson High School in Richmond and
2:18·then intent on becoming a doctor earned
2:20·a degree in biology at Richmond
2:22·University in 1941
2:24·the Richmond News Leader reported in
2:26·October 1940 that the board of directors
2:28·of the Richmond Home For Boys would be
2:30·dining with the 42 boys at the home
2:33·among the honored guests will be Earl R
2:35·Fox technically a member of the family
2:37·but just now a student at the University
2:38·of Richmond who has recently been
2:40·elected president of the senior class
2:43·Earl then earned an appointment to the
2:45·United States Naval Academy when she was
2:47·attending when the Japanese attacked
2:49·Pearl Harbor
·Navy service
2:51·he was commissioned into the Navy in
2:53·1942 making him the fourth generation in
2:56·a line of Military Officers
2:58·he was assigned to a squadron of Patrol
3:00·torpedo or PT Boat these small fast
3:04·vessels were as their name implies
3:05·designed to attack Capital ships with
3:07·Torpedoes but were used in numerous
3:10·retired Captain Robert bulkley Jr wrote
3:13·in his 1962 book at Close Quarters PT
3:15·boats in the United States Navy dead in
3:18·the water a Piti boat is Squat and Bimi
3:20·was designed for Speed and in speed lies
3:22·its beauty as a PT gains momentum its
3:25·bowel lifts clear of the water and it
3:27·planes gracefully over the surface
3:29·but until the war came PT's in the
3:31·United States Navy were an untried type
3:33·they'd never met the test of action and
3:35·no standard Doctrine for their
3:36·employment had been established
3:38·the Tampa Bay Times wrote in 2012 that
3:40·fox served in the same Squadron as a
3:42·young John F Kennedy
3:45·after serving in the Battle of Midway
3:46·Fox and his boat were sent to the
3:48·Aleutian Islands a place where Buckley
3:50·explains the battle was against the
3:52·Aleutian weather he notes is
3:54·particularly towards the western part of
3:55·the chain is the worst in the world it
3:58·was in those Dangerous Waters that fox
3:59·and his crew were sent to rescue a
4:01·Canadian from kiska Island the Times
4:03·Dispatch explains that the man had been
4:05·sending coded radio messages about
4:06·Japanese ship movements but was being
4:08·tracked by the Japanese soldiers Fox and
4:10·his crew managed to rescue the man but
4:12·then ran into difficulty bulkley
4:14·explains that with strong currents
4:16·running through the passes and channels
4:17·the jugged shorelines that submerged
4:19·Rock chromations make navigation
4:20·extremely hazardous
4:22·the Greensboro North Carolina news and
4:24·record reported in 1999 after the rescue
4:27·the torpedo boat crashed into rocks the
4:29·propellers were bent fox and a dozen
4:32·other Sailors jumped into two lifeboats
4:33·as they rode out into the frigid Bering
4:35·Sea the Japanese infantry on the island
4:37·chopped their abandoned torpedo boat
4:39·full of holes
4:41·the Tampa Bay Times writes that others
4:43·discovered the abandoned boat and
4:45·shipped his belongings in a box to his
4:48·for the second time Earl Fox had been
4:50·given up for dead only to be very much
4:53·alive the Tampa Bay Times explains that
4:55·the men were taken in by Local Natives
4:57·Who provided food and shelter until they
4:59·were eventually picked up by Coast Guard
5:00·officers on a fishing boat
5:02·for the daring rescue Fox was awarded
5:04·the Silver Star
5:06·Fox was then assigned to a boat in New
5:08·Guinea by the summer of 1943 he was the
5:10·post rights already a decorated combat
5:13·veteran and boat Commander at the age of
5:15·23. of his Shipmates he told the post we
5:18·were bound together by common purpose
5:19·the trust we had in each other made us
5:23·but War comes at a cost The Washington
5:26·Post explains that Fox's boat came under
5:28·attack by a single Japanese plane that
5:30·appeared out of nowhere and strafed his
5:33·sailor was hit and the boat's executive
5:34·officer Al Haywood went to the man's
5:37·when the plane returned for another
5:38·attack he would cover the man to protect
5:40·him and was struck the injured sailor
5:43·survived but Haywood was killed
5:46·Fox buried his friend at sea
5:49·he told the Washington Post remembering
5:52·people like Haywood and the many many
5:53·others like him is important
5:55·because those memories of honor and
5:57·sacrifice are the fabric our country
5:59·is made of
·Medical career
6:02·Fox served on the submarine until the
6:03·end of the war after active service in
6:05·1947 having earned the Silver Star and
6:07·two bronze stars for heroism and
6:09·continued to serve in the naval Reserve
6:12·he attended the Medical College of
6:13·Virginia in Richmond earned his medical
6:15·license in 1953. it was a general
6:18·practitioner and a rheumatologist the
6:20·Times Dispatch writes that he helped
6:22·bring up three children and nurtured a
6:23·family practice in Saint Petersburg
6:26·he was quoted talking about the Dignity
6:28·of death in a 1963 edition of the Tampa
6:30·Bay Times
6:31·physicians Dr Fox contends should do
6:34·everything to save life but they should
6:36·make no effort to prolong the agony of
6:40·after nearly 20 years of practice Dr Fox
6:42·retired in 1972 at the age of 55.
6:45·content The Washington Post rights to
6:47·enjoy his 53-foot yacht in his life as a
6:50·yacht club commodore
6:52·but life would then take an odd turn
6:55·Fox was accustomed to entertaining
6:57·officers from the local Coast Guard
6:58·Station the post rights he was at the
7:00·club one day when an emergency call came
7:02·in a man aboard a pleasure boat was
7:04·suffering a heart attack with the Coast
7:06·Guard's doctor away Fox was asked to
7:08·help within minutes he was being lowered
7:10·from a helicopter at sea apparently he
7:13·found the experience rewarding the Coast
7:15·Guard officer suggested that he could
7:17·receive an age waiver the New York Times
7:19·explained in 1999 the AIDS limit for
7:21·Coast Guard doctors was 44 but officials
7:24·waived it because of a shortage and fox
7:26·became a flight surgeon
7:28·but he insisted on becoming a pilot his
7:31·son Parham told the Tampa Bay Times he
7:33·had all these Hot Shots from Vietnam who
7:35·were taking him helicopters all of a
7:37·sudden he went from 55 years old to
7:39·about 40 years old
7:40·the New York Times wrote that he learned
7:42·to fly helicopters and airplanes at an
7:43·age when many are contemplating
7:45·retirement was being lowered from Rescue
7:47·helicopters to treat injured Mariners
7:49·The Washington Post writes it for 16
7:50·years until 1990 Fox served as a flight
7:53·surgeon at Coast Guard stations up and
7:55·down the East Coast making more than a
7:57·dozen helicopter rescues he then became
7:59·senior medical officer at the Coast
8:01·Guard's military personnel command in
8:03·Washington DC
8:04·the Tampa Bay Times rights that
8:05·authorities considered his work on a
8:07·disability review board so valuable that
8:09·they once again granted Dr Fox an
8:11·exception to mandatory age limits
8:14·by 1999 Earl Fox was a captain in the
8:17·Public Health Service Commission Corps
8:19·and 80 years old the Times Dispatch
8:21·noted that some of his colleagues were
8:23·young enough to be his
8:26·his combined World War II and Coast
8:28·Guard service added up to 30 years and
8:30·he was he found out the last of the 16
8:33·million 122 566 Americans who served
8:37·during the second world war to remain on
8:40·active duty
8:41·he was recognized on Veterans Day 1999
8:44·and invited to have breakfast at the
8:46·White House with the president in honor
8:48·even though his son said that his dad
8:50·was not politically in Clinton's camp
8:52·and he was asked to speak at a wreath
8:54·laying ceremony at Arlington National
8:57·of the honor he told the New York Times
8:59·I don't think the president was really
9:00·recognizing Earl Fox I represent all the
9:03·people of World War II who weren't able
9:06·to be here today
9:07·until the Washington Post
9:09·I have felt a wait on me to expend every
9:11·effort to make it honorable for them
9:14·at Arlington he said I had classmates
9:16·who did not come home I had Shipmates
9:19·who did not make it I knew what they
9:21·thought and what they thought about and
9:23·I am filled with humility and faith in
9:24·God because I feel like I am here today
9:27·because of their courage and bravery
9:31·eight days later on November 19th
9:33·Captain Fox retired telling CBS News I
9:36·feel that it's time for me to move on
9:38·and open the way for younger people to
9:39·come in and Advance their ideas just as
9:42·I've had the privilege of using my own
9:44·although CBS continues Fox admits that
9:46·his wife will have to get used to having
9:48·him around the house a little bit more
9:50·President Clinton said to Darlington I
9:52·think he has earned his retirement
9:54·but captain on behalf of a Grateful
9:57·we say thank you for your service
10:01·Dr Earl R Fox passed away on September
10:04·23 2012. it was his 93rd birthday he was
10:10·survived by his two brothers Three Sons
10:12·six grandchildren and six
10:16·the United States Department of Veterans
10:18·Affairs says that less than one percent
10:20·of the more than 16 million Americans
10:22·had served in the armed forces in the
10:23·second world war are still alive today
10:25·and an average of about 234 pass away
10:29·every day
10:31·and it is up to us
10:33·to remember them
10:34·amid their gravestones at Arlington
10:36·National Cemetery Dr Fox said each
10:39·generation forms a backbone for the next
10:41·to build upon
10:42·as my generation Fades into the midst of
10:45·collective memory called tradition you
10:47·will carry on the process for the next
10:49·generation of your sons and daughters
10:51·and in this way those who gave the last
10:54·full measure of devotion
10:56·will live forever
10:59·[subscribe please message redacted]

1 posted on 08/20/2023 8:17:39 AM PDT by SunkenCiv
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To: SunkenCiv

Our Greatest Generation. We shall not look upon his like again.

3 posted on 08/20/2023 8:30:32 AM PDT by Bubba_Leroy ( Dementia Joe is Not My President)
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To: SunkenCiv
Dr. Earl Fox, who had been last active-duty World War II veteran, dies at 93
4 posted on 08/20/2023 8:35:28 AM PDT by Bubba_Leroy ( Dementia Joe is Not My President)
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To: SunkenCiv

In 1965 I was a paratrooper with the 101st Abn. WWII ended just 20 years prior. I remember going to the base museum and the Sgt overseeing the Museum had been with the 101st in WWII and made the combat jump on D Day. It is one of my great life regrets I had not spent more time talking to him about his experience during the war and the time after.

I am now in my 70s and it has been over 50 years since my own combat experience (in Vietnam) and veterans of that war are dying off everyday. I wonder who will be the last one of us standing.

5 posted on 08/20/2023 8:40:05 AM PDT by CIB-173RDABN (I am not an expert in anything, and my opinion is just that, an opinion. I may be wrong.)
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To: SunkenCiv
My dad was a US Marine in the south Pacific in WW2.
Heck, he passed in 2015 at age 89.
7 posted on 08/20/2023 8:47:53 AM PDT by GaltAdonis
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To: SunkenCiv



13 posted on 08/20/2023 11:58:24 AM PDT by M Kehoe (Quid Pro Joe and the Ho have got to go)
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