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Risk of Death for Kids Age 5-11 from the ‘Vaccines’ Is EXPONENTIALLY HIGHER than from Covid Itself
NOQ Report ^ | 11/08/2021 | Toby Rogers, Ph.D

Posted on 11/08/2021 8:15:07 AM PST by SeekAndFind

Editor’s Commentary: The article below by Toby Rogers dives into as much of the statistical data that he could get his hands on. While most of the data has been suppressed, there is still plenty available that all points to an indisputable truth: Children age 5-11 have a much higher risk of dying from the Covid-19 “vaccines” than they do from the coronavirus itself.

This report will shock those who have bought into the government’s push to vaccinate all school-aged children. It will likely even shock many who are against the jabs. How evil must the machinations of our own government be for them to take unambiguous data that says “don’t jab the kids” and bury it away from prying eyes? How oblivious to the lies must parents be to willfully allow their children to take these drugs when Covid-19 represents an infinitesimal risk to them?

I strongly recommend reading the entire article, but If you’re in a hurry and you need a single “shock” statistics to share, it’s this:

For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.

What we’ve seen so far is there is an inverse correlation between risks of Covid-19 and risks of the so-called vaccines. The disease targets the elderly and becomes progressively less dangerous the younger the infected are. The injections are the opposite. The younger the recipients of the jabs, the higher their risk is of having adverse reactions, including death, from the injections themselves.

I’ll let Toby explain further. He does a fine job of taking convoluted data and deciphering it for the laymen. Read carefully and be ready to inform parents of the risk-benefit aspects of injecting their children with experimental drugs for which we have zero data regarding the long-term effects. But as we know, the short-term effects are already devastating enough for us to be very concerned. Here’s Toby…

What is the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV) to prevent a single COVID-19 fatality in kids 5 to 11 based on the Pfizer EUA application?

And what are the risks that go along with injecting that many kids?

A funny thing happened this afternoon. Not funny as in “haha”. More like funny as in, “ohhhhh that’s how the FDA rigs the process.”

I was reading the CDC’s “Guidance for Health Economics Studies Presented to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2019 Update” and I realized that the FDA’s woeful risk-benefit analysis in connection with Pfizer’s EUA application to jab children ages 5 to 11 violates many of the principles of the CDC’s Guidance document. The CDC “Guidance” document describes 21 things that every health economics study in connection with vaccines must do and the FDA risk-benefit analysis violated at least half of them.

Today I want to focus on a single factor: the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV). In four separate places the CDC Guidance document mentions the importance of coming up with a Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV). I did not recall seeing an NNTV in the FDA risk-benefit document. So I checked the FDA’s risk-benefit analysis again and sure enough, there was no mention of an NNTV.

Because the FDA failed to provide an NNTV, I will attempt to provide it here.

First a little background. The Number Needed to Treat (NNT) in order to prevent a single case, hospitalization, ICU admission, or death, is a standard way to measure the effectiveness of any drug. It’s an important tool because it enables policymakers to evaluate tradeoffs between a new drug, a different existing drug, or doing nothing. In vaccine research the equivalent term is Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV, sometimes also written as NNV) in order to prevent a single case, hospitalization, ICU admission, or death (those are 4 different NNTVs that one could calculate).

Pharma HATES talking about NNTV and they hate talking about NNTV even more when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines because the NNTV is so ridiculously high that this vaccine could not pass any honest risk-benefit analysis.

Indeed about a year ago I innocently asked on Twitter what the NNTV is for coronavirus vaccines.

Pharma sent a swarm of trolls in to attack me and Pharma goons published hits pieces on me outside of Twitter to punish me for even asking the question. Of course none of the Pharma trolls provided an estimate of the NNTV for COVID-19 shots. That tells us that we are exactly over the target.

Various health economists have calculated a NNTV for COVID-19 vaccines.

You can see why Pharma hates this number so much (I can picture Pharma’s various PR firms sending out an “All hands on deck!” message right now to tell their trolls to attack this article). One would have to inject a lot of people to see any benefit and the more people who are injected the more the potential benefits are offset by the considerable side-effects from the shots.

Furthermore, the NNTV to prevent a single case is not a very meaningful measure because most people, particularly children, recover on their own (or even more quickly with ivermectin if treated early). The numbers that health policy makers should really want to know are the NNTV to prevent a single hospitalization, ICU admission, or death. But with the NNTV to prevent a single case already so high, and with significant adverse events from coronavirus vaccines averaging about 15% nationwide, Pharma and the FDA dare not calculate an NNTV for hospitalizations, ICU, and deaths, because then no one would ever take this product (bye bye $93 billion in annual revenue).

Increased all cause mortality in the Pfizer clinical trial of adults

As Bobby Kennedy explains, Pfizer’s clinical trial in adults showed alarming increases in all cause mortality in the vaccinated:

In Pfizer’s 6 month clinical trial in adults — there was 1 covid death out of 22,000 in the vaccine (“treatment”) group and 2 Covid deaths out of 22,000 in the placebo group (see Table s4). So NNTV = 22,000. The catch is there were 5 heart attack deaths in the vaccine group and only 1 in placebo group. So for every 1 life saved from Covid, the Pfizer vaccine kills 4 from heart attacks. All cause mortality in the 6 month study was 20 in vaccine group and 14 in placebo group. So a 42% all cause mortality increase among the vaccinated. The vaccine loses practically all efficacy after 6 months so they had to curtail the study. They unblinded and offered the vaccine to the placebo group. At that point the rising harm line had long ago intersected the sinking efficacy line.

Former NY Times investigative reporter Alex Berenson also wrote about the bad outcomes for the vaccinated in the Pfizer clinical trial in adults (here). Berenson received a lifetime ban from Twitter for posting Pfizer’s own clinical trial data.

Pfizer learned their lesson with the adult trial and so when they conducted a trial of their mRNA vaccine in children ages 5 to 11 they intentionally made it too small (only 2,300 participants) and too short (only followed up for 2 months) in order to hide harms.

Estimating an NNTV in children ages 5 to 11 using Pfizer’s own clinical trial data

All of the NNTV estimates above are based on data from adults. In kids the NNTV will be even higher (the lower the risk, the higher the NNTV to prevent a single bad outcome). Children ages 5 to 11 are at extremely low risk of death from coronavirus. In a meta-analysis combining data from 5 studies, Stanford researchers Cathrine Axfors and John Ioannidis found a median infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.0027% in children ages 0-19. In children ages 5 to 11 the IFR is even lower. Depending on the study one looks at, COVID-19 is slightly less dangerous or roughly equivalent to the flu in children.

So how many children would need to be injected with Pharma’s mRNA shot in order to prevent a single hospitalization, ICU admission, or death?

Let’s examine Pfizer’s EUA application and the FDA’s risk-benefit analysis. By Pfizer’s own admission, there were zero hospitalization, ICU admissions, or deaths, in the treatment or control group in their study of 2,300 children ages 5 to 11.

So the Number Needed to Vaccinate in order to prevent a single hospitalization, ICU admission, or death, according to Pfizer’s own data, is infinity. ∞. Not the good kind of infinity as in God or love or time or the universe. This is the bad kind of infinity as in you could vaccinate every child age 5 to 11 in the U.S. and not prevent a single hospitalization, ICU admission, or death from coronavirus according to Pfizer’s own clinical trial data as submitted to the FDA. Of course Pfizer likes this kind of infinity because it means infinite profits. [Technically speaking the result is “undefined” because mathematically one cannot divide by zero, but you get my point.]

Estimating an NNTV and risk-benefit model in children ages 5 to 11 using the limited data that are available

Everyone knows that Pfizer was not even trying to conduct a responsible clinical trial of their mRNA shot in kids ages 5 to 11. Pfizer could have submitted to the FDA a paper napkin with the words “Iz Gud!” written in crayon and the VRBPAC would have approved the shot. They are all in the cartel together and they are all looking forward to their massive payoff/payday.

But let’s not be like Pharma. Instead, let’s attempt to come up with a best guess estimate based on real world data. Over time, others will develop a much more sophisticated estimate (for example, Walach, Klement, & Aukema, 2021 estimated an NNTV for 3 different populations based on “days post dose”). But for our purposes here I think there is a much easier way to come up with a ballpark NNTV estimate for children ages 5 to 11.

Here’s the benefits model:

If you inject that many children, you certainly will have lots and lots of serious side effects including disability and death. So let’s look at the risk side of the equation.

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Here’s the risk model:

So, to put it simply, the Biden administration plan would kill 5,248 children via Pfizer mRNA shots in order to save 45 children from dying of coronavirus.

For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot

The Pfizer mRNA shot fails any honest risk-benefit analysis in children ages 5 to 11.

Even under the best circumstances, estimating NNTV and modeling risk vs. benefits is fraught. In the current situation, with a new and novel bioengineered virus, where Pfizer’s data are intentionally underpowered to hide harms, and the FDA, CDC, & Biden Administration are doing everything in their power to push dangerous drugs on kids, making good policy decisions is even more difficult.

Buy your Gold and Silver from true America-First patriots. Contact Our Gold Guy and protect yourself through the coming (and current) economic turmoil.

If the FDA or CDC want to calculate a different NNTV (and explain how they arrived at that number) I’m all ears. But we all know that the FDA refused to calculate an NNTV not because they forgot, but because they knew the number was so high that it would destroy the case for mRNA vaccines in children this age. Your move CDC — your own Guidance document states that you must provide this number.

Update: CDC finally mentions NNTV, but . . .

Toward the end of the six-hour CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Nov. 2 meeting where the committee voted to recommend Pfizer’s EUA vaccine for children 5 – 11, there was finally a mention of NNTV. It was on slide 36 of a presentation by CDC official D.r Sara Oliver. Unfortunately the CDC estimate was untethered from reality. I’ll explain:

Oliver claimed the NNTV to prevent a single case is 10, even though the best lower bound estimate is 88 and other estimates are 200 or higher (see calculations here and here).

Then she claimed the NNTV to prevent a single hospitalization is between 2,213 and 8,187. This is dishonest and a violation of scientific norms.

NNTV is calculated by dividing 1 by the Absolute Risk Reduction. There was no Absolute Risk Reduction in hospitalizations in the Pfizer clinical trial in kids 5 to 11, because no one was hospitalized in either the treatment or control group. 1/0 is “undefined” not 8,187.

Oliver made no estimate of NNTV to prevent a single COVID-19-related death because that is also undefined (again, there were no COVID-related deaths in the treatment or placebo group in the trial so the absolute risk reduction was zero).

Oliver also did not model injuries or deaths from the vaccine (she immuno-bridged from an older age group to show benefits but ignored the reported harms from the vaccine in the older age group).

I should also note that my estimates of NNTV were based on CDC data showing 170 deaths from COVID-19-related illness in kids ages 5 to 11 over the last 18 months (I got the number directly from the CDC COVID tracking website).

However at the ACIP meeting, the CDC said the number of children in this age group who have died of COVID-19-related illness is 94.

If 94 is the correct number to use, then the NNTV to prevent a single death from COVID-19 related illness in this age group would be 28,384,878 / 31 = 915,641. But it’s a two-dose regimen, so if one wants to calculate the NNTV-per-injection the number doubles to 1,831,282.

I imagine that at most, half of American parents will be foolish enough to inject this toxic product into their kids. At a 50% uptake rate, the ACIP decision to approve the Pfizer shot will likely kill 2,624 children via adverse reactions in order to potentially save 12 from COVID-19-related illness.

Now you know why the CDC did not release the meeting materials prior to the ACIP meeting — they could not stand up to any public scrutiny.

Update 11/05/21:

I see that El Gato Malo engaged in a similar set of calculations back in September when Pfizer first released its “results.” He faced the same challenges as I did — namely, there is no usable data from Pfizer and so one has to pull from others sources. He builds a steel man case (the most generous possible defense of the Pfizer product) and yet his results are still in line with mine (my numbers are higher though because I use a lower estimate of vaccine effectiveness and correct for VAERS underreporting). So again, even under the most generous assumptions, the Pfizer mRNA shot fails any honest risk benefit assessment in connection with children 5 to 11.

TOPICS: Health/Medicine; Science; Society
KEYWORDS: chidlren; covid; risk; vaccines; vax

1 posted on 11/08/2021 8:15:07 AM PST by SeekAndFind
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To: SeekAndFind

Something many of us have suspected/believed for quite a while. It’s good to have an expert (PhD) show some real statistical evidence.

I hope he’s not one of them white supremacist parents.

2 posted on 11/08/2021 8:23:09 AM PST by budj (Combat vet, 2nd of three generations.)
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To: SeekAndFind

The severity of COVID-19 does not warrant the response we are seeing. It especially doesn’t warrant jabbing kids with a notavax that is more dangerous to them than the disease.
Something else is going on here. Do not comply.

3 posted on 11/08/2021 8:25:38 AM PST by Little Ray (Civilization runs on a narrow margin. What sustains it is not magic, but hard work. )
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To: budj

The globalist want our children to have lowered immune resistence. Ask yourself why would they want this now that the sheeple are accustomed to depending upon government to handle their health expectations.

4 posted on 11/08/2021 8:28:05 AM PST by MHGinTN (A dispensation perspective is a powerful tool for discernment)
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To: SeekAndFind

Last time I checked (about ten days ago), 576 people aged 0-17 had died of Covid in the US over a period of 20 months. That’s about 28 per month, a little less then one per day nationally. Will the vaccines cause that many deaths - or more - in that age group? It seems quite possible, but the 117x claim leaves me a bit skeptical.

5 posted on 11/08/2021 8:31:20 AM PST by Steve_Seattle
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To: SeekAndFind

Of course it is...

and thats a scientific fact...

6 posted on 11/08/2021 8:32:53 AM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: Steve_Seattle

From this link...

“Mortality (45 states, NYC, PR and GU reported)*
Among states reporting, children were 0.00%-0.26% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 7 states reported zero child deaths
​In states reporting, 0.00%-0.03% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death”

The vaxxes WILL injure or kill more kids than the coof.

7 posted on 11/08/2021 8:35:55 AM PST by mewzilla (Those aren't masks. They're muzzles. )
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To: SeekAndFind

The problem right now is that any attempt to distribute this information is immediately met with screaming pro-vax socialists claiming this is “just a blog” and that it’s not science. Try to put it out on social media, and it’s taken down quickly. I’ve tried to disseminate this in likeminded work circles, but even some people on our side are hesitant to believe anything that doesn’t come out of a MSM or government agency.

8 posted on 11/08/2021 8:45:42 AM PST by rarestia (“A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one.” -Hamilton)
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To: mewzilla

We’re about 600 days into the pandemic. If the vaxxes kill “only” three 0-17 year-olds a day over that same time period, that will more than triple the Covid deaths in that age group so far (about 576-580). But those three daily deaths - one per every 17 states plus DC - will get lost in the shuffle, will be called “rare,” and the vaccines will continue.

9 posted on 11/08/2021 8:50:32 AM PST by Steve_Seattle
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To: SeekAndFind

They had to redefine vaccine in order for this poison to qualify.

10 posted on 11/08/2021 9:36:46 AM PST by BuffaloJack (Socialism always ends in concentration camps and murder.)
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