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1 posted on 05/03/2009 6:15:13 AM PDT by spacejunkie01
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To: spacejunkie01

I too like Lindsey’s program. He’s very insightful and does his homework.

It would be an extremely bold move for FOX to have a show like his. It’ll never happen!

I’d suggest a more moderate avenue. Put someone like Hal amongst a panel of others to give the biblical perspective.

2 posted on 05/03/2009 6:26:51 AM PDT by diverteach (
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To: spacejunkie01

According to Hal the world ended in 1988.

3 posted on 05/03/2009 6:26:52 AM PDT by Mark was here (The earth is bipolar.)
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To: spacejunkie01

This fellow has been selling the end of the world for ~40 years and gotten quite wealthy in the process. IIRC in the 70’s he said we’d be gone in the 80’s and so on.

4 posted on 05/03/2009 6:28:25 AM PDT by Leto
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To: spacejunkie01

Here is my tinfoil hat moment. I actually hope they are successful in the EMP thing if it is actually possible. I think it may be the ONLY way to break the zombie like hold on the American sheeple would be to take away their gadgets, gizmos, and TV.

The evening news would be unable to keep their minds muddled, neighbor would end up helping neigbor after the initial insanity and while it would be hard, and many would die, the strong and prepared would survive, recover and rebuild.

Without an audience or a plan, especially with out a forum, huge govt would wither away, and state and local govt would become what it was meant to. By the time communications and such were reinstated everywhere, small govt would be in its rightful place, as would state and federal.

Tinfoil hat back off.......

5 posted on 05/03/2009 6:29:30 AM PDT by wombtotomb
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To: spacejunkie01

Hal isn’t saying anything about EMP’s that Coast to Coast AM hasn’t been talking about for years. I put both his program and C2C on about the same level of believability.

7 posted on 05/03/2009 6:31:24 AM PDT by foolscap
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To: spacejunkie01

A prophet for profit.

11 posted on 05/03/2009 6:39:31 AM PDT by count-your-change (You don't have be brilliant, not being stupid is enough.)
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To: spacejunkie01

Regardless of the source, we need to consider the effects of EMP. I personally known about it for over 25 years but yet, we do nothing. It was in ham radio magazines about that time when the Soviet Union was in existence. Some tin cup dictator like Almadjihad of Iran are going to cap our knees if we continue to ignore this.

14 posted on 05/03/2009 6:42:43 AM PDT by CORedneck
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To: spacejunkie01

I like Hal, and to a lesser extent the Van Impes, because of precisely what you name. However, they are tainted for getting far too close to date setting and naming the Anti-Christ. It is sufficient to say the Lord’ return could be any moment. And as far a naming an AC, there are several candidates that are interesting, but we should not be dogmatic about it for sure. That can be dangerous.

Still, Fox would probably never pick something up like this because Fox doesn’t do religious programming (other than Rick Warren’s stuff which I don’t like).

A show like Lindsey’s but without the baggage Lindsey carries with him would be a grand idea, though.

20 posted on 05/03/2009 6:58:15 AM PDT by Blogger (It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins. - Ben Franklin)
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To: spacejunkie01

If you truly watched this show is just a way to take current events and line them up with Biblical prophecy. I think it is very dangerous what Hal is doing in some instances. What it does is get people in a state of “fear” and what does the Bible say about “fear.” “Do not be anxious about anything.”

By the way TBN made sure Hal does not say any derogatory about Muslims in his news (Best-selling author says Christian network tried to muzzle his views on radical Islam — )

24 posted on 05/03/2009 7:04:51 AM PDT by truthandlife ("Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." (Ps 20:7))
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To: spacejunkie01

The peace and quiet from having no gadgets and gizmos would indeed be nice, but it might get awfully noisy before that moment arrives.

Once the electronics and cell phones go off-line, there won’t be any more food or fuel deliveries. Cars and trucks have onboard computers that might get fried by EMP, which would halt all transportation. (Besides EMP, imagine anything that would stop trucks from rolling ... oil embargo, sunspots, plague, mega-tsunami, super volcano, nukes ... and you arrive at the same nightmare scenario.)

There also wouldn’t be any delivery of medications, so imagine half a million fellow citizens in your region suffering Prozac withdrawal ... hoo yeah!

All those hungry people in the cities and suburbs won’t politely sit there and starve (damn rude of them), so they’ll be headed to farm country for lunch.

So, yes ... your farm would be nice and quiet. After a feww months. But not so much until then.

27 posted on 05/03/2009 7:06:55 AM PDT by DNME (Copy editor for hire.)
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To: spacejunkie01
It is NOT Hal who first reported the possibility of an EMP attack.

The Pentagon has been preparing for such an attack for years now.

I personally think an EMP attack would not be as successful as some imagine.

I certainly don't think it would be carried out by the Iranians.

34 posted on 05/03/2009 7:27:56 AM PDT by servantboy777
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To: spacejunkie01




I hope you have your hazmat suit on . . . because of a list prissy pharisee types who love to shred Hal for a list of reasons. They seem to keep closets full of buckets of rocks reserved just for such purposes.

Thankfully, Hal has the connections and Biblical understanding to still be of value to the Body of Christ in these END TIMES—at least those with ears to hear and eyes to see.

47 posted on 05/03/2009 12:33:45 PM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: spacejunkie01

This is an article by Newt from March 29, 2009.

Newt Gingrich: A Single Nuke Could Destroy America

Sunday, March 29, 2009 4:23 PM

By: Newt Gingrich and William Forstchen Article Font Size

A sword of Damocles hangs over our heads. It is a real threat that has been all but ignored.

On Feb. 3, Iran launched a “communications satellite” into orbit. At this very moment, North Korea is threatening to do the same. The ability to launch an alleged communications satellite belies a far more frightening truth. A rocket that can carry a satellite into orbit also can drop a nuclear warhead over any location on the planet in less than 45 minutes.

Far too many timid or uninformed sources maintain that a single launch of a missile poses no true threat to the United States, given our retaliatory power.

A reality check is in order and must be discussed in response to such an absurd claim: In fact, one small nuclear weapon, delivered by an ICBM can destroy the United States by maximizing the effect of the resultant electromagnetic pulse upon detonation.

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a byproduct of detonating an atomic bomb above the Earth’s atmosphere. When a nuclear weapon is detonated in space, the gamma rays emitted trigger a massive electrical disturbance in the upper atmosphere. Moving at the speed of light, this overload will short out all electrical equipment, power grids and delicate electronics on the Earth’s surface. In fact, it would take only one to three weapons exploding above the continental United States to wipe out our entire grid and transportation network. It might take years to recover from, if ever.

This is not science fiction. If you doubt this, spend a short amount of time skimming the Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack from April 2008. You will come away sobered.

Even as the new administration plans to spend trillions on economic bailouts, it has announced plans to reduce funding and downgrade efforts for missile defense. Furthermore, the United States’ reluctance to invest in a modern and credible traditional nuclear deterrent is a serious concern. What good will a bailout be if there is no longer a nation to bail out?

Fifty years ago, it was not Sputnik itself that sent a dire chill of warning around the world; it was the capability of the rocket that launched Sputnik. The rocket that lofted Sputnik into orbit also could have served as an ICBM.

Yet for all its rhetoric, the Soviet Union was essentially a rational power that recognized the threat of mutual destruction and thus never stepped to the edge.

The world is different today. Intercontinental range missiles tipped with nuclear weapons in the hands of leaders driven by fanaticism, leaders that support global terrorism, leaders that have made repeated threats that they will seek our annihilation . . . can now at last achieve that dream in a matter of minutes.

Those who claim that there is little to fear from Iran or North Korea because “at best” they will have only one or two nuclear weapons ignore the catastrophic level of threat we now face from just “a couple” of nuclear weapons.

Again: One to three missiles tipped with nuclear weapons and armed to detonate at a high altitude — to achieve the strongest EMP over the greatest area of the United States — would create an EMP “overlay” that triggers a continent-wide collapse of our entire electrical, transportation, and communications infrastructure.

Within weeks after such an attack, tens of millions of Americans would perish. The impact has been likened to a nationwide Hurricane Katrina. Some studies estimate that 90 percent of all Americans might very well die in the year after such an attack as our transportation, food distribution, communications, public safety, law enforcement, and medical infrastructures collapse.

We most likely would never recover from the blow.

Two things need to be done now and without delay:

1. Make clear in the strongest of terms that, if either Iran or North Korea launches a rocket on a trajectory headed toward the territory of the United States, we will shoot it down. The risk of not doing so is beyond acceptable. And if they construe this as an act of war, so be it, for they fired the first shot. The risk of sitting back for 30 minutes and praying it is not an EMP strike is beyond acceptable, beyond rational on our part.

2. Funding for EMP defense must be a top national priority. To downgrade or halt our missile defense program, which at last is becoming viable after 25 years of research, would be an action of criminal negligence.

Surely, with such a threat confronting us, a fair and open debate, with full public access and the setting aside of partisan politics, is in order. In the meantime, a policy must be stated today that we will indeed shoot down any missile aimed towards the United States that is fired by Iran or North Korea. America’s survival, your survival, and your family’s survival might very well depend on it.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. William Forstchen is the author of “One Second After,” an account of a town struggling to survive after an EMP weapon is used against the United States.

53 posted on 05/03/2009 1:25:28 PM PDT by Captain Beyond (The Hammer of the gods! (Just a cool line from a Led Zep song))
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To: spacejunkie01
Those who have been predicting the end of this age are obviously not far off. It is clear that we are very near it according to Biblical prophesy and also common sense knowledge as to the way the world system is climaxing into a cataclysmic end.

It is clear that the Bible was right all along for those who are not resistant to the reality of the matter because of head strong prejudices and/or a need to believe that all thing always go on as they have.

The Bible predicted an anti Christ. Obama may not be the anti Christ but he is in the least an undeniably strong precursor to the fact that one is close at hand. People need to get real and read The Bible with a heart for The Truth and realize that it's prophesies ARE coming to past and quickly.

55 posted on 05/03/2009 1:43:21 PM PDT by Bellflower (The end of this age is near but the beginning of the next glorious one is coming!)
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To: spacejunkie01
I read one of his books when I was in college in the early 70’s. By now the world was supposed to end. We were to have a world war with Russia. We were all going to be raptured. That was all supposed to happen in the twentieth century. Here is where we are in the 21st century and we are all here unraptured. I think he needs to let someone else speak and he should go shut up.
70 posted on 05/03/2009 6:33:42 PM PDT by bilhosty (Tax payers for change)
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To: spacejunkie01

I also appreciate Hal Lindsey’s honesty as he compares contemporary events with biblical prophesy. I do not think the mainstream or FOX are ready for him. But hopefully his words will get out somehow.

75 posted on 05/03/2009 7:39:11 PM PDT by SisterK (to judge the quick and the dead)
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To: spacejunkie01

ONE SECOND AFTER by Forstchen.

91 posted on 05/04/2009 3:05:16 AM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner.)
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To: spacejunkie01
Hal Lindsey is being shunned by the prophetic community.

Hal is a serial adulterer.

I prefer to get my Prophesy in the News
from JR Church and Gary Stearman.

shalom b'SHEM Yah'shua HaMashiach

111 posted on 05/04/2009 8:02:26 AM PDT by Uri’el-2012 (Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
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