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1 posted on 04/06/2009 5:00:01 PM PDT by Free ThinkerNY
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To: Free ThinkerNY

And it would also find out who this ‘Barry Soerto’ guy was

2 posted on 04/06/2009 5:01:20 PM PDT by Mr. K (physically unable to proofreed (<---oops))
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To: Free ThinkerNY
The American Media will never report anything negative on Obama...Even FOX.

3 posted on 04/06/2009 5:03:37 PM PDT by darkwing104 (Lets get dangerous)
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To: Free ThinkerNY

Nobody seems to care..........Certainly not Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the media.......etc.....

We shall all certainly be sorry when we wake up dead because of this A$$hole.

4 posted on 04/06/2009 5:05:51 PM PDT by Radix (Sometimes I wear my sarcasm in my Tag Line)
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To: Free ThinkerNY
The democrats and mainstream media know they are finished if proof comes out that exposes Obama as a fraud. They worked hand and hand helping Obama deceive the nation. If the republicans had either brains or balls they would be doing everything they could to find the truth out. This would be the final nail in the coffin of two groups the American people are starting to trust less and less.
6 posted on 04/06/2009 5:09:17 PM PDT by peeps36 ( Al Gore. Is A Big Fat Lying Hypocrite. He Pollutes The Air By Opening His Big Mouth)
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To: Free ThinkerNY

Although I’ve heard explanation after explanation as to why there’s a TOTAL CONSERVATIVE BLACKOUT of this topic, I still am not satisfied with their reasoning.

Just why in the hell are Rush, Hannity, Beck, Coulter, Malkin, FoxNews, DrudgeReport, (and you fill in the blank) REFUSING TO DISCUSS THIS? What’s in it for them? What in the hell are they afraid of? It’s a total BLACKOUT. Incomprehensible that not even ONE OF THEM HAS TOUCHED THIS TOPIC. This is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy is a muslim, kenyan born, illegal alien, doesn’t even have a Selective Service Number, is commander-in-chief of our armed forces, is sitting in the White House, bowing to our enemies, making a fool out of our constitution, trashing our country, and on and on and on.



9 posted on 04/06/2009 5:22:00 PM PDT by laweeks
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To: Free ThinkerNY

We do not have a constitutional government.

11 posted on 04/06/2009 5:29:53 PM PDT by Danae (Amerikan Unity My Ass)
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To: Free ThinkerNY

Kudos to Barry Farber, an American patriot through and through, and, personally, one of the last of the true southern gentlemen!

12 posted on 04/06/2009 5:35:46 PM PDT by justiceseeker93
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To: Free ThinkerNY
Obama's applications to Columbia and Harvard. Such forms may have inconvenient answers to questions like, "Citizenship?” "Place of birth?" etc.

Put up a $$$ reward.
In the mean time I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but it does appear some things are being hidden, there's too many holes in his resume.

13 posted on 04/06/2009 5:35:51 PM PDT by 1066AD
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To: Free ThinkerNY
We've not been allowed to see the president's birth certificate. Instead we've been offered something nobody ever heard of called a "certificate of live birth"

Even this guy gets it wrong. We've been shown an alleged "Certification of Live Birth", which is most commonly issued by the state when someone wants a copy of their birth record. A "Certificate of Live Birth" *IS* what Hawaii, and many other states, call the original birth certificate. It contains a lot more information, and is somewhat harder to forge, because it contains signatures of the doctor or other "attendant"/witness to the birth as well as a parent's signature and a signature of the hospital registrar for a birth in a hospital.

It would also show if the birth was registered as a home birth, with only the mother's and a witness, such as the grandmother's, signatures. A 1961 non hospital birth certificate of someone whose mother was only 18 and whose maternal grandmother was reasonably well to do, and reasonably well connected due to her banking job, would raise suspicions of a foreign birth

16 posted on 04/06/2009 5:39:21 PM PDT by El Gato ("The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution." -- Doug McKay)
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To: Free ThinkerNY; ml/nj; ExTexasRedhead; BP2; pissant; firebrand; ckilmer; Candor7; theothercheek; ...

For those of you unaware of who Barry Farber is, he has been doing "conservative" talk radio since at least the 1960s and has hosted on television as well. More importantly, he is a great patriot and a great man. It's an honor to have him aboard in this battle.

21 posted on 04/06/2009 5:46:19 PM PDT by justiceseeker93
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To: Free ThinkerNY; LucyT; Candor7; MHGinTN; Fred Nerks
Instead we've been offered something nobody ever heard of called a "certificate of live birth" from the state of Hawaii

Gee, Barry. Was it getting too warm for you being under that rock???

You should have gotten up-to-speed before rehashing what all of us have been saying for

10 months!

27 posted on 04/06/2009 6:17:37 PM PDT by Polarik (("Forgeries don't validate claims -- they repudiate them"))
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To: Free ThinkerNY
Before this year is out a federal court will order the Obamanation to produce a certified birth certificate.

He'll refuse, and he'll fight with everything he has.

There will be riots and cities will burn.

31 posted on 04/06/2009 6:35:43 PM PDT by Mariner
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To: Free ThinkerNY
Here is Gov (commerce secretary elect)Bill Richardson saying in Spanish that Obama is an "immigrant." (So he understands understands "immigrant" issues.)The context suggests that by "immigrant" bill richardson means "illegal immigrant"

Here in plain English is the Kenyan Ambassador saying that Obama is born in Kenya.

Obama's own flacks deny that obama was born in Kenya but do acknowledge that he had a dual citizenship up until 1982

from obama's own site by way of fightthesmears on his dual citizenship at birth

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.

Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
Someone will want to cache the above web page because it will be taken down eventually.
It is well established that Obama did travel to Indonesia and Pakistan in 1981. In a tape of his speech at this April 6, 2008 San Francisco Fundraiser, Obama discloses his trip to Pakistan (40:17) when he was in college. On what passport did he travel?

A last arguement for baraks people might be that of course the Kenyans would have an interest in claiming that obama was a "son of the soil" both as a matter of pride and as a matter of bucks coming their way. However, if Obama was not born in Kenya -- then why wouldn't Obama release his original long form birth certificate. Exactly What IS a Natural Born Citizen?

The thing has become a joke in washington. dJoe Biden Joked at the Gridiron Dinner in March 09.

After mentioning one of the Republican speakers for the evening, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was born in Austria and that one of the Democratic speakers, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, was born in Canada, Biden chortled: "Folks, this is going to be Lou Dobbs' worst nightmare. "

From there, Biden transitioned to the birth certificate controversy.

"You know, I never realized just how much power Dick Cheney had until my first day on the job. I walked into my office, and you know how the outgoing president always leaves the incoming president a note in his desk?" he asked rhetorically. "I opened my drawer and Dick Cheney had left me Barack Obama’s birth certificate."
36 posted on 04/06/2009 7:34:12 PM PDT by ckilmer (Phi)
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To: Free ThinkerNY
A detroit radio station called the Kenyan embassy after the election of Obama. After a a few minutes they get through to the ambassador of Kenya.

The ambassador of Kenya says that obama was born in Kenya and that his birth place has become a national shrine.

Listen to the recording here

The quote is around 12:35, so if you don’t have time to listen to the whole thing, you can jump ahead.
The transcript reads:

Radio Jockey: President elect Obama's birth place over in Kenya -- is that going to be a national spot where he was born

Ambassador Peter Ogego: its already an attraction. his paternal grandmother is still alive

Radio Jockey:But his birth place...they'll put up a marker there

Ambassdor Peter Ogego: It would depend on the government. Its already well known.

Here is an abridged Utube version of the the radio interview. So you can hear just the relevant parts.

It can be reasonably pointed out that the DJ was trying to entrap the Ambassador and that the Ambassador fell into his trap.
However, if you listen to the long version of the radio interview --you’ll notice he used the same strategy on two different occasions and the ambassador gently brushed him off.

First, he tried to force the ambassador to sing the Kenyan national anthem. The ambassador referred him to the kenyan website.

Second he tried to push the ambassador into saying something about maybe Kenya becoming the 51st state. Again the ambassador said that Kenya was a sovereign country. ie No.

He used the same technique on the question of Obama’s birth place. This time the ambassador did not brush him off. Rather in answer to the question as to whether Obama was born in Kenya --he says "It is well known."

Because the ambassador answered no in the two previous examples -- you can't say that the ambassdor was either a fool or ill advised.

Finally, you might ask well doesn't he know that saying Obama is born in Kenya would make trouble for Obama? The answer there is why should he be concerned? He has heard no suggestion in the mainstream media that there might be a problem there. So to say what is already well known--as he says--would be no problem.

Here is a utube video of Ambassador Peter Ogego speaking at a conference. Ambassador of Kenya H.E. Peter Ogego To verify that the voice on the radio is Ambassador Ogego-- compare the radio voice with the DJ to the voice on the Utube that goes with Ambassador Ogego. Ambassador Peter Ogego is introduced a bit after minute 18..

They are the same.

Subsequently, the Kenyan ambassador said that he meant Obama's father was born in Kenya. However, when pressed about Obama's birth place:

"I don't know," he said with a tone of irritation. "You should ask your government. I know his father is Kenyan."

However, that's not what the original transcript suggests. clear="all" /> Finally, there is a Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae which is part of the Berg case. The Bishop says pretty much the same thing as the Ambassador.

"Additionally, it is common knowledge throughout both the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya, that contrary to news media propaganda here in the United States, US Senator Barack Obama is a Muslim and not a Christian, and that he was born in Mombasa, Kenya and not in the State of Hawaii as falsely purported by the Obama campaign for presidency of the United States."

While you cannot impeach the ambassador's character, you can impeach McCrae's character. After all, he's just an itinerant preacher. But McCrae has been to Kenya. Still that makes two people who say that it is common knowledge in Kenya that Obama was born in Kenya.
Then of course there is a video of Obama's grandmother saying that Obama is born in in her village in Kenya
There is a case to be made that Obama mother didn't mean Obama was born in her town but rather that he is a "son of this village". If taken alone, she could well be ignored. However, her take is in keeping with others both high and low.

Again here is a pdf transcript of Kenyan National Assembly on Nov 5, 2008, the day after Obama was elected. Over and over again there are references to Obama being a "son of the soil" of Kenya and a Kenyan. On page page 3275 there is this passage:


Ms. Odhiambo: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. It is not on this issue. I stand on a point of order under Standing Order No.20 to seek leave for adjournment of the House to discuss the American presidential election results.


Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the President-elect, Mr. Obama, is a son of the soil of this country. Every other country in this continent is celebrating the Obama win. It is only proper and fitting that the country which he originates from should show the same excitement, pomp and colour.

Again. It is not the one thing. Rather it is the tide.

The Obama administration could put this to rest by releasing his long form birth certificate. But he doesn't. Rather he spends -- now over a million -- on flaks. Why bother. The Arnold would have run for president long ago and likely won if he were a "natural born" american. He's not. He's naturalized. So he can't run. And he knows it. (though there were some trial balloons sent up a couple years back about changing the law--that went nowhere.)

Like the Arnold, Obama looks to be a naturalized citizen--but maybe he's not even that.
37 posted on 04/06/2009 7:34:33 PM PDT by ckilmer (Phi)
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To: Free ThinkerNY

ZERO doesn’t need a BC now. He has been elected and now he follows no laws. Next is the proclamation by him as emperor though there is no need for has just been assumed.

As for his mate running in 2020 as specualted...not necessary. Recall the black dress with the red X? Black widow....

43 posted on 04/06/2009 8:02:11 PM PDT by Sequoyah101 (Get the bats and light the hay)
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To: Free ThinkerNY


59 posted on 04/06/2009 9:09:06 PM PDT by 1035rep ("The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.")
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To: Free ThinkerNY

The Emperor may have no birth certificate but the President has a state of Hawaii issued Certification of Live Birth which states that he was born in the City of Honolulu, in the County of Honolulu, on the Island of Oahu, in the state of Hawaii on Friday, August 4, 1961 at 7:24 p.m. and that his birth was registered with the state on Tuesday, August 8, 1961. Two announcements of his birth appeared in the local Honolulu Sunday newspapers on August 13, 1961.
Until legal authorities or investigative journalists disprove the information on that Certification of Live Birth, it stands as proof of Natural Born Citizen status and eligibility to be President of the United States.

Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18 (b) point 9 allow a confidential vital record such as Obama’s original birth certificate to be released under court order. Thus far, no court has issued such an order.

The Attorney General of the state of Hawaii who could seek a subpoena for Obama’s original birth certificate is a Republican.

62 posted on 04/06/2009 10:07:31 PM PDT by jamese777
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To: Free ThinkerNY

I can show my certificate in a matter of minutes, I don’t see why Obama can’t do the same, if nothing else but to disprove us.

79 posted on 04/08/2009 6:35:47 AM PDT by rbosque (10 year Freeper!)
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