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DYI: Dog Food/Cat Food Recipes (Until we can figure out what commerical petfoods are safe)
US Recall News ^

Posted on 07/06/2007 4:20:34 AM PDT by yankeedame

US Recall News

A Blog About Private and Government Recalls on consumer products, pharmaceutical drugs, food, autos and more.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

How to Make Your Own Dog and Cat Food the Simple Way

Since we obviously can't trust the so-called "dog food" and "cat food" manufacturers to supply our pets with sustenance that doesn't contain of ingredients that can kill them, we might just be forced to make our own. But don't worry - it's easier than you think! (click here for a list of dogfood recalls , and click here for a list of catfood recalls)

I am holding back the urge to rant on about corporate responsibility and how, to some of us, our pet is like our child. Melamine is a metabolite of cyromazine, a pesticide. How would they like it if someone put pesticides in their child's baby food? But instead, I'll just give you a few recipes for homemade pet food.
First of all, it is a myth that you can't feed your pet healthy, home-made food on a budget. You don't need to spend a lot of time on this. Cats and dogs in the wild will eat just about anything, including most of what they can find in our garbage cans. We are not saying feed your dog or cat table scraps and garbage. But we ARE saying that you don't need to cook them some gormet meal every night. Here's how simple it can be:
(See pet food treats recipe below. These are more than just "treats". Think of them as dietary supplements for your pet.)
Dogs are happy with something as simple as chicken and rice. They do need a carbohydrate source, so don't feed them meat-only meals. And you should also avoid certain ingredients, as they can be dangerous (i.e. onions, garlic, grapes, and chocolate).
Home Made Simple Dog Food Recipe #1
Basic Chicken, Rice, and Oats
- One whole boiled cooked chicken (don't feed the dog the entire chicken. Just the meat.)
- Half Bag wild brown rice cooked in with the chicken
- One Cup of Oats

Notes: The oats are added when chicken is done. This should be enough to feed an average-sized dog for about three days.

Cats require more protein and less carbohydrates than dogs. Here is a simple way to feed your cat home-cooked meals while all of these pet food recalls are going around:
Home Made Cat Food Recipe #1
High Protein Catfood Meal

Switch off the protein sources with each batch or two. Switch between:
- Half Pound of minced boneless chicken breast or thigh
- Six Ounces of dark-mean ground turkey or minced turkey
- Half Pound of lean, minced beef
- Half Pound of minced beef, chicken or turkey heart

Notes: About three times per week, include one chopped hard-boiled or scrambled egg. Occasionally substitute a five-ounce can of salmon or tuna for the meat. Avoid canned salmon or tuna for cats that are prone to urinary tract infections
In addition to making your own dog food or cat food, you can make your own pet treats just as easily, and they provide a great supplement to your pet's diet:
LIVER COOKIES for Dogs and Cats
- Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F
- Combine Half Cup dry milk and Half Cup wheat germ; drip one teaspoon of honey on top.
- Add one 3 1/3 oz. jar of strained liver baby food or homemade blended liver and stir until everything is well mixed.
- Form the mixture into balls; place them on an oiled cookie sheet and flatten them with a fork.
- Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.
- Consistency of Liver Cookies should be fudgy.
- Store in a jar in the refridgerator, and these dog or cat treats will stay good for 3-5 days.
How to Make a Few More Home-Made Dog and Cat Food Recipes:
Dog Food Recipe #2 - Slightly More Complicated but Still Simple
What You Need: One Pound Lean Ground Beef, Four large eggs, Eight cups brown rice, Twelve slices of decrusted, crumbled bread (white or wheat)
How to Make It:
- Fully Cook the ground beef
- Drain the Grease from the pan
- Boil the eggs, discard the yellows, and crumble the whites into the beef mix
- Boil rice in unsalted water until tender. Let cool.
- Add rice to beef and egg mixture. Add crumbled white bread to mixture.
- Serve when cool
*Always serve at room temperature

How to Make Dog Food with Veggies Mixed In
What You Need:
One pound of chicken breast, Four cups frozen diced carrots (defrosted), Four cups frozen diced green beans (defrosted), One table spoon of Vegetable oil
How to Make It:
- Saute chicken in vegetable oil until thoroughly cooked. Remove and cool.
- Cook carrots and green beans in a pan until warm.
- Shred cooled chicken into small pieces. Mix with carrots and green beans.
- Serve at room temperature.
Cat Food with Veggies Mixed In
What You Need: Six cups brown rice, Four large eggs, Four cups frozen diced carrots, Four cups frozen diced green beans, Four table spoons of vegetable oil
How to Make it:
- Cook rice in unsalted boiling water until tender.
- Boil EggsLet cool and peel.
- Saute rice, carrots, and green beans.
- Add crumbled egg whites and vegetable oil.
- Mix well and serve at room temperature.
Do you have catfood or dogfood recipe that you would like to share? Do you know how to make healthy food for your pet? Please comment below so we can share your recipe with the rest of our readers!

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posted by Everett at 12:08 PM  


Anonymous said...

i check everyday on recalls i'm glad i give the best i can 2 my animals (2 cats & a basset hound). the cats get only melody fancy feast-they won't eat anything else. the dog get pediagree lamb & rice. of course being a dog he will eat anything but i'm happy he's happy with it. they get wet food 4 breakfast & eat dry food the rest of the time they get only the best in that also. the companies should quit making foods for our "kids" if they don't won't eat it.more animals are being affected than what's being said about it.

1:41 AM  

sheri said...

dogs LOVE apples. Mix bite sized chunks to your recipe for a little crunch!

7:01 AM  

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for those easy recipes for cat and dog food. I'm a rehaber for wildlife and the raccoons that I raise eat dry cat food and occassionally I cook chicken for them. I think I may have lost one due to the tainted cat food. She hadn't been sick but one morning I went to feed them and I found her dead. This was back on Feb. 16th before the recall. My others don't appear sick, but I've stopped giving them the cat food. These recipes will help me tremendously!!!

9:15 PM  

Steve said...

I just want to point out that these recipes are incredibly nutritionally imbalanced, and that you should by no means feed them as any sort of long term diet for your pets. The argument that "cats and dogs in the wild" will eat anything is misleading, because feral cats and dogs have maybe 1/4 or 1/5 the life expectancy of a well cared for pet. Furthermore, wild animals eat the whole bird, whole mouse, or whatever they catch, not just the breast meat. There is a great deal more nutrition in a whole mouse than in a chicken breast. If you're going to avoid the big corporate pet foods, at least feed one of the smaller "natural" foods which is at least designed for your pets.

9:00 PM  

Anonymous said...

we usually buy rotissiere chicken from the supermarket for about 4-5 bucks. we're asian so we always have cooked rice on hand anyways. we just microwave some chicken, mix the rice and chicken in their dry dog food and thats it. no cooking really. except for the rice i guess. we have a rice steamer. takes like 5 min to prepare their dinner.

11:50 PM  

Everett said...

Steve the problem is we don't know who or what food to trust. Even the "natural" foods are really just marketing ploys. What's natural about them. Have a look at the ingredients, because they all contain wheat gluten, yeast, corn starch... I don't know of any wild dog or cat breeds that eat corn starch and yeast. Of course, my cat does eat grass now and then - when it wants to puke!

But you do have a good point. These are meant to be simple recipes that you can use to feed your cat or dog while waiting for some dust to settle and finding a TRUSTWORTHY pet food brand.

I'm with Steve though - I would not make this a long-term solution. But at least for now you know you're not poisoning them. These recalls aren't over. I'm sure there are plenty more brands on the shelves that contain harmful ingredients.

7:52 AM  

Steve said...

Everett, your point is well-taken. I am just afraid that people may read your article and think that they are doing good for their dog by feeding it hamburger and rice on a permanent basis (which is sounds like some of your readers may be doing).

I am by no means a proponent of the "natural" pet foods, but given a choice between having people feed their dog meat and rice or their cat straight meat versus a bag of Wysong, Innova, or god forbid the B.A.R.F. diet, the latter option is much better for the pet.

I don't really see a problem with pets eating wheat gluten, yeast, and corn starch. Those are all perfectly natural ingredients that people eat all the time. For one thing, there are no "wild" dachsunds or Persian cats. For another, I'm sure the "wild" homo sapiens didn't evolve by eating wheat gluten, yeast, and corn starch. The real problem is the industrialization and centralization of food production, which is as big a problem in human foods as in pet foods. The scares involving E. coli in spinach and Salmonella in peanut butter are simply the two most recent examples of this. There is nothing inherently wrong with spinach or peanut butter -- the problem is in the production and distribution of them.

12:48 PM  

Anonymous said...

I have a sick feline baby. Diagnosed Feb. 17 so I don't think it was from the recall foods but I cannot say since I would try different foods. He has always been finicky (likes most Fancy Feast, fresh shrimp, crab or tuna) but since he has been ill, it’s almost impossible to get him to eat anything, especially the prescription foods. He does like the gravies in the Fancy Feast foods. Does anyone have cat-tasty gravy recipes that my baby boy can get some nutrition from? Apparently carbs and "good" fats do not put a burden on the kidneys. Thanks for anyone’s help. Joan Diagnosied

11:14 AM  

Sherry said...

Thanks for the recipies. I have ground meat and rice in the cooker and the Pit Bull/Doberman just brought me her dish. I guess it smells good. Question: why would this not be a good permanent choice for dog food? I really like it, it is cheap, and it seems to hhave a lot better ingredients that commerial dog food.

5:10 PM  

Everett said...

Sheri, I wouldn't advise them as permanent diet simply because - as Steve noted - domesticated animals require a nutritionally balanced diet. This is good for the time being, and it also a good alternative to throw into their diet now and then so your pets don't have to eat the same boring stuff every night (how would you like meatloaf every night for your whole life?). But you should consult with your vet before thinking about using any recipe you find online as a "permanent" source of food for your pet.

But these recipes were chosen because they are simple, cheap, and provide carbohydrates, fat and protein - all three macronutrients. It's the micronutrients that you'll have to think about for the long term.

And I hope your pets live LONG happy lives.



8:57 PM  

Anonymous said...

hi just to say thankyou,my dogs are loving the rice and chicken meals,also goin to try the liver treats.i was fed up with the increased prices of canned/dry dog food,so decided to try your recipe..............much cheaper ,and i know exactly whats gone into it..........from a dog lover

5:11 AM  

Anonymous said...

Is there a way to make dry pet food from scratch? What about using a food processor? I'm looking for something with a long shelf life.

6:57 PM  

Anonymous said...

These recalls are really very disheartening. we thought our dogfood was safe it is a small dog food company called natural balance, and after the other recalls I went to the fda website and signed up for their e-mail notification of recalled products. so now i got an e-mail saying that the venison and brown rice formula i have been feeding my dogs (3 seniors and 1 mama feeding 5 pups) has been recalled as well, but they are not supposed to have any wheat gluten in the food. they claim it was some mistake of how they mixed the batch, but won't give out the lot number. I don't know what to trust now, as many area stores still have the recalled foods from the wheat gluten thing and are still selling it as I hear. which I also was notified of by the FDA that many stores are still selling it in FDA spot checks. so for now, just until some of this blows over, I am going to put the dogs on a homeade diet because I can't risk my nursing pups. I know you can't really give them a well balanced diet but i don't know what else to do. How long is this string of recalls going to go on? and on top of that many dog treats have been recalled as well, that isn't getting as much publicity. purina and delmonte both are some of the ones that recalled treats. this concerned me as far as the fact that even though further recalls have not been announced yet for those two companies, I wonder if more are coming. purina makes friskies cat food and delmote make nine lives according to their websites... scary stuff i am just jumpy now and am not sure what else to do!!

4:10 PM  

Anonymous said...

Steve and Everett,
You say these recipes aren't for long term. Then what recipe//recipes are? After the recalls, I thought I'd be safe and switch to Natural Balance Venison and Brown Rice dry dog food only to find out it has been recalled. If the pet food brand names can't be trusted and homemade recipes are nutritionally imbalanced, what are dog owner's suppose to feed their dogs?

6:08 PM  

Everett said...

"What are dog owner's suppose to feed their dogs?"

That's the million-dollar question. The truth is, I don't know. That's why I posted these recipes, so there would an alternative for now. But as a permanent solution, would you should do is ASK A VET. Get a home made dogfood recipe from a vet. Chances are it is going to match closely with some of the natural home made recipes on this page, but the difference is you will be getting the inforamtion from a qualified professional rather than the internet. Wouldn't you feel safer that way?

As a dog owner, I too am concerned. I have no idea what to feed my dog these days, and am paranoid that I'm poisoning him if I used regular dry dogfood from the store. So I try to make my own using these recipes - but for how long?

11:58 AM  

Anonymous said...

I am the one who posted a comment right as the natural balance food was first recalled and I had a dog with pups on the food. The company told our local petstore that the food was NOT contaminated, that they had simply mixed the batch wrong. apparently not, and I felt it in the pit of my stomach right to begin with that it would end up to be melamine. now they have said that they actually had a bag marked melamine??? I really believe what I have heard now, that the melamine gives a false positive for protein and that would mean the companies are likely buying it on purpose. so now this company that distributed the rice that was contaminated admits that at least 4 other pet food companies recieved and used the rice protein during the same time that natural balance did, but they did not release the names of those companies because so far their tests have come out negative for melamine. talk about irresponsible. and this is from a different company in China that sent it here! NOT the same company as from the Menu wheat gluten recall . I did go ahead and make the homeade dogfood, I did it for close to what the dogfood costs me normally, and the dogs love it, but still... I feel that I can't give my nursing Mama dog enough nutrition, so i have her on purina puppy chow, which i don't really like, but it has corn. I am looking for something in a dry food that I feel I can trust, because in a little under 2 weeks, I have to have something for my pups, I am not quite sure what the natural diet will do with their little digestive systems. what to do, what to do... and i live in a very very small town about 35 miles from a bigger store, we have a limited selection here. we thought of getting the natural balance duck and potato, but i just don't know if we can trust it now, i find myself saying, but where did they get this ingredient, or that one... which is exactly what i thought before the venison and rice food was recalled. I had a feeling about it, I knew it was coming I just knew it.

9:42 PM  

Steve said...

I am actually a veterinary student (graduating in a month), which is probably why lots of warning bells went off in my head when I first read this article. I can tell you that most veterinarians are relatively clueless about nutrition, which is to say very few of them would be capable of giving you a complete and balanced homemade diet recipe upon request (myself included). Every board-certified veterinary nutritionist I know recommends commercial maintenance or prescription diets unless a pet has multiple organ dysfunctions (e.g., kidney disease, heart disease, intestinal disease, etc.) for which none of the prescription diets are appropriate.

That said, this is a difficult time for owners and vets, because a food which is not recalled one week may be on the recall list next week. The Veterinary Information Network, a subscription service for vets, points to two online nutritional consultation services if anyone is interested in paying for consultation with board-certified veterinary nutritionists. The first is:

That site has a lot of information, FAQs, etc. as well as consultation services and recipes which can be purchased for $50 or so (ouch!).

The second is:

At the bottom of the page you can link to the "Homemade Recipe Creator" which supposedly is free with the promotional code "VIN" while the recall is in effect. You have to give your email address, though BalanceIT claims they won't flood you with promo emails if you use the code.

VIN also has a free "generic" recipe for healthy dogs and cats which I will publish in the next comment.

1:40 PM  

Steve said...

The following is the recipe given on VIN, with disclaimers. You could probably substitute different sources of protein (beef, pork, turkey, fish, etc.) and carbohydrate (brown rice, pasta, baked potato, sweet potato, etc.), but given the detail-oriented list of other ingredients I would certainly recommend following them exactly.


PLEASE NOTE: This recipe should be fed for not more than 2 months. Clinicians are advised to set up a consultation with the client at the end of this period to revisit feeding requirements and to consider either re-instituting commercial food products, or a consultation with a clinical nutritionist.

Standard Pet Formula - adequate for healthy dogs and cats over 6 months of age

1 pound fresh boneless skinless chicken breast
2 and 2/3 cup cooked white rice
1 Tablespoon safflower oil
1/4 tsp Morton's lite salt
1/4 tsp iodinated salt
3 grams of calcium carbonate without vitamin D (regular Tums - check size)
1 Centrum adult multivitamin-mineral supplement (no special senior, ocular, women's or other versions)
1/4 tsp taurine powder (or 500 mg tablet) (taurine is optional for dogs - essential for cats)

Sauté chopped chicken breast in oil until thoroughly cooked. Add rice and salt.

Grind Tums (calcium carbonate), multi vitamin/mineral tab, and taurine supplement together. Add to cooled mixture. Store in refrigerator. Larger batches may be prepared in advance and stored in the freezer.

Nutritional profile

40% protein (Dry matter basis (DMB))
12% fat DMB
6% calcium DMB
4.3% phosphorus
1.4:1.0 calcium:phosphorus

Calories: 1046 kcal per batch or 1.12 kcal/gram

Batch size: 932 grams

To feed, calculate caloric needs and divide into twice daily feeding. One recipe batch should provide adequate intake for a 10-12 pound cat for 3 days or a 40-45 pound dog for 1 day.

Adjust intake to maintain ideal body weight.

2:02 PM  

Anonymous said...

Hi I came on to find out about the royal canine recall-i supliment my homade chicken and rice food with it. I really would make my own dry food if I could get a recipe. I am on my 3rd poodle- both my previous poodles lived to be over 16 years old and were healthy to the end. Our family has always fed our dogs homemade food, mainly because my mom couldn't stand the smell of canned food. The only difference in what the dogs get and I eat myself is all the stuff is mixed together and once it goes in "the dog tupperware" it becomes dog food. I usually just cook a chicken or a turkey (because thats what she likes)till its falling off the bone in a big pot, with a sprinkling of mrs dash garlic mix. then i go an clean the meat off the bones,,,i leave the tiny kneck bones- catilage and all the skin and gross stuff and throw it back in the juices. towards the end i throw in veggies-usually the peas-carrots-garlic and if i have spinach a bit of that, then i toss in an egg, maybe some cheese,then i toss in 2 cups of cooked rice and stir it all up. then i take a hand blender and break up the big chunks, but not blending it all. then i put it in snack size ziplocks- about 12 bags and throw them in the freezer. I leave a bowl of dry food out just to round it all out (this is the first dog that would eat it tho) and now until this scare is over it's gonna be all homemade. I don't know what to do about the cat- she is 16 plus and only eats canned. and angel food cake. Also my dogs have always liked coke and jelly beans. I can drop a whole steak on the floor- no reaction-but if she hears a candy wrapper...but she is trim- healthy- and happy. So if anyone knows how to make dry food- pass it on...thanks BABS
ps- i have been to china most do not care about animals and are extra extra cruel to dogs and cats, so I don't think they will be to worried about this problem, so this could last a while.

6:31 PM  

MR Bruno said...

The attitude of the pet food industry was succinctly put when they recently claimed after the Senate hearing that their products are "safe."

Consumers have ben fed hype about the necessity of commercial pet and dog food since the industry started in postwar America in response to a need to find profit from industrial garbage.

This is not the first recall of contaminated dog food but has caught the world's attention due to the scope of the disaster.

With virtually no regulation, no truth in labeling of any consequence and an unsuspecting consumer feeding supposedly "healthy and balanced" dog food that contains poisons, carcinogenics, fillers, preservatives, euthanized dogs and cats, diseased animal parts and worse....

The time has come to force an accounting from the pet food industry and for pet owners to insist on quality foods....better yet make your own at home...then you'll know what your best little pal is eating....

9:37 PM  

Anonymous said...

Steve and Everett:
A few other web sites I looked at all agreed that a B.A.R.F. diet for cats was best. Their reasoning being that in the wild, cats are purely carnivorous. From your knowledge, is that true? My poor cat suffers from urinary blockages and he even underwent the surgery to widen his urinary tract. Unfortunately, even with the surgery and special PH food, his urine still occasionally becomes bloody.
I was hoping that using Feline’s Pride’s recipe ( ) would clear him up once and for all. What do you all think?

1:49 AM  

Patty said...

Here is a vet approved recipe for dogs, my dog has been eating variations of this for years and is monitored by my vet all the time.

Maitenance Recipe

reg ground beef 4 oz (1/4 lb)
rice (brown or white) 2 cups
whole wheat bread 2 slices
fresh carrot 1 large
sunflower seed oil 1 1/2 teas
psyllium husks or wheat germ or oat bran 1/2 teas
calcium 750 mg
vitamin & mineral premix 1/4 teas

Method: Cook ground beef, drain all fat, cook rice and combine with meat add cubed bread (or substitute 1 cook sweet potato) cook all meat and rice without salt or seasoning. Add oil and cool. Shred or chop carrot (you can cook it if you like) add other vegetables if desired, (dogs will tolerate cooked brocolli or green beans or small amounts of cooked tomatoes) Chop small or blend in a food processor.
Add the calcium (I use boiled and ground egg shell 2 teas or calcium tablets from a pharmacy) Add a 1/4 teas of Vitamin & Mineral premix from your Vet. As well I put in one capsule of cod liver oil. You can double and triple this recipe and freeze it without the supplements. You can use poultry (6oz cooked chicken + 1 1/2 cups rice + 1 cooked sweet potato & 2 Tbls corn oil to 1000 mg calcium) You can also add more cooked or raw vegetables and some fruit (small amounts of apples, blueberries & bananas seem to be tolerated) You can switch the meat requirements to lamb or chicken livers or pork regularly. Keep in mind that the supplements are necessary and essential to a balanced diet for your dog.

8:52 AM  

kodiak's _mom said...

I have been feeding my dog home cooked meals for the past year due to food intolerances. She is now 13 months old and 75 lbs.
She gets 4 oz of cooked meat(deboned-skinless chicken or turkey, lamb, or veal), 4 oz of mixed veggies(spinach collards and carrots) and 4 oz of rice or oatmeal. she also gets a vit. B-complex pill,200 IU of vit. E and 1000mg of Flaxseed in her morning meal. Her evening meal is the same just without the vitamins.

6:57 AM  

Anonymous said...

I haave a vet approved recipe given to me many years ago for a very sick dog. Very simple! 3 ingred. browned g. beef, minute rice - white or brown- cottage cheese. Make any amount just use equal parts of the g. beef , rice, and cheese. I have put my toy fox terrier on this. Since Iams is on the approved list)dry food)I add alittle of this sometimes.

4:03 PM  

Steve said...

Babs: Commercial dry pet food is made with industrial extruders, not unlike those used to make puffed snacks such as Cheetos. It is not really a method that can be simulated in the home kitchen.

Re BARF diet: If the BARF diet is followed accurately, it is probably at least a more complete diet than most homemade diets. It is not, however, particularly safe for human handlers. Many dogs and cats on a raw food diet are found to be shedding E. coli or Salmonella in their feces. Given that humans are routinely exposed to their pets' feces when cleaning it up, it may not be a great idea. Also, a little blood in the urine is not a big problem, as long as your cat can still pee normally. Have your vet check the cat regularly for urinary tract infections.

Patty's recipe actually looks pretty decent.

Kodiak's Mom: I would recommend novel food diets (ones based on venison, duck, kangaroo, potato, barley, etc.) before going homemade. After that, I would try a hypoallergenic diet that you can purchase from your vet (the two most common ones are Hill's z/d and Purina HA). If you insist on going homemade, I would recommend using a regular adult multivitamin rather than the B complex. And I would use fish oil rather than flaxseed oil (dogs are unable to convert the inactive omega-3 fatty acid in flaxseed into the active form). I would also add a calcium supplement (just calcium, no vitamin D).

To the anonymous poster after kodiak: That diet (ground beef, rice, cottage cheese) sounds like a diet that was meant to be an easily digestible meal to be used only while starting your dog eating again after pancreatitis, not to be fed permanently! Any vet that recommends that as a long-term diet should have his license revoked.

9:03 PM  

Anonymous said...

A little over two years ago, my beautiful, sweet 4 year old Doberman was diagnosed with bone cancer. We had her leg amputated and in order to make sure her health was as good as it possibly could be we began feeding her (and her younger brother) a completely home made diet. We went to a variety of vets, both traditional and "holistic" and came upon our own recipes which was a compilation of all of the home made diets these vets recommended.

Here is the basic recipe:

60% Meat. This changes with each batch but is whole Turkey, Beef, Rabbit (farm raised), pork, whole chicken and occasionally fish, when using poultry we include the "giblets" and also add calf liver or chicken liver to the batches every second or third batch.

20% vegetables. I generally decide which vegetables to use depending on what is available organically at the time. The veggies I often use are asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peas, beets, leafy vegetables like kale, celery or tomatoes. Apparently mushrooms are good for them too. Just avoid onions, garlic and grapes/raisins.

20% grains. I rarely use rice, but I'm sure rice is fine. I usually use barley, quinoa, oats, buckwheat or sweet potatoes (technically not a grain, but the vet told me to use them in place of the grain) I use sweet potatoes quite often.
Then I add a tablespoon or two of bone meal and a handful of seaweed (wonderful source of minerals, you can find it in nice supermarkets. Check the ingredients on sushi Nori before using it, I usually use dulse or kelp). You vet may recommend some vitamin supplements which can be added to the food.

The whole thing goes into a crockpot with a little water or home made poultry broth and is slow cooked for 8 hours or so. At the end of cooking, if there is too much liquid, I add more grain and cook until it is absorbed. Then I use a potato masher to mush everything together or my babies will pick around the veggies. If the meat had bones in it (especially chicken and turkey), make sure you pick them out This mix goes in the fridge and is fed to the dogs.

We also give them raw "marrow bones" often as it is good for the teeth and is another good source of calcium.

Although our beautiful girl succumbed to the cancer when it moved into her lungs, she lived almost a year longer than the vets expected. Her brother is incredibly healthy and happy and is never fed anything other than this food. He has been on this diet for more than two years. He sees a vet regularly and the vet is always complimentary of his health, weight and teeth condition. It is quite possible to not ever feed your dogs "regular dog food" and have them be healthy. I will beg you though to make sure you are not missing any nutrition by doing two things: first, talk to your vet, seriously. And second, think to yourself, if this is all I ate, would all of my nutritional needs be met? Our nutritional needs are different, but similar enough that it's a good starting point. I assure you, there is no truth in the notion that only dog food manufacturers are capable of feeding your pet correctly.

Because the cooking is done in a crockpot, it's actually less work than you think, I'll never go back to store bought dogfood.

7:56 PM  

LANA said...

Well before the recalls, I made 2 weeks worth of food at a time (obviously freeze and use as needed) for my 10lb Papillon consisting of boiled chicken, brown rice, carrots and green beans. I've also recently starting adding Solid Gold Seameal mineral and vitamin supplement to this at each serving. She gets dry food as well (Nutro dental or Innova), and I plan to do this for her for the rest of her life regardless. Her allergies are gone, her coat is beautiful, her breath is so much better., and her energy level has skyrocketed. When she ate Caesar's wet food, I had to have her teeth cleaned once a year and tartar built rapidly thereafter, but now I brush them 2 to 3 times a week, and they sparkle.

3:49 PM  

Anonymous said...

I would like to set the record straight for the many people who do not have enough information on non-kibble diets. A cooked natural food diet seems the most "natural" to us, because we eat cooked food. I condone this; it is much better than ANY kibble. Aside from the recall problems, kibble has much of the nutritional value within it destroyed in the cooking/baking process.

The BARF or raw diet for animals is very mysterious and confusing if you have never had any experience with it. I have been using it for years with my three dogs, and other dogs before them. Please don't dismiss it unless you truly understand it. It is definitely not a method of feeding for most people, because it can be expensive and labour-intensive, but it is NOT unsafe for anyone involved (the animals, the handlers, nor children in the home - my kids can attest to that). It is one of the healthiest diets you can feed your animals.

A side note about consulting vets about diets: having a career in the pet industry and worked side-by-side with vets, pet food reps, and trainers, I know that most vets are sponsored in part by one pet food company or another, so they are often biased toward that brand or the lines in a certain brand. Most vets do not know enough about nutrition, and most would not condone either a cooked natural or a raw natural diet for your pets.

Having said all that, the 60-20-20 crockpot recipe for Anonymous's Dobermanns (above) sounds terrific.

9:37 AM  

Anonymous said...

I have extensive recipes from a holistic veterinarian in Portland, Oregon; I feel pretty confident that they're nutritionally well-balanced; let me know if i can attach them as a pdf, and i'd be happy to send them along.
I've been cooking for my dog ever since the recall, as i have absolutely no confidence in the pet food industry anymore, no matter whether they tell me their food is "safe" or not. Also, many of the "safe" foods are basically just crap that a human would never THINK of putting in their body. "Safe" means it won't kill your dog or cat--that's about it.
So, i basically do the rice, meat, and veggie thing (plus veggie oil, eggs, cheese, etc), and top it off with a vitamin from Petmeds that i HOPE is safe.
In lieu of cooking fresh veggies, i sometimes use organic baby food. Otto especially loves peas and carrots.
It's EASY to cook for your dog; i just do it on Sunday, and zip lock individual servings to last through the week. With regard to garlic, i did a lot of checking, and apparently it's toxic in large doses. A tiny sprinkling for flavor is safe, and also has some beneficial effects. So, don't fear the garlic, just watch the quantity! Since i've been feeding Otto and his buddy, Mr. Paris, homemade food, they look healthier, with shinier coats and a noticeable improvement in muscle tone. Also, Mr. Paris used to almost always vomit after eating, and that has stopped. Don't trust the food manufacturers if you love your pet!

12:16 PM  

Lana said...

FYI: My vet said that a veterinarian is not the person to ask about animals diets, a nutritionist should be consulted if you want confirmation as to nutritional value of the food you cook your beloved pet at home.
Cooking my dogs food is the only option, and yes it can be labor-intensive, but it costs almost the same and it's worth it and I did do research into nutrients needed for my dog, and I'm convinced what I feed my dog meets what she needs.

2:14 PM  

Lana said...

FYI, ask a nutritionist, not a vet, about homecooking. Vets are not schooled on nutritional needs for animals.

2:18 PM  

Chris said...

As owners of two cats that were fed nothnig but hills Rx diet (C/d, W/d and now T/d) it dawned on us that feeding our babies is no different than feeding ourselves.

True, we require different diets to be healthy, but us humans can do quite nicely on unprocessed foods. Wee have basic nutritional needs which must be met to remaain healthy but this is done without eating prepared kibble like foods.

Cats are carnivores, they require a different diet than people but thats not rocket science. A good place to start is to look at various felines that are in zoo's. Keepers and nutritionists have been forumulating heathly diets for years without depending on kibble or canned foods.

Its true that good food costs more than kibble or canned but isn't your pet a family member, someone you love and want the best for.


6:56 PM  

Shannon said...

My best friends dog passed away after eating canned dog food that was involved in the recall. After that I began cooking homemade meals based on recipes I found in a cookbook for dogs. It is quite similar to the 60-20-20 recipe mentioned earlier. My dog is almost 2, and since she was a puppy she has turned her nose up at every type of commercial dog food we have bought. It will sit in her bowl for days until I have to throw it out. Since I have been feeding her the homemade stuff, she devours it! She watches me make it and knows it's for her. I do it on my day off and it takes me a half hour at the most for a one week batch which I freeze half of. I have noticed a big difference in her energy level as well. I figure that even if her diet is not 100% nutritionally balanced as some believe, it is still better than feeding her poison.

4:27 AM  

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US Recall News does not claim to be part of any government entity. Our recalled product coverage is not all-inclusive or complete. Check with the appropriate agency for full recall coverage.

TOPICS: Food; Health/Medicine; Pets/Animals
KEYWORDS: petfood
I was googling for a list of safe [a.k.a. non-Chinese] cat food* and came across thisjust cut-and-pasted the entire page. Don't know how to do that and edit at the same time.

* Iams Regular for Cats is what I've been feeding my two four-on-the-floor for years but, alas...

1 posted on 07/06/2007 4:20:39 AM PDT by yankeedame
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To: Arizona Carolyn; mom4kittys; blam; Salamander; Red Badger; WakeUpAndVote; dirtboy; Overtaxed; ...

2 posted on 07/06/2007 4:31:19 AM PDT by mom4kittys (If velvet could sing, it would sound like Josh Groban)
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To: mom4kittys

Thanks for the ping!

3 posted on 07/06/2007 4:33:47 AM PDT by trisham (Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
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To: yankeedame

All I need are recipes for a cat with high BUN and CRE levels.

4 posted on 07/06/2007 6:13:12 AM PDT by Overtaxed
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To: Overtaxed
There are commercial products available thru Purina and Hill’s. These companies cannot afford to be dishonest and not make a product that intentionally harms your pet. Believe me, the prescription diet companies go through great lengths to help your pets. Individuals making their own cat and dog foods are already contributing to my income.
5 posted on 07/06/2007 6:23:33 AM PDT by vetvetdoug
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To: vetvetdoug
There are commercial products available thru Purina and Hill’s. These companies cannot afford to be dishonest and not make a product that intentionally harms your pet. Believe me, the prescription diet companies go through great lengths to help your pets.

Aye, that's true of any industry. But the problem here in not with the industry but with those they have contracted to produce the actual merchandise -- in this case pet food.

I have no doubt Purina, Hill Science, Iams, etc. take, and have taken, the greatest care in producing a wholesome, worthwhile product; unfortunately, those they have sub-contracted this product to, the Chinese, simply have not. I can imagine the damage control going on at these corporate HQs...and the angry phone calls and emails raining down on their agents in mainland China; even now you can hear contracts being ripped up while the Chinese cadre merely shrug their shoulders. They can't be successfully sued and they know it.

The free market works, and even now it is correcting itself. Pet food producers are searching out and lining up new, reliable producers for their product. When the dust settles, they will trumpet to the consumer that their products are once again safe.

(I posted the article simply to pass it along to fellow Freepers. With a grin and a wink, I have to admit that, frankly, I'm just too dog gone lazy to make homemade meals for my two cats. Heck, my husband's lucky if his dinner doesn't come out of a box and/or the freezer!)

6 posted on 07/06/2007 6:55:47 AM PDT by yankeedame ("Oh, I can take it but I'd much rather dish it out.")
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To: yankeedame

I switched to organic pet food.

It is delivered to my door in 10 lb containers. It is about $2.00 more than my regular Purina dog food that he had eaten for years. I figure the cost of gas almost makes that up :)

My dog loves it and actually seems to have some improvement in his health problem.

Anyone in Western NY interested can freep mail me and I will give the link to the business.

7 posted on 07/06/2007 8:14:02 AM PDT by ears_to_hear (Pray for America)
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To: yankeedame

Thanks for the info. We are using Bil-Jac dry from PetSmart(large breed puppy type) for our new puppy, and are quite pleased with it so far. We mix it with a little canned Hill’s Prescription I/D (she developed a taste for it when she had tummy problems, and we are weaning her off this), some cooked rice, and a dollop of cottage cheese, which she adores. Bil-Jac is the ONLY dog food that she likes consistently and does not seem to get bored with it. She is inclined to be picky, so we were grateful to find something she likes.

For the record, we tried Natural Balance, and she really didn’t like it. The other one we tried is Canidae, and she will eat that if it is mixed in with the Bil-Jac.

8 posted on 07/06/2007 9:48:49 AM PDT by alwaysconservative (Enforcement, enforcement, enforcement. . .)
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To: vetvetdoug

I’ve got her on Hill’s k/d but I think she gets bored with’s not as tasty or varied as her old Fancy Feast varieties. I’d like to make her some homemade treats once in a while.

9 posted on 07/06/2007 9:54:13 AM PDT by Overtaxed
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To: gopheraj

mark to read later

10 posted on 07/06/2007 10:25:50 AM PDT by gopheraj
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To: AdmSmith; Berosus; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; KlueLass; ...

Don’t most of those dog and cat recipes come from China in the first place? Oh, wait...

11 posted on 07/08/2007 4:09:57 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (This tagline optimized for the Mosaic browser. Profile updated Friday, July 6, 2007.)
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To: SunkenCiv to serve your cat and dog...on a plate.

12 posted on 07/08/2007 4:29:57 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Fair dinkum!)
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To: Fred Nerks

Trouble is, I much prefer live monkey brains.

13 posted on 07/08/2007 4:56:55 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (This tagline optimized for the Mosaic browser. Profile updated Friday, July 6, 2007.)
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