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Why I Support President Bush and the ZOT!
Posted on 03/19/2006 6:29:28 AM PST by thousand dollar hamburger
I think he has a sincere desire to help everyone. he has even gone out of his way to embrace people like Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy. He does not hold grudges as shown by his willingness to bend over backwards to allow terrorist supporting nations to operate our ports. We need this type of benevolent leader.
Our President is not a cheapskate, as he has opened up our budget to give to anyone who might need anything.
Aliens from all nations are welcomed into our great country without having to deal with mundane bureaucratic State approval. Cutting government red tape -- that's the Bush way!
Yes, our Prseident even realizes that occupying as many countries around the world as possible is the best way to spread American ideals.
We are truly lucky to have this great man. I suggest that at 10:00 AM EST, we all stand up in unison and shout -- HOORAY FOR BUSH!!!
KEYWORDS: 00hbushrobustezas; 0allyouraliens; 0arebelongtous; 0wn3d; 0wned; 1firstkeyword; 2dollarbrain; 99centspecial; anicetrystupid; antibushbot; ass; assclown; asshatcrybaby; democratcrybaby; drunkandstupied; drunkentroll; duncezotted; dunderhead; eelctrotherapyneeded; fintanisfulloflove; freeperindisguise; gabzisharbanero; gotzot; hastalavistababy; hatebush; hoorayforzot; isthisyourbrain; itszottingtime; kittychow; monkeyfacerules; mymoomysaysimspecial; mypoopyhurts; mysterymeat; ownage; owned; pinhead; pwn3d; pwn4g3; pwned; retardedfool; sadtruthaboutatroll; schrodingerszot; scully; stonedtroll; stoutismulder; troll; trollingfordummies; trollishigh; trollisinneedofazot; trolloncrack; trollonpot; trollzot; trollzotted; vikingkitties; vikingkittiesrule; vk; zot; zotabing; zotadumbass; zotadummy; zotadunce; zotalottadingdong; zotanidiot; zotarama; zotathon; zotatroll; zotbait; zotcrazy; zotforvictory; zothead; zotiseverywhere; zotloft; zotlover; zotmalldaylong; zotme; zotme247; zotme247365; zotmeagainandagain; zotmealldaylong; zotmeallmonthlong; zotmeallnightlong; zotmeallweeklong; zotmeallyearlong; zotmeatthepumps; zotmebaby; zotmeforever; zotmehard; zotmehardandlong; zotmeharder; zotmeimaloser; zotmeimanassclown; zotmeimanidiot; zotmeimdumb; zotmeimstupid; zotmeindanuts; zotmeintheass; zotmeinthebutt; zotmeinthecan; zotmeintheevening; zotmeintheface; zotmeinthemorning; zotmeintonextweek; zotmeintothesky; zotmelong; zotmelongandhard; zotmeoverandover; zotmesolongipuke; zotmesolongithurts; zotmetilibleed; zotmetillimdead; zotmetillipuke; zotmetilliscream; zotmeuptheass; zotmobile; zotmyass; zotmybilderberg; zotmyislamicass; zotmysorryass; zotmyworld; zotnip; zotorama; zotsalot; zotsarecool; zottalicious; zottarget; zotted; zotted247; zotted247365; zottedassclown; zottedbacktomecca; zottedbacktothedump; zotteddumbass; zotteddummy; zotteddunce; zottedidiot; zottedislamofascist; zottedleftist; zottedloser; zottedmediumrare; zottedmoron; zotthestupidtroll; zotthetruth; zotthisassclown; zotthisdutroll; zotthisidiot; zotthisloser; zotthistroll; zotthyself; zottoendallzots; zotty; zottytrained; zotusmaximus; zotwaseverywhere; zotwashere; zotwasthere; zotwhatithought; zotwhore; zotwithimpunity; zotzilla; zotzotbaby; zuhzuhzuhzzzotme; zzzotspiracy; zzzzzooooottttt; zzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzot
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To: Das Outsider
You have the neatest way of backing out of a sticky situation...are you sure your last name isn't "Cl..." GAAAHHH! I can't say it! The horror of my mind!
(Must be bedtime for the 'Face. The rest of me will just follow along...)
posted on
04/14/2006 6:36:20 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(Annoy a liberal: Work hard, spend money and fly the flag.)
To: NicknamedBob
Hit it, Bob...the bed is beginning to yell at me incessantly.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:37:03 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(Annoy a liberal: Work hard, spend money and fly the flag.)
To: NicknamedBob
No, the one with the donation request. We get away with a lot, but I don't know how that's going to go over.
I would hope that the ones in charge are intelligent enough to catch the fact that in the post donations were to be sent to an obviously fictional town on an obviously fictional street with a zip code for Minnesota, not Michigan.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:37:52 PM PDT
Das Outsider
("Everybody wants to act like his ancestors were brought here on slave ships. " -Ann Coulter)
To: Das Outsider
posted on
04/14/2006 6:38:27 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(Annoy a liberal: Work hard, spend money and fly the flag.)
To: Monkey Face
And they dump their unwanted waste in our state. Paper, bottles, medical waste, Jennifer Granholm...
posted on
04/14/2006 6:38:39 PM PDT
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Ditch the 1967 Outer Space Treaty! I want my own space bar and grill)
To: NicknamedBob
I'm ready, but suspicious. Wait, I think I hear--yeah, it is. It's a black helicopter outside! You told them, didn't you?
posted on
04/14/2006 6:39:36 PM PDT
Das Outsider
("Everybody wants to act like his ancestors were brought here on slave ships. " -Ann Coulter)
To: Das Outsider
(Chill, Guy! Bob is teasing you! He has nothing better to do on a Friday night!)
posted on
04/14/2006 6:39:36 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(Annoy a liberal: Work hard, spend money and fly the flag.)
To: sionnsar; airborne; tuliptree76; King Prout; Dead Corpse; Genesis defender; timpad; TASMANIANRED; ..
It has been easy to ignore the small planets approach. More and more eyes have sought it out in the twirling skies, and it has been growing.
The ungainly interplanetary vessel spins on, apparently unconcerned with the growing nearness, but in the control facilities, patient observers have been watching the chronometers.
This particular dance has been very thoroughly choreographed.
The notices go out to secure for thrust maneuvers, and to evacuate the Zero Gee facility.
The shimmering pool of floating water is vacuumed away, by the equivalent of an ordinary wet/dry vacuum. Other areas of the central spike at the axis of rotation are also secured.
Work areas and recreational areas are placed in a warning status. It would not be the appropriate time, for instance, for a walk in the forest.
All habitats have been brought to alert status. Even though two will remain in orbit, all will have to maneuver.
The procedure will be as follows:
The newly positioned Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactor/Rocket Motors will be brought up to partial thrust, along with strategically located units on the Thrust Ring and other habitats.
While under thrust, the Flying Castle will be brought back to center axis, and Habitats A and B will be repositioned to a bilateral symmetry in preparation for separation of the Castle from the Group.
This will leave Habitats A and B rotating around the common axis once more, but in a binary formation, attached to the Thrust Ring.
Once that new stability is established, the Flying Castle can separate, still under thrust, to be directed to the planet Mars itself, and continue decelerating all the way down to the surface, landing precisely and exactly in its chosen crater.
Perhaps we should remind our passengers that the reason we are landing in a crater is because the castle has a rounded hull exterior, and no landing legs.
So we picked out a crater in our desired landing area, finding one that should fit us as well as our distant, fondly remembered Lake Fate. (
Once landed, we will immediately begin replenishing our reaction propellant by compressing Martian atmosphere.
The next stages of our exploration must wait for that to be completed. It is, of course, a safety issue. We need to be able to take off again if we must dodge an incoming meteor.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:40:12 PM PDT
(I don't want a World with empty dreams ... Dump the 1967 Outer Space Treaty Now! ... Farm Mars!)
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
Awdang! That's just WRONG!
posted on
04/14/2006 6:40:24 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(Annoy a liberal: Work hard, spend money and fly the flag.)
To: Das Outsider
We have a Hell, a Climax and a Paradise Michigan. A Greenback would fit right in.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:41:06 PM PDT
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Ditch the 1967 Outer Space Treaty! I want my own space bar and grill)
To: Monkey Face
You have the neatest way of backing out of a sticky situation...
You know, it's funny you said that. I remember, years ago, when I was a boy growing up in Arkansas. It was in the summer time. I know because my momma used to bake the best peach pies I ever did have. We used to sit out on the porch just before sunset and talk about things--just things in general. Anyways, one night...
posted on
04/14/2006 6:42:53 PM PDT
Das Outsider
("Everybody wants to act like his ancestors were brought here on slave ships. " -Ann Coulter)
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
posted on
04/14/2006 6:43:04 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(Annoy a liberal: Work hard, spend money and fly the flag.)
To: Das Outsider
Ooh. Easter Island.
Face on Mars looks like.
You right are, sir.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:43:54 PM PDT
Jo Nuvark
((Those who bless Israel will be blessed, those who curse Israel will be cursed. Gen 12:3))
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
We have a Hell, a Climax and a Paradise Michigan. A Greenback would fit right in.
And an Ypsilanti. Don't forget that one.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:44:41 PM PDT
Das Outsider
("Everybody wants to act like his ancestors were brought here on slave ships. " -Ann Coulter)
To: Das Outsider; Harmless Teddy Bear; NicknamedBob; rzeznikj at stout; All son lives there...and peach favorite...anyways, one night...
Looks like the tape broke again folks. Got to head for the blanket show.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:46:10 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(Annoy a liberal: Work hard, spend money and fly the flag.)
To: Jo Nuvark
Ooh. Easter Island. Face on Mars looks like. You right are, sir.
Ooh, a haiku! Let me try one.
Kook website says that,
Face on Mars is high tech stuff,
Never eat SPAM raw.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:47:11 PM PDT
Das Outsider
("Everybody wants to act like his ancestors were brought here on slave ships. " -Ann Coulter)
To: Jo Nuvark; Das Outsider
He's always right. Except when he's wrong. Either way, he's funny when he's drunk.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:47:21 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(Annoy a liberal: Work hard, spend money and fly the flag.)
To: Monkey Face; Jo Nuvark
He's always right. Except when he's wrong. Either way, he's funny when he's drunk.
I don't drink.
posted on
04/14/2006 6:49:00 PM PDT
Das Outsider
("Everybody wants to act like his ancestors were brought here on slave ships. " -Ann Coulter)
To: Das Outsider
There is also a King Arthur's Court, Michigan, a Kentucky, Michigan, Kalamazoo Michigan and of course, Owasso Michigan
posted on
04/14/2006 6:51:02 PM PDT
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Ditch the 1967 Outer Space Treaty! I want my own space bar and grill)
To: Monkey Face
May visions of Peeps dance in your dreams. Good night Face!
posted on
04/14/2006 6:52:31 PM PDT
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Ditch the 1967 Outer Space Treaty! I want my own space bar and grill)
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