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Cognitive Dissonance Revisited: The Key to Defeating the Progressives
Conservative Hideout 2.0 ^ | 3-8-10 | Matt

Posted on 03/08/2010 4:58:22 AM PST by ConservativeHideout

”The mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in a person is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: the person rejects, explains away, or avoids the new information, persuades himself that no conflict really exists, reconciles the differences, or resorts to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in his conception of the world and of himself.”

-Encyclopedia Britannica

My post last year about kids defying the ACLU brought me back to a point I have been making for several years. Socialism collapses in the presence of doubt. In the examples of the fallen Soviet Bloc dictatorships, we see that once the people no longer “believed in” the state, and that their doubt overcame the fear of the state, the state collapsed. When rhetoric and propaganda of the state and party were so completely disconnected from what the people could observe, they lost faith in the system. This is instructive because it shows us the path towards defeating the POTUS and his socialist policies.

By my estimation, socialist states rely on three methods to control their populations. The first is indoctrination. In the US, they took over the public schools some time ago. At each stage, children are exposed to, tested on, and pressured to exhibit, liberal ideology. As many examples have shown, via lawsuits, students have been ridiculed, threatened with failing grades, and otherwise degraded if they deviate from the liberal mantra. Eventually, the children themselves are turned into a self-monitoring mob that reports, belittles, or attacks dissenters. Using the peer pressure that makes children so susceptible, the left is very effective in “brainwashing” our youth. These minions then go to the university, where they are further inculcated into socialism, and are then sent out to convert more minions. If you wish to explore this further, look into how public school teachers and social workers are educated. I believe that the idea here is to create an environment of “no resort.” Either the child/student accepts and regurgitates the liberal mantra at every turn, or punishment will be swift and sure. Those that have different ideas, or can see through the liberal point of view, are effectively silenced and rendered ineffective.

Additionally, the liberals have sought to expand their educational efforts to children at increasingly younger ages. Their goal seems to be the indoctrination of children. To illustrate, let’s look at some quotes by prominent educators and others…

“The schools cannot allow parents to influence the kind of values-education their children receive in school; that is what is wrong with those who say there is a universal system of values. Our (humanistic) goals are incompatible with theirs. We must change their values.”

–Paul Haubner, specialist for the N.E.A.

“Among the elementary measures the American Soviet government will adopt to further the cultural revolution are…[a] National Department of Education…the studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic, and other features of the bourgeois ideology. The students will be taught the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism, internationalism and the general ethics of the new Socialist society.”

–William Z. Foster, Toward Soviet America, 1932 National Chairman of the American Communist Party (1933-44, 1945-57)

“Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”

–Joseph Stalin

John Dewey, called “the father of modern education,” was an avowed socialist, the co-author of the ‘Humanist Manifesto’ and cited as belonging to fifteen Marxist-front organizations by the Committee on Un-American Activities. Do the words (the father of modern education) now take on new meaning? Remember, Dewey taught the professors who would train America’s teachers. He was obsessed with “the group.” In his own words, “You can’t make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.”

The effort here is to control, from the earliest possible age, the beliefs and thoughts of the child. Education is a secondary concern, if it is even a concern at all. Knowledge and facts are secondary to that of the intended ideology. If knowledge is indeed the currency of freedom, socialists must therefore carefully control what is taught, and competing opinions should be banished, and their proponents marginalized and punished. Therefore, in any socialist or fascist state, education was among the first institutions to receive a complete conversion. Curriculum was changed to reflect the new order, home schooling was banned, and private schools were either co-opted, or closed. This is meant to achieve a “monopoly of ideology,” nothing more, nothing less. Control the child and carefully monitor what they see and hear, and the end result (the “progressives” hope) is a complaint and brainwashed minion who will not question the state, as they will know nothing more than what they learned from the state.

To prevent their newly minted minions from hearing anything contrary to state approved messages, the elimination of dissent becomes necessary. This is the second method to control populations. Outlets and individuals that discuss “competing ideologies” are to be silenced. In socialist and fascist states, strong-arm tactics usually accomplished this. In the current age, regulation, ridicule, and punishment are used. A bit softer to be sure, but the results are much the same. One needs to look no further than Hugo Chavez to see this in operation in the 21st century, or, for that matter, the actions of the left in this country.

The fairness doctrine, the effort to implement it and call it something else is a case in point. As covered here, a board was appointed and given the task of making recommendation for broadcast regulations. The board is stacked with leftist organizations. Administration officials have been quoted as stating that the goal is…

It also was reported when a think tank headed by John Podesta, co-chairman of Obama’s transition team, mapped out a strategy in 2007 for clamping down on conservative talk radio by requiring stations to be operated by female and minority owners, which the report showed were statistically more likely to carry liberal political talk shows.

That report found the best strategy for getting equal time for “progressives” on radio lies in mandating “diversity of ownership” without ever needing to mention the former FCC policy of requiring airtime for liberal viewpoints, known as the “Fairness Doctrine,” a plan thrown out in the 1980s.

Knowing that the ‘Fairness Doctrine” is a loaded term, the liberals resort to “slight of hand” by calling it something else. The desired result, however, is the same.

Going along with banning dissent is the control of the media. The most convenient way to manage the people is to control the flow of information available to the public. In totalitarian states, movies, music, print, radio, television, and even the Internet (with varying levels of success) are tightly controlled. Everything that is read, heard, and seen is carefully presented to not only convey what the government wants the public to believe, but to also ridicule the opposition, and discredit any other ideas. Information that might “confuse” or “discourage” (ie, the truth) the public is not permitted.

In the more openly totalitarian states, this is accomplished by direct ownership and control. In the US, it has been achieved ideologically, by the same educational indoctrination scheme I described earlier. As so many of us have observed, the MSM often ignores gaffes, crimes, inconsistent statements, lies, and failures of the left. If the story is reported, it will often be minimized or misrepresented. Many times, a person exposing a story or whistle blowing will be attacked, causing their character or motivations to be called into question. Other times, individuals on the right will be openly ridiculed. The entertainment industry is also involved, with TV shows, movies, and music echoing “progressive” political and cultural messages, all with the intent of providing the citizen with their regularly scheduled does of indoctrination. The idea, of course, is to promote the agenda, as well as to marginalize dissenters, and at the same time, their messages.

A significant effect of banning dissent is to cause the individual to become discouraged, and eventually “give up,” reluctantly joining the “new order.” The validation that one receives from knowing that they are not alone in their beliefs cannot be underestimated. A group with shared beliefs is more powerful than an isolated individual. Fear not friends, I am not talking about collectivism here. This is simple psychology. Besides the obvious benefits of “strength in numbers,” groups validate and empower their individual members. If one knows that others will stand with him, he is more likely to make a stand.

This is, in my opinion, one of the primary reasons for the left’s attempts to silence the right. If they can stop people from receiving the validation of the larger group, the right can be reduced into smaller groups that are easily ostracized, or into isolated individuals that will be no “threat” to the “progressive” state. They want you to give up and become silent. They know that if they can indoctrinate the next generation in the absence of dissenting opinions that have more worth, they will win. They therefore want us to be silent and discouraged.

The third technique consists of the simple thug tactics used by the left. As I, and others, have discussed, the left uses intimidation to silence dissent, attack other ideologies, and to punish those that speak out. People are threatened, their employers are threatened (unless they terminate the target), and “protesters” show up at the schools of the children of those that have “sinned” against the left. As Alinski put it, the plan is to identify, isolate, freeze and escalate activities towards the target. Frivolous lawsuits will be filed; false allegations made, private documents will be made public, all in an attempt to punish the target. This is harassment and intimidation, as well as an attempt to ruin the lives and reputations of the targeted individuals.

This intimidation is also meant to send a message to anyone else that might speak out or otherwise resist. “Unless you want this to happen to you and your family, you best keep your mouth shut!”

So, where does Cognitive Dissonance come into this? It goes back to my first paragraph. Many of the people in the middle – those that perhaps pay little attention to the news or current political situation – are about to experience more of the “progressivism” from the POTUS. They will see more lies and deceit. They will see more and more if their fellow citizens ridiculed. If either Cap and Trade or the ObamaCare passes, the economy will be devastated. Individuals that voted for the POTUS without examining his actual motivations, or people on the left that still have the ability to think (there are some), will experience a great deal of Cognitive Dissonance. Also, kids and college students that have been spoon-fed the liberal mantra will experience discomfort when the plans that they have supported cascade the economy into failure. This is the time that we, as Conservatives or Libertarians, will need to capitalize on this “theory colliding headlong into reality.”

How do we do this?

* Continue blogging, and share your blog with others. * Contact friends and family that may have voted for the POTUS. Show them the evidence. * Collect evidence by download to show others. I recently showed a liberal co-worker the video montage made by Verum Serum on ObamaCare. I thought the person’s jaw would hit the floor. Then, I showed her Margaret Sanger and Ruth Bader Ginsberg quotes. She became upset. If this continues, she will eventually question her beliefs. All it takes is enough evidence. * Download and store videos and articles that make our points. If the POTUS ever does manage to control Internet content, a lot of the evidence against him will disappear. Unless, that is, we save it!

This is starting to work. Majorities now stand against ObamaCare. The amount of people that think the Porkulus is helping is within the margin of error in the poll! The discussion of ClimateGate is causing more and more people to question the AGW fraud.

It’s working because to promote their agenda, the “progressives” must lie at every turn. They must create crises. They have to fudge numbers, bribe officials, and contradict themselves on a regular basis. To defeat the agenda, we simply must point out observable facts. They may have the House, Senate, the White House, film, TV, music, the newspapers, the broadcast news, and millions of useful idiots; but we have the truth. That, my friends, is the nuclear weapon in our arsenal.

I wrote this because I became a Conservative in this fashion. I came out of grad school with a brain full of liberal ideology. When I started working, I noticed that much of what I was taught simply didn’t match reality. As time wore on, I became discouraged. When some friends started introducing me to Conservatism, I initially resisted. After all, Conservatives are all fascists, right? I started to read, and listened to talk radio. As time wore on, I educated myself. No coercion, threats, intimidation, or indoctrination were required. I simply saw that Conservatism matches reality. If we can help others when Cognitive Dissonance hits, and it WILL, we can help defeat the left. I find it ironic, and encouraging, that the billions that the left spends on public and college education can be undone by simple truths.

There are many people on the left that will never see reality. While that is unfortunate, there is nothing that will convince them. Either that, or they are “higher – ups” in the left that know that the policies are meant to cause a crisis. I humbly suggest that they be left alone. Their shrill and increasingly irrational reactions to the truth will serve our purpose well.

I have more on this topic, I’ll post it in a day or two.

TOPICS: Government; Politics
KEYWORDS: alinsky; cognitivedissonance; indoctrination; progressives

1 posted on 03/08/2010 4:58:22 AM PST by ConservativeHideout
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To: ConservativeHideout


2 posted on 03/08/2010 5:16:33 AM PST by Tuscaloosa Goldfinch ( T.G., global warming denier.)
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To: Tuscaloosa Goldfinch

Thank you.

3 posted on 03/08/2010 5:18:18 AM PST by ConservativeHideout (Waiting for November...)
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To: ConservativeHideout

Information just doesn’t get better than this post. Excellent work ... thank you for the effort.

4 posted on 03/08/2010 5:19:24 AM PST by ThePatriotsFlag ( - The Patriot's Flag)
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To: ConservativeHideout

Great post!

You said: “ If we can help others when Cognitive Dissonance hits, and it WILL, we can help defeat the left. I find it ironic, and encouraging, that the billions that the left spends on public and college education can be undone by simple truths.”

And the truth will set you free......

Kind of fitting I think

5 posted on 03/08/2010 5:25:12 AM PST by BornToBeAmerican (“If you think education is expensive try ignorance.”)
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To: ConservativeHideout


6 posted on 03/08/2010 5:27:26 AM PST by WashingtonSource
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To: ConservativeHideout

Well written, with one spelling correction.

“Sleight of hand” is the correct spelling.

7 posted on 03/08/2010 7:26:53 AM PST by yefragetuwrabrumuy
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To: ConservativeHideout
”The mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information.

"If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence." -- Bertrand Russell, in "Roads to Freedom"

8 posted on 03/08/2010 10:43:33 AM PST by MosesKnows (Love many, Trust few, and always paddle your own canoe)
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To: ConservativeHideout
"You can't make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society, which is coming, where everyone is interdependent."

Can someone give me the book or lecture this quote is from, I've read a lot of his stuff and haven't seen it. I google it and only get the quote, not the reference.

9 posted on 05/11/2010 10:09:37 AM PDT by LibertyThug ("Equal rights for all, special privileges for none." Jefferson)
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