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Q Anon: 06/26/19 Trust Trump's Plan ^ | 06/26/19 | FReepers, vanity

Posted on 06/26/2019 11:20:39 AM PDT by ransomnote

Q is the result of the sacrifices and commitment of countless patriots to win back our captured country from the Deep State and achieve the transformation President Trump promised in this campaign video. President Trump has said the awakening of the public is key to this transformation.

Q describes this transformation as follows:

"The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.

The choice is yours, and yours alone.

Trust and put faith in yourself.

You are not alone and you are not in the minority.

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

WWG1WGA!!!" ~ Q (#3028)

We discuss Q drop content on our threads to learn the truth about the capture of our country, after a lifetime of reading, watching and listening to lies and distortions used to control us and tame the American spirit. The truth shall set us free.

For summaries of Q drops (i.e., posts) discussed on our threads, I invite you to read the latest editions of The Oracle, which include helpful links and quotes to explain Q drop content.

Q drops can be found here in their original format.

Links to our Q threads, and Q drops posted on our threads, are listed in this table.

The video, Qanon is 100% coming from the Trump Administration, is just one of many excellent responses to the all-important question, "Whom does Q serve?" Another excellent source for identifying Q's involvement with President Trump is found at the website titled

Q Boot Camp is a quick, condensed way to learn the background and basics about the Q movement.

Q has reminded us repeatedly that together, we are strong. As the false "narrative" is destroyed and the divisive machinery put in place by the Deep State fails, the fact that patriotism has no skin color or political party is exposed for all to see.

In the battle between Good and Evil, we can't afford to let false divisions separate us any longer. The changes heading our way and the information revealed will, at times, be very difficult to face, but we will face it together. We, and our country, will be forever made stronger for having reclaimed the truth and freedom of thought.

Where We Go 1, We Go All

Note: Links in the post above are included in a resource table linked in Post #1 below, along with many additional excellent links to the best Q analysts and informations sources we've identified.

TOPICS: Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: fbipostingon8chan; itstwuitstwu; maga; momkickedqout; moonies; q; qanon; qisdeepstate; qisfbi; qonsummerbreakwgf; trump; trustsessions; wishfulthinking
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To: bagster
***Gerontius Took...***

😅 Looks a bit more like the life of Riley. Thanks, Oracle!

1,501 posted on 06/30/2019 8:09:56 PM PDT by Bob Ireland (The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise)
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To: Aquamarine

The SC is a big deal to the left, if it goes conservative they will lose it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well said.

1,502 posted on 06/30/2019 8:13:51 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: bitt
***received an email from Avast that BEGS people to update their Windows now***

Customers running Windows 8 and Windows 10 are not affected by the vulnerability

1,503 posted on 06/30/2019 8:16:09 PM PDT by Bob Ireland (The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise)
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To: Bob Ireland|pcrid|79439794115742|pkw|lehman%27s|pmt|be|&msclkid=b6734d7ee3b71b3d1381106798e3b54d

They have a store in Kidron, OH in Amish country. I’ve been there...they wouldn’t let me spend the night but they let me spend plenty of money! Aladdin lamps rule! Happy Birthday!

1,504 posted on 06/30/2019 8:19:31 PM PDT by blu (WWG1WGA)
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To: Bob Ireland

It ain’t gonna stop what’s coming. Batten down the hatches.

1,505 posted on 06/30/2019 8:22:02 PM PDT by CJ Wolf (Free)
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To: blu
***Aladdin lamps rule!***

Without his 40 thieves? 😊

***Happy Birthday***

THANKS! Sweet 76... uh... Wha?

1,506 posted on 06/30/2019 8:25:46 PM PDT by Bob Ireland (The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise)
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To: pbear8

“Chasing Shackleton” is now on my list. Thank you.

1,507 posted on 06/30/2019 8:27:17 PM PDT by Melian (Check yourself before you KeK yourself. ~ Melian)
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To: Tuscaloosa Goldfinch
*** what program was it again that WikiLeaks said the cabal used to leave Russian fingerprints***

EternalBlue - I think.

1,508 posted on 06/30/2019 8:41:39 PM PDT by Bob Ireland (The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise)
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To: ransomnote; StormFlag; TEXOKIE; CPT Clay; buffaloguy; grey_whiskers; Wingy; bitt; Shady; ...


Okay. New strategy.

Since Q has begun to post sporadically, and in the interest of summarizing the research and commentary of my fellow FReeQs on the Q thread, I have decided to publish an Oracle whether Q posts or not.

I hate to let good stories be lost to the annals of time just because Q hasn't posted. I'll try to post daily or close to daily, depending on the amount of good stuff you FReeQs lay upon the table.

Remember, this Oracle is YOUR voice.

Also, since idle hands are the devil's workshop, working on Oracles just might keep me outta the big house.

If this new method isn't up your alley and you want off my ping list, just let me know. My butt will not be hurt. And if you would like ON the ping list, also let me know. :)

Let's see what stories the Oracle is following.

  • The Donald attended the G20 meeting in Japan. Here is a press conference he gave. Best press conference EVER. Make sure to watch it. It's a whole new President Trump.

    BiggBob-Video of Trump's G20 Press Conference.

    I want to know-.Remarks by President Trump in Press Conference | Osaka, Japan (Transcript).

    Disestablishmentarian had these comments.

    I'm going to be blunt:

    Everybody who loves America and PDJT needs to watch this presser. I posted my first comments on China before I watched the entire thing, which was about 75 minutes.

    BIGGEST BELLY LAUGH FOR ME: About 1:06 mark POTUS with just a couple of deft rapier strokes takes down both Kamela Harris and Bite-me. (She was canned; he no Winston Churchill).


    HINT: Possible trade deal with Russia

    BIG NEWS (at least to me): The humanitarian-border bill DOES NOT CHANGE PLANS FOR DEPORTATIONS

    Refer to my #1027 for the CHINA news, which will be deemed biggest by Wall Street on Monday.

    Rest of presser is loaded with Trump gold.

    Here is DE's post #1027.

    Disestablishmentarian-News From G20 On China.

    Here's the Donald choppin' it up with world leaders and taking a group photo. Watch at the end as he cracks everybody up.

    Cats Pajamas-G20 Group Photo Video

  • So, at the G20 and since he was in the neigborhood, our President tweeted out that it would be swell if Little Rocket Man of North Korea would meet him at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea so they could yuk it up for a bit.

    And guess what. He did. Then President Trump became the first President EVER to set foot in North Korea.

    AZLiberty summed this event up in just a few words.

    Trump and Kim met at the border. Trump walked into NK. Trump and Kim came back to the border, and then walked into SK. Then Trump and Kim walked over to meet Moon of SK.

    Trump will invite Kim to visit the White House.

    An amazing real-time view of history in the making.

    Melian posted this excellent pic.

    Defiant posted this.

    SmileyFace-Trump, Kim meet at Demilitarized Zone, face-to-face for first time since Hanoi


    After days of speculation -- and optimistic statements by the two leaders -- President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met and shook hands Sunday at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea.


    Finally around 2:40 a.m. ET, the two leaders spotted one another from a short distance apart, then walked toward one another. They met, shook hands, then briefly walked across the border into North Korea before crossing back to the DMZ.

    Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to step foot inside the Hermit Kingdom.

    "I was proud to step over the line," Trump told Kim later, inside the Freedom House on the South Korea side, according to the Associated Press. "It is a great day for the world."

    Generally filed this very excellent op-ed on this historical occassion.


    Amazing. Historic. The exact opposite of what would be happening if HRC had been elected.

    Does anyone think for one second that this happened because Trump randomly tweeted that he might like to stop by and say hello to Kim? Does anyone think for one second that Trump doesn’t have an incredible plan? (Trust the plan!)

    Hahahahahahaha! Let’s see how all those derps, dems, & newsreaders who mocked Trump for this react. Deep down they have to know that Trump is doing incredible things. Trump is making peace all over the world in ways that the peace protesters of the past could only dream of. Peace through strength.

    Trump is NOT making peace by being a doormat. That is one of the most significant points to understand. This did not happen the way that the kumbaya crowd would have wanted it, though I hope they are happy with it.

    Trump is NOT making peace by being a bully. Also a significant point. This did not happen the way the warhawks would have wanted it, by stomping all over our “enemies” and beating them into submission. Trump did not take prisoners, loot, and pillage. What Trump did, what gives the world the best possible chance for a lasting peace, is that he stood up for the USA and at the same time showed the other side how they could prosper and thrive.


    I’d like to add massive appreciation for the entire Trump team. Sec. Pompeo has been incredible in all he has done, laying the groundwork for this to happen. And so many others that I’m too ignorant to even know about, plus all those who work behind the scenes that even the well-informed don’t know about.

    To all who made this happen, THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU!

    M O O N that spells Nobel.

  • Bitt reported on this very good article by a fellow FReeper.

    pocopundit-Trump the Diplomat: Art of the Global Deal


    From his first days in politics, the fake press panned Trump as "inexperienced" in statecraft and therefore "unqualified" to preside over America's domestic, let alone foreign policy.

    But in practice, Trump has pretty much demolished every bogeyman his opponents have thrown in front of him. So follow me as I try to analyze how Trump has (in his first 100 days) succeeded mightily in the diplomatic sphere.

    Excellent piece, pocopundit, and well worth the read. Very nice graphics as well. I stole a couple for my meme farm.

  • And the Mother of Dragons chimes in.

    ransomnote-Calm Despite The Storm


    I LOVE the posts coming in to help us prepare in practical ways for some of the disruptions the Deep State may try to create. THANKQ!

    I am also exploring ideas for preparing the mental fortitude that is required to weather the information/psyops war headed our way. We've seen doom and gloom posts on the forum, we've seen the left hinting that POTUS is insane (Ammendment #25 section 4), but I think maybe we haven't seen anything yet.

    This is a very good inspirational and practical post. Must read t.v.

  • Some follow-up to Q post #3350 (Be Ready).

    Biggbob found this. Tweets from almost all of the USA Armed Forces branches posted on the same date that Q posted #3351, BE READY.

    Every single tweet contains some variation of the word READY.



    (Very blurry, I know. Best I could do). : (

  • Some follow-up to Q post #3351 (Has the Stage Been Set?).

    (the text of the Q post)

    [Future Comms]
    Pre_stage ele_y
    Pre_stage sec_y
    Pre_stage dir_y
    Pre_stage cap_y

    reed13k had these thoughts:

    I read this as:

    Pre-stage requirement: election - yes (done complete)
    Pre-stage requirement: secretary (which one) or security - yes (done complete)
    Pre-stage requirement: director (assume FBI?) - yes (done complete)
    Pre-stage requirement: cap - yes (done complete)
    (this one I’m not sure about capital? of course CAP in the navy is combat air patrol)
    Everything required in pre-stage is done and we are in an on-call ready status....similar to aircraft that are kept on 5 min and/or 15 minute standbys. 5 the pilot is in the cockpit, 15 in the ready room - both with plane prepped.

    Steve Van Doorn:

    It was posted three times meaning this was the plan from the start.
    "y" is in years IE: 2020.
    Pompeo and Barr are the key to wining back all of Washington DC.
    Everything is set and ready to go.
    Future Comms]. Pre_stage = Prepare stage IE: in set up.
    Pre_stage ele_y = Election 2020
    Pre_stage sec_y = Secretary of State
    Pre_stage dir_y = Director of DOJ
    Pre_stage cap_y = Capital IE: Washington DC 2020

    Tuscaloosa Goldfinch:

    Could “ele” in “Pre-stage ele_y” mean “election”? (or electricity - yikes)
    “sec” - security?
    and cap = capacity?
    Since it is about “Future Comms” (again, perhaps redundant, it’s about having the means to communicate while the deep state tries to save itself by any means?

    TruthWillWin posted this:

    There will be no Q today, unless he's working the midnight shift.

See you in the funny papers.

This Oracle marks a historical event. What will tomorrow bring. Stay tuned.

We are the Mouth of America.
Not all can hear our voice, but more do every day.
Can you hear us?

Will you join in our crusade?

The adventure continues tomorrow, sportsfans. See ya ‘round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.

1,509 posted on 06/30/2019 8:45:49 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: little jeremiah
***They HATE this history in the making, don’t want to focus on that. They’re desperate.***

Looks that way. Hardly a good word spoken from the derps (?)

I hope you are on the mend... by His Grace.

1,510 posted on 06/30/2019 8:47:10 PM PDT by Bob Ireland (The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise)
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1,511 posted on 06/30/2019 9:02:15 PM PDT by cibco (MAGA...)
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To: bitt
***poconopundit, you Magnificent Bastard, I READ YOUR POST!***

Impressive! Thanks for the ping.

1,512 posted on 06/30/2019 9:03:47 PM PDT by Bob Ireland (The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise)
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To: cibco

ADDISON, Texas — Ten people are dead after an airplane crashed into a hangar shortly after taking off Sunday morning at the Addison Municipal Airport, the Dallas County Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed.

1,513 posted on 06/30/2019 9:04:28 PM PDT by Melian (Check yourself before you KeK yourself. ~ Melian)
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To: generally
No words needed.
1,514 posted on 06/30/2019 9:09:28 PM PDT by Melian (Check yourself before you KeK yourself. ~ Melian)
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To: Melian

How funny that you posted that meme.

I was just now thinking what if Fat Lesbo Hillary had to do all that walking across borders. Seriously, I was.

Lady Broccoli woulda' surely fell out.

She'd need one of these.

1,515 posted on 06/30/2019 9:16:03 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster
Aaaaand….a typo on my meme.

Somebody slap me.

1,516 posted on 06/30/2019 9:18:04 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: Melian
No words needed.

No, but that's a terrible thing to do to a guy's eyes this time of the night.

I may have to drink a few stiff shots to mellow out enough to actually get to sleep with that picture bangin' around in my noggin. All she needs is a broom and a flock of flying monkeys.

You're forgiven, though. Aquavit cancels a lot of bad stuff.

1,517 posted on 06/30/2019 9:23:58 PM PDT by Unrepentant VN Vet (Prayer and Vigilance yes. Violence, No.........Not just yet.)
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To: bagster

Cant wait for what tommorow brings. Is this a bags ticktock or boom.

1,518 posted on 06/30/2019 9:51:11 PM PDT by CJ Wolf (Free)
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To: bagster

Gladly slap you! Wake up, no mistakes!

1,519 posted on 06/30/2019 10:05:14 PM PDT by CJ Wolf (Free)
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To: Melian


1,520 posted on 06/30/2019 10:18:57 PM PDT by bitt (US intel is there to protect the safety and security of Americans. It is not a political tool.)
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