Posted on 12/02/2010 1:58:18 PM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
This is not a thread for light browsing. This will wear out anyone, links that make me wish I were twenty people at once.
Here are some research aids:
Dogpile Search [searches google, bing and other other engines simultaneously.]
All the following are Free Republic Forum Pages. Most are link lists for referening:
Where's Obama's Birth Certificate? We are winning the debate. Here's why -- a plain spoken summary.
Monster Ping [earlier deep research]
Monster Ping [earlier deep research, now more concentrated on shockers]
Close Encounters with the Loony Left
Thug-0-crat hit list [shocking links and headlines]
H. L. Mencken [back in 1922] and Trump
[post by poconopundit]
H. L. Mencken arrived at in his Vox Populi analysis of 1922!
Mencken believed that the 55% of Americans out there â the group that includes the Kardashian fans and Obama-phone dimwits â can never be educated to make good political choices. They will always be drawn to demagogues like Obama, FDR, and Woodrow Wilson.
Mencken figured the only hope for a free society’s survival is that wise men and women of the intelligent minority adopt the tricks of the demagogue.
As Mencken so beautifully put it:
The man of education and self-respect may not run with the mob and he may not yield to it supinely, but what is to prevent him deliberately pulling its nose?
And if Mencken were alive today, he would notice that’s exactly what Trump is about: a man of competence and intelligence who has become an expert in Kardashian psychology. And it’s all about winning to make America great again.
When I have some time, I’m going to explore Mencken’s theme a bit more and contribute an analysis of Vox Populi on FR.
[— poconopundit]
Quoted your post about H. L. Mencken.
You found a way to empirically codify the difference between Trump conservatives [part of a temporary coalition IMHO] and Cruz supporters.
The sad thing is about the Goldman Sachs scandal ...
1. In the greater scheme it’s chicken feed.
2. This is Cruz’ first big scandal. He’s a young pup who never had to navigate one before on the national stage.
If he were corrupt, this would have been easy for him.
Muslim in argument with wife over plan to take 6-year-old as wife, cuts off first wife’s nose
... Throughout the six years Reza Gul and her husband, Muhammad Khan, 25, had been married, he and his family members had regularly abused her, beating her and binding her in chains ...
Majority of Pro-Choice Americans Want Restrictions on Abortion, Poll Finds
Fast and Furious Gun Found in El Chapo Hideout [our page]
Geert Wilders: Delusional Britain Would Rather Ban Donald Trump Than Confront Unpleasant Facts
Beck: Palin Abandoning Principles, Maybe the Media Was Right About Her After All
VIDEO: Federal Employees Brag About Swindling WWII Vets Off Their Land
Libyan Oil, Gold, and Qaddafi: The Strange Email Sidney Blumenthal Sent Hillary Clinton In 2011
Lots of updates.
Don’t plan to ping again for the next week or so.
FRegards ....
Facebook begins Europe-wide campaign against extremist posts
BERLIN Mon Jan 18, 2016
Facebook began a Europe-wide campaign on Monday to thwart extremist posts on social media, after German politicians in particular raised concerns about a rise in xenophobic comments linked to an influx of refugees.
The U.S.-based group launched its ‘Initiative for Civil Courage Online’ in Berlin, pledging over 1 million euros (1 million pounds) to support non-governmental organisations in their efforts to counter racist and xenophobic posts.
Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said hate speech ‘has no place in our society’, including in the Internet.
Facebook’s ground rules forbid bullying, harassment and threatening language, but critics say it does not enforce them properly.
On Friday, the firm said it had hired a unit of the publisher Bertelsmann to monitor and delete racist posts on its platform in Germany.
In November, prosecutors in Hamburg launched an investigation into Facebook on suspicion of not doing enough to prevent the dissemination of hate speech.
Top German politicians and celebrities have voiced concern about the rise of anti-foreigner comments on Facebook and other social media as the country struggles to cope with a tide of new migrants that amounted to 1.1 million last year alone.
Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged Facebook to do more, and the Justice Ministry set up a task force with Facebook and other social networks and Internet service providers with the aim of identifying criminal posts more quickly and taking them down.
[Thank you, MarvinStinson.]
Thank you, Authur Wildfire...
Multiple Pedophile Sexual Predators Caught Sneaking into Texas from Mexico
This is not a “big scandal”, at all.
Exclusive: Former Pearson Exec Reveals Anti-American Agenda in Common Core
What is more accurate than polling?
Primary Predictions ...
Bookies: Go Big on Donald Trump (And Even Bigger on Hillary Clinton)
‘A 2008 University of Iowa study concluded that prediction markets are 74 percent closer to the actual outcome than polling ...’
Hillary Get $500,000 from Muslims, Attracts Only 6 at Airport before Muslim Fundraiser
Liz adds her own informed take in post 18.
Germany Back to Book Burning — Facebook Helps
Facebook Unfriends Free Speech
[This is the modern equivalent of book burning, and in Germany of all places. Next they will ban any positive mention of Trump in Germany. What a handy key word that will be.]
...[Facebook] pledged to spend over $1 million on the new “Initiative for Civil Courage Online,” which it launched in Berlin in partnership with the German Ministry of Justice and other organizations. It has even hired a unit of publisher Bertelsmann to monitor and delete “racist” posts on its site in Germany. But critics are concerned the initiative will be used to suppress the free speech of conservative and populist critics of the mass Muslim migration to Europe.
[Post by Sunkenciv]
Thomas Sowell’s Silly Hit Piece on Trump
‘[deal making] one of the biggest criticisms of today’s Congressional Republicans’
— BAD deals. That is the very point of the Trump campaign. They are horrible deal makers. Fifth-columnist-bad. So that’s actually a trick on Sowell’s part.
[Thought I’d never accuse Sowell of that.]
“politically successful deall than that which Neville Chamberlain ...”
Also a trick. Chamberlain was an appeaser. How can ANYONE say that Trump is appeasing muslims?
Goofy trick. He jumped the shark twice.
“Barack Obama just make a deal with Iran ...”
Doubling down on Jump the Shark 2.
“Kelo v. City of New London”
Finally, he scores!
Did Sowell hire someone else to write this? Very beneath him.
I admire Thomas Sowell and can forgive him for this in an instant, but he’s getting silly. Kelo was the only effective argument he made, and he buried it.
Catherine Herridge: “The FBI was able to recover [Clinton’s] deleted emails ... [wipe] was not what I would call a professional standard.”
[It’s really hard to fully scrub a hard drive. And she failed to do so.]
Obamanomics in Catastrophic Action: New mortgage program steering toward another housing collapse
Just so you know, I post a lot of your pings here. Don’t always bug you about it.
— FRegards ....
The Cruz eligibility debate continues:
So far Greeings Puny Humans holds the upper hand — not eligible from a strict constructionist view. The counter-point continues to be ‘womens rights’ but no new rights were added by the 14th amendment.
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