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A Freeper's Observation; Sarah Palin

Posted on 08/30/2008 4:26:05 AM PDT by E.G.C.


I have to tell you this morning that I'm far more enthused about the G.O.P.'s chances for the Presidential election with John McCain's choice for Vice President, Sarah Palin.

Now, let me again just say that I don't agree with some of the things McCain has done in the past. Having said that, I do feel that he has made a very wise and smart choice for his running mate in Sarah Palin, the Govenor of the great state of Alaska.

If you look at her credidentials, you'll find that she has far more managerial experience than Barack Obama. She was the mayor of a small Alaska town, then she was the govenor of Alaska for a couple of years. Her husband is involved in the oil business. And, they have five beautiful kids.

Meawhile, what does Hussien Obama have to show for his resume? Several years of community agitation and rabble rousing and numerous associations with a known terrorist and a pastor who race-baits and put down our great nation and good honest decent people like you and me. Is this the kind of person you want giving out orders? I know that's not the kind of person I would be taking orders and directives from, no siree!!!!!!!!

Folks, I would urge everyone to take time out and take a good hard look at the candidates running for office. Don't let the goofballs and CNN and the big three make those decisions for you. We don't need to be giving these sorry lazy miserable good for nothing pieces of trash the power to be kingmakers.

This election comes down to this. Who do we want for President of the United States?

Do we want someone with military experience who knows what it's like to deal with foriegn enemies?

Or, do we want some sorry lazy miserable good for nothing rabble rousing community agitator whose only known thing is being associated with a known terrorist and who wants to turn America into another Zimbabwe?

That's what this election all boils down to folks. Our choice.

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To: a real Sheila

The strongest argument I have heard from liberal intellectuals supporting Obama full heartedly, presumes whoever is President will be surrounded by competent players who understand how to run things, but what is really needed is somebody with a level head and common sense to properly direct the Government.

Even if one accepts that argument, Palin is just as qualified if not more so than Obama. Accordingly, the swing voters who biy into that reasoning have a conservative alternative to emotional socialism.

IMHO, Palin is much closer to the winner all races, creeds and colors associate with the US than the loser mentality of an angry 60s generation hiccup represented by Obama.

If people think socialism and communism are really acceptable alternatives, just look at Russia and former USSR states. BTW, their recent incursion into Georgia merely reinforces the conservative position that the character of socialists really hasn’t changed and doesn’t respect God given rights.

FWIW, Of all the political candidates running, Palin is the first one I’ve seen in a long time who appears to represent simple fundamental basics of Christian lifestyle. Until she came along, I fairly well had given up any anticipation that our form of government has anything but a proclivity to promote corruption.

BTW, if we want to address practical matters, Palin will be a nice counter to the Congressional groupings of female socialists. It will be good to cast Palin vs Pelosi for the next 4 years. (Not a job I envy Palin to endure considering Pelosi is likely to be reinforced by Hillary and a litany of other wild shrieking female socialist banshees.)

21 posted on 08/30/2008 6:30:21 AM PDT by Cvengr (Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
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To: Dilbert56

I’m starting to see McCain as that crafty old white-haired dude, that’s running strategic and tactical circles around the Obaminites.

They don’t even know what’s hitting them as they sink in the polls.

22 posted on 08/30/2008 6:34:01 AM PDT by Brett66 (Where government advances, and it advances relentlessly , freedom is imperiled -Janice Rogers Brown)
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To: papertyger
You don't get it. Essentially McCain has told conservatives "let me rule now, and i'll put one of your own in direct position to succeed me, win or lose."

Presidential candidates don't pick VP running mates to run the country after their term is completed. They pick VP running mates because the latter agrees with the former on a majority of the issues.

Your hypothesis is ludicrous. It means Conservatives should agree to at least four more years of socialism to advance the conservative cause in the future. That ignores the fact he nor any President can make any such guarantee since the people decide who will be President and not the incumbent.
23 posted on 08/30/2008 8:28:11 AM PDT by Man50D (Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!)
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To: a real Sheila
Remember in the primaries the Democrats (Hillary and Biden) were talking about Obama’s lack of experience. Hence the ads McCain put out last week. So the Democrats have to eat their own words first before they attack us about it. IMO.
24 posted on 08/30/2008 8:37:20 AM PDT by RatsDawg (I love Palin :))
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To: Man50D

You still don’t get it.

He’s taking a “line officer” and promoting her to “flag” rank.

He’s taking a real conservative, with a relatively virginal record, and advancing her political career twenty or thirty years without the scars that usually come with such advancement.

25 posted on 08/30/2008 8:58:04 AM PDT by papertyger
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To: Man50D
They pick VP running mates because the latter agrees with the former on a majority of the issues.

Not true, else we wouldn't have gotten Bush41. (And Gore would never have picked Lieberman. I could go on with other examples, but two are enough for now.)

26 posted on 08/30/2008 9:07:41 AM PDT by savedbygrace (SECURE THE BORDERS FIRST (I'M YELLING ON PURPOSE))
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To: usmcobra
I agree

27 posted on 08/30/2008 10:02:22 AM PDT by bigjoesaddle ("Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats." -- P.J. O'Rourke)
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To: papertyger
You still don’t get it.

He’s taking a “line officer” and promoting her to “flag” rank.

He’s taking a real conservative, with a relatively virginal record, and advancing her political career twenty or thirty years without the scars that usually come with such advancement.

How naive can you be? Presidential candidates don't choose a VP candidate to further that candidate's career! They make the choice to help further their bid for President!
28 posted on 08/30/2008 10:27:00 AM PDT by Man50D (Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!)
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To: savedbygrace
Not true, else we wouldn't have gotten Bush41.

Your claim is vague at best without citing specific examples where a Presidential candidate and his VP running mate disagree on a majority of the issues. It smacks of logic for one to choose a running mate who he or she will be constantly butting heads! Party unity would not exist without the two being in agreement on most issues. Palin will have to compromise her conservative principles far more as VP to appease her boss than McCain will have to compromise his socialist beliefs to appease his subordinate.
29 posted on 08/30/2008 10:33:55 AM PDT by Man50D (Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!)
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To: Man50D

Whatever dude.

Consider your “face” “saved.” I don’t have the time, nor the inclination, to spar with the willfully obtuse.

30 posted on 08/30/2008 10:41:46 AM PDT by papertyger
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To: bigjoesaddle

I’ve got to admit, I’d be much more forgiving about pictures of the barracuda in brass booby-cups (oh please God, please God, please) than I was about Rudy in drag.


31 posted on 08/30/2008 10:45:48 AM PDT by papertyger
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To: Man50D

You’re not voting for McCain no matter what.

We get it.

32 posted on 08/30/2008 10:50:21 AM PDT by KosmicKitty (WARNING: Hormonally crazed woman ahead!!)
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To: Man50D

Both Bush41 and Lieberman had to sequester their positions in deference to the top spot’s positions.

33 posted on 08/30/2008 11:06:30 AM PDT by savedbygrace (SECURE THE BORDERS FIRST (I'M YELLING ON PURPOSE))
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To: Man50D
Palin will have to compromise her conservative principles far more as VP to appease her boss than McCain will have to compromise his socialist beliefs to appease his subordinate.

Thank you. My thoughts exactly.

Mr MaggieCarta has just snatched my tin foil hat to line the BBQ with, but, I look for a VP Palin to resign "for family reasons" in 1-2 years, tops. Maybe less.

Send me tin foil.

34 posted on 08/30/2008 11:21:21 AM PDT by MaggieCarta (If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt. Dean Martin.)
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To: a real Sheila
You need to do a couple of things, neither of which will take long and both of which will make you feel more comfortable about Palin.

First, familiarize yourself with Alaska. Look at their annual financial numbers, look at their industries. Alaska may be a sparsely populated state, but it is incredibly diverse in a number of ways. Govenor Palin has been doing it handily.

Next, actually learn about what she has accomplished, both during her time as Governor but also what she did before. A couple of Murkowskis will be glad to (grudgingly) attest to her experience. She is a bare bones fiscal conservative. She slaughters pork like a tenth generation South Carolina butcher. Not a bad quality for an Executive.

Lastly, remember President has ever been strong on every point. None. Some have been weak on defense, some weak on matters fiscal, some weak in foreign affairs. The Executive Branch is more than the President and Vice President, remember...there is also a Cabinet.

She would make a better President than either of the men on the rat ticket.

35 posted on 08/30/2008 11:50:46 AM PDT by grellis (MCCAIN/PALIN 08)
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