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The plight of healthcare agents - who is reporting? (Video) ^ | Sept. 28, 2013 | Rene Girard

Posted on 09/30/2013 7:35:55 AM PDT by jackspyder

There has been a great deal of concern expressed by the government regarding poor individuals and families who are unable to purchase health insurance because of the cost, or because insurance companies have denied them coverage due to preexisting conditions. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care act is supposed to remedy this situation at the expense of those who are healthier and wealthier. The goal is to force millions of citizens to pay more for their healthcare coverage, or bring them into "the system" for the first time, thereby increasing revenue to insurance companies in order to offset the potential financial burden of covering the outrageous hospital bills sure to be incurred by those who are seriously sick, ill, or diseased, as well as hypochondriacs.

It is no wonder that the media focus has been on the insurance companies, their plans, the pricing, the number of people who need healthcare ... there is so much to be concerned with, yet one integral piece of the puzzle has largely been overlooked and ignored: the agents who currently sell health insurance.

What affect, if any, does this healthcare overhaul have on the thousands of licensed health insurance agents across the country? What do they think about "Obamacare"? Does this help or harm them in any way?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Health/Medicine; Politics
KEYWORDS: healthcareagents; insuranceagent; obamacare
Agent in video also seems to think the government is trying to eliminate them. Maybe that's why they don't talk about what is happening/going to happen to the insurance agents.
1 posted on 09/30/2013 7:35:56 AM PDT by jackspyder
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To: jackspyder

As an insurance agent, I can tell you the gov’t has made us work harder for less money. The law has hurt us badly.

It is my clients who suffer worse though.

2 posted on 09/30/2013 7:37:37 AM PDT by Nachum (I am Breitbartacus!)
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To: jackspyder

Require that all ACA Navigators be licensed insurance agents.

3 posted on 09/30/2013 7:41:53 AM PDT by UCANSEE2 (The monsters are due on Maple Street)
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To: jackspyder; All

Obama’s phone call to the Iranian talking head is just another distraction to keep Congress from defunding Obamacare.

As usual, the 24/7 Media falls for it hook-line-and-sinker.

On the list of future distractions from defunding Obamacare are meetings with various Heads of State in DC and China.



State .... Senator .... Party .... Phone

AK Mark Begich D (202) 224-3004
AK Lisa Murkowski R (202) 224-6665
AL Jeff Sessions R (202) 224-4124
AL Richard C. Shelby R (202) 224-5744
AR John Boozman R (202) 224-4843
AR Mark L. Pryor D (202) 224-2353
AZ Jeff Flake R (202) 224-4521
AZ John McCain R (202) 224-2235
CA Barbara Boxer D (202) 224-3553
CA Dianne Feinstein D (202) 224-3841
CO Michael F. Bennet D (202) 224-5852
CO Mark Udall D (202) 224-5941
CT Richard Blumenthal D (202) 224-2823
CT Christopher Murphy D (202) 224-4041
DE Thomas R. Carper D (202) 224-2441
DE Christopher A. Coons D (202) 224-5042
FL Bill Nelson D (202) 224-5274
FL Marco Rubio R (202) 224-3041
GA Saxby Chambliss R (202) 224-3521
GA Johnny Isakson R (202) 224-3643
HI Mazie K. Hirono D (202) 224-6361
HI Brian Schatz D (202) 224-3934
IA Chuck Grassley R (202) 224-3744
IA Tom Harkin D (202) 224-3254
ID Mike Crapo R (202) 224-6142
ID James E. Risch R (202) 224-2752
IL Richard J. Durbin D (202) 224-2152
IL Mark Kirk R (202) 224-2854
IN Daniel Coats R (202) 224-5623
IN Joe Donnelly D (202) 224-4814
KS Jerry Moran R (202) 224-6521
KS Pat Roberts R (202) 224-4774
KY Mitch McConnell R (202) 224-2541
KY Rand Paul R (202) 224-4343
LA Mary L. Landrieu D (202) 224-5824
LA David Vitter R (202) 224-4623
MA Edward Markey D (202) 224-2742
MA Elizabeth Warren D (202) 224-4543
MD Benjamin L. Cardin D (202) 224-4524
MD Barbara A. Mikulski D (202) 224-4654
ME Susan M. Collins R (202) 224-2523
ME Angus S. King I (202) 224-5344
MI Carl Levin D (202) 224-6221
MI Debbie Stabenow D (202) 224-4822
MN Al Franken D (202) 224-5641
MN Amy Klobuchar D (202) 224-3244
MO Roy Blunt R (202) 224-5721
MO Claire McCaskill D (202) 224-6154
MS Thad Cochran R (202) 224-5054
MS Roger F. Wicker R (202) 224-6253
MT Max Baucus D (202) 224-2651
MT Jon Tester D (202) 224-2644
NC Richard Burr R (202) 224-3154
NC Kay R. Hagan D (202) 224-6342
ND Heidi Heitkamp D (202) 224-2043
ND John Hoeven R (202) 224-2551
NE Deb Fischer R (202) 224-6551
NE Mike Johanns R (202) 224-4224
NH Kelly Ayotte R (202) 224-3324
NH Jeanne Shaheen D (202) 224-2841
NJ Jeff Chiesa R (202) 224-3224
NJ Robert Menendez D (202) 224-4744
NM Martin Heinrich D (202) 224-5521
NM Tom Udall D (202) 224-6621
NV Dean Heller R (202) 224-6244
NV Harry Reid D (202) 224-3542
NY Kirsten E. Gillibrand D (202) 224-4451
NY Charles E. Schumer D (202) 224-6542
OH Sherrod Brown D (202) 224-2315
OH Rob Portman R (202) 224-3353
OK Tom Coburn R (202) 224-5754
OK James M. Inhofe R (202) 224-4721
OR Jeff Merkley D (202) 224-3753
OR Ron Wyden D (202) 224-5244
PA Robert P. Casey D (202) 224-6324
PA Patrick J. Toomey R (202) 224-4254
RI Jack Reed D (202) 224-4642
RI Sheldon Whitehouse D (202) 224-2921
SC Lindsey Graham R (202) 224-5972
SC Tim Scott R (202) 224-6121
SD Tim Johnson D (202) 224-5842
SD John Thune R (202) 224-2321
TN Lamar Alexander R (202) 224-4944
TN Bob Corker R (202) 224-3344
TX John Cornyn R (202) 224-2934
UT Orrin G. Hatch R (202) 224-5251
UT Mike Lee R (202) 224-5444
VA Tim Kaine D (202) 224-4024
VA Mark R. Warner D (202) 224-2023
VT Patrick J. Leahy D (202) 224-4242
VT Bernard Sanders I (202) 224-5141
WA Maria Cantwell D (202) 224-3441
WA Patty Murray D (202) 224-2621
WI Tammy Baldwin D (202) 224-5653
WI Ron Johnson R (202) 224-5323
WV Joe Manchin D (202) 224-3954
WV John D. Rockefeller D (202) 224-6472
WY John Barrasso R (202) 224-6441
WY Michael B. Enzi R (202) 224-3424

Now that we have your attention, you sorry US Senators, keep in mind that we will replace you with those who will gladly correct your errors - - - .

So, scrub and clean by 2014 !

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick —————

- See more at:


Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
John Cornyn (R-TX)
Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
John Barrasso (R-WY)

John Hoeven (R-ND)
Roy Blunt (R-MO)
Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
John Boozman (R-AR)
Mike Johanns (R-NE)

Richard Burr (R-NC)
Ron Johnson (R-WI)
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Mark Kirk (R-IL)
Jeff Chiesa (R-NJ)

John McCain (R-AZ)
Dan Coats (R-IN)
Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Lisa Murkowksi (R-AK)

Thad Cochran (R-MS)
John Thune (R-SD)
Susan Collins (R-ME)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Bob Corker (R-TN)

Not Voting:

Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Jeff Flake (R-AZ)


Obama has found it very easy to advance his narrow ideological agenda of failure-prone Marxism.

4 years after Obama conned his Democrats into passing the Federal takeover of the cash cow of Medical Insurance, the PC, Doormat Republicans are finally timidly suggesting defunding that Federal takeover.

Without the weak, PC, Doormat Republicans Boehner and McConnell being stupidly kept in their respective leadership positions by truly cowardly House and Senate Members, Obama Medical Insurance “Care” Takeover would have been defunded long ago.

The primal yearning of the 47 % who pay no personal Federal Income tax is to belong to a tribe where all of their choices are dictated to them by their arrogant tribal leader.

This a common trait of those who have low self-esteem.

In that sense, Obamanation is truly a cult: low self-esteem people believing everything their cult leader tells them, no questions asked.

Freedom is defined in the dictionary as follows:
1.) Exemption or liberation from slavery or imprisonment.
3.) Liberty of choice or action.

Most of the 47 % riding in the “free” wagon seek out slavery, and lack of personal choice.

They thus feel safe, and secure in the knowledge that “this is as bad as it is going to get.”

Liberty is defined in the dictionary as follows:
1.) The state of being exempt from the domination of others or from restricting circumstances; freedom.
5.) The power of voluntary choice: freedom from necessity.
6.) Individual Liberty: Freedom from restraint in the performance of rights outside of government control.

Most people who are getting a free ride in the wagon where 47 % pay no personal Federal Income Taxes, are terrified of making a voluntary choice.

The 47 % would prefer that they be under government control where the choices are made for him.

All of this societal wussiness has made it very easy for B. Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, to advance his narrow ideological agenda of European-style, failure-prone, Marxism in spite of PC, Doormat Republican token “opposition.”

BTW, unlike taxes, Federal Obama ‘care’ Insurance charges can be increased EVERY YEAR to whatever % the present and future arrogant leaders of Obamanation wants.

BTW, BTW, the free-loading 47 % will always vote for the Candidate for POTUS approved by Obamanation.

The question to be asked is: “If it is in the Nation’s best interest to shut down the Government, then why are there only TWO Federal Politicians, Obama and Reid, loudly advocating shutting down the US Federal Government?

Obama has MANY reasons to shutdown the Federal Government such as:

1.) A headline grabbing story that will distract attention from the Impeachable scandals of:

Benghazi Massacre Dereliction of Duty by Obama as CIC;
Obamacare Insurance managed by the corrupt IRS;
IRS harassment of political opponents of Obama;
Use of the NSA by Obama to spy on everybody in the USA;
etc, etc.

2.) The use of fear of a shutdown might help to protect defunding and eventual abolishment of Obama’s narrowly focused ideological agenda of an European-style, failure-prone, Marxist, monopoly of the US Medical Insurance Industry.

3.) Spreading fear and blame might also preserve Obama’s power to increase Obamacare Insurance premiums on an annual basis.

*This would be highly advantageous to Obama as the increase in mandatory insurance premiums would not be a tax, as the “unexpected market conditions” would be given as the reason for the increase.

*Also there would be no need to ask for the “Advice and Consent” of Congress, as the IRS would be in complete control of all income and medical records.

4.) The last reason is the most important for Obama, personally: America would at last no longer be a Nation where the Liberty to choose one’s own family destiny could ever exist again.

As for Reid, the best guess I have is that he wants a Government Monopoly of the Medical Insurance Industry. Well, to be fair, Reid calls for a “single payer” system.

My suspician is that multi-millionaire Reid, nearing Federal retirement, owns a lot of stock in some companies that are tied to a “single payer” system.

Maybe the NSA, or the IRS can find out for us?

I’m going to ask my US Senator from TEXAS, The Esteemed Senator John “To Hell with my voters” Cornyn to check on this for me - - - .

4 posted on 09/30/2013 7:50:29 AM PDT by Graewoulf (Traitor John Roberts' Marxist Obama'care' Insurance violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
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To: jackspyder

These Navigator positions are going to go to H1-B foreigners and criminals who could not get a job otherwise.

NONE of them will be subject to a background check, or the minimum of a REFERENCE check on prior employment.

When you hear NAVIGATOR, think TSA, think DHS goon....think Union thug...

That’s Obamacare...

5 posted on 09/30/2013 7:51:25 AM PDT by Gaffer
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They should be agents. They are involved in explaining and selling policies. They should at the least be state licensed.

6 posted on 09/30/2013 7:51:59 AM PDT by Jim from C-Town (The government is rarely benevolent, often malevolent and never benign!)
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To: jackspyder

These Navigator positions are going to go to H1-B foreigners and criminals who could not get a job otherwise.

NONE of them will be subject to a background check, or the minimum of a REFERENCE check on prior employment.

When you hear NAVIGATOR, think TSA, think DHS goon....think Union thug...

That’s Obamacare...

7 posted on 09/30/2013 7:54:17 AM PDT by Gaffer
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To: Nachum
As an insurance agent, I can tell you the gov’t has made us work harder for less money

And they will continue to make it harder because you are considered the enemy.

Pretty bad when your own government wants to destroy your livelyhood.

8 posted on 09/30/2013 7:57:37 AM PDT by unixfox (Abolish Slavery, Repeal the 16th Amendment)
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To: Gaffer
When you hear NAVIGATOR, think TSA, think DHS goon....think Union thug...

When I hear NAVIGATOR I think SEIU, ACORN, OFA parasite but it's all the same.

9 posted on 09/30/2013 8:04:34 AM PDT by Paine in the Neck (Is John's moustache long enough YET?)
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To: Paine in the Neck

You’d normally think Acorn or SIEU, etc...BUT...these Navigators will have actual real POWER over you like TSA or DHS...that is why I specifically cited them instead.

10 posted on 09/30/2013 8:08:03 AM PDT by Gaffer
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To: Nachum
I am see ominous parallels between obamacare and the subprime lending debacle. In the subprime lending debacle Originators of loans went to people who they knew could never pay their home mortgage. Over a period of years it got so bad that on September 16, 2008 Lehman's money market froze, the dollar busted below the $1.00 level, and the financial community spun out of control.

Now we have Navigators going to people and exchanges where people who cannot pay their bills are enticed to go into a program that they cannot pay for (or refuse to pay for). The government (taxpayers) will stand behind any bad debt incurred. These people who sign up want 2013 technologies applied to their health care just as the people who borrowed money they never could never pay back .....they all wanted the best. But the 'best' has to be paid for. So there is designed into the system a system of 'cost-shifting' . In the planned obamacare the cost-shifting moves from the recipient to the young people. Before obamacare, cost-shifting moved from the people who could not pay to people who did pay (primarily those who had insurance). Most young people do not see themselves as needing coverage, and most do not. They are willing to roll the dice and take their chances. As comedian Lewis Black once said regarding he subprime lending debacle, "The originator of loans went to people without jobs and said, 'We know you can't afford to rend an apartment,....want ot buy a house?'". The same thing is being said to the people who cannot pay premiums on health care. Like the originators of home loans the originators offer, not a fixed rate, but a variable rate loan. So with the health care they offer coverage with only a $95 dollar penalty.....the first year. From there is goes up and then logarithmically up. But, let the good times roll. In the mean time the health care delivery system begins to be strained beyond its ability to keep up with the costs. And then the time comes when the bills have to be paid....and that is when we have another September 16, 2013 event. The system will freeze up and will not be there for anyone...not the alleged 30 million poeple it was designed to belt......not the 85% who had insurance. That is when a democrat comes riding in on a white steed and structures 100% socialism. Of coarse in the meantime there will be the foreclosures on lives through 'death panels' just as there were foreclosures on homes through failings on part of the payor and the originators as well as as MERS. The equivalent of health care MERS will be the inability to get into and see you doctor as obama promised. Once MERS severed the title of the property from the NOTE on the property, there was no way to put it back together. Now with health care (obamacare) we begin the separation of your physician from the patient, never to be put back together....the Humpty-Dumpty Syndrome.

The bubble burst on the Subprime Lending fiasco as a planned event. And this obamacare is a planned event to burst the healthcare bubble and out of that Hegelian conflict comes thesis - antithesis - synthesis. This a planned deception and design to fail. Harry Reid and Obama themselves said, "This is just the beginning, we will move to a single-payor system."

Buckles up. The republicans are in cahoots with Harry Reid and Obama. All of the republicans(Rinos) protestations are to be seen, not to be effective. The only thing left to undo this perversion is the Amercian people rise up and take back their government and become informed and to know what to do. This will not happen. We have, as a nation, become to complacent, as obabacare witnesses for us.

11 posted on 09/30/2013 8:47:28 AM PDT by Texas Songwriter
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To: Texas Songwriter
I am see ominous parallels between obamacare and the subprime lending debacle

An interesting view. We in the industry just see it as one more step towards a single payer system and all the misery it brings.

12 posted on 09/30/2013 8:59:19 AM PDT by Nachum (I am Breitbartacus!)
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To: Nachum

I see this as mostly a technique to promote liberal change. I may just be seeing spooks where there are none.

13 posted on 09/30/2013 1:30:50 PM PDT by Texas Songwriter
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