zest for life
Since Oct 9, 2001

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There's an amazing true story of a japanese soldier by the name of Shoichi Yokoi. In 1944,in the midst of fighting, he realized the tide of war was turning against Japan. So he fled for his life to the island of Guam.

Fearing for his life he stayed on the island, hiding in a jungle cave and coming out only at night. He lived on frogs, rats, snails, shrimp, nuts, and mangoes.

One day, two hunters accidentally stumbled across his path. They told him there was no more need to hide anymore. The war was over and no one could harm him. it was 1972. The war had been over for more than a quarter of a century.

Since he had fled to his cave, the world had gone on without him, Eisenhower, McCarthy, television, Elvis, hoola hoops, Kennedy, the Beatles, Johnson, Vietnam, Nixon, man landing on the moon---while he sat hiding in his cave.

At last he was free. He was taken by plane to his homeland and became the last of WWII soldiers to come home- 27 years after war ended. Why did he spend almost 30 years of his life hiding in a cave? Because of fear. You see that's whar fear does. It paralyzes you. It keeps you hiding. It keeps you in a cave.

Fear keeps you from living and from life. It keeps you from fulfilling the life God has for you.

If you're born again, the Lord says to you "Fear Not." Fear shall no longer be your master.

If you're saved, you have no more reason to fear. Come out of your hiding. Step out of your cave. The war is over.

May the Lord greatly bless you. as you step out in faith and overcome that fear.

Your brother and friend, In His love and service, zest for life