Wisc Paul
Since Mar 10, 1999

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Relocated to South Carolina from Wisconsin - Still a Packer fan and WI in spirit, but warmer in the tropical climes and happily in a more conservative region of the country, in another world away from the left-wing atmosphere of locals such as Madison, WI. Present: Bed and Breakfast Inn owner/proprietor and Herbalife nutrition and weight loss distributor and supervisor. Formerly: Casino/Hotel/Resort industry; Gaming, Food and Beverage, Security and Surveilance. Formerly before all that: U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), Intelligence Analyst and Linguist, and Instructor. PS: Y'all come down for a nice visit/vacation at our place on 'The Grand Strand' Myrtle Beach / Charleston sun, beach and golf - We'll spoil you.