Since Oct 17, 2020

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I am old in years but fairly new to posting my opinions on a public forum. I do not Facebook or Tweeter or Instagram. I was born on an Army post while my father was fighting a war and raised to be a proud patriot. My service was all during times of peace and feel guilty when folks thank me for my service because I never got close to combat.

I am a devout Christian, married to the most precious woman on God’s green earth. My wife has a rare gift where she becomes more beautiful every year, I am truly blessed. My children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are all healthy and happy. I believe God is sovereign yet delegated man a limited free will, to chose or reject his calling.

I have been lurking in the shadows here for well over a decade, never building up the nerve to register. Here lately I have been of the opinion that soon I may not be able to exercise my right to speak, or write, freely so I decided to get to it while the getting is good.

That is all.