Since Dec 5, 2004

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Nano-VLSI Engineers make the world!

Reference on how to interpret a Freeper's Lingo can be found at FRDictionary.

For my fellow FReepers who love Whisky, here is some whisky knowledge for you all WhiskyFun.

MY FAVOURITE DEFINITION OF A BLOGGER: A hilarious definition of a blogger can be found by clicking this FRClicky Read post#4, post#7 and post#8!

o. My First Love - Electrical and Computer Engineering; area of research nanotechnology VLSI Design Engineering.
o. USA - America the beautiful. The freedom, compassion and liberty you stand for are always a special inspiration to me.
o. India - you inspire me with your strong democracy and strong determination to work hard and prosper in only 50 years since you have been independent.
o. Israel - A tiny little country. Yet a strong democracy. You make a HUGE difference in this world. Although a very small population group, you are mightier than any one else. Your contributions to this world are tremendous. May you grow from strength to strength.

I have a Ph.D from IIT, Kanpur. I specialized in Nanometer VLSI. I work in the area of Nanometer aka Nanotechnology VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) full-custom, semi-custom mixed-signal, digital IC design engineering. With in Nano-VLSI, I work as a scientist in a sophisticated narrow area of specialization of Nanometer VLSI designing. The smallest of the technologies I worked with is 65nm (i.e 65 nanometer which is much smaller than the thickness of human hair on head).

My other interests include Computer Organization,programming, playing tennis, hiking, jogging,volleyball,soccer,cricket,chess etc.I developed high-speed CMOS VLSI architectures for implementing highly secure computer security mechanisms based on the famous Rijndael algorithm,IDEA and seven layer DES (a variant of triple layer DES).

I used to be a Muslim until I was 21. To make the long story short, while going to school for a B.S degree in Electrical Engineering, I developed a serious interest in knowing what the book of Jihad aka Quran teaches. The question that was bothering me restlessly is "Why my religion is hated by the infidels?". So, I started reading al-Quraan and the Hadiths. After reading and much much thought, after a lot of personal struggle, fear, broken heart and confusion of almost one complete year, after finding out the violent reality of my religion Islam which was built by the sword of Muhammad on the blood of countless non-muslims, I realized it is neither ethical nor meaningful to believe in Islam. Now I am a humanist. I believe in kindness, love and humility for my fellow humanbeings and strive to live by these principles.

Now I believe in two other important things- dignity for EVERY human life. Hence, I am strongly against all kinds of murder of innocents. Be it in the form of an abortion, pregnancy termination, partial-birth abortion or whatever the heck they tend to call it. Murdering helpless babies using abortion is an ultimate form of crime. I strongly believe in death penalty for pedophiles and murderers of innocent people.

Why I am Not A Muslim by Ibn Warraq,
New Testament and parts of Old Testament,
The Prophet of Doom by Craig Winn,
Onward Muslim Soldiers by Robert Spencer,
Advanced Digital Design with Verilog by Michael Ciletti,
Computer Organization by Patterson and Hennessey and
MOS Transistor by Yannis Tsividis
Analog CMOS Circuit Design by P.Allen
C by K and R
C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup (mmmmm, this book when put to use with Josuttis' C++ Templates and C++ Standard Library is priceless)
Programming Perl by Larry Wall
Papers I published which are available at in various Journals and conference publications on computer security, CAS, VLSI etc.

Creed, Smashing Pumpkins, Garbage, Sarah McLachlan, Vanessa Carlton, Stacy Orrico, Six Pence None the Richer, Hanson(Underneath album has very catchy songs especially Penny & Me, Crazy Beautiful, Believe, Misery is also a cool song), Oasis, Jessica Andrews, Martina McBride(Concrete Angel is an awesome song), Rascal Flats, Sarah Evans, Lee Ann Womack, Over the Rhine etc etc.

LATEST NEWS: I am moving to Austin,TX,USA. I will be driving a new Research and Development group on "Design for Manufacturability for Digital/Analog/RF IC Nanometer Designs/Devices" (aka Nanotechnology IC Devices) at company/companies that develop VLSI Circuits for CPUs, uProcessors, RF devices etc.
I presented a new efficient biometric digital signature specification at a highly respected conference in Kobe, Japan on May 24, 2005. My another paper on accurate digital signatures for Iris recognition is submitted to IEEE transactions on Circuits and Systems. Hopefully it may get accepted by IEEECAS!

"Love your neighbor as yourself."
"Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail. Love is eternal".

"Read Quran. It is violent and advocates killing"

Signal Integrity, Design For Manufacturability & Sign-off Timing Closure:
While may be a site where we see a lot of political posts, I think there are a lot of people who are well educated that post at FR. So having some good technology stuff at FR is good as it would also enhance us FReepers to understand each others fields of interest.
Here, I will provide the fundamentals of the three most important things that ultimately determine your nanometer VLSI/High Speed Integrated Circuit's performance. Also, this is my field of research interest where I have made some significant contributions to nanometer VLSI sign-off analysis.

When we talk about performance in nanometer VLSI ASIC or CIC or Semi-Custom IC design, we are essentially talking about the followimg four most important characteristics:
1. Design Density
2. Frequency of Operation i.e Speed of the chip
3. Robustness of the design and
4. Life time of the Chip

All of these four factors are determined by the Sign-off analyses of the Chip. DFM, SI and Timing Closure are the three Sign-off analyses that determine all of the above four characteristics of the IC chip. I will explain the salient relational dependence of DFM,SI and TC on each other and their influence on the above four most important characteristics of an IC design for nanometer VLSI engineering.

Keep Checking, I will update this page with more info on the cool stuff- nanometer VLSI that is changing our lives day after day!