Since Sep 17, 2004

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I am a Transhumanist; someone who believes that we can and should use technology to overcome the limits of the human condition. I think we should encourage the development of technologies such as mind-machine interfaces, reproductive cloning, genetic engineering, performance-enhancing and mood-enhancing drugs, life extension, space exploration, etc. There should be no limit to what we can do, including making ourselves emortal, happy, and like unto gods. See for a wealth of details. Yes, I'm an atheist.

On the other hand, I tend to be quite libertarian or conservative politically (depending on the issue); I support a strong military and aggressive foreign policy, I think government tries to do too much that is properly in the sphere of private enterprise and taxes are way too high as a result, I think people should not only be allowed to own guns but encouraged to do so. Yes, I voted for Bush.