Since Feb 17, 2003

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I'm a 31 year old accountant, and a lifelong Republican. However, I don't consider myself a conservative. I believe in strong state rights, smaller government, and personal responsibility. My husband and I put ourselves through college, and now are working full time while we put ourselves through our respective graduate programs (MS in taxation for him, law school for me). I've worked hard to get where I am, and object to turning over my hard earned money to social programs that reward people for being lazy.

I am not a Christian, and while I don't object to people who are devout Christians, I do object to the recent trend towards calling the US a Christian nation. Our founding fathers knew the dangers of injecting religion into government, and worked hard to avoid it. Bringing the Christian God into the US government is a dangerous prospect, and goes against everythign this country was founded on.

I believe that women in this nation need to stop their complaining and start working. There's a glass ceiling and a wage variance; deal with it. We aren't going to make it go away by complaining about it. We're going to get rid of it by getting out in the workplace and working hard. We won't always succeed, but eventually more women will be promoted, and attitudes will shift. The next time you think you have it rough ladies, look at what happens in most third world nations. Look at the women in Africa and Asia. We have it easy.

And while we're at it, let's stop teaching our girls to be victims. Don't tell them that they're smaller and weaker. Don't set lower standards in phy ed. Don't teach the girls to do "girl pushups." You only get stronger by pushing yourself and working the muscle. Yes, we have smaller lung capacity, but 100 years ago we were still compressing our lungs with corsets. We can turn things around, but only by working agressively towards a goal of equality. We can be strong and still be women.