Since Apr 20, 2004

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Hello everybody. I'm a young Christian male, very fiery in my political beliefs, but I've found myself somewhat lacking in the area of actually arguing them. I can write speeches and eloquent soliloquies that could convert Barbara Streisand (well... maybe they're not THAT good...) but my actual speaking and persuasive oral skills are sadly lacking. Which is why I'm here. Thank God for conservatives. I cannot count the number of thrice-damned liberals I've met on the Internet... Which is weird, because we outnumber them...
But no one votes. Oh well. Everybody cheer up! We've got God on our sides! We quite literally can't lose, so long as we hold strong and true and brave.
So, let's get our asses in gear, find our courage wherever we put it, and give these bastards what for! Who's with me!!!!

A Christian Republican and Damn Proud of It,