Since Jul 22, 2002

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The Jolly Roger
Conservative, Christian Male,
formerly of the US Navy (Gunner's Mate)
professional geek (webpage developer, other geek stuff),
Married. two grown daughters, three grandchildren,

Interests: fishing, shooting (My bad heart won't let me hunt any more.),
old trucks (FAST old trucks), old women (the one I'm married to),
and serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

I believe in the United States of America, as the world leader in all aspects of life: science, art, politics, and religion. We (IMHO) are a beacon to the world showing what a CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN nation can achieve.

I hate tyranny, socialism, government meddling in my life, and I'm willing to bust some heads, if need be, to preserve the USA as dominant in the world.

Freedom is not free, it is bought with blood. The enemies of freedom shall pay the price for their folly.

I think the Republican party is the best thing we have (at the moment) to project our voice into the darkness. I also feel that the Republican party needs to grow some STONES, and start kicking the Demoncraps butts, that we should go on the offensive...attacking the Demoncraps...on all fronts...relentlessly...until we squash them like bugs.

The Democrat party in America has lost all semblance of being representative of any portion of the American people...and has become the shrill voice of ANYTHING and ANYONE that is ANTI-AMERICAN.

We must attack them in the media, constantly exposing their lies, challenging their candidates, keeping them on the defensive, off-balance, and in disarray.

We are at a unique juncture in history. It is within our reach to wipe them of the face of the planet within a decade. BEGIN THE ATTACK NOW! (ammended later) I love America...and I love the idea that ALL can come here to enjoy the freedoms of our can an illeterite illegal claim the same protections from OUR constitution...AND claim the ability to VOTE??? What then becomes the benefit of citizenship? We all become SERFS, under the direction of our MASTERS, Al-Hitlery, Al-Clinton, Al-Bore, Al-Frankenstein, etc. Thank you, fellow Freepers for enduring my tirade...I confes my guilt...I LOVE America...I put my life on the line when it counted...Limp Willie can kiss my... (I will stand up AGAIN today)...a well armed a safe society.