Since Mar 2, 2008

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This is the Freeper Formerly Known as “A Conservative in Cambridge”. I am alive and well and still kicking Moonbat Butt, just a little ways upstream from Hahvud Yahd. The old ACIC handle became much too tedious for my aging fingers to type, and so I’ve opted for a new one that’s shorter and easier to remember.

And no, I didn’t pick the name because I’ve become a democrat (heaven forbid) . . . it’s just a take-off on “The Red Baron”, one of my favorite characters from the old Peanuts comic strip. (For those too young to remember, the comic strip character SNOOPY was a beagle puppy who occasionally dressed up as a World War One flying ace, and whose arch-nemesis was the Bloody Red Baron of Germany.

Rest assured that I am still a registered Republican in good standing, active in the City of Cambridge GOP Committee, and author of occasional columns in the Cambridge Chronicle under the heading of The Right View. And no, I’m actually not the only such animal in the 02138 zip code! The GOP Committee is alive and well, and we even had our own candidate in the City Council elections a couple of years back.

I invite you to come visit my latest project: PEOPLES REPUBLICANS, the official web site of the Cambridge Republican City Committee.