Since Jan 26, 2017

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Former Air Traffic Controller on the USS Enterprise. 1986-1990
Married with 2 awesome daughters who consistently drain my wallet.
True Patriot with strong mindset on the Constitution and God. Both belong in our lives as Americans. I voted for President Trump although I was a fan initially of Ted Cruz. He is my President and I wish for the success of our country under his leadership. Term limits should apply to all in DC. Walls should apply for our southern border. Immigration is a staple of what we stand for and I support it, just done the right way following the existing laws on the books. 2A is what will keep us free. Gun grabbers do not subscribe to the US constitution. I work hard and employ American citizens. E-Verify should be mandatory. BUY AMERICAN, BUY LOCAL......

I love my family, my dogs (also family), my country and my guns.